
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/05 13:55:57
塞翁失马(We'll See) 最美的心(The Most Beautiful Heart) 没有左手的人(Weakness or Strength?) 佛陀勾月(Buddha's moon) 公主与豌豆(The Princess and the Pea) 狗和影子(The Dog and the Shadow) 生命的波纹(The Splashes of Life) 动物法庭的舞蹈(The Dance of the Animal Court) 人生的大石头(Big Rocks) 老师(The Teacher) 遗传学之父(Father of Genetics) 竹子的启示(The Lesson of the Bamboo Trees) 卖火柴的小女孩(The Little Match Girl) 彩虹的起源(The Origin of the Rainbow) 美女与野兽(Beauty and the Beast) 睡美人(Sleeping Beauty) 身体最重要的部位(The Most Important Body Part) 老人与蝴蝶(The Old Man and the Butterfly) 苹果树(The Apple Tree) 白雪公主(Little Snow-white) 坚定(Determination) 兔子、狐狸与狼(The Rabbit, the Fox and the Wolf) 勃莱门镇的乐队(The Bremen Town-Musicians) 年兽(The Monster Nian) 七只乌鸦(The Seven Ravens) 灰姑娘(Cinderella) 青蛙王子(The Frog King)