fire and the blood:高于院士水平的北京副教授

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2011-12-08 09:57

  中国不同的学科,与国际先进水平的距离不同。总体来说,生命科学可能不如国内有些其他学科的相对水平。    在这样的背景下,2004年由中组部、科技部和北京市主导建立的北京生命科学研究所(北生所),目前毫无疑问成为了中国生命科学最优秀的研究所,而且其年度经费低于国内多个同类性质、相近规模的研究所。经过7年的高标准严要求,到2011年,如果比较同类性质研究的科学家,北生所多位副研究员的科学成就高于中国科学院生命科学和医学部院士的平均水平。    其中,邵峰和张宏的业绩在中国容易被大家公认。有品格、懂行、愿意看事实的生物学研究者都会公平地认为:邵峰和张宏的成就不逊于今年当选的任何一位院士。2011年生物医学部选出的院士,除了应用领域的两三位不易比较以外,其余皆因科学研究论文,而他们没有一个可以说是优于邵峰和张宏。有趣的是,有些人当选院士以后使用很多资源、用了更长的时间、用了更多的研究生劳力,却仍然达不到邵峰和张宏的科学高度。    也就是说,有时:穿上中国院士新衣易,超过北生所副研究员难。    邵峰和张宏都经过国外研究生和博士后训练回国,分别于04年和05年在北生所开始独立研究生涯。邵峰系统地研究细菌和宿主细胞作用的分子机理、并取得令人瞩目的重要进展。在其11篇通讯作者中,有中国较易认可的4篇Nature和 Science超过迄今以来所有中国生物学院士的记录。张宏用线虫遗传学研究发育和细胞生物学。在最初几年扎实工作后,2009年他取得突破性进展,连续多篇重要论文,在世界上首先用多细胞生物筛选调节自吞噬作用基因,其16篇通讯作者论文中,两篇发表在Cell杂志,不仅质量上、而且数量上也超过所有院士的记录。邵峰和张宏都形成了他们自己的研究体系,做出一系列有影响的工作,在中国片面追求发一篇《自然》子刊就可做院士的热潮中,他们更显得优秀。   如果要和国内的年轻人相比较,今年成功地竞争获得HHMI国际学者的七位中国学者中,4位来自北生所,而国内生物院士最多的多个研究所,全部加起来也无一入选。   邵峰和张宏当然不在今年当选的名单中,因为没有被提名过。更有甚者,高于院士水平的邵峰和张宏迄今皆未获国家杰出青年基金。这些都不是因为他们年龄小(院士和杰青都有比他们小的),不是因为他们回国时间短(院士和杰青都有比他们回国晚的),而是因为他们在被边缘化的北生所,因为他们职称英文“Associate Investigator”(中文“高级研究员”、按国际一流大学副教授设)。也许,还因为院士们没有或不愿仔细了解北生所的实际情况?   一般批评做的不对的人,而无需批评谁水平低,这里也就不展示邵峰、张宏的对照组,避免误解成批评某个个人水平低。问题不在于这些人,而在于评价科学成就的缺陷及其背后的文化。   附注:北京生命科学研究所职称设置,英文对应于国际一流大学和研究机构,即独立课题组的起步职称为Assistant Investigator,其后为Associate Investigator, 和Investigator,分别相当于国际的助理教授、副教授和正教授。与国内生物界称呼实质内涵对应,中文称为研究员,高级研究员和资深研究员,研究员相当于国内生物学家的正教授,其他职称国内生物界因为起点太高,无相应职称。   2009年曾介绍他们:   职称和水平:国内助理教授可达什么程度   附一. 邵峰2005年回国后在国内发表的通讯作者论文: 1. Li H, Xu H, Zhou Y, Zhang J, Long C, Li S, Chen S, Zhou JM, Shao F. (2007) The phosphothreonine lyase activity of a bacterial type III effector family. Science, 315, 1000-3. 2. Zhu Y, Li H, Long C, Hu L, Xu H, Liu L, Chen S, Wang DC, Shao F. (2007) Structural insights into the enzymatic mechanism of the pathogenic MAPK phosphothreonine lyase. Mol. Cell, 28, 899-913. 3. Zhu Y., Li H., Hu L., Wang, J., Zhou Y., Pang Z., Liu L., Shao F. (2008) Structure of a Shigella effector reveals a new class of ubiquitin ligases. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 15, 1302-8. 4. Yao Q, Cui J, Zhu Y, Wang G, Hu L, Long C, Cao, R, Liu X, Huang N, Chen S, Liu L, Shao F. (2009) A bacterial type III effector family uses the papain-like hydrolytic activity to arrest the host cell cycle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 106, 3716-21. 5. Chen Y, Yang Z, Meng M, Zhao Y, Dong N, Yan H, Liu L, Ding M, Peng, HB, Shao F. (2009) Cullin mediates degradation of RhoA through evolutionarily conserved BTB adaptors to control actin cytoskeleton structure and cell movement. Mol. Cell, 35, 841-55. 6. Ge J, Xu H, Li T, Zhou Y, Zhang Z, Li S, Liu L, Shao F. (2009) A Legionella type IV effector activates the NF-κB pathway by phosphorylating the IκB family of inhibitors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 106, 13725-30. 7. Zhu Y, Hu L, Zhou Y, Yao Q, Liu L, Shao F. (2010) Structural mechanism of host Rab1 activation by the bifunctional Legionella type IV effector SidM/DrrA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 107, 4699-704. 8. Dong N, Liu L, Shao F. (2010) A bacterial effector targets host DH-PH domain RhoGEFs and antagonizes macrophage phagocytosis. EMBO J., 29, 1363-76. 9. Gong YN, Wang X, Wang J, Yang Z, Li S, Yang J, Liu L, Lei X, Shao F. (2010) Chemical probing reveals insights into the signaling mechanism of inflammasome activation. Cell Research, 20, 1289-305. 10. Cui J, Yao Q, Li S, Ding X, Lu Q, Mao H, Liu L, Zheng N, Chen S, Shao F. (2010) Glutamine deamidation and dysfunction of ubiquitin/NEDD8 induced by a bacterial effector family. Science, 329, 1215-8. 11. Zhao Y, Yang J, Shi J, Gong YN, Lu Q, Xu H, Liu L, Shao F. (2011) The NLRC4 inflammasome receptors for bacterial flagellin and type III secretion apparatus. Nature, 477, 596–600. 12. Zhang L, Ding X, Cui J, Xu H, Chen J, Gong YN, Hu L, Zhou Y, Ge J, Lu Q, Liu L, Chen S, Shao F. (2011) Cysteine methylation disrupts ubiquitin-chain sensing in NF-kB activation. Nature, DOI 10.1038/nature10690.    附二. 张宏2004年回国后在国内发表的通讯作者论文:  1 Zhang, T.T., Sun Y.Y., Tian, E, Deng, H.S., Zhang, Y.X., Luo, X., Cai, Q.Q., Wang, H., Chai, J.J., and Zhang, H. (2006) RNA-binding proteins SOP-2 and SOR-1 form a novel PcG-like complex in C. elegans. Development 133, 1023-1033.  2 Yang, Y., Sun, Y.Y., Luo, X., Zhang, Y.X., Chen, Y.Y., Tian, E, Lints, R., and Zhang, H. (2007) Polycomb-like genes are necessary for specification of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans. PNAS 104, 852-857.  3 Deng, H., Sun, Y., Zhang, Y., Luo, X., Hou, W., Yan, L., Chen, Y., Tian, E., Han, J., and Zhang, H. (2007) Transcription factor NFY globally represses the expression of the C. elegans Hox gene Abdominal-B homolog egl-5. Developmental Biology 308, 583-592.  4 Xia, D., Zhang, Y.X., Huang, X.X., Sun, Y.Y., and Zhang, H. (2007) The C. elegans CBFbeta homolog, BRO-1, regulates the proliferation, differentiation and specification of the stem cell-like seam cell lineages. Developmental Biology 309, 259-272.  5 Deng, H., Xia, D., Fang, B., and Zhang, H. (2007) The Flightless I homolog, fli-1, regulates anterior/posterior polarity, asymmetric cell division and ovulation during Caenorhabditis elegans development. Genetics 177, 847-860.  6 Zhang, Y.X., Yan, L.B., Zhou, Z., Yang, P.G., Tian E, Zhang, K., Zhao, Y., Li, Z.P., Song, B., Han, J.H., Miao, L., and Zhang, H. (2009) SEPA-1 mediates the specific recognition and degradation of P granule components by autophagy in C. elegans. Cell 136, 308-321.  7 Zhao, Y., Tian, E, and Zhang, H. (2009) Selective autophagic degradation of maternally-loaded germline P granule components in somatic cells during C. elegans embryogenesis. Autophagy 5, 717-719.  8 Tian, E, Wang, F.X., Han, J.H., and Zhang, H. (2009) epg-1 functions in autophagy-regulated processes and may encode a highly divergent Atg13 homolog in C. elegans. Autophagy 5, 608-615.  9 Xia, D., Huang, X.X., and Zhang, H. (2009) The temporally regulated transcription factor sel-7 controls developmental timing in C. elegans. Developmental Biology 332, 246-257.  10 Huang, X.X., Tian, E, Xu, Y.H., and Zhang, H. (2009) The C. elegans engrailed homolog ceh-16 regulates the self-renewal expansion division of stem cell-like seam cells. Developmental Biology 333, 337-347.  11 Tian, Y., Li, Z.P., Hu, W.Q., Ren, H.Y., Tian, E, Zhao, Y., Lu, Q., Huang, X.X., Yang, P.G., Li, X., Wang, X.C., Kovács, A.L., Yu, L. and Zhang, H. (2010) C. elegans screen identifies autophagy genes specific to multicellular organisms. Cell 141, 1042-1055.  12 Ren, H.Y. and Zhang, H. (2010) Wnt signaling controls temporal identities of seam cells in Caenorhabditis elegans. Developmental Biology 345, 144-155.  13 Yang, P.G. and Zhang, H. (2011) The coiled-coil domain protein EPG-8 plays an essential role in the autophagy pathway in C. elegans. Autophagy 7, 159-165.  14 Huang, X.X., Zhang, H. and Zhang, H. (2011) The zinc-finger protein SEA-2 regulates larval developmental timing and adult life span in C. elegans. Development 138, 2059-2068.  15 Lu, Q., Yang, P.G., Huang, X.X., Hu, W.Q., Guo, B., Wu, F., Lin, L., Kovács, A.L., Yu, L. and Zhang, H. (2011) The WD40 repeat PtdIns(3)P-binding protein EPG-6 regulates progression of omegasomes to autophagosomes. Developmental Cell 21, 343-357.  16 Sun, T., Wang, X.W., Lu, Q., Ren, H.Y., and Zhang, H. (2011) CUP-5, the C. elegans ortholog of the mammalian lysosomal channel protein MLN1/TRPML1, is required for proteolytic degradation in autolysosomes. Autophagy 7, 1308-15.