
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/16 04:54:52

1. William Shakespeare: To Be Or Not To Be

  莎士比亚是16世纪后半叶到17世纪初英国最著名的作家(本·琼斯称他为“时代的灵魂”),也是欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。他共写有37部戏剧,154首14行诗,两首长诗和其他诗歌。他在充分使用英语写作的同时,又极大地丰富了英语语言。莎翁的《哈姆雷特》是一部经典的代表作。这本书在表面情节上与历史的传说并没有多大的区别,讲的还是丹麦王子为父报仇的故事,其中充满了血腥暴力和死亡。正如剧中人霍拉旭所说:" 你们可以听到奸淫残杀,反常修理的行为,冥冥中的判决,意外的屠戮,借手杀人的狡计,以及陷入自害的结局。" 曲折选宕的情节,紧紧围绕着复仇而展开。哈姆雷特从德国的威登堡匆匆赶回国内,是来参加他父亲的葬礼的,使他不能接受的是,他未赶上父亲的葬礼,却目睹了母亲与叔叔克劳迪斯的婚礼,这已使哈姆莱特疑窦在心,加之夜晚在王宫城堡的露台上与父亲的亡魂相见,亡魂哀诉,这桩暴行是哈姆雷特的叔叔所为,并要他为父报仇。至此,他开始了艰难的复仇历程,与克劳迪斯展开了你死我活的较量。最终,向克劳迪斯发出了复仇之剑。

From “Hamlet”

To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether ‘tis1 nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings2 and arrows of outrageous fortune3,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them4? To die: to sleep;

No more5; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to6, ‘tis a consummation7

Devoutly8 to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;

To sleep: perchance9 to dream: ay, there’s the rub10;

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off11 this mortal coil12,

Must give us pause13: there’s the respect

That makes calamity14 of so long life;

For who would bear the whips and scorns15 of time,

The oppressor’s wrong16, the proud man’s contumely17,

The pangs18 of despised19 love, the law’s delay20,

The insolence21 of office and the spurns22

That patient merit of the unworthy takes23,

When he himself might his quietus24 make

With a bare bodkin25? Who would fardels bear26,

To grunt27 and sweat under a weary28 life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscover’d29 country from whose bourn30

No traveler returns, puzzles the will

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not on?

Thus conscience31 does make cowards32 of us all;

And thus the native hue33 of resolution

Is sicklied o’er34 with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith35 and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry36,

And lose the name of action.----- Soft you now37! The fair Ophelia38!

Nymph39, in thy orisons40

Be all my sins remember’d41.


1. ‘tis: it is 的古语。2. sling: n. the thing for throwing stones 投石器

3. outrageous: adj. Violent 暴虐的; fortune: n. fate 命运

4. by opposing end them: 通过斗争把他们扫清 5. No more. 什么都完了!

6. That flesh is heir to: 血肉之躯所不能避免的  7. consummation: n. ultimate end 极点

8.devoutly: adv. in a devout manner  衷心地  9. perchance: adv. (古) perhaps 或许

10. rub: n. the obstacle  障碍   11. shuffle off: v. get rid of 摆脱  12. coil: n. 尘世的烦恼

13. pause: n. hesitation 踌躇  14. calamity: n. a great misfortune  大灾祸

15. scorn: n. a feeling that a person is low  轻视  16. the oppressor’s wrong: 压迫者的凌辱

17. contumely: n. insulting contempt 侮慢  18. pang: n. bitter feeling 心痛

19. despised: adj. of being scorned 被轻视的  20. the law’s delay: 法律的迁延

21. insolence: n. the quality of being insolent 粗野  22. spurn: n. scorn 鄙视

23. that patient merit of the unworthy takes: 费尽心血换来的  24. quietus: n. death 死

25. bodkin: n. knife 小刀  26. fardel: n. bundle 捆  Who would fardels bear?谁愿负着这样的重担?27. grunt: v. groan 呻吟  28. weary: adj. tedious 乏味的

29. undiscover’d: undiscovered 的古语30. bourn: n. boundary 界限

31. conscience: n. 顾虑  32. coward: n. a person who lacks courage 懦夫

33.native hue: simple color 纯朴的色彩 34. sickly: v. make sickish 使有病容  o’er: over 古语

35.pith: n. strength 力量  36. awry: adv. turned to one side 向一边旋转  their currents turn awry 逆流而退   37. Soft you now! 且慢 38. The fair Ophelia: 美丽的奥菲利娅

39. Nymph: n. (住在海上、河上、林中一带的)女神 40. thy: (古) your  orison: (古) pray 祈祷

41.sin: n. crime 罪  remember’d: (古) remembered



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2. My Luve's Like A Red Red Rose
by Robert Burns

O my Luve's1 like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung2 in June;
O my Luve's like the
That's sweetly play'd4 in tune.--

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass5,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my Dear,
Till a' the seas gang6 dry.--

Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear,
And the rocks melt wi'7 the sun:
I will love thee8 still, my Dear,
While the sands o'9 life shall run.—


               And fare thee weel10 my only Luve!
                    And fare thee weel a while!
                 And I will come again, my Luve,
          Tho'11 it were ten thousand mile!


[导读]Robert Burns 罗伯特·彭斯(1759-1796)苏格兰诗人,出身贫困,早年一直做劳务工作,大部分作品用苏格兰方言写成。


1、luve’s: luve是love 的古语;luve’s=love is  2、sprung: spring 的过去分词。

3、melodie: melody  4、play’d: played 5、bonnie lass: bonnie: beautiful; lass: 少女

6、gang: 苏格兰语,走,去。相当于go  7、wi’= with  8、thee: you

9、o’= of  10、weel=well  11、tho’=though











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3Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities



It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom1, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch2 of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity3; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair4; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.


1wisdom智慧, 明智的行为, 学识  2epochage, era, period 新纪元, 时代, 时期

3incredulity: 怀疑  4despair: to lose all hope绝望, 失望


这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代;这是明智的年代,这是愚昧的年代;这是信任的纪元,这是怀疑的纪元;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望的春日,这是失望的冬日;我们面前拥有一切,我们面前没有一切; 我们都将直上天堂,我们都将直下地狱。

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              4、If I were a Boy Again

If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance1 more often, and never give up a thing because it was difficult or inconvenient2. If we want light, we must conquer3 darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “There are only two creatures4,” says a proverb, “Who can surmount5 the pyramids6 — the eagle and the snail.”

If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.

The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. I often hear grown up people say, “I could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although I wished to do so”, and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth.

If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation7 of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty8 by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately9; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. It only needs early cultivation to become a power.

If I were a boy again, I would cultivate courage. “Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice10,” says a wise author. We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear. “The fear of ill exceeds11 the ill we fear.” Dangers will arise in any career, but presence of mind will often conquer the worst of them. Be prepared for any fate, and there is no harm to be feared.

If I were a boy again, I would look on the cheerful side of life. Life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, it smiles back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return.

Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. “Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.”

If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say “no” more often. I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect12, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.  

If I were a boy again, I would demand of myself more courtesy13 towards my companions14 and friends, and indeed towards strangers as well. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable15.

Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy again, still try harder to make others happy.


1、perseverance: 毅力  2、inconvenient: 不便  3、conquer: 征服 

4、creature: 生物  5、surmount: surpass 超越  6、pyramid:金字塔

7、cultivation: 培养  8、faculty: ability 本领  9、accurately: 确切地

10、cowardice: 懦怯 11、exceed: 超越  12、erect: 直立的

13、courtesy: politeness   14、companion: 同伴  15、endurable: 可忍受的





假如我又回到了童年,我就要培养勇气。一位明智的作家曾说过:“世上没有东西比勇气更温文尔雅,也没有东西比懦怯更残酷无情。” 我们常常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天。“怕祸害比祸害本身更可怕。”凡事都有危险,但镇定沉着往往能克服最严重的危险。对一切祸福做好准备,那么就没有什么灾难可以害怕的了。





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