
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/29 22:27:14
  When you’re building your beauty kit at home, it’s nice to have options, especially when it comes to color. Some women stick to the standard smoky eye palette and others are only comfortable with brown and beige, but there are some colors that look great on everyone. If you take a good look at your skin you’ll be able to pull off any of these colors no matter your skin’s shade or undertones.  在家化妆的时候,可以有所选择是很开心的事情,尤其是选颜色。不同的女性有不同的标准和坚持,选烟熏妆标准颜色还是深浅棕色?有些颜色每个人涂看起来都很不错。仔细看看你的皮肤,不管你是深色还是浅色皮肤,这些颜色都会衬得你美貌如花:
  1. 紫色眼妆  Purple Eyes  For some reason, purple tones work fabulously with almost every skin tone and eye color. A lilac or lavender tone works perfectly to highlight brown or hazel eyes where as darker eggplant tones can draw attention to blue or green eyes. Adding a splash of violet to a standard smoky eye is the perfect way to brighten up an evening look without looking too outrageous.  因为某种原因,紫色调几乎跟所有的肤色和眼珠颜色都超级搭。紫丁香或薰衣草色调会完美突出棕色和褐色的眼睛,而更深一些的茄子紫则会让蓝色或绿色的眼睛更引人注意。标准的烟熏妆色再加一点紫罗兰色的闪粉,是不动声色提亮晚妆的最佳方法。
  2. 烈焰红唇  Red Lips  No matter what you think, there is a red lipstick for any woman. But if you’re unsure, orangey-reds look good on most skin tones. Blue-reds, while much richer, can be harder to pull off as they have a stronger pigment. Stick to a tone that won't draw attention to any redness on the rest of your face.  无论你怎么想,任何女人都可以拥有红唇妆。不过要是觉得不太确定的话就选橙红色吧,这种红色适合大部分肤色。蓝红色颜色要更浓,属于更厚重的色调,所以比较难驾驭。记住一点:你要选一个红色调,让脸上其他的红色都黯然失色。
  3. 娇俏粉色腮红  Pink Cheeks  When you’re thinking of tones that will work for everyone, you have to think of natural colors that occur around the body. A flushed pink cheek will never look out of place because the color occurs naturally in your body. Even if you have very dark or olive skin that doesn’t show a natural blush, the tone will add warmth and definition to the apple of your cheek, just remember to blend well.  想到人人都适合的颜色,你会想到身体的自然色。粉红色的腮红妆永远不会不合适,因为粉红色是我们身体的自然色调。就算你的皮肤是不会显示出自然粉色的黑色或橄榄色也没关系,粉色会为双颊的酒窝增加一抹暖色,也给你的笑容增添更多的内容,不过注意颜色要混合均匀。
  4. 透明珊瑚色唇妆  Sheer Coral Lips  Warm coral colors can be a perfect accent to a look for day or night. If you have very dark or bronze skin, opt for a coral with gold undertones and it will really make your skin glow. If you have porcelain or medium toned skin, opt for a pinker coral that will accent your natural flush.  不论日妆还是晚妆,温暖的珊瑚色都会是完美的强调色。如果你的皮肤呈黑色或是古铜色,选珊瑚色搭配浅金色,绝对会让你肌肤焕发迷人光彩。要是你的肤色呈陶瓷白或中色调,选偏粉色系的珊瑚色打造唇妆会完美突出你的自然腮红。
  5. 自然肌肤色  Flesh Tones  When we say flesh, we’re not talking about the color most brands call ‘nude’ but instead the actual range of flesh toned colors. Naturally occurring skin colors accent each other perfect no matter your skin tone. Try pairing bone eye shadow with a deep cocoa liner or a beige lipstick with warm bronzed cheeks. When in doubt, draw inspiration from nature as natural tones very rarely clash.  肌肤色并不是很多人以为的 “裸色”,而是指肌肤自然色调的实际范围。不管你是什么肤色,自然的肌肤色都会彼此突出强调。试试这样的彩妆组合:眉骨眼影搭配深可可色眼线,或者浅褐色唇妆配合暖色调的古铜色腮红。要是觉得不确定,就从大自然中找点灵感,因为自然的颜色很少会不协调。