上海盘古电子商务:China's Peak Coal Has Arrived! 中国的煤炭峰值危机已到来!

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/15 03:38:39

At the end of last year, western medias carried a very serious topics: Has China's Peak Coal arrived? This question deserves a lot of attentions from strategic decison makers in China and in other countries, as China is by far the most important coal producing and consuming country in the world. According to BP estimate, China's proven coal reserve is at 114.5 billion metric tons, or 13.3% of the world's total of 860.9 billion tons. On Oct. 8, 2010, Natinal Geographic published an article which reported that a study led by Tad Patzek of University of Texas predicted that global Peak Coal production will occur as early as in 2011.


Consider that China's coal reserve figure has not been revised since 1992, some researchers believe China's actual remaining coal reserve is as low as 90 billion tons. Cumulative Chinese coal production volume is also roughly 90 billion tons. If that is true, China has produced half of its original coal reserve, so the Peak Coal production volume is about right now. China's coal production has been expanding at a rapid pace of 10% per year growth, reaching 2.46 billion tons in the first 8 months of 2011, or 3.69 billion tons per annum. At this rate, even without further growth, the remaining reserve could only lasts another 25 years! Alarming signs like deteriorating coal quality and the difficult struggles to keep coal production up to meet demand all points to the conclusion that China has passed Peak Coal.


Mean while high level officials in China do not seem to be alarmed at all. Based on their out dated assessments, they believe China's coal can last another hundred years. Are they being too optimistic? Are the numbers of China's potential coal reserve, coal that is supposed to exist but has not been discovered yet, way too exagerated?


I deviced a way to give a reasonable estimate of the upper bound of China's coal reserve. The numbers I got are pretty persimistic, extending support to the view that China has already reached Peak Coal. My estimation method is inspired by an article by Professor Jeffrey Dukes, titled Burning Buried Sunshine.


We know that coal, petroleum, and even natural gas, are fossil fuels. They were converted to fuel from the biomass of ancient times. We also know that the earth is a very unique life carrying planet, with oxygen in the atmosphere. Free oxygen can not exist for long, as in roughly a few million years the oxygen will be depleted due to formation of oxides with the crust material. Free oxygen can only exist if there are life forms to continuously absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Every single oxygen molecule came from biomass. Astronomers have proposed that we can detect ET lifes on other planets by detecting free oxygen.


We can get a precise calculation of the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. The atmosphere pressure on the surface of the earth multiplied by the earth surface area gives us the total weight of the atmosphere gases, which comes to 5x10^18 kilograms. Oxygen constitutes about 1/5 of the atmosphere, so there is about 1x10^18 kilograms of oxygen on earth. Because all oxygen molecules were derived from carbon dioxide, and there is a mass ratio of 12 parts carbon for every 32 parts of oxygen in carbon dioxide, I estimate that there is a total of 375 trillion tons of accumulated carbon of biomass original.


Consider that 29.2% of the earth surface is land area, and 70.8% is ocean, also consider that the ocean portion of the earth's biosphere is much more active than land portion, roughly FOUR times more biomass is generated per unit of ocean area than that of land area, I estimate that less than 10% of the 375 trillion tons of accumulated biomass carbon would be generated on land. That brings the figure of land based biomass carbon to 35 trillion tons.


About half of the 35 trillion tons of land based biomass carbon would be at geological locations where coal formation is possible. That brings to coal forming land carbon to roughly 17.5 trillion tons. But the coal formation is a very wasteful geological process. According to the study of Professor Jeffrey Dukes, only roughly 8% of the original biomass carbon will form coal, the rest simply gets eaten away by germs or otherwise dissipate in the soils. So that means global underground coal reserve should be no more than 8% x 17.5 trillion tons, which is 1400 billion tons. If we assume coal extraction efficiency is 65%, the ultimate recoverable coal that originally exists on earth totals 910 billion tons. Since the dawn of civilization, humen probably have produced an accumulative amount of 200 billion tons of coal, leaving roughly 700 billion tons still under the ground. My estimate, based on a very rough physics model, actually come extremely close to the BP estimate of the global total of 861 billion tons of coal reserve remaining.


Now let's look at China. China's land area is 9.6 million square kilometers. That's 6% of the world's total land area. If China has its fair share of coal formation, China would have 6% x 910 billion tons, or 54.6 billion tons of original coal reserve underground. If China slightly blessed with a little bit more advantage in coal forming geology, China probably has no more than 90 billion tons of original recoverable coal reserve. Let's squeeze the recovery rate of 65% a bit, and assume 80% of original coal could be recovered, which is pushing the limit, China would have 110 billion tons of original recoverable coal. Since China has already produced an accumulative 58 billion tons of coal by the end of 2011, China has now definitely passed the Peak Coal production point, the point when half of the original recoverable coal has been produced. There is 52 billion tons remaining, barely enough to last 15 years at current production rate!


I think my derivation is very reasonable. It starts with an undisputable number, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, and with reasonable estimates at each step and I arrived at a global coal reserve estimate which is in agreement with the BP estimate. Unless geologists can prove that China is extremely blessed with very efficient coal formation geology, which is simply impossible, we have to agree that that official number of one trillion tons of potential discoverable coal reserve, is nothing but a bogus number.


I advice the strategic decision makers in China to accept the conclusion that China's Peak Coal has arrived and that they must now immediately deal with the looming energy crisis in China.


The above is the satellite photo of the Biggest Hole in Asia. It's the now depleted Hai Zhou openpit coal mine. China now digs and consumes 14.5 such big holes worth of coal. How long can China keep digging?



The above chart is China's annual coal production volume. To add the production from 2009-2011 I had to break the chart!



The above chart shows annual coal production of the world and of the top five coal producing nations. Where can China get extra coal supply it needs?


Read: China Energy Depletion - Net Importer of Oil & US Coal?
