nba湖人vs马刺季后赛:留学新政降低门槛 再掀留学热潮

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/19 01:56:35

Policies ease the pressure

留学新政降低门槛 再掀留学热潮

 2011-12-22    来源:21st Century    导读:近期,几个留学热门国家相继出台一系列留学新政,这些留学新政从语言要求到财产担保(financial guarantee)上都做出了合理的调整,可以帮助更多学生实现他们的留学梦。 With decent scores in language tests and convincing personal statements, students hoping to study overseas still need to think about a big issue: money.

Fortunately, this year, popular destinations for overseas study, including Australia and Canada, have adopted policies which can lighten applicants’ financial burdens.

Meanwhile, some countries have made applying easier and offered more job opportunities to attract international students.

21st Century reporter Xu Jingxi interviewed education consultants. They explained the latest policies to help you choose your destination wisely.


Consultant: Chen Juan,

Aoji Enrollment Center of International Education Ltd

A series of policies came into effect on November 5.

1. Besides IELTS, student visa applicants can now also use scores in TOEFL, PTE Academic or CAE to prove their language ability to the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
1. 除了雅思成绩之外,学生签证的申请者也可以使用托福,PTE学术英语考试或者剑桥高级英语证书考试的成绩向澳大利亚移民局证明自己的语言能力。

Usually, applicants need to score at least 5.0 in IELTS to get student visas. A score of 5.0 in IELTS equals 35 in TOEFL iBT test, 36 in PTE Academic, and 41 in CAE.

2. Those who are going to Australia for a bachelor’s degree or a master’s now need to save less money in their bank accounts for the financial guarantee.
2. 现在,申请去澳洲攻读学士和硕士学位的学生可以在个人银行账户中存入更少数额的存款作为财产担保。

The amount of money used to cover tuition fees and living expenses for 24 months in Australia. Now it’s only 18 months. It saves applicants about 24,000 Australian dollars (155,002 yuan).

3. The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship now scrutinizes applicants’ reasons for applying for student visas. It wants to make sure that a student visa holder is coming to Australia for a temporary stay and for study only.
3. 现在,澳大利亚移民局会仔细检查学生签证申请者的申请原因。移民局力求确保每位学生签证持有者赴澳只是为了学习而短期居住。

The department published the latest Skilled Occupation List (SOL). An international student will get bonus points when he applies for Australian citizenship if he pursues a major related to the occupations on the list and if he manages to find a job in these professions after graduation.

Some student visa applicants may suddenly shift to majors related to SOL’s occupations for their study in Australia, while they major in areas that are irrelevant to SOL’s occupations back in their motherland.

These applicants must offer sound enough reasons for the change, otherwise they are very likely to be rejected.


Consultant: Qiao Xiangdong, Education International Cooperation Group

To stay and hunt for a job in the US after graduation, international students can participate in optional practical training (OPT).

They are eligible to have 12 months of OPT before getting work visas; graduates majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are given 29 months.

On May 12, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement added 50 majors to the STEM-designated degree program. See the additions at
5月12日,美国移民与海关执法局在STEM教育制定课程中新增加了50个专业。 这些专业可以在网站上查看到。


Consultant: Gu Ye,

New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co Ltd

Since May 3, the Canadian embassy in China has adopted a policy that helps student visa applicants who have good language ability, but are bothered by financial problems.

Before the policy was adopted, applicants had to save the financial guarantee in bank accounts for at least 12 months.

The amount of money had to cover the expenses of your stay in Canada, which can be 150,000 to 200,000 yuan per year.

Now if an applicant scores 6.0 or above in IELTS and meets the language requirement of the school he or she is applying for, he or she only needs to spend 10,000 Canadian dollars (62,061 yuan) on a product named “Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC)” at Royal Bank of Canada.