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La Rochelle, 布格罗的家乡






布格罗(Bouguereau,Adolphe William,1825.11.30--1905.8.19)


布格罗简介William Bouguereau 法国学院派古典主义艺术家( 1825 – 1905) ,於1825年11月30日出生在La Rochelle(在法國西部沿海)的一個酒莊,早年由一位擔任教區牧師的叔父Eugene教育,他從新舊約聖經與神話故事中學會了拉丁語和希臘語,並且也學習繪畫課程,獲得了Bordeaux Ecole des Beaux-Arts(一所當地美術學校)的人物像首獎。 

他21歲時前往巴黎進入Francois-Edouard Picot工作室,並開始參加the Prix de Rome(一個美術獎項)的競選,在1850年獲獎,補助他到羅馬的Villa Medici(法蘭西學院的意大利所在地)進修四年,他把握機會研究文藝復興時代的大師名作,同時也廣泛旅遊了意大利的農村,這段時期的經歷奠基了他日後的風格與主題。 回到巴黎後,他常在沙龍展出,作品廣受公眾與批評家歡迎,也被代理銷受到美國與英國,並且獲得許多獎項,在1859年受封,1876年獲得Legion of Honour(榮譽爵位),一度成為Academie des Beaux-Arts of the Institut de France的四十名成員之一,這是法國藝術家的最高榮譽;此後又成為比利時與西班牙的榮譽爵士、荷蘭皇家美術學院的院士。



"William Bouguereau is unquestionably one of history's greatest artistic geniuses. Yet in the past century, his reputation and unparalleled accomplishments have undergone a libelous, dishonest, relentless and systematic assault of immense proportions. His name was stricken from most history texts and when included it was only to blindly, degrade and disparage him and his work. Yet, as we shall see, it was he who single handedly opened the French academies to women, and it was he who was arguably the greatest painter of the human figure in all of art history. His figures come to life like no previous artist has ever before or ever since achieved. He wasn’t just the best ever at painting human anatomy, more importantly he captured the tender and subtlest nuances of personality and mood. Bouguereau caught the very souls and spirits of his subjects much like Rembrandt. Rembrandt is said to have captured the soul of age. Bouguereau captured the soul of youth.

Considering his consummate level of skill and craft, and the fact that the great preponderance of his works are life-size, it is one of the largest bodies of work ever produced by any artist. Add to that the fact that fully half of these paintings are great masterpieces, and we have the picture of an artist who belongs like Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Carravaggio, in the top ranks of only a handful of masters in the entire history of western art.

Having died in 1905, we can suppose it best that he was not here to see the successful assault on traditional art that turned the art world inside out and upside down in the decades that followed his death. His fate was to be much like that of Rembrandt, whose work was also ridiculed and banished from museums and official art circles for the hundred years following his death. Rembrandt’s reputation wasn’t resuscitated until the 1790’s (he died in 1669) due to the influence of the founder of the Royal Academy in London, Sir Joshua Reynolds. Even as recently as 1910, Reynolds paintings brought higher prices at auction than Rembrandt. Bouguereau’s re-appreciation can rather accurately be traced from about 1979 when his prices at auction quadrupled that year alone, and then was further catapulted by the 1984 retrospective that traveled from the Petite Palais in Paris, to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Canada and finally to the Wadsworth Athenaeum in Hartford. In 1980 The Metropolitan Museum in New York permanently hung two of his works that been left in storage from early in the century.

Since 1960, his values in the market place have literally exploded, doubling on average every 3.5 years. From works selling for and average $500 to $1500 in 1960, they have accelerated to where in the last three years alone his auction records have been repeatedly broken another 4 times. In 1998 The Heart's Awakening sold for $1,410,000 at Christie’s New York. In 1999 Cupid et Psyche, Enfants sold for $1,760,000 also at Christie’s to be surpassed the very next day at Sotheby’s when Alma Perens owned by Sylvester Stalone sold for $2,650,00. That record only lasted one year until May of 2000, when Charite sold $3,520,000 back at Christie’s. Over the last 20 years his paintings all over the world have been taken out of their crates, basements, storage rooms and attics, dusted off, many cleaned and expertly restored, and today over a hundred museums and institutions proudly have his works on permanent exhibit. Reproductions of his paintings are selling by the millions in poster shops and gift stores world wide, and there is much evidence that they are even outselling the reproductions of paintings by any of the most famous modernists. The definitive full catalog Raissonee on his life and work is being completed my Damien Bartoli and the Bouguereau Committee and after 25 years of work will be published in 2003 or 2004 in time to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of his death in 2005. Since Bouguereau is one of the most important artists in history, we will be regularly adding additional images by him to this site. Besides Mr. Bartoli’s excellent biography below, you can read more about him in the ARC Philosophy."






The Birth of Venus - 维纳斯的诞生(1879年),

法国Musée d’Orsay, Paris收藏。

After Bath (1875)- 浴后,

收藏于西班牙Museo-Teatro Salvador Dali , Figueiras。

The Little Knitter - 小小编织女

Au bord du Ruisseau(1875) - 小溪边。她坐在小溪边,手脚交叉,安详的眼光直视


由美国Fred和Sherry Ross收藏。

Le Repos/The Rest(1879) - 休息,由美国克利弗兰艺术博物馆收藏。

La Jeunesse de Bacchus/Youth  of Bacchus (1884) - 酒神巴克斯的青春,私人收藏。





Modestie/Modesty(1902) - 端庄,私人收藏。

The Art and The Literature (1867)- 艺术及文学女神 ,
纽约阿诺德艺术博物馆收藏。  <><150;&>>
Paquerettes/Daisies(1894) - 雏菊,私人收藏. 

Berceuse/lullaby(1875) - 摇篮曲,私人收藏。

 Dante et Virgile au Enfers(1850) - 地狱中的但丁和维吉尔,私人收藏。


Young Shepherdess Standing(1887) - 小牧羊女立像 ,由美国Fred and Sherry Ross收藏。

Seated Bather - 坐着的浴女 

Baigneuse/Bather(1870) - 入浴,由Gala-Salvador Dali, Spain收藏。
Flora and Zephyr(1875) - 花仙子与风神,
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Mulhouse收藏 

Fileuse/The Spinner(1873) - 纺线女,私人收藏。 

Faneuse/The Haymaker(1869) - 收干草的女工,

tete de jeune fille/Head of Young Girl(1898) - 年轻女孩的头像,
En Penitence(1895) - 后悔,私人收藏。 

Douleur d'amour/Sorrow of Love(1899) - 爱的忧伤(悲歌),私人收藏。


Laurel Branch 肉桂枝 
Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Gardner(1879) - 伊丽莎白 嘉德娜小姐画像 ,  

 由美国Fred和Sherry Ross收藏。

 Portrait of Gaberielle Cot - 嘉博莉埃尔 库特小姐画像 


 最有名气的学生 Pierre August Cot 的女儿。绘画过程中,布格罗深

为嘉博莉埃尔小姐的美丽,特别是内在的美,所迷住; 所以,这是


Portrait of Miss Brissac(1863) - Brissac 小姐画像,私人收藏。

Homere et son Guide/Homer and his Guide - 归家者和他的领路人,美国密尔沃基艺术博物馆收藏。

La Soif(1886) - 渴,私人收藏。 

 Le Ravissement de Psyche(1895) - 心灵的狂喜,私人收藏。

Childhood Idyll  - 童年的田园诗话
 La Charite - 博爱。该作品2000年创下布格罗作品的拍卖纪录。 



 Jeune femme contemplant deux enfants qui s'embrassent(1861)

- 年轻的妇人注视着两个相互拥抱的孩子,私人收藏。

Pastorale/Pastoral(1868) - 田园生活,私人收藏。 

Petites Maraudeouses - 小小“窃贼” 。 


Madam The Countess of Camaceres(1895) - 岗巴塞莱斯伯爵夫人像,


The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ(1880) - 受鞭挞的基督, 


 The Spring - 春

 Nymphes et Satyre [Nymphs and Satyr](1873) - 林中仙女与森林之神萨堤罗,
收藏于:美国,麻省,Sterling 和 Francine Clark 艺术学院。

Alma Parens/Motherland(1883) - 祖国


La Vierge, L'Enfant Jesus et Saint Jean Baptiste(1875)圣母玛丽亚与幼年的耶稣以及圣徒约翰,私人收藏

La Vague [The Wave](1896) - 浪涛,私人收藏。


La Rochelle 城市风光


