
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/30 00:36:35


Confucius was a Chinese teacher and philosopher who preached the values of formal learning. He taught thousands of students during his lifetime, focusing on what he termed the Six Arts; these include music, archery, mathematics, ritual, chariot-riding andcalligraphy. Additionally, Confucius placed a strong emphasis on morals and integrity. His influence as a teacher shaped Chinese education for several millennia and has impacted education and philosophy throughout the world.孔子是一位倡导正规教育的老师、哲人。一生中,门下有过数以千计的学生。他的教学重点在于“六艺”(小编注:要求学生掌握的六种基本才能),包括:礼、乐、射、御、书、数。除此之外,孔子在道德培养方面也具有重要地位。作为先师,孔子不仅对中国的教育有数千年之久的影响,也对世界范围内的教育、哲学产生了一定影响。

Socrates is considered one of Western Civilization's most significant teachers and philosophers. He led discussions with the people of Athens in which he posed challenging and profound questions. One of his students, Plato, would go on to become another major figure in the history of Western philosophy. His style of stimulating thought through question asking has been adopted by many modern teachers and is known as the Socratic method.苏格拉底被视为西方文明中最伟大的老师、哲人之一。他引导古希腊人进行辩论,辩论中经常提出一些深刻而具有挑战性的问题。苏格拉底的学生柏拉图是西方哲学史上另一个非常重要的人物。他通过提问启发思想的作法被现今很多老师借鉴,这种教学方法被称为“苏格拉底法”。

Roger Bacon
A native of England, Roger Bacon was a friar and scholar in many academic areas, including mathematics, early chemistry and optics. He conducted experiments that greatly advanced the understanding of philosophy and science in his day. His outspoken teaching and writing style led to an imprisonment of nearly 15 years.罗吉尔·培根,英国人,既是一名修道士,也在包括数学、化学和光学的很多领域内成为学者。他所做的实验大大促进了那个时代人们对哲学和科学的理解。然而他开放的教学和写作风格为自己带来的却是近15年的牢狱之灾。

Nathan Hale
Nathan Hale is best known as an American soldier in the Revolutionary War who was captured by the British while acting as a spy. He was hanged at the age of 21, famously saying as his final words, 'I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.'

Prior to his death, however, he had been a teacher in Connecticut since age 18. Though his career was brief, he made advances in the cause of providing higher education to women. Hale devoted early morning hours to a class of young women. He taught them the same material he would teach their brothers later in the day.


Annie Sullivan
By the age of four, Annie Sullivan was legally blind due to a disease called trachoma. At age nine, upon the death of her mother and abandonment by her father, she was sent to an orphanage that lacked formal education opportunities. However, she pleaded with an administrator to be allowed to learn and eventually graduated as valedictorian of the Perkins School for the Blind in 1886.

After several operations resulted in a return of her partial eyesight, she used her gifts and uncommon perspective to begin teaching a young deaf and mute girl named Helen Keller. Sullivan was the first teacher to find success with a deaf and mute child.
