迪士尼 動畫短片 熊:给高三学生——成果与玫瑰

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 08:27:02
Results And Roses
by Edgar Guest
The man who wants a gaedwn fair  想要美丽园子的人们,
Or small or very big  无论园子大小,
With flowers growing here and there  想要到处种满鲜花的话,
Must bend his and dig  得先弯下腰深耕才行。
The things are minghty few on earth  光靠愿望就能得到的事物,
That wishes can attain  这世上可谓少之又少。
Whatever we want of any worth  无论大小,我所要做的,
We've got to work to gain  都要努力才有收获。
It matters not what goal you seek  无论目标为何,
Its secret here reposes  奥秘就在这里:
You've got to dig from week to week  一周又一周的辛勤耕耘
To get Results or roses  才能得到一点成果,或者玫瑰。
I Shall Not Pass Thit Way Again
by Unknown
Through this toislome world,alas  在这劳苦的人世,
Once and only once I pass  我只愿经历一次,
If a kindness I may show  如果我能表达任何善意,
If a good deed I may do  如果我能从事任何善行,
To a suffering fellow man  为受苦的同路者所做,
Let me do it while I can  在我能够去做的时候,让我--
No delay,for it is plain  以平常心去做,不要拖延,
I shall not pass this way again  因为我将不再来。
