小区停车系统改造 智能:云南省特岗教师招聘试题(小学英语科目八)部分试题

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/09/21 09:26:21


Part One(英语专业基础知识)

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and structure 10%
Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in the following.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

() 1.Mum, why not  us an English dish to eat?
A.cookB.to make

() 2.—Kate, thanks for  me to your birthday party.But I cant come.My mother is ill.
A.asking; Why?B.inviting; Im sorry to hear that.
C.taking; Dont worry.D.telling; It doesnt matter.

() 3.—Ann, good luck  your English.
—Thank you.At first I found hard to learn English, but now I can understand most of the English lessons.
A.with; itB.of; that
C.about; it isD.to; it

() 4.The population of China is  than  the USA.
A.much larger; that ofB.very more; that of
C.much larger; /D.much less; that of

() 5.Onethird of the area  covered with green trees.About seventy percent of the trees  been planted.
A.are; haveB.is; has
C.is; haveD.are; has

() 6.Lets take action together to make our city more beautiful, ?
A.wont weB.dont we
C.shall weD.wont you

() 7. terrible cough youve got!
A.HowB.How a
C.WhatD.What a

() 8.The injured in the tsunami  good care of by some medical teams.
A.is takenB.are being taken
C.are takingD.is being taken

() 9.Time and tide  for no man.
C.is waitingD.has waited

() 10.How and why Jack came to China  not known.When and where to build the new library  not been decided.
A.is; hasB.are; has
C.is; haveD.are; have

Ⅱ.Close 30%

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following text.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best fills the blank.
Mr.and Mrs.Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year.They 11 their car outside and went in.Mr.Moore had never got drunk before, so he was 12 not to drink too much, 13 his friends asked him to drink more 14.During the party, Mrs.Moore found that she had 15 to bring her bag, so she asked her husband to go out to the car and 16 it for her.He 17 so, but on his way back to the hotel gate, he heard a car horn blowing near his own car.He thought 18 might be in need of help and went over to the car with the 19.He found a small black bear sitting in the drivingseat and blowing the horn.When Mr.Moore 20 the party, he told several people about the bear, but of course they did not believe him and thought he was drunk.When he took them out of the hotel to 21 that his story was 22, he found that the car with the 23 in it had gone.There were so many 24 about Mr.Moores black bear during the next week that he at last put an advertisement in the newspaper, “If anyone saw a black bear blowing the horn in a car outside the Century Hotel 25 the evening of Christmas Day, please tell.” Two days later 26 Mrs.Richards called him and said that she and her husband had left their pet bear in their car outside the Century Hotel for a few minutes that evening, and that 27 he had blown the horn.Mrs.Richards did not 28 think there was anything 29 about that.“Our bear likes blowing car horns,” she said, “and we dont 30 when we are not driving the car.”

() 11.A.pulledB.stayedC.leftD.hid
() 12.A.politeB.carefulC.gladD.afraid
() 13.A.whetherB.untilC.orD.though
() 14.A.all alongB.once againC.just thenD.for ever
() 15.A.learnedB.knownC.rememberedD.forgotten
() 16.A.buyB.getC.sendD.return
() 17.A.saidB.wentC.didD.thought
() 18.A.oneB.someoneC.his wifeD.the bear
() 19.A.noiseB.voiceC.cryD.shout
() 20.A.was sent toB.was seated atC.got rid ofD.got back to
() 21.A.showB.noticeC.requireD.promise
() 22.A.interestingB.correctC.trueD.exciting
() 23.A.hornB.bearC.bagD.drivingseat
() 24.A.laughsB.shoutsC.smilesD.calls
() 25.A.forB.atC.inD.on
() 26.A.theB.aC./D.some
() 27.A.quicklyB.completelyC.knowD.seem
() 28.A.everB.neverC.alwaysD.often
() 29.A.usefulB.strangeC.commonD.bad
() 30.A.agreeB.likeC.mindD.worry


Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension 20%

Directions: There are two passages in the following.Read the passages carefully and finish the tasks.

Passage 1

The milkman used to collect the money for the weeks milk while I was having breakfast on Saturday morning.Just lately he has been arriving before I get up.As they are short of delivery staff, four men are sharing five rounds, so he has to start earlier.
Delivering milk to peoples homes is scarcely good business, especially when the customer may have a choice of two or three firms serving a single road.In spite of the local difficulties, however, labor troubles are not as severe as a few years ago.There are enough men preparing to get up early for the sake of an openair job with a fair measure of freedom.If they did stop calling, women would find it hard work to collect all the milk they need from selfservice stores.Dairies(乳品商)are aware of that stopping deliveries in the United States resulted in falling sales.
Marketing ideas have included introducing extra lines, in addition to dairy products, which the milkmen can carry to increase sales.Already they have taken over many rounds given up by bakeries.One dairyman said: “It wont be long before the milkman delivers more bread than milk.” Some milkmen deliver potatoes, and it seems as though variety will be limited only by the size of the vans.
So the milkman is likely to remain a familiar figure, and the dairy products he sells are unlikely to change very much in this decade.Flavored(调味)milk is popular on the Continent.In Britain those who like it buy plain milk and add their own flavoring.Even the returnable bottles continue to be used.As long as it have a reasonable life—30 to 40 trips are usual—the cost of collection and cleaning is worthwhile.

() 31.We are told that the milkman now sets out on his delivery rounds earlier than he used to because of .
A.an increased demand of milk
B.more earlyrising customers
C.the need to collect money
D.an increased workload

() 32.Milkmens attempts to sell more bread from their delivery vans have meant that .
A.milkmen have taken over some bakery rounds
B.more bread than milk is now sold by milkman
C.people buy more bread from milkmen than from bakers
D.bakeries are asking milkmen to deliver bread

() 33.The passage indicates that during the next ten years or so, dairy firms will .
A.gradually ceases selling milk
B.have to offer a wider variety
C.take more notice of changes in customers tastes
D.produce the same kind of products

() 34.What does the last sentence in Paragraph 3 “and it seems as though variety will be limited only by the size of the vans” imply?
A.The vans in which the milkmen deliver milk are too small.
B.The milkmen complained about the variety of goods they delivered.
C.If the vans allow, the milkmen can deliver a large variety of goods.
D.The variety of things delivered by the milkmen will be limited in the future

() 35.Which of the following can be the title of the passage most suitably?
A.The Variety of Delivering
B.A Good Business: Delivering Milk
C.Delivering Milk: the Present and Future
D.Extra Lines in MilkDelivering

() 36.From this passage we know .
A.Frenchmen and Germans are more likely enjoy flavored milk
B.Frenchmen and Germans prepare flavored milk by themselves
C.Englishmen like to buy flavored milk
D.dairy products have changed a great deal within ten years

Passage 2

When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and make trouble.So the navy always has naval police in big ports.When sailors make trouble, the naval police come and deal with them.

One day, the naval police in a big seaport received an urgent telephone call from a bar in the town.The barman said that a big sailor had gotten drunk and was breaking the glasses, tables and chairs in the bar.The officer, who was in charge of the naval police soldier that evening, said that he would come at once.
Now officers who had to go and deal with sailors who were heavily drunk usually chose the biggest naval policeman they could find to go with them.But this officer did not do this.Instead, he chose the smallest and weakestlooking man he could find to go to the bar with him and arrest the sailor who was breaking the things in the bar.

Another officer who happened to be there was surprised when he saw this officer choose this small man,so he said to him,“Why dont you take a big man with you?You may have to fight the sailor who is drunk.”
“Yes, you are right,” answered the first officer.“That is exactly why I am taking this small man.If you saw two policemen coming to arrest you, and one of them was much smaller than the other, which one would you attack?”


37.When they are allowed ashore, the sailors sometimes d  t m wine.

38.Naval polices job is to deal with the sailors who m t.

39.The other officer was a  about that officer choosing the s naval policeman to go with him.

40.The officer didnt take a big man with him because the drunken sailor might usually attack the s man first.

Ⅳ.Writing 25%

假定你是李华,有一位美国朋友John托你在北京找工作。当你看到《中国日报》(China Daily)上刊登了一则招聘启示的时候,你认为很合适。请你用英文写一封短信(词数90左右),用Email发给John,告知此事。广告原文如下:

Foreign Teachers Wanted!
The Education Department of the Ladder Information Company Limited is running an English course for children and adults.
1.Native English speaker.
2.University degrees in education or related field preferred.
3.Foreign expert certification.
If you are interested, please call us:
Tel: 0086-10-6801××××
Beijing Ladder Information Company Limited
Part Two(英语教育理论与实践)


() 1.语言技能。

() 2.英语课程评价体系的改革,主要是。

() 3.英语课程改革就是要改变英语课程过分重视和词汇知识的讲解与传授。

() 4.小学英语教学的重点是。

() 5.《英语课程标准》二级目标在词汇方面要求。


() 6.“面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础”是本次基础教育改革的核心思想。
() 7.提倡探究式学习是排除语言知识的学习,只是改变了学习的方式和途径。
() 8.在英语教学中,教师要为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现和自我发展的空间。
() 9.英语教师要不断更新知识结构,适应现代社会发展对英语课程的要求。
() 10.在英语教学中,要对学生学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容态度。

Part One

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure

1.A 【解析】“Why not…?”后应跟动词原形,“做饭”应用 cook。
2.B 【解析】Thanks for doing sth.表示“因……而感谢”。另外,当听到对方说了某件令人不愉快的消息时,我们应说“Im sorry to hear that”以表示难过的心情。
3.A 【解析】“Good luck with…”意为“祝某人在某方面好运”,后一空处用it作形式宾语,代替后面真正的宾语——动词不定式to learn English。
4.A 【解析】population只可用large,small等来说明,而不可用many,few等来说明,同时进行比较的双方应为同类事物,后面应用代词that。
5.C 【解析】略。
6.C 【解析】Lets的反意疑问句用“shall we”回答。
7.D 【解析】该句的陈述句形式为:Youve got a terrible cough,由此不难解出答案。
8.B 【解析】“the injured”为集体名词,用复数,且伤员被送往医院,用被动语态。
9.A 【解析】略。
10.D 【解析】略。


11—15 CBDAD16—20 BCBAD21—25 ACBAB26—30 BCADC

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension

31—36 AABCBD

37.drink too much38.make trouble39.amazed; smallest40.smaller


Dear John,
I read an advertisement in todays China Daily, which says Beijing Ladder Information Company is running a school.So they need nativespeaker English teachers for children and adults.What they prefer is a university degree in education or other related fields, which you have.And a foreign expert certification is also required.I think you are the proper person they want.
If you are interested, please directly call to the company.The telephone number is 0086106801××××.
Good luck!
Li HuaPart Two




6—10 TFTTT