黑色西装领大衣搭配:职场中人 以退为进

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/15 06:33:25

A backward career move is not an escape plan to pursue fantasies: quitting the 9–to–5 job for a cabin in the woods to write poetry or trading in one's wingtips for hiking boots. Nor does it involve running away from responsibilities, personal problems and unfinished business—moves that are steeped in failure and destine an individual to encounter the same challenges again, just in a different environment.

Instead, the shift should be rooted in a strong desire to take on the job in question—such as rediscovering a passion or building professional breadth in order to achieve a dearly held goal.

For Thomas Ryder, the passion came from a sense of obligation to help his company and his peers. The retired chairman and chief executive officer of Reader's Digest Association Inc., Mr. Ryder was a member of the senior management committee at American Express Co. until about 1990, managing noncore businesses.

"The joke was that I was in charge of 'other,' as in other businesses," he recalls. "Then one day a new boss came in, who told us we were going back to our core business and core competency. When he gave that speech, it occurred to me that 'other' was out of business, and it was indeed."