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汉语大词典 [Chinese dictionary]
This is now the standard dictionary for Classical Chinese and older vernacular Chinese
as it covers a wide range of texts for all periods but is also useful for modern Chinese.
For some words the references are e.g. exclusively to texts from the 1980s.

汉语大字典 [Chinese dictionary) As the title says, only single characters, but with oracle bone and many later variants.
The standard dictionary for characters. A one volume copy is on the market.

Liang Shih-ch'iu 梁实秋 ed. 1973 A New Practical Chinese-English Dictionary (Zuixin shiyong Han-Ying cidian)
(Taipei: Yuandong tushu gongsi) Revised as Far East Chinese-English Dictionary Hong Kong-ed.
with traditional characters 199? and Beijing edition with simplified characters 1995.
A very useful dictionary for both modern and classical Chinese with many good translations
of classical or semi-classical expressions. Compounds are arranged according to the bopomofo spelling.
This is a very good occasion to learn that transcription.

汉英词典[Chinese-English Dictionary]

汉英分类插图词典 [Classified and Illustrated Chinese-English Dictionary]
Words are arranged according to subject,
e.g. agriculture, science and technology.

汉英逆引词典 [Reverse Chinese-English Dictionary]
Entries according to the last character in a compound.
Very useful if you only remember the last character or if, as sometimes happens,
there are variations in the usage of the first character in a compound. I
t is based upon A Chinese-English Dictionary above but some material has been added.

中国語辞典 (Tokyo: Iwanami shoten)
Alphabetically arranged according to pinyin, irrespective of tones and characters.
Useful, even if you do not know Japanese. An edition with simplified characters was published in 1993.

Modern Chinese-English Technical and General Dictionary
Cumbersome but useful dictionary for modern Chinese, arranged alphabetically according to pinyin.

实用汉语图解词典 [Applied Chinese graphic dictionary] (Beijing)
Explanations are by a detailed drawing.


汉英辞典 Chinese-English Dictionary
11,000 single character and 220,000 multiple characters entries. Emphasis on common as well as scientific language.

现代汉语词典 [Modern Chinese dictionary]

新华字典 [New Chinese character dictionary]

中国现代言语分类大典 [Sentences in the spoken language]


Cihai 1980 辞 海 [Sea of words]
This edition may in a few cases still be useful, but the above-mentioned
1979-edition or its later revised 1989-edition and 1999-edition should be consulted first; l
ist of contents of 1979 and 1989 editions are given in Appendix I.
The 1979-edition has a supplement: 辞海增补本 and a topic index:

Reproduction of old editions with introduction.

辞源 [Source of words]

Xu Zhongshu 徐中舒 ed. 1988 Jiaguwen zidian 甲骨文字典 [Dictionary of oracle bone inscriptions] (Chengdu: Sichuan cishu)

Zhang Qiyun 张其昀 ed. 1962-1968 Zhongwen da cidian 中文大辞典 [Chinese dictionary] 40 vols. (Taipei)

To Chinese
A New English-Chinese Dictionary Ying Hua da cidian 1985 英华大词典 (Beijing) More than 120,000 words.

Huang Wenyi 黄文仪 ed. 1989 Niujin Ying Han baike da cidian 牛津英汉百科大词典 [New Oxford English-Chinese dictionary] (Taibei: Wangwen)

Liang Shiqiu 1974 New Practical English-Chinese Dictionary (Taipei) OA

Lu Gusun 陆谷孙 1989 Ying-Han da cidian 英汉大词典 [English-Chinese dictionary] 2 vols. (Shanghai: Yiwen CBS) AI

Specialized subjects

农业词典 [Dictionary of agriculture]

Appellation of names or things
称谓大辞典 [Dictionary of names and titles]
Over 12,000 articles on names and appellations of persons or things, Chinese and foreign.

汉语称谓大辞典 [Dictionary of names and titles]

Art and Archaeology
中国工艺美术大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese art and craft]
中国磁术词典 [Dictionary of Chinese porcelain]
中国考古次回汉英对照 [Comparison of Chinese and English archaeological vocabulary]


English-Chinese Glossary of Economic Terms

经济大词典 [Economic dictionary]

工业经济卷 [Industrial economics vol.]

世界经济卷 [World economics vol.]

商业经济卷 [Business economics vol.]

中华食品工业大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese commodity industry]

教育大词典 [Dictionary of education]

中国风俗大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese customs]
All kinds of customs described in Classical literature, incl. novels, plays, and poems.
Uses original material to illustrate changes etc.

Grammatical particles
使用古汉语虚词 [The use of particles in Classical Chinese]
现代汉语常用虚词词典 [Dictionary of frequent used particles in contemporary Chinese]

清史满语字典 [Dictionary of Manchu in Qing history]
A dictionary of Chinese transcriptions of Manchu words and expressions found in historical documents.
Gives the original Manchu in romanization, and explanations in Chinese.

清代六部成语词典 [Dictionary of the Standard phrases of the six ministries of the Qing dynasty]
A dictionary of the administrative standard phrases of the Qing dynasty compiled in the Liubu chengyu.
This book was also used in Morohashi, but not in Zhongwen da cidian. The Liubu chengyu has been
translated by Sun E-tu Zen, see below.

民国史大词典 [Dictionary of Republican history]
From 1894 to the 1990s. with 5,315 articles on all kinds of subjects.


现代汉语八百词 [Eight hundred words in contemporary Chinese]

同义词词典 [Synonym dictionary or Thesaurus] (Hong Kong)

中国语言学大词典 [Encyclopaedic dictionary of Chinese linguistics]

犯罪学词典[Dictionary of criminology] (Shanghai: Renmin CBS)

法学词典 [Dictionary of legal studies] (Shanghai)

中国使用法学大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese applied law] (Changchun: Jilin daxue)

中国兵法大词典 (Jinan: Shandong Renmin CBS) 8,000 entries.

中国少数民族史大词典 (Changchun: Jilin Jiaoyu CBS)

中国回族大词典 [Dictionary of the Chinese Hui nationality] (Yinchuan: Jiangsu guji CBS)

Proverbs and sayings chengyu 成语

古汉语成语典故词典 [Dictionary of idiomatic phrases in Classical Chinese] (Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin CBS)

Religion and philosophy
佛学大词典 [Dictionary of Buddhist studies] (Corrected Beijing version, 1984; Shanghai: Shanghai shudian, 1996)

哲学大词典 [Dictionary of philosophy] (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu)

道教大词典 [Dictionary of Daoism] (Taipei)

宗教词典 [Encyclopedic dictionary of Religions]
Covering all the world's religions, ancient and modern, with Roman alphabet next to Chinese where relevant.

中国神话传说词典 [Dictionary of Chinese mythological stories] (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan)

佛教大辞典 (Shangwu guoji CBS)

现代西方哲学词典 [Dictionary of contemporary Western philosophy] (Hefei: Anhui renmin CBS)
汉英哲学常用词汇 Chinese English Useful Terminology in Philosophy (Beijing Shifan daxue CBS)

中译社会学词汇 [A Glossary of Sociological Terms]
香港中文大学社会学系 (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press)

Specific works
金瓶梅词典 [Dictionary of Jinpingmei] (Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju)

易学大词典 [Dictionary of Yijing studies] (Huaxia CBS)

史记词典 [Dictionary to the Records of the historian] (Jinan: Shandong jiaoyu CBS)

Science and technology
汉英科技大词典 [Chinese-English dictionary of scientific and technical terms] (Harbin) c. 30,000 terms.

Chinese and Japanese
アジア歴史辞典 [Encyclopedia of Asian history] 10 vols. (Tokyo: Heibonsha)

辞海 [Sea of words] see under Dictionaries, classical

古今图书集成 [Synthesis of books and illustrations past and present] (Beijing; later ed. available)
The most comprehensive of the Chinese leishu 类书. Arranged into six main categories, 32 sections,
and 6,109 subsections. Index to title of subsections in Lionel Giles 1911 Index to the Chinese
Encyclopedia (London; Taibei repr. 1966) It is indexed by Takisama Toshisuke 1933 Tosho shuusei
bunrui sakuin 図書集成分類索引 [Index to the categories in the Tushu jicheng]

979 Chugoku gakugei daijiten 中国学芸大辞典 [Encyclopaedia of Chinese art and science] (Tokyo)

1955-1960 Dai Kanwa jiten 大漢和辞典 [Chinese-Japanese dictionary] 13 vols. (Tokyo: Taishukan)
See under Dictionaries, Classical.

中国百科大词典 (Beijing: Huaxia CBS)

中国百科全书 [General encyclopedia of China] (Taipei)

中国大百科全书 [General encyclopedia of China] (Beijing & Shanghai)
Each volume on a specific topic.

中文大辞典 [Chinese dictionary] 40 vols. (Taipei)

The 13 Classics with Commentaries Database is installed at the University of
Heidelberg with free access for users in Europe. To get a password contact:

1. 易经 Yijing [Book of change]. Built around a system of sixty-four hexagrams,
each of six lines with unbroken and broken lines presumably used for divination,
and with later additions to the text which is 'a storehouse of image and symbols
from which Chinese literati frequently drew' The text probably originated in the
Western Zhou but som of the additions are as late as the Han dynasty. Stele ed. 175 CE.
周易引得 [Index to the Book of Change] = HYS 10 AI

2. 书经 Shujing [Book of history (or documents)] A collection of historical documents.
Traditionally Confucius has been named as the editor. The documents are pronouncements,
oaths and speeches. Twenty-eight chapters are considered authentic, i.e. they give the
text as it purports to have been at the time it was pronounced, some from the beginning
of the Zhou dynasty. These chapters are in the new-text (script).
An additional thirty-two chapters in the old-text are forgeries from 200-400 CE. Stele ed. 175 CE.

尚书通鉴 [Index to Shangshu]

3. 诗经 毛诗 Shijing [Book of odes (or songs)].
Anthology of 305 poems. The Hanshu says that they were selected by Confucius who does
refer to a corpus of around 300 poems. The contents of the poems are varied, from folksongs
to songs at the court, praising heroes and religious liturgy. Some of them may be very old,
but some probably no older than c. 500 B.C.E. Stele ed. 175 CE.

毛诗引得 [Index to the Book of Odes]

4. 周礼 Zhouli [Rites of Zhou].
A description of the Zhou bureaucracy. Probably written during the Warring States period
as an idealized description of the government in the early Zhou period. May have fragmentary
information about the early Zhou bureaucracy. Stele ed. 836-840 CE.

5. 义礼 Yili [Book of etiquette and ceremonial].
A detailed description of ceremonies claimed to have been carried out during the Spring-and-Autumn period.
May have been written during the first half of the Warring-States period. Stele ed. 175 CE.

6. 礼记 Liji [Book of ceremonial].
Contains information on rituals and the development of Confucian philosophy from late
Warring-States to early Former-Han. Stele ed. 836-840 CE

7. 春秋左传 Chunqiu Zuozhuan [Spring and Autumn with Zuo commentary].
Spring and Autumn is a chronicle for the Lu state from 722 to 480 B.C.E.
Tradition has said that the pronouncements are praise-and-blame but this is highly questionable.
It appears to be simple chronicle. The Zuozhuan may originally have been a separate
historical work which was later added to the Spring and Autumn under the appropriate headings.
Written during the Warring States period. Stele ed. 240-248 CE.

8. 春秋公羊传 Chunqiu Gongyangzhuan [Spring and Autumn with Gongyang commentary].
Praise-and-blame interpretation of the Spring-and Autumn which poses questions
and then gives answers concerning the political and ethical meaning of the Spring and Autumn entries.
From later Waring-States or Early-Han. Stele ed. 175 CE.

9. 春秋榖梁传 Chunqiu Guliangzhuan [Spring and Autumn with Guliang commentary].
Praise-and-blame interpretation of the Spring-and Autumn which poses questions
and then gives answers concerning the political and ethical meaning of the Spring and Autumn entries.
Former Han. Stele ed. 836-840 CE.

10. 论语 Lunyu [Analects].
A collection of sayings attibuted to Confucius or his disciples in the form af dialogues and anecdotes.
Parts of the text may originate in the decades afther the death of Confucius but other parts are almost
certainly later additions. Stele ed. 175 CE.

11. 孝经 Xiaojing [Classic of filial piety].
A discussion between Confucius and Zengzi on the Confucian principle for reverence for parents.
The text seems to have existed in the third cent. B.C.E. Stele ed. 836-840 CE.

12. 尔雅 Erya [Erya].
A proto-dictionary in the form a a collection of early glosses and explanations on words
appearing in Zhou texts. Stele ed. 836-840 CE.

13. 孟子Mengzi [Book of Mencius].
The discussions of Mencius with feudal rulers and others

四书 Four books
The Four Books were collected and commentated by Zhu Xi 朱熹
(1130-1200) and from 1303 to 1905 they formed the foundation of the official examinations.

论语 Lunyu [Analects], see above

孟子 Mengzi [Book of Mencius], see above

大学 Daxue [Great learning. A chapter of the Liji]
Transl. with Zhu Xi's commentaries in Chan Wing-tsit 1963 A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton UP) pp. 85-94

中庸 Zhongyong [Doctrine of the mean. A chapter of the Liji]
Transl. with Zhu Xi's commentaries in Chan Wing-tsit 1963 A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton UP) pp. 97-114.

Standard histories
The 25 Dynastic Histories Database is installed at the University of Heidberg with free access for users in Europe.

1. 史记 Shi ji to ca. 87 B.C.E. by Sima Qian 司马迁 (145- ca. 90 B.C.E.)

2. 汉书 Han shu or 钱汉书 Qian Han shu 206 B.C.E. - 24 C.E. by Ban Gu 班固 (d. ca. 92 C.E.)

3. 后汉书 Hou Han shu 25-220 C.E. by Fan Ye 范晔 (398-447)

4. 三国志 Sanguozhi 220-280 by Chen Shou 陈寿 (233-297)

5. 晋书 Jin shu 265-419 by Fang Xuanling 房玄龄 (578-648)

6. 宋书 Song shu 420-479 by Shen Yue 沈约 (441-513)

7. 南齐书 Nan Qi shu by Xiao Zixian 萧子显 (479-550)

8. 梁书 Liang shu 502-557 by Yao Silian 姚思廉 (d. 637)

9. 陈书 Chen shu 557-589 by Yao Silian 姚思廉 (d. 637)

10. 魏书 Wei shu 386-550 by Wei Shou 魏收 (506-572)

11. 北齐书 Bei Qi shu 550-577 by Li Boyao 李伯药 (565-648)

12. 北周书 Bei Zhou shu 557-581 by Linghu Defen 令狐德芬 (586-666)

13. 隋书 Sui shu 581-618 by Wei Zheng 魏征 (580-643)

14. 南史 Nan shi 420-589 by Li Yanshou 李延寿 (d. <679)

15. 北史 Bei shi 386-618 by Li Yanshou 李延寿 (d. <679)

16. 旧唐书 Jiu Tang shu 618-906 by Liu Xu 刘煦 (887-946)

17. 新唐书 Xin Tang shu 618-906 by Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修 (1007-1072) & Song Qi 宋祁 (998-1061)

18. 就五代史 Jiu Wudai shi 906-960 by Xue Juzheng 薛居正 (912-960)

19. 五代史 Xin Wudai shi by Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修 (1007-1072)

20. 宋史 Song shi 960-1279 by Tuo Tuo 脱脱 (1238-1298)

21. 辽史 Liao shi 907-1211 by Tuo Tuo 脱脱 (1238-1298) & al.

22. 金史 Jin shi1115-1234 by Tuo Tuo 脱脱(1238-1298) & al.

23. 元史 Yuan shi 1279-1382 by Song Lian 宋濂 (1310-1381)

24. 明史 Ming shi 1368-1638 by Zhang Tingyu 张庭玉 (1672-1755)

25. 新元史 Xin Yuan shi 1206-1382 by Ke Shaomin 柯劭忞 (1850-1933)

26. 清史 Qing shi 1644-1927. The first version was printed in 1927 with Zhao Erxun 赵尔巽 as editor
but not recognized by the authorities and was called Qing shi gao ? [Draft history of the Qing dynasty].
An official version was printed in Taiwan in 1961 by the Research Institute of National Defence 国防研究院.
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等级: 六星级
 第 3 楼
二十六史大词典 [Dictionary of the twenty-six standard histories] 3 vols. (Jilin: Renmin CBS)
Dictionary of the twenty-four standard histories, the New Yuan history, and the Draft history of the Qing.
Arranged according to dynasty.

Chronological histories
资治通鉴 Zizhi tongjian 403 B.C.E. - 960 C.E. by Sima Guang 司马光 (1019-1086)

通鉴纲目 Tongjian gangmu 403 B.C.E. - 960 C.E. by Zhu Xi 朱熹

续资治通鉴长编 Xu Zizhi tongjian changbian by Li Tao 李焘 (1115-1184)

续资治通鉴 Xu Zizhi tongjian -1368 by Bi Yuan 毕沅 (1730-1797)

中华人民共和国国史全监 6 vol. (Beijing: Tujie CBS) Chronological history from 1949.


[A comparative daily calendar for Chinese, Western, and Mohammedan history, A. D. 1 to 1940] (Beijing; 1962 reprint)
日历对照编:1881-2001 年公历农历干支历 [List of dates in solar, lunar etc calendars 1881-2000] (Beijing: Zhongguo nongye)
新编中国三千年历日检索表 [New tables of 3000 years of chronology] (Beijing: Renmin jiaoyu CBS)
两千年来中西历对照表 [Sino-Western Calendar for Two Thousand Years, 1 to 2000 CE]
(Shanghai; Beijing, 1957; Taipei, 1958)
欧亚纪元合表 [Combined chronological table of European and Asian dates] (Shanghai; Tokyo repr. 1968)
近时中西史日对照表 [Daily concordance for modern Sino-Western history, 1516-1941] (Shanghai; Taipei, 1958 repr.)

日本汉学年表 [Chronology of Chinese studies in Japan] Shibunkai ed. (Tokyo)

中日关系史事年表 [Chronology of Sino-Japanese relations] (Yangmingshan)

汉语拼音中国地名手册: 汉英对照 [Handbook of Chinese geographical names in pinyin with English comparisons]

中国分省市县大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese provinces, cities, and districts] (Beijing)

中国名胜索引 [Index of Chinese famous places] (Beijing)

中国地名大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese place names] (Taipei)

中国宗教名胜 [Famous places for Chinese religion] (Chengdu: Sichuan renmin CBS)

世界地名录 [List of geographical names of the world]


中国县市概览 [Survey of Chinese district and cities] (Beijing)

中国市县大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese cities and districts]

中国地名词典 [Dictionary of Chinese place names] (Shanghai: Shanghai cishu)

中国地名录 - 中国人民共和国地图集地名索引
[Index to maps of China]

中华人民共和国地名词典 [Geographical dictionary of the PRC] (Beijing: Shangwu) Each province has separate vol.

中华人民共和国政区沿革 [Changes in administrative areas in the PRC]

读史方舆纪要 [Essentials of geography for reading history] (Beijing;1955 punctuated ed.) Index,
唐代的长安与洛阳索引 (Shanghai)
山海经 [Index to the classic on mountains and rivers]
资治通湖注地名索引 [Index to geographical names in the Comprehensive mirror of government Zizhi tongjian] (Kyoto)
三国志地名索引 [Index to geographical names in the History of the three kingdoms] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju) 168 pp.
嘉庆重修一统志 [Geographical and biographical dictionary] (Taiwan)
中国历史地名词典 [Historical dictionary of Chinese place names] (Nanchang; also 1995 ed.)
历代舆地沿革图 [Maps of changing place names in the different periods] 42 vols.
中国古今地名词典 [Dictionary of Chinese historical and contemporary place names] (Shanghai; many later reprints)
中国历史地名词典[Dictionary of Chinese historical place names] (Nanchang: Jiangxi jiaoyu CBS)

The Conservation Atlas of China **
中国古代地图集 [Collection of ancient Chinese maps] (Beijing) z181 Vol. 1: From Warring States to the Yuan dynasty.

中国史稿地图集 [Collection of maps for Draft History of China] 2 vols. (Shanghai)

中国历史地图集 [Historical atlas of China] 8 vols. (Shanghai; Hong Kong: Sanlian shudian, 1991-1992)
Shanghai ed. has simplified & Hong Kong ed. traditional characters Vol.
1: Primitive society, Xia, Shang, Western Zhou, Spring & Autumn, Warring States Vol.
2: Qin, Western Han, Eastern Han Vol. 3: Three Kingdoms, Western Jin Vol.
4: Eastern Jin, Sixteen Kingdoms, Northern and Southern Dynasties Vol.
5: Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties Vol. 6: Song, Liao, Jin Vol. 7: Yuan, Ming Vol. 8: Qing.

中国近代史搞地图集 [Collection of maps for Draft Modern history of China] (Shanghai)
中国近五百年旱涝分布图集 [Collection of maps on the distribution of droughts and floods in China over the past 500 years]
中国自然地理图集 [Collection of maps on Chinese natural geography] (Beijing)
中华人民共和国经济地图集 [National economic atlas of the People's Republic of China]
中华人民共和国分省地图集 [Collection of provincial maps of the PRC] (Beijing; many reprints)

Local Gazetteers
Reprint Series
中国方志丛书 [Collection of Chinese local gazetteers] (Taibei: Ch'eng-wen)
Series 1 and 2 completed, and 3 incomplete.
中国地方志集成 [Collection of Chinese local gazetteers] (Beijing)
日本藏中国罕见地方志丛书 [Collection of rare gazetteers in Japan] (Beijing)
新秀方志丛刊 [Collection of revised gazetteers] (Taibei)
宋元地方志丛书 [Collection of Song and Yuan gazetteers] (Taibei)
天一阁明代地方志丛书 [Collection of Ming gazetteers in the Tianyige collection] (Shanghai; 2nd ed. 1981)

Studies & reference works
中国方志学通论 [General expose on Chinese gazetters] (Taibei rep. 1966)
中国地方志词典 [Dictionary of Chinese gazetteers] (Hefei)
方志学 [Study of gazetteers] (Shanghai)
中国地方志总览 1949-1987 [Survey of Chinese local gazetteers 1949-1987] (Hefei)
方志学 [Gazetteer study] (**; Taibei rep. 1968
分类选注历代名人论方志 [Famous essays on gazetteers] (Shenyang)
中华古文献大辞典地里卷 [Dictionary of old Chinese texts, geography vol.] (Changchun)
中国古方志考 [Examination of old gazetteers] (Shanghai)
中国方志大词典 (Hangzhou: Zhejiang renmin CBS)

Seals and iconography

晋唐以来书画家鉴藏家款印谱 / Signatures and Seals on Paintings and Calligraphy 6 vols. (Taizhong)


文物工作手册 [Handbook on working with cultural artifacts] (Beijing: Yanshan CBS)

历代名画集 [Reference work on painting] (Taipei)

同书异名通检 [Index of books with different names] (Hong Kong)
中国人的幸名与命名艺术 [The art of Chinese names of good fortune and fate ](Beijing: Zhongyang minda CBS)
古今同姓名大词典 [Dictionary of common names] (Taipei)
中国人的姓名 [Names of the Chinese] (Beijing)
古今称谓语词典 [Old and modern appellation dictionary] (Beijing)

Alternative (bieming) & studio names (shiming)
古今人物别名索引 [An index to alternative names of personalities past and present]
室名别名索引 [Index of studio names and alternative names]
Reprint of Chen Naiqian 1933 Shiming suoyin [Index of studio names] and Chen Naiqian 1936
Bieming suoyin[Index of alternative names]; reprinted as Bieshu juchu ming tongjian
(Taiwan 1962 and Lidai renwu shiming bieming tongjian (Hong Kong 1964). Revised 1982-ed.
别名索引 [Index of alternative names] (Beijing 1957 repr.)
清人别名字号索引 [Alternative names of Qing people] (Taibei)
清人室名别名程字号索引 [Studio and alternative names of Qing people] 2 vols.
upplements Chen Naiqian for the Qing period.

Foreign Names
Cihai is a good place to start the search. There are also special lists and dictionaries like those below.

当代国际人物词典 [Dictionaries of contemporary international persons] (Shanghai) 20th century persons.
Has transscriptions for Japanese, Vietnamese and Korean.

世界历史词典 Dictionary of World History (Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguang)

世界任命翻译大词典 Xinhua tongxunshe yimingshi 新华通讯社译名室 ed. 2 vols.
(Beijing: Zhongguo duiwai fanyi CBS) C. 650,000 entries with the original spelling and the Chinese characters,
and the country where the original name was found. In some cases there are different transcriptions
if the same spelling is pronounced different in other languages. There is a special section at the end of
vol. 2 with romanisation of names in Japan, Korean Vietnam, Singapore and Taiwan, Hong Kong,
and Macao and Overseas Chinese. This section includes some full names of persons with their
year of birth and death, and their profession. At the end of vol. 2 are tables of phonetic values
of Roman letters in fifty-five languages and their correspondent Chinese character. The list of names is
based on files that have been built up over more than forty years + various! international biographical
hand books from the early 1990s.
外国人名辞典 [Dictionary of foreign names) (Shanghai: Cishu CBS) LL No time limit.
外国历史名人辞典 [Dictionary of famous foreigners] (Nanchang: Jiangxi jiaoyu CBS)

宋元明清书画家年表 [Chronology of Chinese painters in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties] (Hong Kong)
历代讳子谱 [Historical taboo names] Also same author Jiahui kao 1931

Pen names
中国现代文坛笔名录 [Pen names on the contemporary Chinese literary scene] (Chongqing)
二十世纪中国作家笔名录 Twentieth-Century Chinese Writers and their Pennames (Taibei: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin CB)

Taboo names (hui)
史讳举列 [Examples of taboo names] (Beijing)

Biographical dictionaries
No period
中国人名大辞典 [Biographical dictionary of China] 3 vols. (Shanghai: Cishu CBS)
Vol. 1: 历史人物卷 [Historical persons, to 1949] 14,000 persons
Vol. 2: 当代人物卷 [Contemporary persons, post 1949]
Vol. 3: 现任党政军领导人物卷 [Biographies of leaders in party and military].

中国历史人物生卒年表 [List of birth and death in Chinese history] (Haerbin)
中国历史人物词典 [Biographical dictionary of Chinese history] (Haerbin)

中国人名大词典 [Encyclopedia of Chinese names] About 40,000 individuals.
Useful for identifying names but not reliable for chronology and source references.

中国文学家词典古代部分 [Dictionary of Chinese writers. Ancient part] Vol. 1-4 (Chengdu: Sichuan renmin CBS)

Specific periods
清代七百名人传 [Biographies of 700 persons from the Qing period] 3 vols. (Shanghai)
清代人物传搞 [Draft biographies of the Qing period]
Two series A & B (Beijing with some published in Shenyang)

中国四千名人录 / Who's Who in Contemporary China (Hong Kong)
中国近现代人名大词典 [Dictionary of modern and contemporary Chinese persons] (Beijing: Zhongguo guoji guangbo CBS)

中国革命史人物词典 [Biographical dictionary of the Chinese revolutionary history] (Beijing)
民国人物传 [Republican biographies] 6 vols. (Beijing)
民国人物大词典 [Biographical dictionary of the republican period] (Hebei: Renmin CBS)

Post 1949
中国党史人物传 [Biographies to Chinese party history] over 40 vols. projected (Xi'an)
中国当代书法家词典 [Dictionary of contemporary Chinese calligraphers] (Hangzhou,)
中国现代美术家人名大词典 [Biographical dictionary of contemporary Chinese painters] (Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin meishu CBS)
中国当代名人录 [Records of contemporary Chinese persons] (Hong Kong)
红军人物志 [Biographies of Red Army] (Beijing: Jiefangjun CBS)
中国当代名人录 [Contemporary 'Who's Who' of China] (Shanghai)
中国当代社会科学家 [Contemporary Chinese social scientists] (Beijing)
中国文学家词典 现代部分 [Dictionary of Chinese writers. Modern part] Vol. 1-4 (Chengdu: Sichuan renmin CBS)
中华民国当代名人录 [Contemporary 'Who's Who' of Republic of China] 5 vols. (Taipei)

历代画师** [Biographies of Chinese painters] 2 vols. (Taiwan)
中国艺术家词典 现代部分 [Dictionary of Chinese artists. Contemporary part] Vol. 1-5 (Changsha)
中国美术家人名词典 [Dictionary of Chinese artists] (Shanghai)

中国皇帝全传 [Complete biographies of Chinese emperors] 2 vols. (Jinan: Shandong jiaoyu CBS)
Biographies of emperors from Han to Qing.

Intellectuals, modern
中国博士任命辞典 (Nanchang)
中国史学家辞典 [Dictionary of Chinese historians] (Shijiazhuang: Hubei jiaoyu CBS)

唐代の詩人 [Index of Tang poets] (Kyoto: Kyoto daigaku jimbungaku kenkyuujoo)
中国古代小说人物辞典 [Dictionary of characters in old Chinese fiction] (Jinan)
中国文学家大词典 [Encyclopedia of Chinese authors] (Shanghai; rev. ed. 1981)
全唐诗人名考 [On individuals in Tang poetry] (Nanjing)
 2006-06-27 16:56 [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』     

等级: 六星级
 第 4 楼
中华军事人物大词典 [Dictionary of military personnel] (Shanghai: Xinhua CBS)

中国少数民族名人词典 [Biographical dictionary of Chinese minorities] (Chengdu: Sichuan cishi CBS]

中国回族大词典 [Dictionary of the Chinese Hui nationality]

中国音乐舞蹈戏曲人名词典 [Dictionary of names of Chinese musicians, dancers, and actors] (Beijing)

Overseas Chinese 华侨
世界华侨人词典 [Dictionary of Overseas Chinese in the world]

四川近现代人物传 [Modern and contemporary biographies from Sichuan] 2 vols. (Chengdu)

中华佛教人物辞典 [Biographical dictionary of Chinese Buddhists] (Shanghai: Sanlian)
Over 14,000 names in 12,300 entries from the Han dynasty to the present with personal
data and activities etc. With four-corner index.
宋高僧传索引 [Index to high monks in Song] (Kyoto)

古今中外女名人辞典 [Dictionary of famous Chinese and foreign women] (Beijing: Zhongguo guangbo dianshi)
中国妇女名人辞典 [Dictionary of famous Chinese women] (Changchun)
历代妇女著作考 [On women writers from Han to Qing] (Shanghai)
中国妇女名人词典 [Dictionary of famous Chinese women] (Hebei)
烈女传索引 (附本文) [Index to biographies of 'virtuous women'] (Tokyo)
华夏妇女名人词典 [Dictionary of famous Chinese women] (Beijing)
Indexes of people's names and biographies

Pre-modern & Modern

二十五史人名索引 [Biographical index to the twenty-five standard histories] (Shanghai; Beijing, 1956, 1964)
二十五史人名索引 [Biographical index to the twenty-five standard histories] (Shanghai: Guji CBS)
Index with reference to the edition of the twenty-five standard histories published jointly
by the Shanghai guji CBS and Shanghai shudian and the edition of the twenty-four standard histories +
the draft Qing history, published by the Zhonghua shudian in Beijing.
历代人名年里碑传总表 [A table of dates and places of birth, dates of death
(with epitaphs and biographical sketches referenced) of historical personalities]
四史传目引得 [Index to biographies in the twenty-four histories] (Taipei; 1960 ed.)
历代人物年里碑总目 [Combined catalogue of epitaphs of historical persons] (Beijing)
石刻题跋索引 [Index to colophones on stones] (Shanghai; 1957 repr.)
二十五史记传人名索引 [Index to people's names in the biographical section of the twenty-five dynastic histories]
(Beijing)Cumulative index of the biographies in the biographical sections of the dynastic histories with
reference to the page number in the Beijing edition but also according to juan.

Shang/Zhou to Sui
汉魏丛书人名索引 [Index of people's names in Han and Wei collectanea] (Kyoto)
后汉书人名索引 [Index to the names in the Later Han history] (Beijing)
两汉不列传人名韵编 [Rhyme index of names of people without biographies of the Former and Later Han histories] (Beijing)
全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文作者引得 [Index of authors of the ancient dynasties,
the Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties]

左传人名地名索引 [Index to names and places in the Zuozhuan] (Taipei)
三国志人名录 [List of people in the history of the three kingdoms] (Shanghai)
汉书人名索引 [Index to the names in the Han history] (Beijing)
晋书人名索引 [Index to people's names in the Jin history] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
南朝五史人名索引 [Index to people's names in the histories of the five Southern dynasties] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
史记人名索引 [Index to the names in the Shiji] (Beijing)

Sui, Tang & Wudai

唐人行堤录 [Tang names by order of birth] (Beijing)
隋书人名索引 [Index of names of people in the Sui history] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
唐五代人物传记资料综合索引 [Combined indexes to biographical material in the Tang and Five Dynasties histories]
新唐树宰相世系表引得 [Index of the genealogical tables of families of chief ministers in the New Tang history]
唐会要人名索引 [Index to people's names in the Tang huiyao] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
新旧五代史人名索引 [Index to persons in the new and old Five Dynasty histories] (Shanghai)
新旧唐书人名索引 [Index to people's names in the Old and New Tang histories] 3 vols. (Shanghai: Guji CBS)

Song, Liao, Jin, and Yuan
续资治通鉴长编名人索引 [Index to people's names in the Xu Zizhi tongjian changpian]
宋元方志传记索引 [Index to the biographies in Song and Yuan local gazetteers] (Beijing)

宋人传记索引 [Song biographical index] (Tokyo)
宋人传记资料索引 [Index to biographical materials of Sung figures] 6 vols. (Taipei)
四十七种宋代传记综合引得 [Combined indexes to forty-seven Song dynasty biographical collections]
宋人传记索引 [Index to Song biographies] (Tokyo: Tooyoo Bunko)
建炎以来繋年要録人名索引 [Index to people's names in the Jianyan yilai xinian yaolu renming suoyin]
宋会要辑搞任命索引 [Index to people's names in the Draft of important documents of the Song Dynasty]
(Taibei: Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi)Useful review in Toohoo gakuhoo 60.3-4 (1979).

宋史任命索引 [Index to people's names in the Song history] (Shanghai: Guji CBS)
宋史兵志索引 [Index to the monography on military affairs in the History of the Song dynasty] (Taipei: Huashi CBS)

Liao, Jin & Yuan
金史人名索引 [Index to names in the Jin history] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
元朝人名录 [Records of Yuan-dynasty people's names) 3 vols. (Taibei: Nantian)
辽金元传记三十种综合引得 [Combined indexes to thirty Liao, Jin, and Yuan biographical collections]
辽金元人传记索引 [Index to biographies in the Liao, Jin and Yuan dynasties] (Kyoto: Dooboosha)
元人传记资料索引 [Index to biographical materials of Yuan persons] 5 parts (Taipei)
宋人传记资料索引 [Index to biographical materials of Song persons] 5 vols. (Taipei)
辽史人名索引 [Index to the names in the Liao history] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)

八十九种明代传记综合引得 [Combined indexes to eighty-nine Ming dynasty biographical collections]
明人传记资料索引 [Index to biographical material of Ming persons] 2 vols. (Taipei)
With a good index on alternative names zi & hao.
大明高僧传索引 [Index to high monks in Ming]
Bound with Soo koosooden sakuin 宋高僧传索引
明实录类纂人物传记 [Biographies of the Ming shilu.]
Biographies of 2,350 persons included in the MSL. Arranged chronologically.
With a stroke order index.Further volumes are planned on the court, foreign relations,
geographical changes, wars, penal law, ceremonies, selection of officials, religion, etc.

明史人名索引 [Index of people's names in the Ming history] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
明代地方志传记索引 中日现藏三百种 [Index to biographies in more than 300 Ming local gazetteers in China and Japan]
田一阁藏明代方志选刊人物传记资料人名索引 [Index to biographical material in the reprinted gazetteers from the Tianyige
日本现存明代地方志传记索引搞 [Draft index of biographies in Ming local gazetteers extant in Japanese collections]
(Tokyo) About 30,000 people in 299 Ming gazetteers.

古今图书集成中明人专机索引 [Index of Ming biographies in the Synthesis of books and illustrations past and present]
明史 [History of the Ming dynasty] 6 vols. (Taibei: Guofang yanjiu yuan; original ed. 1739)
This edition has an index of all people's names.

清代碑传文通检 [Index to epigrafical and biographical texts of the Qing period] (Beijing)
清画传辑佚三种附引得 [Biographies of Qing dynasty painters in three collections]
三十三种清代传记综合引得 [Combined indexes to thirty-three Qing dynasty biographical collections]
增校庆朝进士题名碑录附引得 [Index to doctoral candidates of the Qing dynasty]
清代传记丛刊索引 [Index to the compendium of Qing biographies] (Taipei)

After 1850
现代中国人物志 [Biographies of contemporary Chinese] (**; Macao repr. 1973)
清末民初中国官绅人名录 [Record of names of Chinese government officials from the
end of Ch'ing to the beginning of the Republic] (Tokyo)
中国近现代人物传记资料索引 [Index to biographical material on modern and contemporary Chinese individuals]

Examination candidates
明清进士提名碑录索引 [Index to doctoral candidates of the Ming and Qing dynasties] 3 vols. (Shanghai: Guji CBS)

Biographies in Local Gazetteers
山西通志人物传记索引 [Index to biographies in the Shanxi provincial gazetteer] (Taiyuan)
北京天津地方志人物传记索引 [Index to biographies in Beijing and Tianjin gazetteers] (Beijing)
广西方志传记人名索引 [Index to biographies in Guangxi gazetteers] Guangxi renmin CBS
中国古代地方志人物传记资料汇编 (Beijing: Beijing tushuguan CBS)
Reproduction of biographical material in the gazetteers of the Beijing Library.
An index is planned. Planned in regional sections: 西北 (10 vols. 1996) 西南 东北 东南 华北 华中 等.

广东地方志传记索引 [Index to biographies in Guangdong gazetteers] 2 vols. (Hong Kong)

Institutions and Titles
Pre-modern institutions and titles
简明中国历代官职词典 [Dictionary of historical offices] (Qufu: Qilu shushe)
李代职官表 [Tables of historical official posts] With introduction and glossary by Qu Tuiyuan 穉苽蹈
From the earliest times to the 1800s.
中国历代官制大辞典 [Dictionary of Chinese historical official titles]
21,659 entries from pre-Qin to the Qing dynasty.

Shang/Zhou to Tang/Wudai
殷墟卜辞典 (Beijing) Dictionary of the finds at the Shang capital in Anyang. Good for titles before 220 B.C.E.
清代职官年表 [Chronology of officials in Qing dynasty] (Beijing: Shanghua shuju)
宋史职官志索引 [Index to the chapter on officials of the Song History] (Kyoto: Doobonsha)

Modern institutions and statistics
中国组织别人名薄 Radiopress ed. (Tokyo: Radiopress Yearbook) NI Survey of government organisations etc.
中国公务员大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese public officials] (Beijing:Zhongguo jingji CBS)
中国挡案馆名录 = [Directory of Chinese National Archives] (Beijing: Dang'an CBS) OA
中国企业名录全书 (Beijing: Kaiming CBS) AI Names, addresses, postal code and business directory.
中国政府机构及官员名录 [Name list of Chinese government organs and officials 1989/90] (Xianggang: Xin Zhongguo xinwen) OA
中国政府机构地名录 [Name list of Chinese government organs 1989] (Beijing: Xinhua) OA
中国著名科研院所 [Famous scientific research institutions in China]

Weights and measures
汉语大词典 [Chinese dictionary] vol. 1-12+supplement vol.
he supplement vol. has lists of changes in Chinese weights and measures based upon archaeological
samples and are probably the most convenient tool for these changes. There is also a list of the international standards.
中国历代户口天地天赋统计 [Statistics of population, fields, and taxes for different periods of Chinese history]
Appendix on weight and measures.

中国度量衡史 [History of Chinese weight and measures] 2nd ed.
The standard reference but not regarded as too reliable.

Indexes and Concordances
Character search in Harvard-Yenching concordances.

Classics, philosophical and literary works
Indexes to individual Classics are listed under the Classics
春秋经传引得 [Combined concordances to the Spring and Autumn Annals, and the
Gongyang 公羊, Guliang 榖梁, and Zuozhuan 左传 commentaries]
淮南子通检 [Index to the Huainanzi]
甲骨文通檢 5 vols.
论恒通检 Index du Lunheng
吕氏春秋通检 [Index to the Spring and Autumn annals of the Ly family]
墨子引得 [Concordance to Mozi]
十三经索引 [Index to the thirteen classics]
AI An index to all thirteen classics but only for whole phrases, arranged according to the first character in the phrase.

文心雕龙新书附通检 [Index to the Wenxin diaolong with critical text]
文选注引书引得 [Index to the titles quoted in the commentary of the Wenxuan]
经义考索引 [Index to Jingyikao] (Taibei: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin CBS)
水经注引的 [Index to the Water Classic and commentary]
荀子引得 [Concordance to Xunzi] = HYS 22 AI

Zhuangzi yinde 庄子引得 [Concordance to Zhuangzi]

Indexes for specific periods
Han to Tang/Wudai
汉书及补注综合引得 [Combined indexes to the Standard history of the Han and the notes of Yan Shigu
and Wang Xianqian 珙邱?]

后汉书及注释综合引得 [Combined indexes to the standard histories of the Later Han and the notes of Li Zhao and Li Xian]
史记索引 (Beijing: Guangbo CBS). Computerised index to Zhonghua shuju ed.
资治通鉴索引 [Index to the Zizhi tongjian ] (Kyoto) No personal names are listed.
三国志及裴注综合引得 [Combined indexes to the standard history of the Three Kingdoms and the notes of Bei Songzhi]
食货志十五种综合引得 [Combined indexes to the economic sections of the fifteen standard histories]
史记及注释综合引得 [Combined indexes to the Shiji and the notes of
Pei Yin 裴駰, Sima Zhen 司马贞, Zhang Shoujie 张守节, and Takigawa Kametaro 泷川龟太郎]

史记索引 [Subject index to the records of the Grand Historian] (Hong Kong)
汉书索引 [Index to the standard history of the Han] (Hong Kong)
后汉书索引 [Index to the standard history of the Later Han] (Hong Kong)
战国策通检 [Index to the Warring States chronicle]

Song, Liao, Jin,
容斋随笔五集综合索引 [Index to the writings of the Rong studio] (Beiping)
金史语汇集成 [The vocabulary in the Jin history] 3 vols. ed.(Kyoto)
元史语汇集成 [The vocabulary in the Yuan history] 3 vols.(Kyoto)
辽史索引 [Index to the Liao history] (Kyoto)
 2006-06-27 16:57 [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』     

等级: 六星级
 第 5 楼
东洋学研究文献类目 [Annual bibliography of Oriental studies]
Title from 1935 to1964: 东洋史研究文献类目 (Kyoto: Research Institute of Humanistic Sciences)
Each volume in two parts: Chinese & Japanese, and European publications.

Western languages
Annual or periodic bibliographies
中国研究书评 vol. 1 -
Publishes reviews of recent scholarly literature and "state-of-the-art" articles in
Chinese Studies across the disciplines and languages, according to the original plan,
also literature in publication.

外文期刊汉学论评汇目Current Contents of Foreign Periodicals in Chinese Studies 1984- Waiwen qikan Hanxue lunping huimu

现代论文及文史哲论文索引 [Index to contemporary collections of essays] (Hong Kong)

Annual or periodic bibliographies
Annual bibliographies of books and articles are often found in the Yearbooks 年鉴 listed under Periodicals

台湾地区汉学论著选目 [Select bibliography of sinological publications in Taiwan]
全国新书目 [National bibliography of new books] (Beijing: various publ.)
全国总书目 [National cumulative bibliography] (Beijing: various publ., 1956-58)
台湾地区汉学论著选目汇编本 Selected Bibliography of Chinese Studies in Taiwan1982-1986
台湾地区汉学论著选目汇编本 Selected Bibliography of Chinese Studies in Taiwan1987-1991
东洋学研究文献类目 [Annual bibliography of Oriental studies] (Kyoto: Research Institute of Humanistic Sciences, 1935
中国出版年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese publishing] (Beijing)
中华民国出版图书目录 [Catalogue of publications in the ROC] (Taibei: Guoli Zhongyang Tushuguan)

General bibliographies
文献通考 [Critical examinations of documents]
The bibliographical section is perhaps the most complete and easily available bibliography of pre-Yuan literature.

民国时期总书目 [General book catalogue of the Republican period] (Beijing)
艺文志二十种总合引得 [Combined indexes to the bibliographical sections in twenty dynastic histories] 4 vols.
中国档案文献辞典 [Bibliography of Chinese primary source material] (Beijing: Zhongguo renshi CBS)

Neibu faxing 内部发行 [internal publications]
全国内部发行图书总目 [Internal material from the whole country from 1949 to 1986]

Chinese rare books (shanben)
敦煌遗书总目索引 [Combined index to books from Dunhuang] (Beijing) Over 22,500 manuscripts from Dunhuang.
国立故宫博物院善本书目 [National Palace Museum, catalogue of rare books] (Taibei)
国立中央图书馆善本书目增订本 [National Central Library, catalogue of rare books, revised and enlarged vol.] (Taibei)
中国古籍善本书目经部 [Catalogue of Chinese rare books: Classics] 5 vols. (Shanghai: Shanghai guji CBS)
中国古籍善本书目子部 [Catalogue of Chinese rare books: Philosophers]
中国古籍善本书目书名索引 [Index to book titles in the Catalogue of Chinese rare books]
中央研究院历史语言研究所善本书目 [Academia Sinica, Institute of History and Philology, list of rare books] (Taibei)

Holdings of libraries
北京师范大学图书馆古籍书目 [Beijing Normal University library holding of ancient books] (Beijing)
北京图书馆馆藏报纸目 [Beijing Library holding on periodicals] (Beijing: Shumu wenxian)
北京图书馆馆藏革命历史文献简目 [Beijing Library holding on material on revolutionary history]
北京图书馆普通古籍总目 [Beijing Library holdings of ordinary ancient books, General catalogue]
京都大学人文科学研究所汉籍分类目录 [Catalogue of the Chinese books in the Institute of Humanities, Kyoto University
国中文期刊联合目录增订本 [Supplement to combined catalogue to Chinese periodicals ] (Beijing)
最新中国期刊全览 [Most recent exposition of Chinese periodicals] (Beijing: Xiandai CBS) OA
中国报刊目录 [Catalogue of Chinese journals] (Beijing)
中国当代期刊总览 [Manual of Current Periodicals of China] 2 vols.
5,217 titles until 1986, each with a short description of the contents and the target readers.
Entry according to province and topic.

中共地下党史期报刊调查研究 [Research on Chinese party underground periodicals 1919-1949] (Taibei)
中文核心期刊要目 总览 [A guide to the core journals of China] (Beijing) z

Holdings of libraries
北京图书馆馆藏报纸目录 [Catalogue of newspapers in the Beijing Library]
馆藏中文报纸 复刊目录 [Catalogue of Chinese periodicals 1862-1949 in the Shanghai Library]
馆藏中文报纸复刊目录 [Catalogue of Chinese periodicals 1898-1949 in the Shanghai Library]
中国近代期刊篇目汇 Shanghai tushuguan 上海图书馆 vol. 1-6 (Shanghai)

Indexes of articles
报刊资料索引 [Index to periodical material] z136 OA Divided after topic.
全国报刊索引 [National index of periodicals]
全国主要报刊资料索引 [National index of periodicals] (Shanghai) reprint
中国近二十年文史哲论文分类索引 [Subject index to articles in the last 20 years on Chinese literature,
history, and philosophy] (Taibei) z134 C. 24,000 articles published in ROC (Taiwan) between 1948 and 1968.

中华民国期刊论文索引 [Index to periodical articles in the ROC] Guoli zhongyang tushuguan 国立中央图书馆 ed.

丛 书
Among the most important collectanea are:
四库全书 3,461 titles, q.v.
四部备要 351 titles , index available,
四部丛刊 468 titles , index see LO 1965,
丛书集成 4,100 titles
国学基本丛书 400 titles
古籍丛书概说 [Outline of old collectanea] (Shanghai)
中国丛书总录补证 [Additions and corrections to Comprehensive catalogue of Chinese colletanea] (Yangzhou)
中国丛书总录 [Comprehensive catalogue of Chinese colletanea]
中国近代现代丛书目录 [Catalogue of modern and contemporary Chinese collectanea]

Siku quanshu [Imperial library]
四库全书补证 [Supplement and corrections to the Imperial Library Catalogue]
四库全书总目提要补证 [Supplement and corrections to the Imperial Library Catalogue] 2 vols. (Beijing)
四库全书总目题要 [Annotated catalogue of the Imperial Library] (Shanghai 1930 ed. in 10 vols; Taibei repr. 1970)
增定四库全简明目录标注 [Marginal notes to the Simplified catalogue of the Imperial Library]
四库全书简明目录 [Simplified catalogue to the Imperial Library] (Shanghai; 1957 ed. in 2 vols)
四库全书总目及未收书目引得 [Index to the general catalogue of the Siku quanshu and the works not included]
四库全书考证 [Textual criticism of the Imperial Library] 10 vols. (**; Guoxue jiben congshu 1940 ed. in 14 vols.)
四库采进书目 [List of books gathered for the Imperial Library] (Beijing)
续修四库全书总目提要 [Further revision of the annotated catalogue of the Imperial Library]
四库提要辨证 [Diagnosis of the Imperial Library Catalogue] (Beijing)

Suibi, wenji etc.
随笔 文集

中国随笔索引 [Index to informal essays]
元人文集 编目分类 索引 [Index to collected works of Yuan authors]
论古代中国 1965-1980 年日本文文献目录[A list of Japanese publication on Ancient China, 1965-1980] (Beijing)

全国书评索引 中国图书评论学会编 (Harbin: Heilongjiang jiaoyu CBS)
Book reviews in the most important periodicals from January 1992 to December 1995.
东洋学研究文献类目 [Annual bibliography of Oriental studies]
One review for many titles.

Bibliographies of reference works
General reference works

中国历史工具书指南 [Guide to reference works for Chinese history] (Beijing)
文史哲工具书简介 [Presentation of reference works for literature, history, and philosophy]
中国史研究入门 [Introduction to research on Chinese history] 2 vols.
中文工具书实用法 [The usage of reference works for Chinese literature]

Concordances and indexes
古籍索引概论 [Introduction to ancient indices] (Beijing)

人物工具书词典 [Dictionary of biographic reference works] (Changchun: Jilin kexue jishu CBS)

中国宗谱の研究 [Research on Chinese genealogies] 2 vols (Tokyo)
台湾区族谱目录 [Genealogies in Taiwan] (Taibei)

中国地理著作要览 [Survey of Chinese geographical works]

Local gazetteers (fangzhi) 地方志
中国地方志总目提要 (Taibei: Han Mei)
日本主要图书馆 研究所所藏中国地方志总合目录
[Union Catalogue of Chinese local gazetteers in fourteen major libraries and research institutes in Japan]

宋元方志丛刊 [Collection of Song & Yuan local gazetteers] 8 vols. (Beijing) Includes the text of the gazetteers.
中华民国台湾地区公藏方志目录 Union Catalogue of Chinese Gazetteers in Public Collections in Taiwan,
Republic of Taiwan (Taipei) z197 Over 4,600 editions.
中国地方志联合目录 [Combined catalogue of Chinese local gazetteers]
Over 8,200 editions in PRC libraries.

中国新方志目录 A Catalogue of Chinese New Gazetteers (1949-1992)
Vol. one of three planned. Vol. two to cover the period 1993-1996, and vol. 3 from 1997 to the work has been finished.

中国地方志联合目录 Combined catalogue of Chinese local gazetteers] (Beijing)

History and society
Pre-modern & Modern
八十年来史学书目 [1900-1980 Catalogue of eighty years of historical studies]
北京大学图书馆馆藏中国史中文书目 [Peking University Library holding of Chinese books on Chinese history]
(Beijing) OACambridge History of China1978 Denis Twitchet and John K. Fairbank eds. vol. 1-13 (Cambridge: CUP).
AI Each volume (or double volume) has a comprehensive bibliography on the history of the period.
Bibliographies are published for Han, Late Qing, and Republican period.

Index to contents of collected articles on Chinese history since the foundation of the PRC

七十六年史学书目 1990-1975 [Catalogue of historical book over 76 years]

史学杂志 [Journal of history]
Each year in May is published a volume with bibliographical articles on various topics,
including different periods in Chinese history. The articles introduce the most important Japanese research.
The articles are often translated into English, and published in relevant newsletters.
史学情报 [History news] Quarterly, with summaries.
东洋史研究 [Research on Oriental history]
Four times a year. Each issue has a bibliography of books and articles published in China and Japan.
Articles are listed under each journal or newspaper.

中国史学论文引得 [Index to articles on Chinese history] (Hong Kong; Taibei 1968)
A 10,325 articles published in 355 journals between 1902 and 1962. To be used in
conjunction with the English index, q.v.
中国历史学年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese historical studies] Each year has a bibliography of historical literature.
中国社会经济史论著目录 [Catalogue of articles and monographs on Chinese social and economic history, 1900-1984]
中国史学论文索引 [Index to periodical articles on Chinese history] 2 vols. (Beijing)
Over 30,000 articles published between 1900 and 1937 in over 1,300 periodicals.
中韩关系中文论著目录 [Bibliography of Chinese Publications on Sino-Korean Relations] (Taibei: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin)

种学术论文集史学论文分类索引 [1522 collections of scholarly articles. Index according to category of historical articles]
Includes 34,145 titles in 1522 collections of scholarly articles between 1911 and 1986.
Arranged according to chronology and topics. With a list of the indexed books and of collections
of articles on specialized topics not indexed; and indexes of book titles and personal names found in the titles;
but not author index!

Special topics
中国社会史研究概说 [Survey over research on Chinese social history] (Tianjin: Tianjin jiaoyu CBS)
中国史志类内部书刊名录 [Catalogue of internal material on Chinese history 1949-1988] (Jinan: Shandong renmin CBS)
中国边疆史地研究中心) eds. 1988 Xiyu shidi lunwen ziliao suoyin 西域史地论文资料索引
[Index to articles on the history and geography of border regions] (Xinjiang: Renmin CBS) LL
中国历史地理学论著索引[Index to publications on historical geography in China] (Beijing) Author index
中国古代经济史研究资料索引 [Index to research material on ancient Chinese economic history]
中国社会经济史论著目录 [Catalogue of books and articles on Chinese economic and social history]

 2006-06-27 16:57 [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』     

等级: 六星级
 第 6 楼
Pre-modern History
No specific period
中国古代史史料学 [Studies on historical material for ancient Chinese history] (Beijing: Beijing CBS)
中国历代奏议大典 Harbin CBS More than 5.000 memorials with the orginal text, notes, translation, and evaluation.
中国史研究指南 [Guide to research on Chinese history] 5 vols. (Taibei: Lianjing CBS)
中国史书目提要 [Abstracts of books on Chinese history October 1949-May 1966]
中国史研究入门 [Introduction to research on Chinese history] 2 vols. (Tokyo); rev. ed. 1991)
Edition updated for Hong Kong and Taiwan: Gao Mingshi, ed. 高明士 1990
Zhongguo shi yanjiu zhinan 中国史研究指南 [Guide to research on Chinese history] 5 vols.
(Taibei: Lianjing CBS). Revised ed. Tokyo 1991. Chinese: 1994, Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian CBS

中国古代史论文资料索引[Index to articles and material for ancient Chinese history]
中国古代史论文资料索引 [Index to articles and material on ancient Chinese history] (Shanghai)

汉代研究文献目录邦文篇 [Catalogue on literature on research on the Han dynasty - Japanese] (Kyoto)
魏晋南北朝史研究论文书目引得 [Index to books and articles on research on the history of the Wei, Jin,
and Northern & Southern dynasties] (Taibei)
战国秦汉史论文索引 [Index to articles on Warring States, Qin and Han history] (Beijing: Beijing daxue CBS)
宋辽金史书籍论文目录通检中文部分 Bibliographie et index des travaux en chinois sur les Sung (Paris)
辽金元史艺文志 [The bibliographical chapters of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan histories] (Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan)
宋代文集索引 [Index to Song collected works] (Kyoto: Tooyooshi kenkyuukai)
宋代研究文献提要 [Abstracts of books and articles on the Song] (Tokyo; 1959 & 1970)
宋代研究文献目录 [Abstracts of books and articles on the Song] (Tokyo)
宋史研究论文与书籍目录 [Catalogue of books and articles on Song history] (Taibei)
宋辽夏金史研究论集索引 [Index to collection of articles on the history of the Song, Liao, Xia and Jin dynasties]
随唐五代史论着目录1900-1981[Catalogue of publication of Sui, Tang, and Five Dynasties history, 1900-1981]
元史学概说 [Outline of the study of Yuan history] (Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu CBS)

Ming and Qing to ca. 1850
清史研究概说 [Outline of Qing history research] (Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu CBS)
清史史料学初搞 [First draft of a study of material for Qing history] (Tianjin: Nankai daxue CBS)
明史研究备览 [Materials for research on Ming history] (Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu CBS)
清史论文索引 [Index to articles on Qing history]
日本有管清史论文索引 [Index to Japanese articles on Qing history] (Beijing)
明清史料索引 [Index to sources to Ming-Qing history] (Taibei)
日本明代研究分类目录 (Minneapolis MN: Ming Studies Research Series)
明代史文献目录 [Catalogue of research material on Ming history]
About 2,500 references to books and articles in Japanese and Chinese on Ming history.

中国进八十年来明史论著目录 [Publication on Ming history during the last eighty years]

Special topics
清代边疆史地论著索引 [Index to articles on the history and geography of border regions in Qing dynasty]
清代朱批奏摺财政类目 [Cataloque on imperial edicts on finance in Qing dynasty]
明史食货志译注 [The chapter of economics shihuozhi of the Ming history] (Tokyo: Tooyoo bunko) Incl. a bibliography.

Modern history
No specific period
近代中国研究文献目录 [Bibliography of works on modern China in Japan] (Tokyo)
东洋文库所藏近代中国关系图书分类目录-中国文 [A catalogue of Chinese books in the Tooyoo Bunko relating to modern China]
With an index to titles and authors arranged according to Japanese pronunciation,
but with a register on Chinese pronunciation and strokes.

东洋文库所藏近代中国关系图书分类目录-日本文 [A catalogue of Japanese books in the Tooyoo Bunko relating to modern China]
With an index to titles and authors.

中国共产党历史大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese Communist Party history]

Before 1945
研究太平天国史著书总目 [A comprehensive bibliography of publications for research on the history of the Taiping Tianguo]
洋务运动研究叙录 [Commentaries on research on the 'westernizations' movement] (Tianjin: Tianjin jiaoyu CBS)
新编辛亥革命文献目录 [New catalogue on literature on the 1911-revolution] (Tokyo)
中国近代史论著目录 1949-1979 [Catalogue of publications on modern Chinese history] (Shanghai)
中国近代史论著资料索引 1949-1979 [Catalogue of publications on modern Chinese history] (Beijing)
中国现代史论著资料索引1949-1979 [Index of articles on contemporary Chinese history] (Beijing)

After 1945
中国现代史论文著作目录索引 [Index to bibliographies of contemporary Chinese history 1982-1987]
红卫兵资料目录 = Catalogue of red guard publications Union Research Institute (Hong Kong)
解放区根据地图目录 [Bibliography of bases in liberated areas] (Beijing)
中国现代史论文书目索引 [Bibliography of contemporary Chinese history] (Zhengzhou: Henan daxue CBS)
全国各级政协文史资料篇目索引 [Index to literary and historical material to all levels of
People's Political Consultative Conferences all over the country] 5 vols.
中国现代史论文著作目录索引 [Index to books and articles on Chinese contemporary history] (Beijing)
红旗 [Red flag] was the theoretical journal of the Chinese Communist Party.
After 1978 the name was changed to Qiushi 求实 [Seek the truth].
中国现代革命史史料学 [Studies on Chinese contemporary revolutionary history](Beijing)
中国近代经济史论著目录提要 [Essential catalogue of books and articles on modern Chinese economic history]
中国现代史论文书目索引 [Index to books and articles on Chinese contemporary history]

Overseas Chinese
侨史研究十年 [Ten years of research on Overseas Chinese history

中国语言学论文索引 [Index to articles on Chinese linguistics 1981-1985]

辞书类典 (Beijing: Guangbo CBS) Ordered for AI. A dictionary of over 4,000 dictionaries, published in China,
incl. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao between December 1978 and December 1990 with over 20,000 articles. With indexes.

World of Thought
经学研究论著目录 [Catalogue of articles and books on research on the Classics, 1912-1987] 2 vols.
经学研究论著目录 [Bibliography of Research on the Classics: 1988-1992] 2 vols. (Taibei: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin)

Philosophy & religion
中国思想宗教文化关系论文目录 [Catalogue on articles on Chinese thought, religion and cultural relations] (Taibei)

中国哲学史论文索引 [Index to articles on Chinese history of philosophy] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
孔子研究论文著作索引 [Index to books and articles on Confucius research] (Jinan)
全国主要报刊哲学论文资料索引 [Index to philosophical articles in important periodicals]
中国哲学年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese philosophy] (Shanghai)

中国基督教史研究书目 [Catalogue of research on the history of Chinese Christianity] (Taibei)
明清宗教史研究文献目录 (稿) [Catalogue on material to research on Ming Qing religion]
佛藏子目引得Combined indexes to the authors and titles of books and chapters in four collections of Buddhist literature

道藏子目引得 [Index to the authors and titles of books in two collections of Taoist literature]
道藏提要 [Abstracts of Daozang] (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
"Notes of the Daozang tiyao" in China Review International 1.2: 1-33.
中国文学家大词典 [Dictionary of Chinese authors] 2 vols. (Taibei)
中国文学研究年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese literature] (Beijing) Translation
中外六朝文学研究文献目录 Bibliography of Chinese and Foreign Studies on Literature of the Six Dynasties
全唐文篇名目录及作者索引 [Index to works and authors of Tang wenpian] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju)
唐代文学西文论著选目 Biblography of Selected Western Works on T'ang Literature (Taibei: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin)
增补中国通俗小说书目 [Additions to catalogue on Chinese popular novels] (Tokyo)
中国通俗小说总目提要 (Beijing) z96
京剧剧目初谈 [An annotated list of titles of over 1300 Peking plays] (Beijing)
中国古典文学文献检索与利用 [How to look for and use material on ancient Chinese literature] (Chengdu)
中国古典文学理论批评史资料索引 [Index to material on the history of theory and criticism on ancient Chinese literature]
中国古典文学研究论文索引 [Index to articles on research on classical Chinese literature] (Hong Kong)
中国古典文学研究论文索引 [Index to articles on research on ancient Chinese literature]
中国古典文学研究论文索引 [Index to articles on research on classical Chinese literature 1949-1980] (Guangxi)
中国古典文学研究年鉴 [Yearbook on research on classical Chinese literature]
中国古典戏剧资料索引 [Index to material on classical Chinese drama]
古典小说戏曲书目1949-1985 [Catalogue of ancient novels and plays] (Changchun)

全国报刊文学论文索引 [Index of articles on literature]
中国现代文学期刊目录汇编 [Combined catalogue to periodicals on contemporary Chinese literature] (Tianjin)
中华民国作家作品目录 [Catalogue of authors and literature in the Republic of China]
中国现代当代文学研究 [Research on contemporary Chinese literature] (Beijing)
中国现代文学期刊目录初稿 [Draft catalogue of periodicals on contemporary Chinese literature] (Shanghai)
中国现代文学作品书名大辞典 [Dictionary of book titles of works in contemporary Chinese literature] 3 vols.
历代中国画学著书录目 [Index to books on Chinese painting] (Beijing)
中国工艺美术大辞典 [Dictionary of Chinese industrial art] (Nanjing; Taibei ed. 1991)

Anthropology and Archaeology
光复以来台湾地区出版人类学论着目录 Bibliography of Anthropological Works Published in Taiwan, 1945-1982
0 3,492 articles and books in Chinese and English, including archaeology. Author index.

中国周边国家的国情与民俗 (Beijing:Dongfang CBS )

Minorities in China
中国民族工具文献辞典 [Dictionary of literary tools for China's minorities]
中国回族大词典 [Dictionary of the Chinese Hui nationality]
中央民族学院图书馆馆藏中国民族研究参考简目 - 第一辑-古籍部分
[Catalogue on research material for research on nationalities in the library of the Nationalities Institute]
Vol. 1-3 Zhongyang minzu xueyuan tushuguan 中央民族学院图书馆 comp. (Beijing) 6,590 items from antiquity to 1949.
Title index.

文物三百五十七总目索引 [Index to the table of contents of 357 ed. of Wenwu] (Beijing: Wenwu CBS)
中国 考古学文献目录 (1900-1949) Beijing daxue lishi kaogu xi 北京大学历史考古系 (Beijing: Wenwu CBS)
中国考古学文献目录 [Biblography of Chinese archaeology, 1949-1966]

Biographies, chronological, nianpu
历代名人年谱总目 [Comprehensive catalogue of chronological biographies] (Taipei)
中国历代名人年谱总目 [General catalogue of genealogies of famous Chinese historical persons] (Taibei)
Xie Wei 谢巍 1992 Zhongguo lidai renwu nianpu kaolu 中国 历代人物年谱考录 (Beijing) z167 LL


中国法律图书总目1911-1990 [Combined bibliography of Chinese law books 1991-1990]

Social Sciences
中国家庭之研究论著目录 Bibliography of Studies of Chinese Family (Taibei: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin)
中国社会科学文献题录 [Subject catalogue of material to Chinese socials sciences] (Beijing)

中国大陆妇女文献目录 (1949-1995)
近百年中国妇女论著总目提要 [Summary of general catalogue of womens' articles and book during the last one hundred years]


General journals
报告文学 [Reporting on literature]
东方杂志 [Oriental magazine] OA National magazine of news and essays;
cumulative table of content Dongfang zazhi zongmu 1957 (Beijing)
国文周报 [National news weekly] OA National magazine of news and essays;
cumulative table of content Guowen zhoubao zongmu 1957 (Beijing)
九十年代 [The nineties] OA Hong Kong journal, not subjected to the 'restraints' or
censorship in the People's Republic and on Taiwan. Published 1970 to 1998.
清华学报 [Qinghua journal]
社会科学杂志 [Journal of social sciences] A leading scholarly journal of the period
世界知识 [World knowledge]
争明 [Contention] Hong Kong journal, not subjected to the 'restraints' or
censorship in the People's Republic and on Taiwan.
中国社会科学 [Social sciences in China]
中央研究院历史语言研究所季刊 [Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica]

历史研究 [Historical studies] AI Contents:
中国社会经济史研究 [Research on Chinese economic and social history]
中国史研究 [Research on Chinese history]
中国史研究动态 [Trends in Chinese historical research]
十月 [October] literary.
收获 [Harvest] OA AI literary.

电影创作 [Film making]
国际贸易问题 [Problems in international trade]
经济研究 [Economic research]
文物 [Cultural artifacts]
中共研究 [Research on Chinese communism] OA Published monthly in Taiwan.
Often with new information and insights on Chinese political events.
中国妇女 [Chinese women]
中国青年 [Chinese youth]
中国统计学报 [Chinese statistical journal]

Reprint and summary journals
中国关系论说资料 [Reprints of Japanese texts and articles on China]
新华文摘 [New China abstracts]
Monthly journal that reproduces abstracts of articles from journals and newspapers.
Entire articles are occasionally reproduced. Subjects include the humanities, social
and natural sciences, and technology. Each issue also include short stories,
notes on various developments, and a bibliography of important articles in current journals.

中国人民大学附引报刊资料 [Chinese People's University reproduction of material from journals]
A Reprints the most important articles from journals from all over the country. There are series for
a number of subjects such as history from various periods, world history, party history, ancient and
modern literature, politics, economics, philosophy, etc.

年鉴 most of them economic and statistical yearbooks for different areas.
年中国社会形势分析与预测 社会蓝皮书 (Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue CBS)
Yearbook with important details about social science research. 1993-1994, 1994-1995.
中共年报 [Yearbook of Chinese Communist affaris] (Taibei)
中国百科年鉴 [Yearbook ofChinese encyclopedia] OA 中国电影年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese movies]
中国教育年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese education]
中国经济年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese economics] (Beijing & Hong Kong)
中国考古学年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese archaeology]
中国历史学年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese historical studies] OA Each year has a
comprehensive bibliography of historical literature.
中国统计年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese statistics] (Hong Kong)
中国文学研究年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese literature] (Beijing)
中国文艺年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese literature and art]
中国戏剧年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese theatre]
中国哲学年鉴 [Yearbook of Chinese philosophy] (Shanghai)

Japanese journals
历史学研究 [Historical research]
史林 [History forest]
史学杂志 [Journal of historical studies]
东方学报 [Oriental journal]
东洋文化研究所纪要 [Journal of the research department of Oriental culture, Tokyo University]
东洋史研究 [Research on Oriental history]