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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月03日 14:48   昂立英语

  31.对不起,我们言无二价。(We refuse to accept less than the asking price.)

  32.至于他的计划,根本无从得知。(As to his plan, there’s simply no telling.)

  33.Mary真是个多才多艺的人。--这还用说!( “Mary is really a versatile person.”—“You’re telling me!”)

  34.我打破了她的眼镜,可让她给骂了个狗血碰头。(She really told me off for breaking her glasses. )

  35.在他面前嘴巴老实点//说话当心点:他可是个爱打小报告的人。(Watch your mouth in front of him; he is a tell-tale.)

  36.会议先开到这里,吃过午饭后再接着开。(Let’s call a halt to the meeting and continue after lunch.)

  37.快乐的笑声勾起了他对童年美好的回忆。(The happy laughter called up sweet memories of his childhood.)

  38.提防扒手!(Be on your guard against pickpockets!)

  39.你言语需谨慎。(Guard your tongue!)

  40.当被问及中国是否能够在一个月之内完全控制禽流感时,女发言人做了审慎的回答。(When asked if China would put Bird Flu under complete control within one month’s time, the spokeswoman gave a guarded reply.)

  41.一座新的悬浮式大桥正在跨江(黄浦江)而建,并将于明年完工通车。(A new suspension bridge is being constructed across the Huangpu River and will be completed and open to traffic next year.)

  42.他就是这样踏上成功之路的。(That was how he stepped on the path to success.)

  43.一步一步的,他把我给耍了//骗了。(Step by step, he led me up to the garden path.)

  44.如果我们集思广益,就会找到解决办法。(If we pool our ideas, we will find a solution.)

  45.他的论点极具说服力,致使与会者皆哑口无言。(His argument was so persuasive that everyone at the meeting was left silent.)

  46.我们应该学会劳逸结合。(We should learn to strike a proper between work and rest.)

  47.你问到我们是否会加薪,你算是说到点子上了。(You struck the right note when you asked if we’d get a pay raise.)

  48.他受到了应得的惩罚。(He was deservedly punished.)

  49.他有自己的广告公司,而且生意红火,但他却总是缺钱,而且还试图从我这儿借。(He has his own advertising agency, and is doing very good business, but he is always short of money, and has even tried to borrow from me.)

  50.她很漂亮,也很精明,但却不易与别人相处,而且常常招朋友嫌。(She is pretty and smart, but she doesn’t easily get along with others and she often makes a nuisance of herself among her friends.)

  51.我为我的错误付出了沉重的代价。(I paid dearly for my mistake.)

  52.她一打开话匣子就没完没了。(Once she sets off talking, she never stops.)

  53.我没听见你敲门。我陶醉在音乐中了。(I didn’t hear you knock. I was carried away by the music.)

  54.突然冒出了一个绝好的机会。(A wonderful opportunity suddenly presented itself.)


  The answer presented itself when I looked at the problem again.

  56.今天他有点反常。(He isn’t his usual self today.)

  57.恐怕你要的也太急了吧,我实在是有点措手不及。(I’m afraid you caught me on the wrong foot, asking for it at such short notice.)

  58.我们学生数增长了,教室不够用了。(Our students have outgrown our classrooms.)

  59.他又重新找回了幽默。(His good humor soon returned to him.)

  60.在这儿工作那才叫郁闷呢。(Working here is enough to drive anyone to drink.)

  61.我就是搞不懂你怎么总是喜欢挑拨我和老板间的关系。(I simply can’t understand why you’ve taken so much delight in driving a wedge between boss and me.)

  62.如果再让我逮住你偷窃,我非把你揍扁不可!(If I catch you stealing again, I’ll beat the daylights out of you!)

  63.我把他的论点驳得体无完肤。(I knocked the bottom out of his argument.)

  64.考试不及格令他一蹶不振。(His failure in the exam has knocked all the stuffing out of him.)

  65.你真让我折服啊。(You could have knocked me down with a feather.)