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Reading with Ears


I am the kind of person who uses the same pair of shoes for jogging,soccer and basketball,but when it comes to updating my MP3 player,I am always as meticulous as my savings allow me to be. The reason is simple: I keep my MP3 memory filled to the brim— with audio books in English.


I began learning English at the early age of three; as I grew older,I started reading in both English and Chinese,establishing a lasting friendship with the written word. I would spend days reading inside the house,going out to play only when ordered to by my parents. So imagine my bitterness when school and homework deprived me of ever increasing periods of free time,allowing the bookshelf to gather a thin layer of dust as days went by.


Salvation presented itself in the form of a present. During my fourth year in grade school,my aunt returned from the US,bringing with her a seven-cassette audio book,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,narrated by Jim Dale. I received the present with trembling hands,feeling just as Harry would have felt when he found himself on the threshold of an entire new world filled with golden possibilities.

一个突如其来的礼物救赎了我嗷嗷待哺的心灵。小学四年级时,我的舅妈从美国返乡,还特地给我带了一套七盘磁带装的有声书:《哈利波特与密室》,由Jim Dale朗读。我用一双颤抖的手接过礼物,突然感觉自己和哈利一样,正在一个崭新世界的当口面对无数精彩的可能性而叹为观止。

Audio books,the perfect,almost obvious solution; even if my eyes had been taken hostage by the sad excuse of a grade school education,my ears could still roam free above all the relentless humdrum of daily obligations. 


Audio books,unlike printed ones,can be attended to almost anywhere,anytime. Bumpy rides and clamoring restaurants used to be my worst nightmare,but as soon as I grabbed a headphone set,the world became my very own desk.


Consequently every place I have been and every step I have taken has acquired its unique significance through a piece of literature. I went to school with J.D Salinger,watching Holden Caulfield play the catcher in the rye; I came back home to Fitzgerald,joining Gatsby in his party at night; I sat in Pizza Hut with the Corleone gang,listening to Vito reason with his sons; I stood on the subway with Forrest Gump,babbling away about the wonders of late. This is where Jane first met Rochester; this is where Elizabeth rejected Darcy's offer; this is where Heathcliff started his revenge anew; this is where David Copperfield hit Uriah. The mundane locations of my daily routines had been transformed into windows through which I could glance upon a thousand worlds.

拜有声书所赐,我的每一个去处每一段路,都被某篇文学作品涂上了浓墨重彩。我和塞林格(《麦田守望者》的作者)并肩上学,睥睨霍尔顿考菲尔德(《麦田守望者》的主人公)守望在悬崖之上。我和菲茨杰罗德(美国二十世纪最杰出的作家之一)一同归家,在夜色掩护下潜入盖茨比的派对(Fitzgerald笔下《了不起的盖茨比》的男主人公)。我与(《教父》中的角色)考利昂家族同坐披萨店餐桌,听Vito在诸子前循循善诱。我和 Forrest Gump一起搭乘地铁,信口开河回顾已往之奇观……这边是 Jane与 Rochester初遇之所,这厢,Elizabeth刚刚回绝Darcy的追求,这里是Heathcliff复仇伊始,那里是 David Copperfield痛打 Uriah的大快人心……我日复一日的百无聊赖被打开了一扇窗,透过它,大千世界之曼妙风采尽收眼底。

Naturally,audio books involve only the narrator and myself,yet the long hours spent in solitude never alienated me from other people or the outside world. A good speaker may attract any number of audiences,but as it turns out,a good listener can keep any number of friends. Fortunately,years of experience have made me a master at the art of listening. People trust me with their thoughts because when they talk,I really listen,instead of what most people do everyday: wait for their turn to speak.


Over the past decade,audio books have proved far more than a means to an end,or a hobby for spare time. In fact,they have become my way of life. As duties urge me to keep up in this raging world and the ever more demanding tasks it offers, I have created for myself a safe haven of knowledge and inspiration. Surrounded by whispers of wisdom,I walk through school,work and play,through life.



Peace Camp Journal


“This is like… having a life…” I murmured in awe.

“这…才叫生活啊……” 我一脸敬仰道。

Unfortunately, Carolyn heard, and laughed out loud that hysterical laugh so peculiar of her. She declared it the best line from me so far, and that I must come to meet the others. An iron grip then closed around my wrist, dragging me across the deck through a matrix of snow-white decliners. Some 40 yards off, the pool could be seen glistening in the Egyptian sun.


Yes, Egypt.


To fully grasp the meaning of this situation, we need to go some 50 years back, when U.S president Dwight Eisenhower founded People to People International, a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to world peace. Each year since established, PTPI invites a select group of young people from nations all over the world to its renowned annual event in Cairo, Egypt: the PTPI Peace Camp.  Naturally, representing one’s country is not a job for the average soccer-playing movie-going 17-year-old, but for a soccer-playing movie-going 17-year-old with unique qualities. I believed I was the one. Apparently those bulky officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs had agreed.

如果想要搞清楚这到底怎么回事,我们恐怕得回溯到五十年前,时任美国总统德怀特?艾森豪威尔创立People To People International,一个非营利国际和平组织之际。自成立伊始,PTPI每年都会从世界各地挑选出一批年轻人,参加其颇负盛名的埃及和平营。诚然,一个只晓得踢足球的17岁男孩离“代表”中国的同龄人也许还有差距;但一个既喜爱踢球,又拥有一些独特意志品质的17岁男孩或许能够胜任。我自忖符合后者的条件,而最后外交部那几位魁梧的审查官员似乎也表示了同意。

To some extent, I was surprised that at the moment Carolyn, an American, had not begun questioning me about human rights, Tibet, or Taiwan. Before leaving for the camp, months were spent in front of the computer screen gathering information. I had expected heated debates over political standing, calculated assaults between historical rivals, but I had not expected a five-star Nile Adventurer waiting at the dock, or daily visits to ancient ruins, or exotic cuisine served at each meal, or a top deck with armchairs and a top-class swimming pool. On board were 50 people from 25 countries, and everyone just enjoyed the culture gulf, Model United Nations be damned. 


I felt like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, only to realize after waking up: pretty nice hole.


Even so, the first two days we arrived in Egypt, and before boarding the ship, I had remained as taciturn as a wall. Not out of annoyance to anyone or anything, both the people and the activities had far exceeded my irrational hopes. It was the principle of this Peace Camp that caught me off guard. Peace through understanding, it meant instead of convincing people, one should try to be convinced, to open his or her mind to either side of the story, which also meant most of my preparations went straight into the Nile. However, failure to adapt had never entered my options, and while views and notions may be provincial, humor is always universal. This I discovered first night on the Nile Adventurer.


 “…9 o’clock pm. So there I was, alone in the room, fresh off the plane with every inch of me screaming for sleep. Then I wondered what if a burly roommate returned in the middle of the night and beat me up for not paying the proper respect…”


Chuckles broke out. Apparently on the first night, more than a few people had had to deal with the same trepidation.


“…I could see trunks and bags scattered around one of the beds, but I could’t exactly go over his clothes and feel the sizes could I?” more laughs “and then it hit me— you have to understand I was hanging by a thread at the moment—I went over to his bedside, placed my shoe beside one of his sneakers, and behold: I had the bigger foot! I was taller! I was safe!”


 Roars of laughter exploded all around the common room; people clutched their cheeks and held on to nearby sofas for support.


 “…that aside, people, I must say Peace Camp is one of best things that ever happened to me. Before we met, I bore the stereotype of my countryman like a cross over my shoulders, but in your company I finally threw off those burdens to become myself, once and for all. It is a magical process I suggest all of you experience. You can remain in your comfort zone of course, safe with your own feelings and preying for the clock to speed up, or you can step out of that prison and embrace this chance of a lifetime. Before our camp, peace was to me like the Pyramid of Egypt, a concept to often mentioned, but rarely seen. Here, I am fortunate enough to have witnessed both.”


First, there was silence. Then thunderous applause erupted from every corner of the room; cheers and yells shot up like fireworks. Grinning, I walked down stage and handed the microphone over to our leader, Barbara Capozzi, who asked me two times without realizing, whether I had prepared for this speech. I replied negative, and she responded with a bear hug, breaking all my ribs and promising me that this “open Mike session” would from now on become a tradition of the Peace Camp.


As I walked back to my seat, people looked at me with expressions Columbus would have held when he saw continents looming over the horizon: big smiles tinged with surprise. I knew all was not perfect; there were sessions ahead that promised dissent, the inevitable parting doomed for tears, but for now I lay back, relaxed, preparing once again. This time, for the most glorious week in my life.



Short story


During senior 2, I wrote, directed and shot an English film. It surprises me now how much work and effort can be put into one simple sentence, but there it was. When a good film is focused on everyday life, it always tells a story or leaves a message that everyone understands perfectly, but can never aptly express for himself. However, before my own movie, I had taken all these incredible virtues too much for granted. As soon as I had started, I realized how na?ve I had been, thinking it only took an original script, the right actors, and undying enthusiasm to make a good movie. What I came to learn later was the combination of these essential elements, and the art of communicating with people on my cast and crew. The movie carried a spark of my inspiration, as well as a stage of my life.




“Stereotyped beliefs have the power to become self-fulfilling prophesies for behavior.”


—Elizabeth Aries, Professor of Psychology, Amherst College. From her book “Men and Women in Interaction, Reconsidering the Differences”

摘自美国阿莫斯特学院心理学教授,伊莉莎白? 阿瑞斯的《反思男女在交往中的行为差异》

   In the brief quotation above, Professor Aries vividly describes a phenomenon I have often observed myself, but could never aptly put into an appropriate sentence. Indeed, I have witnessed too much of this process, not only in the trivialities of everyday life, but also on the grand scale of global interactions.


Though never mistreated by peers myself, I have nevertheless witnessed considerable amounts of bullying at school. In most cases, a victim is the lonely, unpopular kind who became alienated from others in the first place due to some minor character flaws. However, even after the said person tries everything in his power to turn around, and even if he indeed managed to improve, he would continue to be everyone’s outlet for negative emotions. This has nothing to do with the person attempting to improve, and everything to do with the quotation from Professor Aries’ book. People have a tendency to follow their preconceptions: it doesn’t matter if the pathetic loser suddenly started to smile at people; he is still bound to get annoying sooner or later; any of his newly adopted virtues are easily overlooked, because he is trapped in a predictable routine of behavior set up by outside influences. And as simple as that, a human being becomes a prisoner of his own identity, helpless and hopeless.


Looking across a broader landscape, the same phenomenon is observed on the darker side of all international relations. As many a humanitarian worker can testify, stereotyping is one of the most deadly diseases within modern society. In an age when malevolent misinformation and historical rancor flourish over publications and internet, people can effortlessly form their opinion about other nations without actually meeting any one person from those areas. Consequently, the stereotypes they hold can never be proved fallacious, and the groundless prejudice created will then take its root deep inside, grow stronger with every piece of new “discovery”, and one day burst with considerable, even lethal hostility when an actual encounter is made between them and the subject of their animosity. How many Americans think of terrorism when they see an Arab? How many Chinese people recall the Nanking Rape when met with a Japanese? The more educated of our fellow countrymen may restrict irrational anger with reason and civility, but in this age of accelerated globalization, a few clear-minded individuals can never be enough.


Is there a solution to this problem of personal and universal gravity? From what I have gathered during the last three years, either as a reasonably popular and trustworthy figure within the class, or as China’s delegate to many international conventions and programs, is that understanding remains the best way to remove any deep-held hatred or far-fetched stereotypes. Once the virus of false preconception is deleted from our systems, we can instantly see the true nature of any individual, people, or community. As we learn to reserve our opinions before gaining full knowledge of the facts, as we remove the veil of differing cultures, we make ourselves wiser by far than the blinded zealots craving for conflicts and revenge, and call into being another ounce of sympathetic maturity, that this world desperately needs.
