
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/02 21:06:09

1、老师知道你已经后悔了,是吗?(I know you are sorry for it, right? )

2、 你不用伤心,老师会支持你(Don’t be sad. I will support you.)

3、 说错了没关系,老师会帮助你(It is OK if you say it wrong. I will help you.)

4、 你永远是最出色的学生,老师相信你(You are always the best one. I believe you.)

5、 再给你一次机会,一定要把握住啊(One more chance and be sure to hold it tight.)

6、 让我们听听其他同学的意见(想法)好吗?(Let’s listen to the others’ opinions, shall we?)

7、 你违反了纪律,这样做对吗,课后我们谈谈好吗?(You went against the discipline. Is it right to do so? Let’s talk about it after class. )

8、 你的观点总是那么与众不同。(Your opinion is always so unique.)

9、 你的声音真好听,,如果能再响亮些,那就更好了。(Your voice is so beautiful. The louder, the better!)

10、          你提的这个问题真好,老师都没想到。(Your question is so good. I haven’t thought of it yet)

11、          谢谢同学们对老师的信任与支持!(Thank your for your trust and support.)

12、          让我们共同学习,共同进步。(Let’s study and make progress together.)

13、          你的作品真精致,老师都陶醉了。(Your work is so delicate. I really enjoy it.)

14、          对不起,老师错怪你了,老师向你道歉。(I am sorry that I misunderstand you. I apologize.)

15、          谁都会犯错,只要改了,就是好学生(孩子)。(Everyone can make mistakes. If you correct them, you will be good kids/students.)

1、 请你帮我一个忙,可以吗?(Could you help me, please?)

2、 你提的问题很有思考价值,我们共同研究一下。(Your question is valuable to think about. Let’s study it together.)

3、 你的表现很出色,老师很欣赏你(Your behavior is outstanding. I really appreciate you.)

4、 你的思维很独特!能说说你的想法吗?(Your thinking is unique! Could you give us your opinion?)

5、 老师真为你取得的成绩而自豪(I am really proud of what you have done!)

6、 你真了不起!我很佩服你.(You are great! I admire you.)

7、 你敢于向教材(老师)提出个人见解,非常了不起(It is great that you presume to offer your opinion to the textbook/teacher.)

8、 你很有发展潜力(You have the potential to develop.)

9、 你是一个懂事的孩子,愿你能发挥更大作用(You are a sensible kid. May you have greater power.)

10、          别着急,再想一想。(Don’t worry. Think more about it.)

11、          坚持一下,你会做得比现在还好。(Hold on. You can do better.)

12、          再努力一下,你离成功只有一步之遥了。(Try again. There is only one step before you have the success.)

13、          老师相信你一定能行(I believe you can do it.)

14、          只要肯动脑,你一定会变得更聪明(If you use your mind, you will be smarter.)

15、          看到你的进步,老师真高兴(I am really glad to see your progress.)