健身器材维护:TOP10: 十大韩国电影

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TOP10: 十大韩国电影


于2010-09-05 10:40:46翻译 | 已有7699人浏览 | 有23人评论


Tags:韩国 | 电影 | 娱乐 | top10 | 十大
Over at Korea Pop Wars, reporter Mark Russell has a posting on the Top 10 Korean movies of the past decade. Considering Mark’s significant background on reporting on Korean cinema this is definitely a list to take seriously.  On the other hand my list of the Top 10 Korean movies of the decade may not have Mark’s solid credentials behind them, but I hope everyone finds the list of interest anyway.

在韩国流行战争(Korea Pop Wars)网站中,记者马克 拉塞尔(Mark Russell)发布了一个过去十年十大韩国电影的排行榜。马克在报道韩国电影方面具有资深背景,其排行榜的确十分严肃认真。而本文我所列出的过去十年十大韩国电影也许没有马克排行榜的权威,但我希望大家依然能从中寻找到乐趣。

1. Memories of Murder (2003) – The best movie of the decade I am in total agreement with Mark Russell, which is Memories of Murder.  This isn’t just a great Korean movie, but one of the best crime movies I have ever seen.

1. 《杀人回忆》(2003)—— 我完全同意马克 拉塞尔关于过去十年最佳电影的观点:《杀人回忆》。它不仅是一部伟大的韩国电影,同时也是我看过最好的犯罪电影之一。

2.  Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005) – The beautiful Lee Young-ae stars in this movie as a woman falsely imprisoned for murder who long plots her revenge from prison against the person that framed her.  The plot, characters, and acting in this movie I found to be excellent.

2. 《亲切的金子》(2005)—— 电影中由李英爱饰演的美女被陷害为杀人凶手而坐牢,她在离开监狱后通过长期的谋划报复了当年陷害她的人。我认为电影的情节、人物和演技都十分精彩。

3. The Way Home (2003) – This movie about a modern spoiled boy left to live with his elderly mute grandma is rural Korea really shows on film the differences between modern and old Korea, but how these differences can be overcome though love and understanding.  A really touching movie that probably no ajumma can resist crying after watching.

3. 《爱 回家》2003 —— 这部电影讲述了一个被宠坏的城市男孩被寄养在他年迈的聋哑祖母家的故事。该电影中的乡村风情展示了韩国现代和古老的差异,但却没有掩盖了其所呈现爱和理解的主题。这是一部令观众难以忍住泪水的感人影片。

4.  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring (2003) – This Buddhist fable told by the changing of the seasons seperated by the passing of many years is beautifully shot in the mountains of rural Korea and supported by excellent acting and an engaging story .

4. 《春夏秋冬又一春》(2003) —— 这部通过几年间季节更迭来讲述佛教寓言的电影唯美地拍摄于韩国山峦田园风光之中,同时,卓越的演技和美丽动人的故事也为之增色不少。

5.  Old Boy (2004) – Another great revenge thriller by director Park Chan-wook that is ultra-violent, disturbing, and fun to watch all at the same time.

5. 《老男孩》(2004)—— 另外一部由导演朴赞郁导演的伟大复仇电影。观众可以在观影时体验到终极暴力、恐慌以及其带来的乐趣。

6.  Silmido (2003) – This action movie with a totally unbelievable plot really grips viewers simply because it is based off the true story of the secret ROK military commandoes that revolt and fight there way through the streets of Seoul to kill South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee.

6. 《实尾岛》(2003) —— 这部融合了令人完全难以置信剧情的动作电影很轻易地吸引了观众,因为它是基于一段韩国军方秘密突击队员的真实故事:他们起义并穿越首尔的街巷暗杀了韩国独裁者朴正熙。

7.  Chunhyang (2000) – This is a period drama that was masterfully filmed by master director Im Kwan-taek by switching from a talented pansori performance to the live acting to tell the classic Korean tale of the beautiful and loyal Chunhyang.

7. 《春香传》(2000) —— 这是一部由著名导演林权泽执导的韩国古代电影。电影将韩国说唱中的曲目演绎成荧幕表演,讲述了韩国古典传说中美丽而忠贞的春香。

8.  Marathon (2005) -Touching story about a autistic boy with a love for running as well as a loving mother that always believes in him despite his learning disability.

8. 《马拉松》(2005) —— 这是一部感人的电影,讲述了一名热爱跑步的自闭症儿童以及尽管儿子学习能力低下却依然一直信赖他的慈爱母亲的故事。

9.  The President’s Last Bang (2005) – This movie was highly controversial when it was released due to its political overtones, but after watching it I was left wondering what all the fuss was about?  For a movie that theatrically shows the last hours of former South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee’s life, I was taken by surprise by the dark humor and great storyline that made this movie highly entertaining.

9. 《那时的人们》(2005) —— 这部电影由于其政治寓意而在首映时引发了激烈争议,但在看完这部电影之后,我疑惑于这有什么好大惊小怪的。作为一部戏剧化展示韩国前独裁总统朴正熙人生最后几个小时的电影,我惊讶于其黑色幽默和令本片极具娱乐价值的优秀故事情节。

10. Taeguki (2004) – This one makes the list for being the best Korean War film out there in a category of films that is admitedly quite weak.

10. 《太极旗飘扬》(2004) —— 韩国的战争类电影一贯被认为较为失败,而本片作为该类影片的最佳代表应当在这个列表中占据一席之地。