
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/05 19:18:14



Yesterday I was thinking about the difference between successful people and those who don’t achieve anything significant and I made an interesting discovery.


This difference may at first look obvious, but it’s quite opposite. It lies in the purpose people have that fuels them to take action.


Everyone has a purpose behind their actions. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t take action!


But successful people have a completely different purpose behind the actions they take. When they take action, at the back of their minds they think about success that this action is going to bring them.


So let me ask you these questions. What’s the purpose behind your actions? Do you work to thrive or to survive?


Do you go to work to feed your family or to create an amazing lifestyle?


Is your work fuelled by a beautiful vision in your mind or do you take action to have enough money to cover your expenses?


These two types of purposes will result in completely different life experiences.

People who work to survive are the ones who fear that some unexpected bill will arrive. They go to bed worrying about money and trivial things. They hate their employment but don’t quit because they doubt their own abilities to create something greater.


I know this kind of motivation because I was like that once. In the past my whole focus was on survival. And that’s a very uncomfortable state to be in because you are constantly worried about insignificant things. You create pictures of lack and limitation in your mind and you take action to prevent this envisioned future from happening. This state does not allow you to be creative therefore you cannot achieve anything great.


Now there is a very tiny percentage of people who don’t fall for the “life is hard” story and they are fuelled by an entirely different purpose. They work to thrive and they don’t think about why something cannot be done. They have a beautiful vision and they take constant action to make that vision a reality.


That’s what drives me today – a vision for a great future. I no longer look back and worry about negative things that could happen to me. I wake up feeling full of energy and I keep the expectant attitude of what’s great going to happen today. Such attitude invites great opportunities and I’m constantly surprised by good events that take place in my life.


I don’t really want to involve my good friend here, but she perfectly illustrates the person who works to survive. So yesterday I was at home and after I finished working on my laptop and was drinking latte I received a call from her. She called to see how I was. I straight away told how great everything was going and I mentioned that I keep getting inspired to create new products and write new articles. Then I asked how she was. Here’s what she said:

You know, like always…

    尽管我非常不情愿,但我不得不提我一个朋友,她是典型的那种为生活而生活的人。昨天我呆在家里没有出门,用笔记本做完工作后喝了一杯拿铁,正在这时她的电话来了,问我最近怎么样了,我毫不犹豫的告诉她最近发生的好事儿,我还说我的灵感来了,设计了不少新产品还写了新文章。然后,我问她你怎么样了?她是这样回答的: 。。。。。。,哎!你知道啊,还是老样子。。。

I asked if there was something wrong as she sounded so disappointed. She replied that she had some family problems and that nobody appreciated how hard she works etc., etc. Then I told her that she should be positive no matter what because if she would remain positive soon there would be no reasons for her to become negative. (Trust me, that’s NOT the first time I told her so:)

Her response was:

That’s true.


And then I asked her why she wasn’t positive if she knew that it made sense to be so. And she told me that she was positive.


So many people do that. They think that they are positive, but they act in complete contradiction to what they say. Don’t fall into this trap!


One of my good friends from Ireland also suffers from similar illusion. She keeps talking about how much she loves reading positive books and that she learns so much from them. Last time I met her she was reading the book about how to overcome fear and she was so inspired and happy about it. Ten minutes into conversation she started to talk about how unsure she is about her employment and that she is fearful of this whole economy crisis. It may sound funny or even unbelievable, but that’s how many people lie to themselves about their own behaviour.


Or when people are really selfish and greedy but they convince themselves that they are kind and caring. It’s really hard for such people to step out of the situation and really look at how they behave. They are tricked by their egos and they will keep seeing themselves in such an inaccurate way until they decide to be objective.


Ego is what makes you take action for mere survival. And when you work to survive, your actions are fear-based. The action taken out of fear will be of much poorer quality than the action taken out of faith. When you take action with faith and you succeed in something, your belief in yourself goes up and so does your faith. This causes you to see more potential in yourself and therefore you know that you are capable of more. And this makes you take even more or better quality action which produces even better results.


When you take action out of fear, you will never get ahead because your brain will work to save your from danger and disaster instead of trying to make you successful. So when I changed my understanding about how to achieve goals and started to ignore what is and only work towards what I really want, I experienced a major shift in my head. I started to think only hopeful and positive thoughts and that almost completely turned off that little voice in my head that used to discourage me from achieving more. That negative voice that used to say “You are not good enough” or “You will not achieve this” was replaced by the voice of faith.


This shift in my thinking entirely changed the results I was getting. It’s amazing how this one change can make such a huge difference, but it really does.


So the shift in my thinking changed the purpose behind my actions. I was no longer working to survive. I was taking action to thrive.


So what kind of motivation makes you wake up in the morning? To merely survive, or to thrive?
