
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/29 17:13:22
 【Morning Buzz】
Frodo: "What are we holding on to, Sam?"
Sam: "That there's some good in this world, Mister Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
山姆:"这世上一定存在着善良,佛罗多先生,值得我们奋战到底。"——《指环王》 (读者Stella推荐)★成都182****3882读者:早安四川。
★上海134****3274读者:Life is an adventure, dare it. 生活是冒险,勇敢面对吧![欢迎发送"早安+您推荐的箴言或问候语"至106580007835(免信息费)。]【Markets】
Dow Jones
11,240.26 -253.31 -2.20%
2,480.33 -65.71 -2.58%【Highlights】
>Rocket failure reason found
>German diplomats elude Japan
>ROK suicide toll doubles
>Key parts making in China
>Blair is Murdoch godfather
>New baby kept from spotlight
>Floating house for low lands
'漂浮房屋'不惧洪水(图) 【Cover Story】
>Shrimp pools to oil pools
The oil spills in Penglai 19-3 oilfield may put shrimp farmers in Laoting and Changli of Hebei into a precarious state. According to CRI-Online, the production of more than 70 shrimp farmers has each fallen by nearly 90%. The total losses amount to RMB240m.
Farmer Jiang Shoude said he often found oil spots in the water he pumped out in late June. Later, the water pump frequently broke down. He found huge deposits of oil when he opened the water pump. Now his spring and autumn shrimps are almost non existent. The beach was full of oil deposits earlier, Jiang said. Government staff collected more than 100 braided bags of oil sludge.
养虾户江守德说,6月下旬他用水泵打水的时候就常发现水中有"油花子",后来水泵时常损坏,他拆开水泵发现里面有很大的油块,现在他下的春虾和秋虾已经绝产。江守德称,前些日子沙滩上到处都是这些油块,后来政府工作人员前来清理,清理出的油块装满了上百袋编织袋。 [索赔难又贵]
Farmer Liu Qiangde said he called on a dozen farmers to present files on Aug 10 to the local aquatic products, oceanic and environmental protection bureaus after huge amounts of shrimp larvae were found dead. The bureau staff came to their shrimp pool to take photos and to collect evidence the next day, but haven't come to a conclusion yet. "If we file a lawsuit, we need to spend a lot of money. The expense in litigation is RMB1m-3m. There are also evaluation fees on dead shrimps, notarial fees and test fees, which are not small." Liu said dead shrimps become rotten 3 or 4 days after they sink to the bottom and they didn't keep the pool water, which will cause difficulties in the collection of evidence.
据养殖户刘强德介绍,发现虾苗大面积死亡后,8月10日他召集了十几个养殖户向当地的水产局、海洋局、环保局提交了材料,第二天有相关工作人员到他们的虾池进行了拍照和取证,但直到现在也没有人给大家一个结论。"如果最后走诉讼这条路,我们养殖户的花费也很大,起诉费就要100至300万元。而死亡虾的评估费、公证费及化验费也是一笔不小的花费。"刘强德说,由于死虾沉在水底三四天就会腐烂掉,当时的池水他们也没有留存,这些都会给取证带来很多难题。 【Top News】
>Rocket failure reason found
China has lost a new satellite in the Shijian 11 series because of a technical problem of the rocket carrying the spacecraft, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Co said Monday. The joint linking the 2nd stage engine and the servo of the Long-March II-C rocket stopped working, causing the rocket to veer off its launch pad. The launch of the rocket with Shijian 11-04 failed during its ascent after leaving the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on Aug 18.
中国航天科技集团5日表示,长征二号丙运载火箭上月发射失利,原因是二级飞行段与伺服机构的连接部位失效。8月18日,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心用"长征二号丙"运载火箭发射"实践十一号04星"。火箭在飞行过程中发生故障,卫星偏离发射台,未能进入预定轨道。>German diplomats elude Japan
The service in the Tokyo-based German Embassy in Japan has been affected as about 10 positions are standing vacant, accounting for 1/4 of all positions, Japanese media reported. German diplomats are disinclined to work in Japan for fear of nuclear pollution after the leak at the Fukushima No 1 nuclear plant.
据日本媒体报道,位于东京的德国驻日本使馆目前出现了大约10个左右的职位空缺,相当于使馆全部职位的1/4,已经影响到了日常的业务办理。职位空缺的原因是德国外交部官员在日本福岛第一核电站核泄漏事故发生之后,担心核污染问题,不愿意赴日工作。 >ROK suicide toll doubles
Suicides in the Republic of Korea (ROK) have more than doubled in 10 years, according to new figures from the government, the BBC reported Monday. ROK has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and pressure has been growing for the government to do more to stop the problem spiraling. Some analysts say there has been a move towards suicides among younger age groups, with some young people using Internet sites to form suicide groups. Earlier this year the ROK parliament passed a new law giving the government more responsibility for preventing suicides.
据英国广播公司5日报道,韩国政府发布的最新数据显示,在过去10年间,该国自杀人数增长了一倍多。如今韩国已成为全球自杀率最高的国家之一,而政府为抑制此问题恶化需做更多工作,也因而面临越来越大的压力。分析人士称,目前在年轻人中有一种自杀风潮,一些人利用网络组织集体自杀。今年早些时候,该国议会通过一项新法案,要求政府在预防自杀方面肩负起更多责任。>Key parts making in China
Toyota Motor Corp will manufacture the Prius hybrid and its key parts in China in a bid to boost sales in the world's largest car market, Nikkei Business Daily cited a company spokeswoman as saying. This will mark the first time the Japanese automaker has produced key components such as motors and batteries for the petrol-electric hybrid in a facility outside Japan.
据《日本经济新闻》报道,丰田汽车公司发言人表示,为了增加丰田在中国这个全球最大汽车市场的销量,该公司将在华生产普锐斯混合动力汽车及其核心零部件。这将是该日本汽车制造商首次在本土以外场所生产核心零部件,如油电混合动力车的发动机和电池。 【In Brief】
>The first syndicated loan provided by the Chinese mainland and Taiwan's banking institutions was raised after the Bank of China and Taiwan Cooperative Bank provided a $30m circulating fund for a company in Jiangsu.
>Giant Group CEO Shi Yuzhu plans to introduce the company's online video games to China's vast countryside, investing more than RMB100m to launch a project, the first of its kind in China targeting rural residents as game players, local media reported.
据国内媒体报道,针对农村市场的国内首个"网游下乡"计划将正式启动。巨人网络CEO史玉柱计划投入上亿元将旗下游戏拓展进农村市场。 【Newsmakers】
>Blair is Murdoch godfather
Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch's wife Wendi Deng revealed in an interview with Vogue that Tony Blair was present at the baptism ceremony of Murdoch's 2 daughters by his 3rd wife in March last year on the banks of the Jordan and is godfather to Grace, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. The disclosure could prove highly embarrassing for Blair and could explain his reluctance to condemn the News International phone hacking scandal.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,传媒大亨默多克的第三任夫人邓文迪日前在接受《Vogue》杂志采访时透露,她与默多克所生两个女儿去年3月在约旦河接受洗礼时,英国前首相布莱尔曾出席仪式,他还是其中一个女儿格蕾丝的教父。这一爆料不仅让布莱尔非常尴尬,也可以解释为何布莱尔在窃听丑闻被曝光时不愿多加谴责。>New baby kept from spotlight
French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy discusses her pregnancy for the first time and her wish for family privacy, The Guardian of London reported. Bruni-Sarkozy insisted the child would be shielded from the spotlight. She explained that she had made no official announcement of her pregnancy because: "You don't have a child to play to the gallery and my position as the wife of the head of state has made me even more defensive."
据英国《卫报》报道,法国第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼-萨科奇日前首次公开谈及怀孕及她对家庭隐私的期望。布吕尼坚称,应避免让孩子在公众面前抛头露面。她还解释了自己此前未正式宣布怀孕的原因:"谁生孩子都不是为了展览,而身为国家元首的妻子,我需要更多的保护。" 【Kaleidoscope】
>Floating house for low lands
Venice may soon be sharing its "Floating City" moniker thanks to a research project developing "amphibious houses" that are designed to float in the event of a flood, foreign media reported. The FLOATEC project sees a potential market in the Netherlands and small island-states in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, whose low-lying land makes them particularly susceptible to the effects of rising sea levels. The secret of such a house lies in its foundations, which are made up of multiple layers of light plastic foam supporting the concrete, allowing it to float.
据外媒报道,"漂浮之都"威尼斯可能很快就要和其它城市分享这一头衔了。名为FLOATEC的研究项目正在设计能够漂浮在水面上抵御洪水的"两栖房屋"。该项目主要面向因海平面上升而受影响的低洼国家如荷兰,以及印度洋和太平洋岛国。漂浮房屋的奥秘在于其基底由多层能支撑混凝土的轻塑料泡沫构成,因此能漂浮在水面上。  【Talk Show】
>My dogs are barking.
>You're really something!
>You rock.
>I've got to hand it to you. How could you know that?
真服了你了,你怎么知道那件事的?(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】
A straw in the wind意思是?
例句:There were one or two straws in the wind yesterday that suggested a major offensive was imminent.