变蝇人2百度云分享:歌曲 So Beautiful(Not Looking Back)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/06 12:51:49
Nichole Alden-Not looking back
I am not looking back
I won’t glance behind
I’ve got nothing but a future in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
in my mind…hmm
I never wanted anything but your time
loose your pride
let us live inside each other’s eyes,so beautiful
so beautiful
I am looking out,the sky’s wide
I am looking out,you are not here
and I not fine
I am holding on,she holdng out sometimes
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
da…la la la la la la la lala
da…la la la la la la la lala
da…la la la la la la la lala
na a na na na na
let us live inside each other’s eyes,so beautiful
so beautiful
I am looking out,the sky’s wide
I am looking out,I am not looking back
I won’t glance behind
I’ve got nothing but a future in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind .
Nichole Alden的艺人档案:你可能不熟悉她的脸孔,但你一定听过她的声音。
2009哈雷机车、2007Peugeot 407广告曲《Baby Now》、2007 Audi A4广告曲《So Beautiful》,在这些充满阳刚气息的车类广告幕后,Nichole ALDEN 用她慵懒而神秘的嗓音,探索生命的旅程,疾驶而过的公路风景,仿佛也在她的歌声中一一定格下来。
Nichole ALDEN 这位来自美国洛杉矶的女子,在音乐上深受各方影响,Jeff Buckley, Massive Attack, Radiohead, The Beatles, Madonna, Nine Inch Nails 等,都是创作的养分,也因此Nichole ALDEN 的音乐横跨民谣、摇滚、另类、迷幻等众多类型;而她天生略带沧桑与不羁的独特嗓音,更帮助她在竞争激烈的西岸音乐场景中,获得高度关注。
2005年,Nichole ALDEN 开始为独立电影量身写歌,在配乐界大放异彩,而后更成为AUDI、Peugeot、Harley等车商广告的爱用歌手。 2009年春天发行七首歌的ep Lost Into Experience,其中就包含了询问度超高的哈雷机车广告曲《Baby Now》(这首歌同时也出现在Peugeot 407的广告中)以及Audi A4 台湾区广告曲《So Beautiful》。