乐视maxroot:[原创]周恩来去世,联合国真的“破例”降半旗吗? 【史海钩沉】

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/09 14:50:27




2002年1月8日,人民网登了一篇曾任中国驻联合国外交官的吴妙发的纪念文章,其中谈到“1976年1月8日,周恩来逝世时,设在美国纽约的联合 国总部门前的联合国旗降了半旗。自1945年联合国成立以来,世界上有许多国家的元首先后去世,联合国还没有为谁下过半旗。一些国家感到不平了,他们的外交官聚集在联合国大门前的广场上,言辞激愤地向联合国总部发出质问:我们的国家元首去世,联合国的大旗升得那么高,中国的总理去世,为什么要为他下半旗 呢?当时的联合国秘书长瓦尔德海姆站出来,在联合国大厦门前的台阶上发表了一次极短的演讲,总共不过一分钟。他说:‘为了悼念周恩来,联合国下半旗,这是 我决定的,原因有二:一是中国是一个文明古国,她的金银财宝多得不计其数,她使用的人民币多得我们数不过来。可是她的周总理没有一分钱存款!二是中国有 10亿人口占世界人口的1/4,可是她的周总理没有一个孩子。你们任何国家的元首,如果能做到其中一条,在他逝世之日,总部将照样为他降半旗。’说完,他 转身就走,广场上外交官各个哑口无言,随后响起雷鸣般的掌声。”






官方中华网历史频道也登过一篇《弥天大谎:联合国为周恩来去世破例降半旗》的文章。作者指出,第一,为周恩来去世降半 旗是旗典规定,并非“破例”;第二,当时驻联合国的外交官不止吴妙发一人,他之外的人未听说这次演讲;第三,1976年时中国所有报刊,包括毛泽东等中国 领导人,都讲中国有八亿人口。吴妙发居然听到联合国秘书长超前预见到“中国有10亿人口”。第四,世界上没人将无后代当作美德。UN秘书长也无从知道周恩 来有无一分钱存款这种事实,因为当时中国并未公布过这类消息。



一、周恩来逝世时,其职务是中国政府领导人——国务院总理,符合联合国下半旗致哀的规制。谎言在于“破例”二字及捏造联合国秘书长在联合国大厦门前 的的台阶上的一分钟演说――参观过UN大厦的人应该知道那台阶实在不适合在寒风凛冽的1月发表演说。第二、为何中国只有周恩来总理逝世享受过联合国下半旗 致哀的礼节?那是因为毛泽东去世时,其正式身份是中国共产党的主席,不是国家元首。其他几位曾任国家领导人的人去世时已无现任国家元首或政府首脑身份。比如邓小平去世时,其正式身份是党内退休元老;胡耀邦及赵紫阳两位去世时,也被迫退休多年。因此,中共建政60年,确实只有周去世联合国下半旗致哀,但这只是联合国在履行规制而已。

在中共历史上,周恩来确实是位比较特殊的人物,也是中共从政界到文化艺术界、再到美国当年的左翼及其后继者们小心翼翼守护的一个神话。也因此,有关 他的中文书虽然出了好几本书,其中能够被广泛采信的只有一本,即高文谦先生的《晚年周恩来》,这本书因其史料可信,论述严谨,是本不可多得的研究周恩来晚年思想及行状的好书。虽然作者小心翼翼,但可能还是会伤了许多周迷的心,因为这本书实际上已经将周恩来从神坛上“请”了下来。




The United Nations Flag Code and Regulations


  a. Upon the death of a Head of State or Head of Government of a Member State, the United Nations Flag will be flown at half-mast at United Nations headquarters, at the United Nations Office at Geneva and at United Nations offices located in that Member State;

  b. On such occasions, at Headquarters and at Geneva, the United Nations Flag will be flown at half-mast for one day immediately upon learning of the death. If, however, Flags, have already been flying on that day they will not normally be lowered, but will instead be flown at half-mast on the day following the death;

  c. Should the procedure in paragraph (b) above not be practicable due to weather conditions or other reasons, the United Nations Flag may be flown at half-mast on the day of the funeral. Under exceptional circumstances it may be flown at half-mast on both the day of the death and the day of the funeral;

  d. United Nations offices other than those covered by paragraph (a) above in the case of the death of a national figure or a Head of State or Head of Government of a Member State, will use their discretion, taking into account the local practice, in consultation with the Protocol Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or the Dean of the locally accredited Diplomatic Corps;

  e. The head of a specialized agency is authorized by the Secretary-General to lower the United Nations Flag flown by the agency to half-mast in cases where he wishes to follow the official mourning of the country in which the office of the agency is located. He may also lower the United Nations Flag to half-mast on any occasion when the specialized agency is in official mourning;

  f. The United Nations Flag may also be flown at half-mast on special instructions of the Secretary-General on the death of a world leader who has had a significant connection with the United Nations;

  g. The Secretary-General may in special circumstances decide that the United Nations Flag, wherever displayed, shall be flown at half-mast during a period of official United Nations mourning;h. The United Nations Flag when displayed at half-mast should first be hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-mast position. The Flag should again be raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day;

  i. When the United Nations Flag is flown at half-mast no other flag will be displayed;

  j. Crepe streamers may be affixed to flagstaffs flying the United Nations Flag in a funeral procession only by order of the Secretary-General of the United Nations;

  k. When the United Nations Flag is used to cover a casket, it should not be lowered into the grave or allowed to touch the ground