
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/27 20:06:18

Xinhua net Washington 13 dec (reporter JiangXuFeng soriano g) the United States federal reserve 13 over the last time this year to negotiate the interest.After the meeting, though without new monetary policy measures, but announced that will continue to previous super loose monetary policy.Do such a policy choice is dueThe fedOn the current economic situation is still cautious on the fence, but also because the federal reserve policy choice for top next big differences.

Internal and external pressure

Discussion on the day after the meeting of the release rate less than 500 words statement and November than during the last meeting, fundamental key is shown slightly optimistic, but the fed on topThe United StatesIn the concerns of the internal and external economic pressure has not abated.

For the domesticeconomicThe situation, it points out that the U.S. economy is slow expansion recent trend, the expected future quarters the economy remains sluggish growth;Consumer sustained progress, the employment market recently also improved;But the unemployment rate is still high and capacity utilization rate is not high, the enterprise fixed asset investment growth is slowing, the real estate market is still low.

The second half of this year the United States economy increasing signs of speed, the prices will fall back, automotive industries supply chain recovery, consumer confidence boosted common effect etc, the economy growth of 2.0% in the third quarter, good in the first two quarters of 0.4% and 1.3%.But the sustained recent European debt crisis of fermentation also makes the market concerns about the U.S. economy will export decline because next year, the international capital market volatility and risk and confined to the downside.

Expression of obscure the fed has the latest statement did not mention "the euro zone" or "the debt crisis" word, but two mention of a global economic slowdown of the potential impact on the U.S. economy.Statement said: "the global economy have obvious signs of slowing," global financial market pressure to the outlook for the us economy to bring "severe challenges".

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