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Adding a Button to CPropertySheet

This article was contributed by Jeremy Davis.

In my app I use a CPropertySheet and CPropertyPages to display properties for individual days. If the user wanted all the weeks days to be Setup with the same properties, I wanted a way to copy an individual day's properties to all the other days of the week. The solution I came up with was to create a "Copy" button in the CPropertySheet rather than in each CPropertyPage as show in the picture below...

      2、在CMyPropertySheet.h中添加一个成员变量CButton m_ButtonCopy;在资源文件resource.h中添加一个资源ID:#define IDC_BUTTON_COPY 0x2000,这个ID就是我们将要用到的Copy按钮的ID;
  First sub-class CPropertySheet with a class of your own using ClassWizard, say CMyPropertySheet.
      Next in your MyPropertySheet.h add a member function CButton m_ButtonCopy. Also in your resource.h add a #define IDC_BUTTON_COPY 0x02000. where 0x02000 is a resource ID that has not been used yet.
      Then over-ride the CPropertySheet::OnInitDialog function and insert the following code...

CRect rect, tabrect;int width;//Get button sizes and positionsGetDlgItem(IDOK)->GetWindowRect(rect);GetTabControl()->GetWindowRect(tabrect);ScreenToClient(rect); ScreenToClient(tabrect);//New button -> width, height and Y-coordiate of IDOK// -> X-coordinate of tab controlwidth = rect.Width();rect.left = tabrect.left; rect.right = tabrect.left + width;//Create new "Add" button and set standard fontm_ButtonCopy.Create("Copy",BS_PUSHBUTTON|WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP, rect, this, IDC_BUTTON_COPY);m_ButtonCopy.SetFont(GetFont());

If your were to compile at this point you would now see the new Copy button in the CPropertySheet; however the button would not do anything. To handle a single button click added the following line to your message map declaration...

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyPropertySheet, CPropertySheet)//{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMyPropertySheet)// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.//}}AFX_MSG_MAPON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_COPY, OnButtonCopy)END_MESSAGE_MAP()

Lastly add a helper function called OnButtonCopy() and insert your code for when the button is clicked.

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Date Last Updated: March 5, 1999