
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/05 19:44:33




One of my resolutions is to Enter into the interests of other people’s lives. When you think of people getting along harmoniously — whether in a family, or among friends, or in an office – people make an effort to enter into the interests of each other’s lives.My friend Michael Melcher (author of the terrific book The Creative Lawyer — which isn’t just for lawyers) pointed out to me an area where this is often an issue: with travels. It’s quite common for people to come back from big, life-changing trips, and feel let down because no one seems very interested in what they saw or thought or experienced.

  感受别人的生活乐趣是我的决定之一。当你想和人们和睦相处时——不管是在一个家庭里,或者是朋友中间,后者是办公室——人们努力想感受别人的生活乐趣。我的朋友Michael Melcher(很棒的书The Creative Lawyer的作者——不仅仅适用于律师)向我指出,一个总是存在问题的领域:旅游。从出趟远门、改变一生的旅游回来,而且感觉很放松,这对人们来说相当普遍,因为似乎没有人对看到什么、想什么或者经历了什么感兴趣。

Part of being a good friend, colleague, or family member is to show an interest, but this can be challenging. Often, people need help finding ways to talk about their travels in ways that are interesting to people who weren’t there.


I’m not much of a traveler, myself, but Michael is. He suggested nine questions that you might ask, to enter into the interests of a newly returned traveler. The point, of course, is not to fake an interest, but rather to find a way to be sincerely interested.


1.    What was the best moment of the entire trip?


2. What are two interesting things about China [or wherever] that the average person doesn’t know?


3. Tell me about one person you met.


4. Now that you’ve been there yourself, when you think of China, what’s the first image that comes into your head?


5. What was the hardest or most frustrating part of the trip?


6. Did anything go wrong that seems funny now? (I often remind myself of my Secret of Adulthood that “The things that go wrong often make the best memories.”)


7. What little, ordinary thing did you miss from your usual routine?


8. What did you learn about yourself?


9. Now that you’ve been to China, what are two other places you’d like to go?


What am I missing? Have you identified any questions that are good at invoking interesting conversation? And travelers, when you come home, what questions are interesting to answer, and that show interest in what you’ve experienced? Have you ever been frustrated by the fact that people don’t seem interested in hearing about a trip or adventure that was very significant to you? Because I’m not much of a traveler, myself, I know that I haven’t shown as much interest in people’s travels as I should have. Something to work on.


Because I’ve been thinking a lot about “home” for my next book, Happier at Home, I’ve spent time cruising around Design * Sponge — “your home for all things design.” Good stuff! 

  因为我一直在想关于我的下一本有关家的书,Happier at Home,我花时间四处旅行——“您家庭所有事情的计划。”好事!

Volunteer as a Super-Fan, and from time to time, I’ll ask for your help. Nothing onerous, I promise! Sign up here or email me at gretchenrubin1 at gretchenrubin dot com. 

  作为超级粉丝的志愿者,有时我会寻求您的帮助。我保证,不会太麻烦。在这里签名,并且在gretchenrubin dot com网站发送邮件至gretchenrubin1。