天津武清政府网怎么进:Excerpts from Cars 2 World Grand Prix

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/27 21:24:18

Cars 2 World Grand Prix

1. Those are strong words from a car that is so fragile. 真是外强中干啊!

2. Deal me in, baby. 算我一个,兄弟们!

3. It will be the thrill of a lifetime for him. 这肯定是他这辈子最兴奋的事了。

4. My condolences. 深表同情。

5. You and your team bring excellence and professionalism to this competition.


6. You are making a scene! 别出丑了。

7. Time is of the essence. 时间紧急。

8. Hold your horsepower. 言之过早。

9. He is so getting beat today. 今天我要他好看。

10. Francesco builds an early lead. 弗朗西斯科领先。

11. To truly crush one’s dream, you must first raise their hopes very high.


12That’s a no-quit attitude right there. 真是永不放弃,精神可嘉。

13. Your chance are more than good. 简直是天赐良机。

14. She is gonna making you a big meal and fatten you up. 她要给你做一顿大餐,把你喂得饱饱的。

15. You don’t need to make a fuss. 不用这么麻烦。

16. A wise car hears one word and understands two. 聪明的车一向善于察言观色。

17. Everybody fights now and thenespecially best friends. But you got to make up fast. 每个人都吵架,特别是和最好的朋友,但你们得赶快和好。

18. No fight more important than friendship. 友谊比什么争执都重要。

19. Whoever find a friend, find a treasure. 拥有朋友就拥有财富。

20. It is voice-activated. 这是声控的。

21. It is easy to say why. 原因不言而喻。

22. I think you forgot the insulting part of that insult. 你好像忘了损我了。

23. And there is the insult we were missing. 这才到损我的部分。

24. Just apply the same level of dedication. 正常发挥就好。

25. I am not gonna make the same mistake twice. 我不会再次犯同样的错误。

26. You are always been the bomb and you’ll always be the bomb. 你一直都是炸弹,永远都是炸弹。(意思是你很棒,一直很棒,永远都很棒!)

27. You read my mind. 真是心有灵犀。

28. Nobody takes me seriously. 没人拿我当真。

29. And if people aren’t take you seriously, then they need to change, not you. 如果别人不拿你当真,那是他们需要改变,不是你。

30. Just cut to the chase. 直接说重点。

31. This is going nowhere fast. 一时半会儿不会有结果的。

32. It is official. 说定了/ 毫无疑问。

33. Now you are talkin’! 这可是你说的。

34. Sure thing. 包在我身上。

35. Those two are perfect for each other. 他们俩真是天生一对。

36. You are dead wrong. 你大错特错了。

37. Once big oil, always big oil. 一朝当上石油巨头,永远都是石油巨头。

38. Nice try!谢谢安慰!

39. That is why I love you, Sally. 我就爱你这个,莎莉。