女孩子的外貌描写:Sarah Mclachlan - Forgiveness【Flac/115】

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 23:26:23
Sarah Mclachlan - Forgiveness【Flac/115】',1)">',2)">Loving, lying enemy
I have seen your face before
Never thought again I’d see
Didn’t want to anymore
I remember your loving eyes
And the moonlit kiss
The evening lullabies I will truly miss
Through the years we had it all
Midnight whispers, the midday calls
This house of cards, it had to fall
And you ask for forgiveness
You’re asking too much
I have sheltered my heart in a place you can’t touch
I don’t believe when you tell me your love is real
Cause you don’t know much about heaven, boy
If you have to hurt to feel
Every time I see you, I can’t help but look away
All along I had believed everything you’d say
When I look now I know I’ve seen your face before
Don’t want your deceiving smile, standing at my door
And I don’t care what people say
I’m ready now to face this day
Cause I have lost you along the way
And you ask for forgiveness
You’re asking too much
I have sheltered my heart in a place you can’t touch
I don’t believe when you tell me your love is real
Cause you don’t know much about heaven, boy
If you have to hurt to feel
Cause you don’t know much about heaven, boy
If you have to hurt...
To ask for forgiveness
You’re asking too much
I have sheltered my heart in a place you can’t touch
I don’t believe when you tell me your love is real
Cause you don’t know much about heaven, boy
If you have to hurt to feel
◎找来合作超过20年的老搭档Pierre Marchand(Stevie Nicks、Rufus Wainwright、BT)操盘
◎第一主打〈Loving You Is Easy〉已在美国和加拿大的成人抒情榜引起骚动,在2008年问市精选+新曲中率先曝光的〈Don’t Give Up On Us〉、〈U Want Me 2〉,一并超值珍藏。影音加料赠送莎拉自家录音室收音演唱新专辑5首歌谣画面
散发清新脱俗的优雅气质,倚著独具魅力的空灵式唱腔,不仅是位传递天使之音的绝美女伶,更具备新世代独立女性的自信态势。拥有两届葛莱美「最佳流行女歌手」头衔肯定的莎拉克劳克兰,让全球超过四千万人沉醉感动,同时为了公益基金奔走,发掘乐坛女创作人的杰出才华,推广两性平权的Lilith Fair幕后推手,入列VH1频道「百位伟大摇滚女性」名单第69席位、获颁加拿大最高平民荣誉勋章!
打从电影『X情人』的摧泪主题曲〈Angel〉、『他不笨,他是我爸爸』剧中翻唱披头四的〈Blackbird〉、改编儿童文学作品『夏绿蒂的网』主题曲〈Ordinary Miracle〉、美国各校园的毕业离别歌谣同为影集『CSI犯罪现场/赌城』衬乐〈I Will Remember You〉、卖作动画『玩具总动员2』重点插曲〈When She Loved Me〉、VH1频道优选「90年代百大经典歌曲」的〈Building A Mystery〉、一路到葛莱美「最佳流行女歌手」提名的〈Adia〉以及〈Fallen〉…都是莎拉最经典的传唱名作,抚慰都会男女每颗曾经受过伤的心、勾起人生旅程中甜蜜的记忆片段,成为流行乐坛的一股清流。
为了专心当位称职的母亲,并且努力走出失婚阴霾,睽违7年之久,莎拉带出创作新碟《Laws Of Illusion》重返舞台,仍是找来合作超过20年的老搭档Pierre Marchand(Stevie Nicks、Rufus Wainwright、BT)操盘,满溢大量的奇幻想像与失落情绪交错其中,指引在充满挫折的人生旅途上,学会点滴打造属於自己的故事,诚如第一波自传性的主打〈Loving You Is Easy〉,以飞扬的跳跃琴韵当根基,随后层次铺入不过分的电吉他和弦乐辅佐,已在美国和加拿大的成人抒情榜引起骚动;触及与前夫结束11年婚姻关係的〈Forgiveness〉,穿绕莎拉漂亮的真假音转换,动容声线不断衝击心底的脆弱地带;虽然包覆明亮节拍向前驱使的〈Love Come〉,却附著一颗被爱伤透的心,令人感到万分不舍;优美和声与爽朗吉他拨奏诱导〈Heartbreak〉新式民谣风格现形,绽放最迷人的摇摆音网;在《靠近:20年绝美精选+新曲/Closer:The Best Of Sarah McLachlan》中率先曝光的〈Don’t Give Up On Us〉、〈U Want Me 2〉,一并超值珍藏。影音加料赠送:莎拉自家录音室收音演唱新专辑5首歌谣画面,全程以纯钢琴伴奏,及访谈实录,再次让莎拉天籟般曼妙声韵,全面攻佔你的心防。