
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 10:09:40
兵法:「地之道」、「敗之道」各有六,是將軍不可不察要務。「用兵之法,高陵勿向,背丘勿逆」,居高地(high ground)者占戰術優勢,所以兵家講究居高臨下。
如果敵人敗退(cut and run),卻聲稱絕不投降(to throw in the towel),誓言拚個魚死網破(go to pot ),準備負隅頑抗到底。仰攻代價太大,這是孫子制止在這種地形強攻的理由。
中途島戰役後,美國站穩腳跟(back on your feet),逐步反攻,終於準備進攻日本本土:美軍將以42艘航空母艦、24艘主力艦、220艘驅逐艦、183艘護航艦;六個步兵師登陸,來執行任務,總共動員75萬人。根據硫磺島的慘烈經驗,三天不到的極短期間(in the nick of time),美軍死傷會超過三萬。
但開戰前夕,美軍突然召回疾駛日本途中的第三作戰艦隊,原來美國已經研發原子彈在手(on hand),杜魯門總統決定:日本冥頑不靈,必須加以嚴懲(requires drastic action),果然,兩顆原子彈就讓日本投降,避免預見的雙方大規模死傷。
一枚炸彈,造成萬千無辜人民死傷,其道德問題曖昧不明;但有原子彈瞄準待命(loaded , cocked, and sighted),軍事意義卻非常明確──它宣示新時代(times change)的降臨:科技演進中的原子時代,戰略地形就無所謂居不居高了。
例:"General MacArthur ordered US Marines to seize the high ground from the Japanese Imperial Army."「麥帥命令麾下陸戰隊員:拿下日軍盤據的高地。」
"When they lost the battle of Okinawa, the Imperial Japanese Army did not cut and run - they began to take actions to protect mainland Japan."「沖繩之役失敗,日本皇軍並未潰敗,轉頭即回防日本本土。」
"The American negotiators wanted Japanese to know their fate, to have realistic expectations, and to throw in the towel."「美國談判代表要日本認清現實,接受投降。」
"The Japanese Empire had gradually been going to pot ever since the defeat of the Battle of Midway."「中途島海戰失利後,日本帝國逐漸潰亡。」
"Managing to get back on their feet, the Allied forces began fighting back and won the war."「盟軍站穩腳步,奮力反攻,終於贏得戰爭。」
"Tens of thousands of GI's would have been killed just in the nick of time."「轉瞬間許多美國大兵死於戰火。」
"The US had two atomic bombs on hand and was able to win the war."「美國擁有兩枚原子彈,勝券已經在手。」
"President Truman saw the prospect of an Armageddon against Japan as so worrisome that it requires drastic action."「杜魯門總統預見美日決戰傷亡必然慘重,於是決定祭出重手。」
"The Allied forces had two atomic bombs ready, and are loaded, cocked, and sighted for this exhausted enemy to finish the war."「盟軍有兩枚原子彈對準疲憊的敵軍,蓄勢待發,隨時可以結束戰局。」
"That was then, this is now and this nuclear technology must be the future."「亡者已矣,決定未來的是核能科技。」