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Can you look cool in these?


2012-01-09    来源:21st Century      导读:秋裤(long johns)曾经一度遭到时尚人士的封杀。然而,如今,秋裤却堂而皇之地登上了时尚的舞台。下面就让我们一起来解密秋裤背后的时尚经。 Internet
看“过时”的秋裤如何化身为时尚宠儿。辞海拾贝pragmatism实用主义revolve围绕biweekly两周一次thermostat温控器initially最初,首先runways跑道heartthrob万人迷garment服装pledged承诺As the temperature drops dramatically, the battle between fashion and pragmatism now revolves around whether to wear long johns.

South Korea President Lee Myung-bak last month called on his people to “wear long johns to save energy” in his biweekly radio address.

“I have recently lowered the thermostat in the place I work. Naturally, I had to wear long johns which were uncomfortable initially. But after a while, I got used to them, and now I am very comfortable wearing them,” said Lee.

Sure long johns do a good job keeping people warm. But for many people, they have been something for grandparents, or rather, they are a fashion no-no.

In 2008, Su Mang, chief editor of the Chinese version of fashion magazine Bazaar indicated that wearing long johns compromised fashion.

“I never allow people around me to wear long johns,” Su said in a talk show with TV anchor Chen Luyu.

But things seem to be different for long johns ever since last year.

A number of important designer labels, including Jean Paul Gaultier, D & G and Dries Van Noten, all showed variations of long johns on their 2010/2011 fall/winter runways.
众多重量级时装品牌,如Jean Paul Gaultier、D & G 和Dries Van Noten,早在2010/2011秋冬时装发布会上便展示了各式各样的秋裤。

And British actor Jude Law even sported a pair of long johns at a London airport earlier last year, together with a loosely structured jacket and T-shirt, which made a lot of jaws drop.

“It’s a very British thing,” explained British designer Victoria Barlett to The New York Times.

Long johns were first made popular in the 19th century by the English company John Smedley which still produces them today.

But Jude Law is not the only celebrity heartthrob that loves the garments. British soccer star David Beckham is another big fan.

“They are very cool,” Beckham told UK newspaper The Sun in September.

What’s more, Beckham has pledged to put the sexy back into long johns. He is designing his own line of long johns which will hit stores in February 2012 just in time for Valentine’s Day.

If anyone can make long johns sexy, Beckham could be the man to do it.

外国人穿秋衣秋裤么 冬天不穿秋裤会不会得风湿? 冬天女孩子穿保暖裤还用穿秋裤么? 你认为男式的秋裤需要前开门吗?其优缺点各是什么?理由? 人为什么要穿内裤啊.我就有个同学不穿啊,他只穿秋裤无论冬夏.奇怪吗? 做秋裤的布是什么布?秋裤可以自己做吗 梦见被男生扯破秋裤??? 为什么到了秋天穿秋裤总是有一只裤腿喜欢上去,特别难受? 请问大家(女生)穿秋衣时是把秋衣放在秋裤里面还是外面 孩子的秋裤尿湿了会有黄色的尿云,用什么能洗掉. 男式秋裤上的前开门有用吗?你们在使用吗 哪有批发纯棉秋衣秋裤 我奶奶冬天洗澡后被风吹了落下一种病就是怕风即使夏天也得穿秋衣秋裤还总往外冒水。请问这是何病有何良方 冬天穿裙子时的那种九分裤(不薄不厚的那种),能不能代替秋裤穿在裤子里?那个效果好些?? 我腿上的体毛很重,尤其穿秋裤时摩擦的很疼。我很想祛掉这些烦人的体毛 什么牌子的保暖秋裤既暖和又轻薄? 为什么我们把内衣叫做秋衣、秋裤呢? 北京哪里能买到大尺寸的内衣内裤、秋衣秋裤 请问大家:穿衣服时,是将袜子压在秋裤上,还是秋裤套在袜子上 天津有没有大号的秋衣秋裤,我男朋友1.88,衣服总是不好买。多谢! 一般在河北的县里 三四岁的小孩子的秋裤多少钱? 今天你环保了吗? 今天你百度了吗 棉质的秋衣秋裤或袜子!放在一个柜子里,有了小洞,是虫子还是油漆的事、?