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说明:1、( )里的内容可省略。
2、[ ]里的内容和[ ]前面的内容可互换。
1.playing court 球场 篮球 bench area 球队席区域
4.side line 边线 [ halfway; midfield] line 中线
6.end [base; touch] line 端线; 底线
7.boundary line 界线
8.lane place line 分位线 throw [foul] line ; charity line 罚球线 throw [foul;charity] lane; lane; paint 罚球区
11.three-point line; arc 三分线
12.front court 前场
13.mid-court 中场
14.back court 后场
15.centre circle; (jump) circle 中圈,跳球圈
16.restricted area ;three-second area [lane]; paint 限制区; 3秒区
17.ring ; rim; hoop; iron hoop 篮圈 ; cage 篮网
19.lane place 位置区
20.three-point field goal areas 三分投篮区
21.neutral zone 中立区
22.backboard ; board; bank 篮板
23.basket; goal; bucket; cage 球篮
24.basket support 篮圈支颈;篮架
25.basket post 篮板支柱
26.used ball 用过的球 clock 比赛用时钟
28.stop the clock 停表 foul marker 全队犯规标志
30.foul markers ; number markers 犯规次数号码牌 bench 球队席
32.substitute bench 替补队员席
33.whistle 哨
34.technical equipment 技术设备
35. dimension of the court 球场面积
36. own basket 本方球篮
37. opponent’s basket 对方球篮
38. basketball court 篮球场
39. free throw circle; perimeter; painted area 罚球圈
40. transparent backboard; glass 透明篮板
41. time-out clock 暂停计时器
42. shot clock 24秒计时器
43. arena 比赛场;竞技场
44. court 球场;赛场
45. home court 主场l
46. lane 罚球区,也作free throw lane。篮球刚发明的时侯罚球区是细长的,其宽度比罚球弧的直径还要短,形状就象把钥匙,所以也称之为the key。 9
47. locker room 更衣室
48. no-charge area 进攻有理区
49. light unit 灯光设备
50. division 赛区Vv gSCEs_;|g
51. downtown 三分线以外
52. low post 三秒区内,篮筐两侧,靠近底线的那部分(低策应区)。俗称内线、篮下。
53. high post 罚球弧的周围;高策应区;高位区域 :*bV3&_pY~
54. uniform; jersey 运动员的背心; 球衣 \|1"E,tf
55. top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端之三分(球)线附近
56. wing (左、右两边)底线区域;翼
57. half 半场
58. war room 作战室(球队的会议室)
59. sports center [complex] 体育中心
60. gym(nasium); indoor stadium; sports hall 体育馆
61. competition [playing] area; arena 比赛区[场地]
62. booking office 售票处
63. entrance 入口
64. stands; gallery 看台
65. mainstand 正面看台
66. seat capacity 座位总数
67. retractable seat 活动座位
68. rostrum 主席台
69. box 包厢;专门坐席
70. VIP box 贵宾席
71. press box 记者席
72. player’s bench 运动员席
73. (substitutes’) bench 替补席
74. referee’s [umpire’s] table 裁判员桌
75. scoring table 记录台
76. lounge 休息室;休息厅
77. bathroom 浴室
78.light gadget 发光装置
79.shower room 淋浴间
80.scoreboard; marking board; score indicator 记分牌
81.electric scoreboard 电子记分牌
82.flash card 示分牌
83.score sheet 记分表
84.public addressing system 广播系统 灯光照明
86.sporting goods 体育用品
87.protective clothing; protector 护具
88.wrist bandage [pall] 护腕
89.leg guard; thigh-protector 护腿
90.kneepad; kneecap 护膝
91.inside edge of the boundry line 界线的内沿
92.semi-circle 半圈
93.pressure release ring 抗压篮圈
94.board of the backboard 篮板边沿 ball 新球
96.Spalding “斯伯丁”品牌
97.official ball 正式比赛用球 ball 训练用球
99.two-point field goal area 2分投篮区
100.time-out watch 暂停计时钟
101.short corner 罚球线外三英尺的底线区域
102.padding 包扎物 foul marker 全队犯规标志 foul indicator 全队犯规指示器
105.player foul markers 队员犯规次数标志牌
106.ball specification 球的规格
107.technical equipment for scorer’s table 记录台的技术设备
108.back stop 篮架
109.bucket 球篮,篮下策应位置,中锋策应位置
110.close quarter 密集的区域
111.D 三秒区
112.further edge (界线)外缘
113.gauge loop (篮圈的)小环
114.inner edge (界线)内缘 ; inside diameter 内径,内缘
115.key-hole 罚球区
116.low post area 内策应区
117.low post position 内策应位置,篮下位置
118.margin of out-of-bounds free obstruction 界外无障碍物地带
119.maples 篮球球场地板
120.medium post area 中策应区
121.on-side 强侧
122.on-side lane high 强侧的外策应区
123.on the perimeter 外围
124.power area (篮附近)投篮命中率高的区域
125.head of the key 三分球弧顶外 (罚球区的)位置区
127.stationary backstop 固定篮架
128.strings, nets 篮网 of the circle 罚球圈顶
130.up-court 前场,向前场
131.rebounds triangle 篮下最易抢到球的三角地带
132.elevated goal 球篮
133.high-top sneakers 高帮球鞋,篮球鞋 the point 正面弧顶外
135.square 篮板上的小黑框
136.centerfield;powerzone 有效攻击区,罚球线外侧区域

1. scorer ; scorekeeper; marker; recorder 记录员; 记分员
2. time keeper ; timer 计时员
3. 24-second operator 24秒钟计时员
4. score sheet 记录表
5. game clock 比赛计时表
6. scoreboard 记分牌
7. substitution 替换
8. scorers’ table 记录台
9. line-up 上场阵容(五人)
10. recording of the foul 犯规的登记
11. termination of playing time signal 比赛时间结束的信号
12. end of game 比赛结束
13. rules 规则
14. the signal is sound 发出信号
15. score of first half time 上半时比分
16. score of second half time 下半时比分
17. score of extra period 决胜期比分
18. number of player 队员号码
19. number of captain 队长号码
20. team leader 领队
21. doctor 医生
22. masseur 按摩员
23. statistician 统计员
24. interpreter 译员
25. procedure for substitution 替换程序
26. procedure to follow in case of protest 抗议程序
27. game played 比赛场数
28. wins 胜场数
29. losses 负场数
30. points 积分
31. goal difference 得失分
32. goal average 得失分率
33. final place 最终名次
34. team “A” bench area “A”球队席区域
35. team “B” bench area “B”球队席区域
36. assistant scorer 助理记录员
37. commissioner of chairman 技术代表
38. final score 最后比分
39. winning team 优胜队
40. decision of a game 比赛胜负
41. tie score 比分相等
42. operate the game watch 开动计时表
43. stop the time 停止比赛时间
44. charged time-out 请求暂停
45. stop the clock 停表
46. broadcaster 广播员
47. buzzer 比赛用的蜂鸣器
48. overtime 加时赛a
49. quarter ; period 节
50. first-half 前两节;上半场
51. second-half 后两节 /
52. substitutes 替补队员
53. suspend 暂时中止运动员上场比赛;禁赛
54. halftime 中场休息时间
55. expiration (of game, first half…) (全场比赛,上半场…的比赛)时间终了
56. expiration of playing time 比赛时间终了
57. first (second, third, fourth) period 比赛的第一(第二,第三,第四)节
58. five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…) (全场比赛,时限钟上…的)时间只剩下5秒钟
59. full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停
60. twenty-second timeout 20秒钟之短暂停
61. APG: assists per game 平均每场助攻
62. box score 技术统计
63. BPG:blocks per game 平均每场盖帽
64. DNP: does not play 没有出场
65. G: games 出场次数
66. GS: games starting 先发出场次数
67. MIN: minutes 出场时间(分钟)
68. outscore 得分超过对手
69. PPG : points per game 平均每场得分
70. PTS: points 得分数
71.RPG: rebounds per game 平均每场篮板球
72.SPG : steals per game 平均每场抢断
73.DEF: defensive rebounds 防守篮板(后场篮板)
74.GB: Games Behind 落后的场次。NBA里没有积分一说,一般用落后场次表示球队之间的差距。
75.PCT:winning percentage 胜率
76.W: wins 胜场
77.HOME: home record 主场纪录
78.ROAD: road record 客场纪录
79.3PM-A:3 points made attempts 三分球命中比
80.FGM: field goal made 投篮命中次数
81.TO: turnover 失误次数
82.FGA: field goals attempts 出手投篮次数
83.FT: free throw 罚球
84.PF: personal foul 个人犯规次数 score 比分
86.accumulative points scored by individual player 队员个人累积得分
87.captain’s signature in case of protest 球队抗议队长签名栏
88.table official 记录台人员
89.back pass rule 球回后场规则
90.conventional sign (裁判员的)规定手势
91.cylinder 假想圆柱体
92.designation of offender (裁判员)指出犯规者
93.division of area of observation (裁判员)观察区域的划分
94.division of horizontal area of observation (裁判员)上下观察面的划分
95.terminology 专业术语
96.hand above head 举手过头(即停表)
97.hand signals 手势 phase 比赛片段(从一队得球至失球、投中,或成死球的一瞬间)
99.quarter time节间休息
100.verbal communication (裁判员对一项判定的)口头说明
101.timepiece 计时表
102.time regulation 时间通则
103.time to stoppage 比赛过程中停表时间
104.sandwich principle “围观”原则(注:使比赛情况纳入两裁判员的观察范围)
105.shift arms across body 两臂身前交叉摆动(裁判手势:投中无效)

三、篮球队成员及其他成员 team; five; quintet; team; squad; side; crew; franchise 篮球队
2.home team 主队
3.guest team 客队
4.attacking team 进攻队
5.defending team 防守队 ; instructor; trainer 教练员;指导;训练员
7.assistant coach 助理教练
8.line-up ; outfit 阵容
9.member ; team member 成员
10.list of players 队员名单
11.captain ; skipper 队长
12.player 队员
13.basketballer ;basketball player; cager; hoopster 篮球运动员
14.right forward 右前锋
15.left guard 左后卫;centre; pivot ; 5 player ; post 中锋
17.leading player 主力队员
18.substitute ; bench; bench player 替补队员
19.teammate 同队队员
20.opponent 对方队员
21.offensive player 进攻队员
22.defensive player 防守队员
23.the player with the ball 持球队员
24.the player without the ball 不持球队员
25.a player who controls the ball 控制球队员
26.a player who does not control the ball 不控制球的队员
27.shooter 投篮队员 罚球队员
29.jumper 跳球队员
30.non-jumper 非跳球队员
31.dribbler 运球队员
32.the player taking the throw-in 掷界外球队员
33.screener 掩护队员
34.the pivot player 策应队员
35.the player who is in the air 腾空的队员
36.injuried player 受伤的队员
37.offending player 犯规队员 follower 随队人员
39.spectator 观众
40.dream team 梦之队
41.most valuable player (MVP) 最有价值球员
42.guard; backcourt man 后卫
43.point guard; 1 guard 组织后卫
44.forward; cornerman; advanced guard; linesman 前锋
45.inside [ low; deep ] post 内中锋,内策应队员
46.inside man 内线队员
47.outside [ high ] post 外中锋; 外策应队员
48.set post 固定中锋
49.wing(er) 边锋
50.left forward 左前锋
51. small forward; 3 player 小前锋(注:又称3号位置球员)
52. power forward; big man; 4 player 大前锋(注:又称4号位置球员, 我国常称之为“二中锋”)
53. wingman 靠边线的队员
54. baseman 靠底线的队员
55. sixth man 第六人,头号替补
56. chaser 追踪对方主力的队员
57. swingman 摇摆人,能打多个位置的队员(注:指即能担任得分后卫又能当小前锋的球员)
58. gunner; chucker; pump 光顾自己多投篮的队员
59. giant; giantess(女) 特别高大的队员
60. rookie; beginner; newcomer; novice; newhand 新秀; 第一年球员; 菜鸟(球员)
61. draft 选秀
62. draft pick 获选新秀
63. pick No.l 状元秀
64. head coach 主教练
65. free agent 自由人 (注:合同期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队约束。) d9KHe}r6/
66. gunner 经常投篮的投手;得分手
67. injury list 伤病名单
68. point guard; one-guard 组织后卫,也作控球后卫。 yg'V{
69. commissioner 总裁c
70. squad 五人组,篮球队的非正式说法。
71. veteran; vet; old-timer 老运动员;资深球员,老鸟(球员) (m
72. backcourt 后卫组(注:包括控球后卫及得分后卫)
73. backup ; substitute; sub; spare; reserve; bench player 后备(替换,支持)球员;替补
74. frontline 锋线(注:包括大前锋,小前锋,中锋)
75. GM : general manager 球队经理
76. mascot 球队吉祥物
77. shooting guard; two-guard 得分后卫
78. sophomore 第二年球员
79. starter ; starting player; regular ( 指个人)先发球员      
80. starting lineup (指全体)先发球员  
81. trainer 球队训练员
82. agent 经纪人        
83. all-defensive team 最佳防守阵容
84. all-NBA Team NBA最佳阵容
85. all-Rookie Team 最佳新秀阵容
86. marquee player 招牌球员
87. play 1-5 分别是打组织后卫、攻击后卫、小前锋、大前锋、中锋位置
88. scout 球探
89. sleeper 沉睡者(注:选秀中被忽视,排位靠后但表现突出的新秀)
90. bench personnel 球队席人员
91. trailer 快攻中拖后的球员
92. uniform 球衣
93. cheer squad; hurra team 拉拉队
94. basketballer; player 篮球运动员;球员
95. rising star; up-and-coming player 后起之秀
96. reserve(force); depth 后备力量
97. backbone; leading player; mainstay; pillar; key (man) 主力
98. pro(fessional) basketballer 职业篮球运动员
99. amateur 业余篮球运动员
100. graded sportsman 等级运动员
101. first [ second-; third-] grade sportsman 一[二、三] 级运动员
102. master of sports 运动健将
103. international master of sports 国际级运动健将
104. playing captain 场上队长
105. playmaker; lead-off man 核心队员
106. national team 国家队
107. youth [junior] team 青年队
108. club team 俱乐部队
109. all-stars 全明星队
110. pickup team 临时拼凑的队
111. ranking [outstanding; top; topnotch; accomplished; high-performance] athlete; ace; cream 优秀运动员
112. versatile 多面手的,全能的
113. specialist 有特长的运动员
114. dark horse 黑马
115. clutch hitter 能扭转局面的选手
116. tall player; giant; long fellow 高个运动员
117. diminutive 小个子运动员
118. muscleman 体格魁梧的队员
119. left-hander; leftie; portsider; southpaw 左撇子
120. recruit; take on 招收(队员);招入
121. chief [head] coach 主教练
122. sideline coaching; bench work 临场指挥
123. skull practice [session] 战术讲解
124. pep-talk 赛前动员
125. pointer; tip 指导;指点
126. profession title 职称
127. national coach 国家级教练
128. engage ; employ 聘请(教练)
129. resign; dismiss; discharge; sack; fire 辞退
130. step down 下课
131. head of delegation; chief de mission 代表团团长
132. team leader [manager] 领队
133. accompanying official; team follower 随队官员
134. promoter 经纪人
135. spectator; audience; crowd; onlooker; watcher 观众
136. fan; enthusiast; buff; lover; devotee; bug 迷;爱好者
137. attentance 观众人数
138. favor 偏袒;偏爱
139. partisan audience 偏袒一方的观众
140. favorable climate and warm support from a home crowd 天时地利人和
141. root 助威;声援
142. cheering squad; rooting section 啦啦队;助威团
143. rooting king 啦啦队长
144. clap; applaud 鼓掌
145. ovation 鼓掌欢呼
146. standing ovation 起立欢呼
147. cheer sb on 为某人加油
148. Come on! 加油!
149. Go, team, go! 加油(给某队)
150. boo; make catcalls 喝倒彩
151. riot; violence 球迷闹事
152. admission fees 入场票价
153. free [complimentary] ticket 赠票
154. sell out 入场门票全部售完
155. full house; capacity [sellout] crowd 满座
156. ball hawk 善于抢断球的队员
159. chief of mission 代表团团长
160. masseur 男按摩师
161. masseuse 女按摩师
162. team follower 随队人员
163. physiotherapist 理疗师
164. interpreter 翻译
165.trailer 跟随者
166.anchor man 底线队员
167.blocking post 做定位掩护的策应队员
168.buff, bug 爱好者,迷,热心者
169.cage ace 篮球名将
170.dead player 运球动作结束时的队员
171.deep post 内中锋,低位中锋
172.deep defender 最后面的防守队员(端线附近)
173.dribble-trailer 尾随运球者的同伴
174.floater 弱侧协防队员 referee 配合裁判
176.goon 不灵活的高个子篮球运动员
177.goaltender 防守对方投篮的队员;最后一道防线中的队员
178.starting lineups 首发阵容
179.inside post 内中锋
180.moving pivot 移动的策应队员
181.non-offending team 被侵犯队
182.point man 圈顶队员(注:位于罚球区圈顶外的进攻队员) defender 防守策应的队员
184.point man of the zone 区域联防的突前队员
185.quick hand 善于抢球的队员
186.rear middle man (2-3等阵型)后面中间的防守队员
187.running guard 组织进攻的后卫,能攻善守的后卫,流动后卫 留守后卫
189.second-string player 二线队员,替补队员 passer 善于传球者 神投手
192.slasher 向对方篮下进攻的队员
193.sleeper 留在对方篮下伺机进攻的队员
194.standing guard 留守后卫(注:专门防守的后卫)
195.sweeper 沿边线切入篮下的队员
196.thrower-in 掷界外球的队员
197.trail official 跟踪裁判
198.offensive guard 组织进攻的后卫 man 无人防守的队员,摆脱了防守的队员
200.pivot man 策应队员 guard 留守后卫
202.scorer 投手,投篮命中率高的队员
203.scoring inside man 近投命中率高的队员
204.triggerman 发界外球者,发动进攻者 wing 弱侧边锋
206.rover 在低位夹击的队员;突破联防的底线切入队员
207.trailer 快攻中最后一位进入前场的进攻队员;拖后队员

1.officials ; judge; refree; umpire; arbiter 裁判人员
2.referee; chief official 主裁判
3.umpire ; assistant refree 副裁判
4.official’s signals 裁判员手势
5.two points 两分 point 一分
7.three point attempt 试投三分
8.three point successful shot 投中三分
9.cancel score 得分无效
10.time in 计时重新开始
11.time out 比赛时间停止;暂停
12.end of game 比赛结束
13.jump ball 跳球
14.signal 信号
15.forfeit 弃权
16.unsportsmanlike play 不符合体育道德的行为
17.warning 警告 score ; no goal 投中无效
19.the leading referee 前导裁判员
20.the trailing refree 追踪裁判员
21.the referee calling the decision 做出宣判的裁判员
22.the other referee 另一裁判员
23.the active referee 执行裁判员
24.the free referee 配合裁判员 referee 国际级裁判
26.national referee 国家级裁判
27.referee of first category 国家一级裁判员
28.chief referee 裁判长
29.officials and their assistants 裁判员及其助理人员
30.duties and power of referee 主裁判的职责和权力
31.duties of officials 裁判员的职责 trousers 黑色长裤
33.grey shirt 灰色上衣 basketball shoes 黑色的篮球鞋
35.wait a minute 等一会
36.Don `t shout! 不要呼喊
37. no talking 不要说话
38.already two time-outs 已经两次暂停
39.time expired first 时间已到
40.goal counts; basket counts 投中有效
41.time and place for decisions 宣判的时间、地点
42.location of player and official 队员和裁判员的位置
43.choice of the ball 选择比赛用球
44.officials disagree 裁判员意见不同
45.carefull examine the score sheet 认真审查记录表
46.approve the score 批准记录
47.confirm the time that remain to be played 确定比赛剩余时间
48.beckoning substitute to come on the court 招呼替补队员进场
49. blowing the whistle 吹哨
50.the officials shall consulate the game in accordance with rules 裁判员应使比赛按照规则的规定进行
51.administering penalties 执行罚则
52.take place 就位
53.reprimand 劝告
54.signature 签名
55.raise hand 举手
56.bad toss 抛球不好
57.choice of baskets 选择球篮
58.change the baskets 互换球篮
59.resetting of 24 second clock 24秒钟复位
60. toss ; toss-up 抛球
61. center toss 中圈抛球
62. execute a free throw 执行罚球
63. correctable error 能纠正的误判
64. 20-second timeout 20秒的短暂停(NBA)
65. regular timeout 100秒的长暂停 U
66. officiaiate; refree; run the line 担任裁判工作;执裁
67. judges committee; board of refrees; judges panel; jury ; panel of judges 裁判委员会
68. appeal committee; panel of appeal; arbitration board 仲裁委员会
69. homer 偏袒本国[队]的裁判员
70. black whistle; shady [bribled] refree 黑哨
71. working staff 工作人员
72. official 官员
73. field officer 场地工作人员
74. announcer; mikester 广播[宣告] 员
75. offciating 裁判工作
76. playing rules; code 比赛规则
77. question of law 有关规则的问题
78. question of fact 有关事实的问题
79. interpretation of rules 规则解释
80. rule; adjudicate; arbitrate 判定
81. call the score 报分
82. misjudge 错判
83. reverse a decision 改判
84. overrule 推翻(初步裁决)
85. final decision 最终判定
86. official’s signal 裁判员手势
87. fair; impartial 公平的
88. unfair 不公平的
89. breach [violation; infraction; infringement] of rules; fault 违例
90. foul; offend 犯规
91. offender 犯规队员
92. shielded pety trick; gamesmanship 小动作
93. act on the sly 耍小动作
94. obstruction 阻挡,阻挠
95. disciplinary measures 纪律处分
96. penalty; punishment 处罚
97. penalize; charge; punish 处罚
98. do time 受罚(不能上场)
99. fine 罚款
100. outlaw 被开除的运动员
101. send off; banish; chase out 罚出场
102. suspend 中止(比赛、会籍、资格等)
103. suspend for life; life ban 终身禁赛
104. protest 抗议
105. protest fees 抗议保证金
106. appeal 申诉
107. boycott 联合抵制
108. rule 规则
109. provision 规定
110. article 条文
111. penalty 罚则
112. comment 注解
113. principle 原则
114. standard 标准
115. duty 职责
116. right 权利
117. power 权力
118. the mechanic of officiating 裁判法
119. refree’s manual 裁判员手册
120. mechanic and offciating technique 裁判方法和技巧
121. division of area 区域分工
122. co-operation 合作
123. communication 联系;联络
124. inspect 检查
125. approve 核准
126. choose 选择
127. observation 观察
128. path 途径
129. position 位置
130. distance 距离
131. angle 角度
132. direction 方向
133. vision 视野
134. judgment 判断
135. decision 宣判
136. penalize 处罚
137. indicate 指出
138. designate 指定
139. official’ s signal 裁判员手势
140. procedure for substition 替换程序
141. procedure to follow in case of protest 抗议程序
142. calling of the foul 宣判犯规
143. calling of the violation 宣判违例
144. duty and power of the captain 队长职责和权力
145. time-out in case of injury 遇伤害事故中断比赛
146. player leave the court 队员离场
147. calling foul procedure 宣告犯规的程序
148. additional free throw 追加罚球
149. double-refree system 双人裁判制
150. three-referee system 三人裁判制
151. name and number of player 队员姓名和号码
152. exchange the number 更换号码
153. choice of basket 选择球篮
154. exercise 练习
155. break 15 minutes 休息15分钟
156. march in 入场
157. march off 退场
158. exchange the court 交换场地
159. beckon 招手(入场)
160. floor position 场上位置
161. status of the ball 球的状态
162. the ball becomes alive 球成活球
163. the ball becomes dead 球成死球
164. dead ball period 死球期间
165. a player is in control of the ball 队员控制球
166. a team is in control of the ball 球队控制球
167. travel rule 带球走违例
168. dribbling rule 运球违例
169. continuous movement 继续运动(动作)
170. personal contact 身体接触
171. legal guarding position 合法的防守位置
172. the principle of verticality 垂直原则
173. guarding from the rear 从背后防守
174. table official 记录台人员
175. original thirteen rules 原始13条篮球规则
176. pivoting foot 中枢脚
177. cylinder 圆柱体原则
178. position of the ball 球的位置
179. reporting a foul to the scorer’s table 向记录台报告一起犯规
180. free-throw administration 罚球管理
181. inbounds 界内
182. out-of-bounds 界外
183. technical delegate 技术代表

1.violation 违例
2.travelling; carry; palm the ball; walking; steps 带球跑;持球移动; 走步违例
3.kicking the ball 脚踢球; 踢球违例
4.held ball 争球
5.double dribble; broken dribble; double 两次运球
6. striking ball with the fist 拳击球
7. interference with ball ; basket interference; goaltending; block a shot 干扰球
8. interference with the ball on offense 进攻队干扰球
9. interference with the ball on defense 防守队干扰球
10. progressing with the ball 持球移动
11. jump ball violations 跳球违例
12. three-second rule 三秒钟规则
13. five-second rule 五秒钟规则
14. eight-second rule 八秒钟规则
15. 24-second rule 二十四秒钟规则
16. penalty 罚则
17. ball returned to back court 球回后场
18. out-of-bounds 出界;界外
19. free throw ; penalty [foul; charity] shot 罚球
20. free throw violation 罚球违例
21. violation of the throw-in from out-of-bounds play 掷界外球时违例
22. player who is to attempt free throws 执行罚球的队员
23. the ball accidentally enters the basket from below 球意外的从球篮下面进入
24. three free throw 三次罚球
25. two free throw 一次罚球
26. one free throw 一次罚球
27. the ball lodges in the basket support 球停在篮圈支颈上
28. violation of the three second rule ; three-second violation; three in the key violation 三秒违例
29. violation of the five second rule 五秒违例
30. violation of the eight second rule 八秒违例
31. violation of the 24 second rule 二十四秒违例
32. jump ball in special situation 特殊情况的争球
33.illegal dribble 非法运球
34. touch the line; step on the line 踩线
35. illegal defense 非法防守。(注:以前NBA规定联防防守即为非法防守)
36. palming;carrying the ball 翻腕
37. defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分
38. illegal defense 防守违例
39. illegal offense 进攻违例
40. shot clock violation 违反24秒内必须投篮(并且球必须触及篮框)时限之规定
41. grasping the ring 抓篮圈
42. run with the ball 带球跑
43.rotate fists 两拳轮转(注:带球跑违例手势)
44.backcourt violation 球回后场违例
45.pivoting foot 中枢脚

1. foul 犯规
2. personal foul 侵人犯规; 个人犯规`
3. technical foul 技术犯规
4. pushing 推人犯规
5. holding; grabbing 拉人犯规
6. blocking foul 阻挡犯规
7. charging 带球撞人
8. illegal use of hands 非法用手
9. intentional foul 故意犯规
10. double foul 双方犯规
11. disqualifying foul 取消比赛资格的犯规
12. foul by team control of the ball 控制球队犯规
13. trip ; undermine; submarine; low bridge 绊人犯规
14. personal contact 身体接触
15. five fouls 五次犯规
16. calling of the fouls 宣告犯规
17. technical foul during intervals of play 比赛休息时间内的技 术犯规
18. fouls in special situations 特殊情况下的犯规
19. unsportsmanlike conduct 不道德的行为;非体育道德行为
20. profame language 不尊敬的语言
21. delay the game ; stall 拖延比赛
22. the foul was committed on a player in the act of shooting 对投篮队员的犯规
23. guarding from the rear 从背后防守
24. grasped the ring 抓篮圈
25. obstructed vision 妨碍视线
26. the foul by the coach 教练员犯规
27.the foul by the player 队员犯规
28.the foul by the substitute 替补队员犯规
29.acts of violence 粗暴行为
30.acceptable contact 合法的身体接触
31.roughness of personal contact 粗野的身体接触
32.calling fouls procedure 宣告犯规的程序
33.screen foul 掩护犯规
34. away-from-play foul 无球犯规
35. loose ball foul 争抢球犯规;双方均无持球权时的犯规(注:通常发生于双方争夺篮板球时)
36. striking 打人犯规
37. hacking 打手犯规
38. elbowing 非法用肘犯规
39. punching foul 击打球犯规
40. body-checking 身体堵截犯规 (阻止对方切入)
41. (hand) checking 推拉犯规
42. multiple foul 多人犯规
43. team foul 全队犯规
44. foul out 犯规达到限定次数被罚下场; 犯满离场,“毕业”
45. bonus one (free-throw); one-and[plus]-one 追加罚球
46. DQ: disqualification ejection 被罚下场
47.serious [gross; major ; flagrant] foul 没有必要或动作过大的犯规; 恶性犯规;严重犯规
48. foul trouble 一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带来的麻烦; 快要犯满离场;“领到一张准毕业证书”
49. the foul by the substitute 替补队员犯规
50. the foul by the coach 教练员犯规
51. throw a punch 出拳打架
52. trash talk 场上说脏话
53. minor offense; ordinary foul 一般犯规
54. intentional foul 故意犯规
55. moral code; code of ethics 道德准则
56. serious [gross] misconduct 严重不良行为
57. disobey [refuse to obey] the umpire’s orders; dissert 不服从裁判
58. foul language 粗鄙的语言
59. interfering with play 干扰比赛
60. violent action; act of brutality; boorish behavior 粗暴行为
61. fighting; roughhouse; rowdy play; rough and tumble 大打出手;群殴
62. dirty [rough; ungentlemanly] play 粗野的比赛
63. offensive foul 进攻犯规
64. defensive foul 防守犯规
65. excessive swinging of elbow 过分挥肘
66.dribble collision 运球撞人
67.get the charge 造成对方撞人犯规
68.offensive fouls 进攻犯规
69.illegal screen 非法掩护
70.undue roughness 粗野动作
71.multiple foul 聚众犯规
72.shouldering 以肩撞人(犯规)
73.simultaneous foul call (两裁判员)同时鸣哨判犯规

1.playing time 比赛时间
2.beginning of the game 比赛开始
3.duties and power of the captain 队长职责和权力
4.winning team 胜队
5.losing team 负队
6.pass 传球
7.dribble 运球
8.screen 掩护
9.pivot 转身;策应
10.forward 前锋
11.guard 后卫
12.balling play after goal 中篮后继续比赛
13.decision of the game 比赛胜负
14.ball goes into play 球进入比赛状态
15.time-out in case of injury 遇伤害事故中断比赛
16.control of the ball 控制球
17. live ball 活球 (还有运球机会)
18.the act of shooting 投篮动作
19.the ball given to opponent 抢断球
20.control of the ball by the player 队员控制球
21.control of the ball by the team 球队控制球
22.beginning of a game 开始比赛
23.opposing players 双方队员
24.players leave the court 队员离场
25.the ball put in play at the mid-court 中场外掷界外球继续 比赛
26.the ball put in play at the side-line 边线外掷球比赛
27.the ball put in play at the end-line 端线外掷球比赛 throw is successful ; convert a free throw 罚球中篮
29.a goal is made 中篮、投中
30.goal isn’t made 投篮未中
31.cancel score 得分无效
32.refusal to play 拒绝比赛
33. jump ball; tap-[tip-]off 跳球
34. center-jump 中圈跳球
35. dead ball 死球( 持球队员无运球机会)
36. held [tie] ball 争球; 持球(双方均持球不放)
37. possession of the ball 控球权
38. put the ball into play 使球进入比赛状态(开始计时)
39. actual playing time 实际比赛时间
40. official’s time-out; referee time 裁判员的暂停
41. in bounds 界内
42. out of bounds 界外
43. throw in; inbound; inbound pass 掷界外球; 发球入场
44. sideline throw 掷边线球
45. overtime 超时
46. turnover 失误
47. miss the free throw 罚球失误; 罚球不中
48. position 位置
49. Ast: assist 助攻
51. boo 嘘声;发出嘘声。球迷发泄不满的一种方法。
52. box out 抢篮板球挡人
53. brick 球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来
54. buzzer beater 比赛结束前的最后一投
55. coast-to-coast 从球场的一端到另一端
56. coast-to-coast pass 穿越全场的传球
57. debut 首次上场
58. duo 原义是二重唱,在篮球中专指双人组合。
59. matchup 攻防上各个位置的对应关系
60. run 连续得分。(注:比赛中屏幕上会经常打出某支球队12-0 run in last 4 minutes,就是说这支球队在刚刚过去的4分钟内连得了12分,打了个12比0的小高潮)
61. strong side; ball side 强侧, 有球侧
62. three-point shot 三分投篮 l
63. three-pointer 三分球
64. tie 平局;打平
65.transition 由攻转守的过程 ;攻守转换
66. weak side 弱侧
67. wide open 开阔;无人防守
68. away game; road game 客场比赛
69. final 总决赛
70. first round 首轮比赛
71. guest team 客队
72. home court 主场
73. home court advantage 主场优势
74. home game 主场比赛
75. home team 主队
76. losing streak 连败场数,连败纪录
77. post season; play-off 季后赛
78. schedule 赛程
79. semi-final 半决赛
80. standings 战绩(表)
81. winning streak 连胜场数,连胜纪录
82. clutch time 生死时刻,投入一球可决定胜负的决定性时刻
83. crunch time; down the strech 关键时刻; 关键时间(通常指最后两分钟)
84. incidental contact 非故意接触
85. individual practice 个人训练模式
86. play mind games 攻心战
87. scrimmage 训练比赛
88. sweep 横扫对手(注:在某一轮季后赛中全胜)
89. tipoff 开球
90. blooper (美俚)出洋相(注:NBA特别善于捕捉这种赛场内外的花絮,而且每个赛季都要推出当年的“十佳”洋相镜头。)
91. close calls 比分接近的比赛
92. explosiveness 爆发力
93. go “冲啊!”(加油声)
94. hustle 用来形容运动员打球非常卖力,非常有攻击性。(注:NBA里用篮板球、助攻、抢断球、封盖这些数据来描述一个运动员的攻击性,这张数据表的标题也叫hustle。)
95.footwork 移动
96.accidental contact 偶然接触
97.allocation of players 布置队员位置
98.alternating possession 交替拥有
99.clear shot 空心球
100.transition game 攻守转换
101.medium deep 中远距离 situations 判断场上形势 game 双方队员为避免犯规而相互保持一定距离的比赛 off 平分决胜
105.right of option 选择权(罚球或掷界外球)

1. basketball; cage; hoops 篮球运动
2. CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) 中国篮球协会
3. CUBA (Chinese University Basketball Association) 中国大学生篮球联赛;中国大学生篮球协会
4. NBA (National Basketball Association) 美国职业篮球联盟
5. FIBA(International Basketball Federation) 国际篮球联合会
6. Western Conference 西部联盟
7. regular season 常规赛季
8. playoffs; postseason games 季后赛
9. biddy basketball; mini-basketball 小篮球运动
10. Eastern Conference 东部联盟
11. conference 联盟
12. finals 总决赛
13. semifinals 半决赛
14. lottery 确定选秀顺序的过程 (注:以前是通过掷硬币决定,因其不确定性所以称之为lottery。)
15. preseason games 季前赛
16. salary cap 工资上限 /LAn~\
17. season 赛季
18. NBA 球队一览表
 Western Conference 西部联盟
 Pacific Division 大西洋区
 Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队
 LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队
 LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队
 Phoenix Suns 凤凰城太阳队
 Portland Trailblazers (简称Blazers) 波特兰开拓者队
 Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王队
 Seattle Supersonics (简称Sonics) 西雅图超音速队
 Midwest Division 中西部区
 Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队
 Denver Nuggets 丹佛金块队
 Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队
 Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼队
 San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼奥马刺队
 Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队
 vancouver Grizzlies 温哥华灰熊队
 Eastern Conference 东区
 Atlantic Division 大西洋区
 Miami Heat 迈阿密热队
 New York Knickerbockers (简称Knicks) 纽约尼克斯队
 Philadelphia 76ers 费城七十六人队
 Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队
 Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人队
 New Jersey Nets 新泽西网队
 Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才队
 Central Division 中央区
 Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大鹰队
 Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队
 Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队
 Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士队
 Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞队
 Indiana Pacers 印地安纳步行者队
 Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿队
 Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙队
19. callective bargaining agreement 劳资协定
20. expansion 扩充球队
21. Hall of Framer 名人堂成员
22. Basketball Hall of Fame 篮球名人堂
23. lockout 因劳资纠纷而停赛; 停摆
24. pros 职业圈
25. ring 冠军戒指
26. roundup 综述
27. runner-up 第二名
28. series 轮,系列赛
29. strong & conditioning 体能训练
30. team up 球员参与的社区互助活动
31. trade 交换球员
32. waive 放弃,中止合同
33. NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association ) 美国大学生体育协会
34. Basketball Administrative Center 篮球管理中心
35. ABC(Asian Basketball Confederation); FIBA Aisa 亚洲篮球联合会, 亚篮联
36. General Administration of Sport of China 中华人民共和国国家体育总局
37. sport [athletic] club 体育俱乐部
38. host city 主办城市
39. organizing committee 组织委员会;组委会
40. transfer 转会
41. train; bring up [on]; groom; foster; raise 培养;栽培
42. retire; hang up one’s shoes [spikes] 退役
43. athletic career 运动生涯
44. peak (period) 高峰期
45. all-star weekend 全明星周末
46. 3-point shooting contest 三分球大赛
47. the slam dunk contest 扣篮大赛
48. rookie challenge 新秀挑战赛
49. NBA draft 选秀
50. NBDL: the national basketball development league NBA下属的发展联盟
51. Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy NBA的总冠军奖杯(注:Larry O’Brien是NBA前任总裁)
52. research paper 学术论文
53. monograph 专著
54. YMCA:Young Men’s Christian Association 基督教青年会
55. Springfield College 春田学院
56. WNBA: the Women’s National Basketball Association 美国女子篮球职业联赛
57. Stankovic Continental Champions Cup 斯坦科维奇洲际冠军杯篮球赛
58. NABC: National Association of Basketball Coach 美国全国篮球教练员协会
59. player roster 球队队员名单
60. playoff spot 季后赛席位
61. CBA: the Continental Basketball Association (美国)大陆篮球联盟
62.course of the ball 球路 type 实战
64.hoop bombardment 篮球运动
65.coaches’clinics 教练员培训班
66.scrimmages 练习赛
67.practice plan 训练计划
68.philosophy of coaching 执教哲学;执教理念
69.pre-game instruments 赛前指导
70.situation play 针对实战的打法

1. pass 传球
2. long pass 长传
3. coast-to-coast; court-length [full-court] pass 穿过全场的传球
4. close [short; flip] pass 短传
5. cross [lateral] pass 横传球
6. triangle [delta] pass 三角传球
7. behind-[around-] the-body pass 身后传球
8. back pass 背后传球
9. drop pass 留给后面同伴的传球
10. chest pass 胸前传球
11. overhead pass 头上传球
12. side [drag] pass 体侧传球
13. cross-body pass 身前异侧传球
14. cross-face pass 头前异侧传球
15. trick pass 隐蔽传球
16. single-hand pass 单手传球
17. two-hand pass 双手传球
18. hand-off; quarterback pass 手递手传球
19. underhand pass 低手传球
20. rolling [floor; bowling] pass 传地滚球
21. overhand pass 上手传球
22. baseball pass; long pass with one hand 单手肩上传球
23. quick [shove] pass 快传
24. shot pass 猛力传球
25. running pass; passing on the run 跑动[行进间]传球
26. jump pass 跳起传球
27. bounce [bound] pass 反弹传球;击地传球
28. slap [snappy; tap] pass 点拨传球
29. outlet pass 第一传(抢到进攻篮板球后)
30. relay a pass 分球
31. fake-shot pass 假装投篮的传球
32. pass and follow 传球跟进
33. lead pass 领前传球
34. lead 球领人;传球提前量
35. spot pass 传球到位
36. blind [phantom] pass ; no-look pass 不看接球同伴的传球; 声东击西的传球
37. telegraph a pass 暴露传球意图
38. receive a pass 接球
39. catch a pass 接住球
40. return pass 回传球
41. inbound pass 发界外球时向场内传球
42. clever pass 妙传
43. pass on the run 行进间传球
44. fumble 漏接球
45. chest-bounce pass 胸前反弹传球
46. air pass 空中直线传球
47. lob pass 弧线传球
48. perimeter pass 外围区域传球
49. one hand push pass 单手推传;单手点拨传球
50. bent-elbow starting position 屈肘准备姿势
51.the stride pass 跨步传球
52.the push pass 推传
53.the jump pass 跳传
54.passing off the dribble 运球急停后传球
55.the one-handed pass 单手传球
56.the one-handed behind-the-back pass 单手背后传球
57.the alley-oop pass 空中接力传球
58.faking and misdirection passing 声东击西的传球
59.cross-court pass 穿越全场的传球
60.passing lane 传球路线
61.the pads of the fingertips 手指指根部分
62.snap the wrist 抖腕动作
63.snap the fingers 拨指动作
64.feed the ball into the post 传球给中锋
65.jump pass 跳传
66.grip 握球手势
67.the one-handed pass 单手传球
68. volleyball tap [tip] 把球拍向同伴
69.back-flip pass 背后传球
70.the fake pass 带假动作的传球
71.the misdirection pass 声东击西的传球
72.cross pass 横传球, 交叉传球
73.crossover bounce pass 交叉步反弹传球
74.deep back tap 跳球时向后方远处拍球
75.stride pass 跨步传球
76.jump hook pass 勾手跳传
77.drop pass 击地传球
78.fancy pass 花哨的传球
79.flip pass 上挑传球
80.floating pass 空中长传
81.forward flip 向前上挑传球
82.gambling pass (无把握的)长传球
83.cutting off passing lanes 封住传球路线
84.lead pass 领前传球,发动半场进攻配合的第一传
85.lead someone with the pass 以球领人
86.muff a ball 接球不稳,没接稳球
87.outlet pass 一传
88.outlet 传球给外围接应队员
89.overhand hook pass 从身旁至头上勾手传球
90.out-quick 快速传球
91.pass and follow 传球跟进
92.pairing tactics 两人对传
93.passing plane 传球高度
94. wild pass 传出的球离接球人太远
95.pass out (从混战中)将球传出去
96.perimeter passing 外围传球
97.pass work play 无人看守队员之间的相互传球
98.pinch out (把球)向外传,第一传
99.plugging 近距离猛力传球
100.punch out 向外传球,外传球
101.push pass 胸前传球
102. running quarterback pass 行进间手递手传球
103.rolling pass 传地滚球
104.running catch 跑动接球
105.running pass 跑动传球 获得球
107.ship 传球
108.weak-side entry pass 弱侧掩护传切配合
109. kill spin 反旋(反弹传球时)
110.shovel pass 把靠近地面的球拨给近处的同伴
111.sidearm pass 体侧传球
112.slap pass 点拨传球
113.snap pass 双手胸前传球
114.snappy pass (用腕力的)点拨传球
115.step-out pass 跨步传球
116.tap pass 指尖拍球,点拨传球
117.three-man inter-passing 三人传球
118.tip-pass 轻拨传球
119.turnaround pass 转身传球
120.underhand flip pass 低手拨传球
121.under pass 低手传球,低传
122.shot pass 猛传,用力传球
123.crisscross pass 三人交叉跑动传球
124.cross-body pass 持球手经身前向异侧传球
125.lateral pass 横传球,侧向传球
126.behind-the-back bounce pass 背后反弹传球
127.the ear pass 做向下传球假动作后靠防守对手耳边的传球

1. dribble 运球
2. ball-control [-handling] 控球能力
3. dribbler 运球者
4. standing dribble 原地运球
5. yo-yo 原地连续拍球
6. low [defensive] dribble 低运球
7. crossover dribble; switch dribble 左右手交换运球
8. behind-the-back dribble; crossover dribble behind the back 背后换手运球
9. dribble out 向外围运球
10. drag 体侧运球
11. sliding dribble 侧滑步运球
12. spin [reverse] dribble; whirl dribble 后转身运球
13. zigzag drible 之字形运球
14. between-the-legs dribble ; crossover dribble between the legs 胯下运球
15. speed dribble; drive 运球前进
16. drive in 运球突破
17. up-and-under dribble 投篮假动作后运球突破
18. sudden [hard; instant] stop 急停
19. whirl dribble 转身运球
20. arc dribble 弧(曲)线运球
21. change-of-direction dribble 变向运球
22. change-of-pace dribble 变速运球
23. crisscross 全场8字运球
24. low dribble ;protected dribble 低运球
25. high dribble ;speed dribble 高运球
26. peripheral vision 眼睛余光
27. protecting the basketball 保护球动作
28.retreat dribble 后撤运球
29.the off hand; the non-dominant hand 非控球手
30.set high-low dribble 原地高低运球
31.jump stopping off the dribble 运球跳步急停
32.pick up the dribble; stop the dribble 停球,停止运球
33.reverse figure eight 反向绕8字运球
34.crossover dribble 换手运球
35.protecting the dribble (运球时)护球
36.cross over 换手运球
37.hand-eye coordination 手眼协调
38.instant stop 急停
39.freeze (拖时间而)控制球
40.spin dribble 运球转身
41.pick up the dribble 停止运球
42.pivot dribble 转身运球
43.whirl dribble in running 行进间体前变向运球
44.standing dribble 原地运球

1. shoot [throw] for a goal; shot; goal attempt; shoot hoops 投篮
2. lay-up; lay in 上篮
3. stride lay-up 跨步上篮
4. driving lay-up 突破上篮
5. down-the-middle lay-up 正面上篮
6. twisting lay-up 篮下转身上篮
7. set [standing] shot 原地投篮
8. running [action] shot 行进间投篮;跑篮
9. force; power shot 强行上篮
10. tip-in; flip [tip; follow-up; tapping; second] shot 补篮
11. midle-distance shot; intermediate shooting 中距离投篮
12.long (-distance) shot 远投
13.three-point shot; three pointer 3分球
14. short [close-in] shot 近距离投篮
15. high arc shot 高弧度投篮
16. outside shooting; shoot over the zone 外围投篮
17. baseline shot 底线投篮
18.under-basket buttonhook shot 篮下运球到另一侧投篮
19.fake a shot 假装投篮
20. up-and-under shot 假动作后运球到另一侧投篮
21. sleeper; (basket)hanger; cherry pick 埋伏篮下伺机投篮的队员
22. facing shot 正面投篮
23.overhead shot 头上投篮
24. underhand shot 低手投篮
25. chest shot 胸前投篮
26. one- (single-) hand shot 单手投篮
27. two-hand shot 双手投篮
28. cross shot 反手投篮
29. hook shot 勾手投篮
30. babyhook 小勾手投篮
31. sky-hook 天勾,飞跃勾手投篮
32. scoop [underhand sweep] shot 掏投(经防守者臂下)
33. muscle shot 挤投
34. crossover shot 从旁侧切入投篮
35. buzzer shot 终场时的投篮
36. jump shot; jumper 跳投
37. sky; talk to god 飞跃
38. hang time 滞空时间
39. jump hook 跳起勾手投篮
40. stop shot 急停投篮
41. stop-jump shot 急停跳投
42. fadeaway [fallaway] jump shot; fadeaway jumper 后仰跳起投篮
43. reverse shot 反身投篮
44. back-step shot 后撤步投篮
45. pivot [turn; turnaround; backup] shot 转身投篮
46. turnaround jump shot 转身跳投
47. reverse lay-in 跳起反身投篮
48. dunk; slam; sink; ram; jam; stuff 扣篮
49. behind-the-head dunk 头后扣篮
50. reverse dunk 反手扣篮
51.single-hand dunk 单手扣篮
52. two-hand dunk 双手扣篮
53. pivot dunk 转身扣篮
54. alley-oop 空中接力扣篮
55. tomahawk 战斧式扣篮
56. windmill 风车式扣篮
57. shooting ability; marksmanship 投篮能力
58. attempts 出手次数
59. shooting angle 投篮角度
60. bank [carom; backboard; rebound] shot 擦板球
61. glass ball 擦板不中
62. hope shot 乱投
63. air ball 三不沾
64. miss the basket; misshot; brick 投篮不中
65. goal; find the basket [goal] ; make a goal; hit; bury [sink] a shot ; fall in 投中
66. shooting average [percentage] 投篮命中率
67. easy shot 轻易投中
68. chippie; garbage 篮下轻易投中
69. bomb 远投命中
70. rim shot 碰篮圈命中
71. clean [open] shot; swisher 空心篮
72. allow a goal 判定投中有效
73. continuation 对方犯规前投中有效
74. disallow [cancel] a goal 判定投中无效
75. field goal; basket; bucket; hoop 投中得分(除罚球外)
76. convert a free throw 罚中得分
77. sharpshooter; pure shooter 神投手
78. clutch shooter 关键时刻神投手
79. hot hand 投篮顺手;手热
80. cold 投篮低潮; 手冷
81. total points 个人得分总数
82. double (figures) 两位数 (个人得分达到或超过10)
83. double-double 两双(个人得分和篮板球都达到两位数)
84. triple-double 三双(个人得分、篮板球和助攻都达到两位数)
85. quardruple-double 四双(个人得分、篮板球、助攻和盖帽/抢断都达到两位数)
86. slam dunk 重扣
87. finger roll 低手上篮时手指拨球动作
88. hang time 滞空时间,即运动员投篮时在空中停留的时间。
89. pump fake 投篮的假动作
90. reverse 反身的
91. double pump 拉杆式投篮
92. perimeter shot 中距离投篮
93. FG%: field goal percentage 投球命中率
94. FG: field goal 投球命中; 投篮(总称,包括两分球和三分球的投篮.)
95. FT% : free throw percentage 罚球命中率
96. 3PG% : three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率
97. driving to the hoop 带球上篮
98. make the basket 投篮得分
99. make the hoop 投篮得分
100. monster dunk 狂猛灌篮
101. nothing but the net 空心球(入篮)
102. shoot behind the arc 投三分球
103. clutch shot 致胜入球
104. FT: free throw 罚球
105. FTM-FTA: free throw made / free throw attempt 罚中次数/罚球次数
106. second chance points 二次进攻得分
107. shooting skill 投篮技术
108. shooting form 投篮姿势
109. follow-through 投篮出手后顺势前送动作;顺随动作
110. rhythm 节奏
111. sighting pointing of aim 瞄篮点
112. arc 投篮弧度
113. shot range 投篮范围
114. arm position 持球手势
115. grip 握持球
116. snap the wrist; flip of the wrist 抖腕
117. backspin (球)后旋
118. forward spin (球)前旋
119. over-handed lay-up; the push lay-up 行进间单手高(上)手投篮
120. the under-handed lay-up; the scoop lay-up 行进间单手低手投篮
121. shooting hand 投篮手
122. triple-threat position [stance] 持球三威胁姿势
123. knees bent 屈膝
124. elbows out 两肘外展
125. turn one’s body around 转体侧身
126. center of gravity 身体重心
127. ready stance 准备姿势
128. low-arced shot 低弧度投篮
129. high-arced shot 高弧度投篮
130. chest shot 胸前投篮
131. one-hand overhead shot 单手头上投篮
132. push shot 双手胸前投篮
133. shot under basket 篮下投篮
134. shoulder shot 肩上投篮
135. the spot shot ; field goal shooting 投篮(除罚球外)
136. free throw shooting ; the foul shot 罚球
137.shooting pocket 最佳投篮点
138.load the gun 举球准备投篮
139.index finger 食指
140.middle finger 中指
141.little finger 小指
142.ring finger 无名指
143.thumb 大拇指 shooting; spot shot 定点投篮
145. set one-handed jump shot over shoulder 原地跳起单手肩上投篮
146.shooting spot 投篮点得分区域
147.arm-position 手型
148.step-away shot under basket 从篮下向外撤步投篮
149.release 投篮出手动作
150.successful (field) goal 中篮
151.quarter-court shot 近投
152. the help hand 护球手
153.the reverse lay-up 反身行进间投篮
154.the jump shot with one step 接球撤步跳投
155.the jump shot with one dribble 运球急停跳投
156.the jump shot with the turn 接球转身跳投
157.shooting off the pass 接球后投篮
158.shooting off the dribble 运球急停后投篮
159.shooting on the move 移动中投篮
160.fade-away turn-around jump shot 转身后仰跳投
161.driving lay-up 运球上篮
162.gather; collect 屈膝蹲身准备投篮姿势
163.drop the leather 得分
164.arch of throw 投篮抛物线
165.set two-handed push shoot 原地双手胸前投篮
166.back-up shot 转身投篮
167.banking spot 擦板点 takeoff jumping 单脚起跳
169.underhand sweep shot 掏投(注:经防守者臂下向上投篮)
170.form (投篮时的)身体姿势
171.bobble (篮球)在篮圈上跳动
172.carom shot 擦板球
173.sighting the basket 瞄篮
174.following your shot 投篮后顺随动作
175.shooting off a screen 掩护后投篮
176. two-hand underhand sweep shot 双手掏投(经防守者臂下)
177.underhanded lay-up with a twist 背后换手运球低手上篮
178.crimp shot 不受干扰的近投
179.cross shot 反手投篮(通过篮下向后投篮)
180.diagonal hook shot 斜线勾手投篮
181.shot arc 投篮角度
182.fade-away shot 向外跨步投篮,后仰投篮
183.fake drive and shot 做过人的假动作后投篮
184.fall-away shot 从篮下向外移动中的投篮
185.power lay-up 强行上篮,挤投
186.bounce out (球从篮筐)弹出
187.lock out (肘关节)充分伸展
188. two-hand overhead free throw 双手头上罚球 ball (投篮)已出手的球
190.take off 起跳
191.shooting rhythm 投篮节奏
192.rotate the shoulder 转身侧肩
193.soft shot 投篮松软
194. Goal! Made! 中篮,投中
195.half-hook shoot 半勾手投篮
196.hang shot (贴近防守队员)用一臂护球另一臂直臂用腕勾手投篮 spot 投篮容易命中的地方
198.inside shot 篮下投篮
199.jump-twist shot 转体跳投
200.lay-in shot 近距离投篮,篮下投篮
201.outside shots 外围投篮 count 三步上篮的最后两步 shot 无人防守情况下投篮,空心球
204.over-the-rim shot 扣篮
205.pump faking 向上投篮假动作后身体下蹲
206.underhand loop shot 低手弧线上篮
207.running one-hand shot 行进间单手投篮
208. two-hand underhand lay-up shot 双手低手上篮
209.scoop shot 双手反手投篮
210.scoring territory 容易命中的投篮地区
211.sense of shooting 投篮意识
212.set shot 原地投篮
213.second shot 补篮,二次进攻
214.shooting area 投篮有效区域
215. two-hand pump shot 双手扣篮
216.shoot in suspension 跳投
217.shoot straight 直接命中
218.two-foot takeoff 双脚起跳
219.shoot straight in 投空心球
220.cross out shot with jump 横跨步跳投
221. twisting lay-up shot 扭身上篮
222.step-in hook shot 跨步勾手投篮
223.stop jump shot 急停跳投
224.stride lay-up 跨步上篮
225.tapping shot 补篮

十二、 篮板球
1. rebound; bank ball; board 篮板球
2. offensive rebound 进攻篮板球; 前场篮板球
3. defensive rebound 防守篮板球;后场篮板球
4. rebound 抢篮板球
5. crash [bang; hammer] the board; pound [bang] the glass 冲抢篮板球
6. spread eagle 手脚伸张跳起(抢篮板球时)
7. block [box; screen] out ; jockey for position 挡开对方(抢篮板球时);卡位
8. secure a rebound 抢到篮板球
9. rebound triangle 易于抢到篮板球的三角地带
10. board man 抢篮板球者
11. rebounder 善于抢篮板球的队员
12. muscle player 使蛮劲抢篮板球的队员
13. outlet pass 抢到篮球板后的第一传
14. possession of the ball 控球权
15. the angle of the rebound 篮板球反弹角度
16. rebounding assignments 抢板任务分配
17.crash of board 冲抢篮板球
18.cross-blocking (抢篮板球时)交叉挡人
19.deep 对方篮下端线一带
20.deep rebound 反弹较远的篮板球
21.down court 前场篮下方向
22.follow one’s shot 投篮后跟进抢篮板球
23.follow-up 跟进,跟随,跳起争夺篮板球
24.jackknife (防守队员抢篮板球时的)屈膝蹲身动作
25.rebound recovery 抢篮板球的区域
26. screen out on the board 抢篮板球时抢位挡人
27. spear the rebound 第一个抢到篮板球
28. split 篮下两侧各站一名队员的队形

十三、 进攻
1. set up 组织进攻
2. playmaker 组织进攻者
3. assist 助攻
4. (fast ) break 快攻
5. racehorse; run and gun 机动灵活的快攻
6. running [up-tempo] game 高速度进攻
7. lane 快攻路线(靠边线)
8. freelance 机动进攻
9. drive; break 突破
10. power drive 强行通过
11. drive the lane 通过罚球区冲向篮下
12. position play; set offense 阵地进攻
13. alternating attack 交叉进攻
14. center pivot play 中间进攻
15. single-post attack [offense] (靠罚球线)单中锋进攻;single-pivot attack [offense] (靠篮下)单中锋进攻
16. shuffle offense 换位进攻
17. flank offense 侧面进攻
18. horseshoe offense 马蹄形进攻
19. stall offense 磨时间的进攻
20. controlled offense 有控制的进攻
21. man-for-man offense 破人盯人防守的进攻;进攻人盯人防守
22. spread offense 拉开对方防守面的进攻
23. trail; follow up 跟进
24. heavy traffic 前进阻力大
25. bypass; circle-back; detour 迂回
26. break away [free; loose]; shake 摆脱对方防守
27. rub off the screen 利用掩护摆脱对手
28. set a pick 阻隔对方防守队员
29. pack the defense 压缩对方防守
30. charge through 冲过人群防守
31. screen; pick 掩护
32. screener 掩护队员
33. dummy screen 假掩护
34. rescreen; screen away 反掩护
35. side screen 侧掩护
36. inside screen 内侧掩护(注: 靠3秒区一侧)
37. crisscross screen 交叉掩护
38. stationary screen 定位掩护
39. turnaround block 转身掩护
40. double screen 双掩护
41. moving [running] screen 行进间掩护
42. cut (in; through); pierce; penetrate; split; knife through 切入
43. cutter 切入者
44. double-cut 双切
45. cut around 绕切
46. backdoor cut 背切
47. under and out 篮下外切
48. play deep 前场沉底
49. backdoor play 溜底线;背切打法;后门进攻战术
50. pass-[give-]and-go; pass and cut 传切配合
51. give-and-go weave 传切8字进攻
52. loop cut 环形切入
53. corner loop cut 场角环形切入(注:从端线到场角再切向篮下)
54. sweep 沿边线切入篮下
55. scissors cut 交叉切入
56. inside drive 中间切入
57. decoy cut 解围的切入
58. V cut V型切入
59. slice cut 向里切入(注:利用策应队员掩护)
60. leading position (位于推进方向的)领前位置
61. angle cut 变向切入
62. fish hook 突然后转
63. pick and roll 掩护转身切入; 挡拆
64. roll 突然转身奔至篮下
65. pivot; post up 策应
66. counter;pivoting player 策应队员
67. post (area) 策应区
68. low post 内策应
69. high post 外策应
70. reverse post 迂回策应
71. bucket [center-pivot; pivot-post] play 中锋策应
72. post play 中锋策应战术
73. stack 三中锋策应阵型
74. 1-3-1 offensive formation “1-3-1” 进攻阵型
75. 2-3 offensive formation 马蹄形进攻阵型
76. four-corner offense “1-4”进攻(注:前场四角各一人,另一人在中圈附近)
77. four-man roll [weave; figure 8] 四人8字配合
78. fake 假动作;做假动作 =[
79. set up 组织进攻,进攻落位,采取阵地站打法z8|
80. move 移动
81. great move 漂亮的移动
82. spin move 后转身摆脱{
83. quick start 快速起动
84. set a pick 进攻队员给持球的队友作掩护
85. laning the fast break 快攻接应快下阶段
86. pivot 1)以一只脚为中枢脚转动身体改变方向的动作,转身;2)篮下通常由中锋控制的区域,策应区域 L\`C+R 3.h D 5
87. isolation 四位进攻球员在一边,而由第五位球员进攻对方防守球员
88. S cut S形切入
89. spread the court 拉开进攻
90. rotating 轮转换位
91. triangle offense 三角进攻
92. quick slide 快速滑步
93. advance step 向前滑步;攻击步
94. quick pivot 快速转身
95. outside moves 外线移动
96. direct drive; straight move 同侧步突破过人
97. staggered stance 前后站立姿势
98. the jab step 撤步
99. drive past the defender 运球过人
100. the hesitation move; step-step move 撤步接同侧步突破过人
101. post moves; inside moves 中锋移动; 内线移动
102. fingers spread 五指张开
103. the quick look [peek] 转头瞄视篮下动作
104. collect oneself 屈膝蹲身准备动作
105. crossover step; crossover move 交叉步突破过人
106. power zone areas 有效攻击区
107. drive-and-pass 突破分球
108. starting the fast break 快攻发起阶段
109. the second shot 二次进攻
110. zone offense ; offense against a zone defense 进攻区域联防
111. outnumber the opposition 在人数上超过对手
112. the double-post offense 双中锋进攻
113. the high-low post offense 双中锋上下站位进攻
114.square;face up 接球转身面向球篮 ball quick 接球后快速取位 screen 无球掩护 move 个人进攻移动
118.the ball fake 持球假动作
119.the head fake 头部虚晃假动作
120.the shoulder fake 肩部虚晃假动作
121. second pick 第二次掩护
122. shake 摆脱(注:在跑动中身体左右摇晃以摆脱对方的防守)
123.hesitation move 同侧虚晃步突破
124.rocker step 向前撤步接后撤步 the defense 阅读对方防守,观察对方防守
126.big man moves; post moves 中锋(内线)进攻移动
127.drop your man; set up your man 跨步绕过防守队员
128.set up the offense 组织进攻
129.advance the ball on the fast break 快攻时快速推进
130.advancing figure of eight 8字进攻
131.angle out 变向切入
132.arc running 弧线跑
133.“blind pig” 背切配合的战术;切入对方空当的战术
134.blind screen 后掩护
135.break across 横切
136.break back 回切
137.break loose 摆脱(对方防守)
138.break out 从场角或篮下向外切,向外切
139.brush off 利用同伴的掩护过人
140.break up 从前场向后场或中线方向快速移动
141.break long 作长距离突破
142.bucket play 中锋策应
143.buck one’ s way through 冲进
144.buttonhook 穿过罚球区
145.change-off 变向切入
146.charge through 从人群中冲过
147.change up 在移位中突然改变方向
148.clear out 拉开,拉出,拉空
149.come high around 绕外侧运动
150.continuous pass pattern 连续传球的进攻配合
151.corner breakout 从场角到篮下附近做策应
152.corner clear-out play 前锋拉空场角让后卫进攻的打法
153.corner hoop 场角环形切入
154.corner pick 给场角队员做掩护
155.corner pivot [ post] play 场角队员与中锋策应队员之间的配合
156.crisscross offense 交叉传球进攻
157.crisscross screen 交叉掩护
158.crosscourt reverse 斜线变向切入(注:外围队员斜切至场角后,顺边线外移,然后突然切向球篮)
159.curtain play (二人以上的)掩护战术
160.cut sharply 小角度切入
161.cut through 切入,穿过
162.decoy cut 为同伴解围的切入
163.detour 迂回,绕过
164.dip 向里压
165.double fake 连做两次假动作
166.double-time 从高运球突然转为低运球
167.down screen 内线掩护,向端线方向的移动做掩护
168.draw away 跑到前面与别人拉开距离,快下
169.dribble clear-out 运球拉开
170.dribble-stop screen play 运球急停掩护配合 off the screen 利用同伴掩护越过其外侧 out 向外围运球
173.dummy play 假装不准备接球的假动作
174.eight-formation 8字战术,8字跑动阵型
175.low 由外向内从中线或罚球线向篮下移动
176.fake backdoor 做背切的假动作
177.fill the lanes 跑到快攻中的既定路线上去
178. set somebody up for screen 以(本队某队员)作为掩护
179.five-man figure of eight 五人8字进攻
180.five-man weave 五人8字进攻配合
181.flasher 插入队员
182.flash high 快速外移
183.float high 外移
184.floor play 全队的攻守战术
185.follow-in 跟进
186.following play 尾随的位置,跟进的打法
187.formation play 阵地进攻
188.forward across 前锋横切
189.four-man roll 四人8字进攻
190.four-man weave 四人8字进攻 lance 自由打法,机动进攻
192.early offense 抢攻
193.front door 向前切进,从防守队员身前向里切
194.get loose [open] 摆脱防守
195.give-and-go weave 传切8字打法
196.guard across play 后卫交叉掩护进攻战术
197.guard-around 侧掩护切入
198.guard through 后卫向里切入
199.inbound plays 发界外球进攻战术
200.half-step advantage (运球时)抢先半步过人
201.high (由内向外)从篮下向罚球线或中场方向移动 the pinned position 背靠住(注:进攻队员把防守队员挡在身后)
203.jam the ball inside (在对方严密防守的情况下)把球强行攻入内线
204.juggle 飞运,快速运球
205.L cut L形切入,直角切入
206.loosen 摆脱防守
207. second count 第二拍
208.motion game(offense) 移动进攻 the screen 利用同伴掩护甩掉对手
210.move without the ball 无球移动
211.move up 外移
212.back in(into) 用臂部或背部向后挪与对方接触
213.back-up position 背向球篮站立
214.buddy play 双人默契配合
215.centre-pivot play 中锋策应打法,中锋策应
216.up and down move 持球做上下虚晃的假动作
217.cross 交叉换位
218.crossover stride 交叉跨步
219.wheel move 转身大步上篮
220.fake shot and drive 做投篮假动作后运球过人
221.feint play 假动作打法
222.offensive footwork 进攻时的步法
223.numerical superiority 人数优势(以多打少的局面) dash 单人突前快攻,“单刀直入”快攻
225.sideline plays 边线发球进攻打法 up the middle 把中区拉空
227.out-of-bounds play 掷界外球配合
228.overload offensive alignment 造成对方以少防多的进攻阵型
229.overload 使对方以少防多
230.penetrate the zone 插进对方的区域联防
231.penetrate with the ball 带球突破,向内传球
232.set offense 阵地进攻法,固定进攻法
233.pivot spin 掩护者的转身动作 deep 在对方篮下端线一带活动;沉低 movement 跑动,队员的场上移动 play 中锋篮下策应 pick 策应掩护 trailer play 策应队员运球切入时另一队员尾随配合
239.pressing offense 压缩防守的进攻法
240.progress with the ball 持球移动
241.quarter back 组织进攻队员,指挥进攻
242.race horse 快攻
243.realign 重新站位
244.realistic fake 逼真的假动作
245.recovery step 还原步
246.regroup 重新布阵
247.replace oneself 移动换位
248.retain the ball 控制球
249.reverse 向相反方向移动(如转移球、转身等)
250.reverse cut 变向切入
251.reverse roll 假装去同伴前面,然后转身去其背后
252.rocker fake 进退虚晃步
253.rocker motion 进退虚晃动作 突然起跳
255.over the top play 绕三秒区顶部的打法
256.roll 推进,奔,移动
257.roll attack 8字进攻法
258.rolling offense (对方缩小防区时,在其外围)交叉移动的进攻战术
259.roll low 切向篮下
260.rub off the screen 利用掩护摆脱(防守者)
261.rub off (利用掩护)把防守者甩掉
262. screen to the ball 向球的方向做掩护
263.running screen 跑动掩护
264.slow offense 慢攻
265.scissors 交叉跑动 the ball out of the defense 运球突破防守
267.shooting screen 掩护同伴投篮
268.shuffle cut 绕过中锋掩护切入(注:绕过罚球线附近本方队员,然后切向篮下,接另一侧传来的球上篮。)
269.shoving stage 快攻的推进阶段
270.shuffle offense 通过相互换位搅乱对方的进攻战术
271.side formation 在前场掷界外球时采用的进攻阵型
272.sideline cut 由边线切入
273.sideline buddy play 靠近边线双人默契配合
274.side running 侧身跑
275.single-stack (offense) 三秒区一侧单重叠进攻阵型(注:两名进攻队员前后站于三秒区腰线一侧)
276.slashing offense 突破罚球区的进攻,深入对方内线的进攻
277.slice cut 利用策应队员掩护向里切入
278.snap-fake 抖动假动作
279.split post drill 从策应队员身边切入的练习
280.split the post 从策应队员身边向里切入
281. tone down the speed 放慢速度
282.spread the defense (攻方)拉开对方的防区
283.stationary screen 定位掩护,静止掩护
284.strong-side play 强侧进攻配合
285.successive screen 连续掩护
286.sudden start 突然起动
287.sure fire play 稳妥的进攻战术
288.take position 抢位,要位
289.take off 起动
290.tandem formation 重叠队形
291.tandem post offense 前后双中锋的进攻战术
292.tandem setup 前后站位 formation (全队)布阵,阵型 play 全队的配合
295.three-lane fast break 三线快攻
296.three-man dash 三人突击
297.three-man figure of eight 三人8字进攻
298.three-man inside rotation 三人在内线轮转换位
299.three-man play 三人配合
300.three-out-and two-in offensive play 外围马蹄形进攻阵型(“3-2”进攻)
301.three-point play 打三分战术
302.thrust to the basket 挤入篮下,猛力跳向球篮
303.trailer play 跟进的打法
304.trail 尾随
305.triple stack 三人重叠(三人在三秒区一侧重叠站位)
306.turnaround block 转身掩护
307.turnaround play (在外策应位置)转身的打法
308.two-man dash 双人突击
309.two-man break 双人快攻
310.two-man play 双人进攻配合,两人配合
311.two-one-two double exchange play “2-1-2”两侧换位掩护
312.two-on-two play 二打二的配合
313.step through 跨步穿过
314.up-and-under dribble 作投篮假动作后运球突破
315.up screen 从端线向中线方向外移作掩护
316.veer off 离开
317.vertical pick 顺边线方向作掩护
318.weak-side outside pick play 弱侧外围掩护进攻配合
319.weak-side pick play 弱侧掩护进攻配合
320.wheel type cutting action 绕切
321.weave attack 8字进攻 offense 破区域联防,进攻区域联防
323.cross-the-lane play 策应掩护斜穿限制区的配合
324.double stack 双双重叠落位 play 中锋和组织后卫的配合战术
326.the basic motion 基本战术配合
327.high-to-low option 内、外中锋换位进攻战术
328.split play 交叉掩护切入战术
329.big-guard post-up 高大后卫内线进攻战术 position 换位
331.lob play 空中接力配合战术
332.verse zone defense 进攻区域联防
333.backdoor split play 背切与交叉掩护结合的打法
334.lob option 高吊球外传内的配合战术;过顶传球战术配合
335.moving stack offense 重叠落位频繁移动战术
336.clear 拉空篮下战术
337.UCLA slash play 高位策应掩护切入战术配合
338.slash cut 弧形切入,高位策应掩护切入
339.flex 连续掩护战术
340.dribble entry play 运球渗透战术
341.shuffle-cut option 交叉掩护换位切入战术
342.weak-side entry 弱侧连续掩护战术
343.shuffle cross play 交叉移动掩护战术
344.stall offense 磨时间的进攻
345.high-to-low pass option 内外中锋换位传球进攻战术
346.corner play 场角的传切与掩护配合 across 中锋的交叉跑位
348.lob cut 空中接力传切配合
349.lob to low post 向低位中锋的高吊传球配合方法
350.lob to high post 向高位中锋的高吊传球配合方法
351.offside lob play 弱侧高吊传球战术
352.change-of-assignments lob play 内外线换位与高吊传球配合
353.force-switch play 强迫对方交换防守的配合
354.screen away 变换运用掩护配合
355.sliding break 同侧步突破
356.wing high-post pass 前锋向高位中锋传球配合
357.stack guard offense 后卫重叠进攻 loop play 中锋绕切配合
359.multi-option split play 多种选择的掩护切入配合
360.high-post flex play 高位锋线曲线进攻
361.scoop-out 接应
362.dribble up 推进
363.break up 快下 in fast break 运球突破快攻
365.break and pass 突分配合 screen 合法掩护
367.offense line-up 进攻阵型
368. set a screen on (为掩护同伴而)挡住对方
369.basic offense tactics 进攻基础配合
370.commitment to team play 对团体配合的注重
371.designated spot 指定位置,既定的接应点
372.fishhook 突然后传 spot 空当 post play 不设中锋的打法
375.position game 阵地战
376.scissors left 右侧队员向左侧篮下切入
377.scissors maneuver 交叉切入
378.scissors off 交叉切进(注:两名进攻队员越过本方一名队员)
379.scoring play 进攻得分的战术
380.screen-and-roll 掩护转身切向篮下,掩护沉底挡拆
381.screen away from the ball 向球的反方向做掩护
382.screen down 向端线方向做掩护
383.screen from behind 身后掩护

1. individual defense 个人防守
2. fill in; help 补防
3. shift 补漏(位置)
4. double-cover 协防
5. take position 抢位
6. match up 确定防守对象,对位防守
7. shift defense 替换防守
8. guard from the back [rear] 背后防守
9. tandem defense 重叠防守
10. double-team; clamp 夹击; 包夹
11. corner trap 场角夹击
12. triple-team 三夹一
13. check defense 堵截防守
14. contain 遏制
15. intercept ; steal 断球;抢断球%
16. Stl: steal 抢断;夺球;偷袭
17. block [reject] a shot ; rejection 盖帽
18. cut [close; block] off 封死(传球路线)
19. bottle up 严密封锁
20. press [pressure] defense 紧逼防守
21. all- [full-] court press, full press 全场紧逼
22. half-court press 半场紧逼
23. suffocation defense 窒息性防守(注:距对手不到1米)
24. collapse 紧逼中锋(在罚球区)
25. grinding defense 围守
26. shut the door 关门
27. retreat 回撤
28. sag; slough; sluff 后撤防守
29. sagger 后撤队员
30. marking 盯人
31. face guarding 面对面的盯人防守
32. pin 盯住
33. switch; make change 交换盯人
34. zone [zonal] defense; zone 区域联防
35. zone-box 4人联防
36. five-man defense 5人联防
37. zone press 区域紧逼
38. combined [combination] defense 混合防守(注:盯人与区域联防结合)
39. 2-1-2 zone format “2-1-2”区域联防阵型
40. 1-3-1 zone format “1-3-1”区域联防阵型
41. 1-2-2 [jug; box-and-one] zone format “1-2-2”区域联防阵型
42. 1-1-3 zone format “1-1-3”区域联防阵型
43. 2-3 zone format “2-3”区域联防阵型
44. clear; open; unguarded; unprotected 无人防守的
45. unguarded player 无人防守的队员
46. guarded player 有人防守的队员
47. deep man 沉底防守的队员
48. boxer’s step 灵活的防守步法
49. defense 防守VKN2
50. deny the ball 绕前防守,干扰接球
51.hand-checking 1)一种防守技术,即用手接触对方的身体来跟踪对手的位置。也作hand-check;2)防守犯规的一种。防守队员用手阻挡进攻队员的移动。
52. switch 换(防) IC6
53. team 夹击(双人夹击或多人夹击)
54. mismacth 错位防守
55. block off 堵防
56. clogging the lanes 收缩防守
57. ball-defender-basket position “球-我-篮”选位原则
58. open stance 松动防守站位姿势
59. closed stance 紧逼防守站位姿势
60. ball-defender-player guarded position “球-我-他”选位原则
61. fronting stance 绕前防守姿势
62. fight over “挤过”战术
63. slide through “穿过”战术
64. switch maneuver “交换防守”配合
65. combating the fast break 防快攻战术
66. drop back quickly 快速后撤
67. man-for-man tag 紧逼人盯人防守
68. baseline press 由一名队员看住对方发球队员的紧逼
69.baseline switch 端线换位
70.block 封堵“盖帽”,定位掩护,拦截,抢位挡人
71.blocking a shot 盖帽
72.block off 封堵,封死
73.bunched defense 密集防守 the switch 打招呼换防
75.check defense 堵截防守 front 一人突前的区域联防(如“1-2-2”,“1-3-1”)
77.clear 无人防守的
78.close-off 封死(传球路线)
79.close out 迎前去接近(进攻者)
80.close-up on an attacker 紧逼进攻队员
81.close-in 近距离的,包围,迫近
82.contain 堵住,遏制
83.cut out 阻挡对手(抢篮板球)
84.cut off 封堵,阻挡,绕同队队员身旁切入
85.disconcert 扰乱
86.deep stance 屈膝防守姿势
87.discourage 阻止(传球等)
88.double-teaming step-up 上步夹击
89.draw back 后退
90.drop step 后撤步
91.face guarding 面对面的盯人防守
92.fight through the screen 挤过防守
93. nose-to-nose 近距离的
94.five-man shifting defense 五人补位联防
95.full-court overplay 全场范围的侧前防守
96.get the hand up on the jump shot 举手防跳投
97.get set 做好准备,站好位置
98.half-court drawback man-to-man defense 半场缩小人盯人防守
99.glide running 滑步跑
100.half-court lateral press 半场横列阵势紧逼防守
101.half-court tandem press 半场纵列阵势紧逼防守
102.middle seam 中间的防守空隙
103.held out 助守
104.forcing tactics 迫使对方往某方向移动的防守策略
105.inside rotation 内线轮转换位
106. zone with a middle (三秒区)中间有防守队员的区域联防
107.jump switch 跑步抢前换防
108.keep the game 封锁空当 guarding position 合法的防守位置 tag 人盯人紧逼 coverage 人盯人防守
112.mark change 交换盯人
113.match-up zone 区域对位防守
114.hands up on shots 对方投篮时伸手封盖
115.quick-retreats 快速回撤
116.out-of-bounds defense 防守对方掷界外球
117.overplay 领前防守,侧前防守
118.pick up 开始盯人
119.pair off (一防一情况下)随同移动
120.poke away (把球)捅掉 defense 对策应的防守
122.pressing all-court game 全场紧逼
123.pressure 紧逼 zone 区域紧逼
125.pressure defense 紧逼防守
126.push out 迫使(持球队员)出界 反掩护
128.sag 后撤防守,后撤,缩回
129.sager 后撤防守队员
130.sagging zone 缩小的区域联防
131.sandwich 二夹一
132.screen away 反掩护
133.screen-switch defense 换防
134.seal off 封堵
135.shifting defense 替换防守,补位防守
136.shifting zone 以抢球为主﹑盯人为辅的区域联防
137.shuffle 相互换位,滑步
138.shut the gate 关门(两人协力挡住对方进攻路线)
139.sinking defense 紧缩防守
140.slide over the top (靠中线一侧)抢过
141.slide 穿过(攻方掩护的)防守
142. set zone 以盯人为主,抢球为辅的区域联防
143. shift over 调换防守对象
144.spread zones 扩大的区域防守
145. hustle 逼抢,追击,积极主动精神
146.suffocation defense 攻击性防守 defense 注重集体的防守
148.three-deep zone “2-3”区域联防 pressure defense 全面紧逼防守
150.tight defense 紧逼防守
151.trap 夹击,从高运球突然转为低运球
152.two-man front 两人突前的区域防守(注: 如“2-3”、“2-1-2”阵型)
153.uneven zone 单数突前区域联防
154.wide base 分腿站立防守姿势 区域联防时被指定盯人的队员 四名队员按“2-2”方形阵型在三秒区附近打联防,“1盯4联”防守 press 区域紧逼
158.half-court extend man-to-man defense 半场扩大人盯人防守
159.Z-sliding 之字形滑动
160.series play 根据情况不断改变战术的打法
161.basic defense tactics 防守基础配合
162.fight through the screen 挤过防守
163.cross guarding 穿过防守
164.fill in 补防配合
165.beset the pivot 围守中锋

1. front [fore] court; offensive half of court 前场
2. back [rear] court; defensive half of court 后场
3. midcourt 中场
4. upcourt; toward the frontcourt 向前场
5. downcourt 向前场篮下
6. outside; perimeter 外围
7. inside 内线
8. on-side 强侧
9. off-side 弱侧
10. move [progression] with the ball 有球移动
11. move [progression] without the ball 无球移动
12. weave 穿梭移动
13. decoy movement 引诱性移动
14. stutter step 假步法(运球时突然改变步速或方向)
15. double pumps 投篮前两个假动作
16. rocker step 前后移步假动作
17. two-on-two play 二打二配合
18. one-on-one play 一打一配合
19. two-man [buddy] play 双人配合
20. triple stack 三人重叠配合(在3秒一侧)
21. flash-post play 中场配合
22. twin guard 双后卫
23. single pivot [ post] 单中锋
24. double post 双中锋
25. tandem post 前后双中锋
26. corner post play 场角队员与外中锋的配合
27. draw a foul 造成对方犯规
28. foul-baiting tactics 诱使对方犯规的战术
29. three-point play 打3分战术(上篮时使对方犯规,连投带罚得3分)
30. four-point play 打4分战术(投3分球时使对方犯规,连投带罚得4分)
31. bread-and-butter play 基本技术打法
32. court balance 攻守平衡
33. transition 攻防转换
34. delaying [stalling; slowdown] tactics 拖延(时间)战术
35. run out the clock; freeze the ball; eat up the clock; milk the time away 拖延时间等待终场
36. play for one 一次篮战术(注:快终场时拖延投篮时间,使对手失去投篮机会)
37. control game 控球战术,打成功率
38. low post play 卧底 (篮下留人) 战术
39. situation play 针对实际情况的打法
40. scrimmage 练习比赛
41. one-goal basketball 半场练习比赛,“斗牛”
42. box drill 4对4练习
43. shadow drill 一对一的攻防练习
44. backdoor cut 从两边底线往篮下的战术;背切
45. dribble out the time 进攻方以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下时间
46. foul strategy; tactical foul; foul seduction 犯规战术
47.give and go (进攻方持球球员的)传切战术 defense; man-for-man [man-to-man; person-to-person] defense 人盯人防守
48.pick and roll (进攻方做掩护的)挡拆战术 play (进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单打对方防守球员
50. triple team 用三位防守球员包夹进攻球员,三人包夹战术
51. zone [zonal] defense 区域防守,区域联防
52. technique; skill 技术
53. feat 技艺;功夫
54. individual technique 个人技术
55.basic [fundamental; elementary] skill; fundamentals; basics; ABC 基本功
56. stunt; forte; unique skill; specialty; prowess 绝招
57. well-rounded; versatile 技术全面的
58. hone 磨练
59. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧
60. technical analysis 技术分析
61. technical statistics; box score 技术统计
62. technial level [standard]; standard of performance;level of play 技术水平
63. half-court offense 半场进攻
64. tactics 战术
65. elementary tactics 基本战术
66. tactical awareness [consciousness; sense] 战术意识
67. tactical instruction 战术指导
68. teamwork; tactical combination 战术配合
69. variation of tactics 战术变化
70. flexible tactics 灵活的战术
71. maneuverability 机动性
72. psychologic tactics 心理战术
73. positional play 阵地战
74. war of attrition 消耗战
75. deploy 布阵
76. juggle 调整上场阵容
77. set-up 进攻布置
78. distribution of physical strength 体力分配
79. strategy 策略
80. maneuver; trick 计谋
81. check; contain; hold off [down]; pin down; pinch 牵制
82. support; pivot; post up 策应
83. dodge; sidestep; evade; avoid; elude; draw away 避开
84. shake off; break away from; free oneself from 摆脱
85. bypass 绕过
86. surround; besiege; lay siege to 包围
87. ball control 控球战术
88. decoying tactics; deceptive [sucker] play 引诱战术
89. trap; decoy 诱入圈套
90. feint [fake] attack; sell the dummy 佯攻
91. game play; playing method [style] 打法
92. style of play 风格
93. orthodox 正统的
94. unorthodox 非正统的
95. offensive game 进攻型打法
96. defensive game 防守型打法
97. formation; pattern; system; format 阵型[式]
98. power play 强攻打法
99. well-balanced game 技术全面的打法
100. play [stick to; persist in] one’s own game 以我为主
101. play safe 稳打稳扎
102. percentage game 打成功率
103. anticipation game; pre-emptive strike 先发制人的打法
104. safe [safety-first; conservative] play 保守打法
105. stereotyped game; play in a rut [a groove] 老一套的打法
106. cut and dried strategy 呆板的战术
107. attack; offense; on the offense 进攻
108. attacker 进攻者
109. offensive side 进攻方
110. offensive player 进攻队员
111. playmaker 进攻组织者
112. sense of attack 进攻意识
113. all-out attack 全力[面]进攻
114. frontal attack 正面进攻
115. flank attack 侧翼进攻
116. set offense 固定进攻法
117. blitz attack 闪电式进攻
118. assist 助攻
119. rush; fierce [violent] attack; assail; storm 猛攻
120. split 插入防守一方
121. pack the defense 压缩对方的防守面
122. spead the defense; open up 拉开对方的防守面
123. defeat [foil; thwart; frustrate; repel] the opponent’s attack 挫败对方的进攻
124. disintegerate; demoraize 瓦解
125. fight [hit] back; counterback; counteroffense 反攻
126. fast counterback 快速反击
127. defend; defense; mark; guard; on the defense 防守
128. defender 防守者
129. defensive side 守方
130. defensive player 防守型队员
131. defensive tactics 防守战术
132. close [solid; tight; watertight] defense 严密防守
133. pressing defense 紧逼防守
134. full-court press 全场紧逼
135. shadow; hugging defense 贴身防守
136. opening; free space; unprotected [uncovered] area;gap 空当
137. balance between offense and defense 攻守平衡
138. playing big 高大中锋进攻战术
139. playing small 小个队员进攻战术
140. ball movement (球)频繁倒手
141. intercept;steal 抢断球
142. stride 跨步
143. change of direction 变向
144. change of pace 变速
145. get loose 摆脱防守
146. double stop 两步急停;跨步急停
147. jump stop; quick stop 一步急停; 跳步急停
148. take off 起动
149. waste motion 多余动作
150. alternating attack 交叉进攻
151. pattern attack 固定配合进攻
152. back screen 后掩护
153. front screen 前掩护
154. dribble screen 运球掩护
155. stationary screen 定位掩护
156. the basic [quick] stance 基本站立姿势;快速起动姿势
157. change of pace 变速
158. change of direction 变向
159. advance step; sliding forward 前滑步;攻击步
160. backpedaling 后撤步
161.retreat step 后滑步
162. forward [front] pivot ; front turn 前转身
163. reverse pivot ; rear turn 后转身
164. two-foot take-off [power] jump 双脚同时起跳 take-off jump 单脚起跳 stop 两步急停,跨步急停
167.tap drill 双手拨拉球练习
168.neck circle 沿头颈关节绕环练习
169.waist circles 绕腰8字交接球练习
170.leg circles 胯下绕8字交接球练习
171.figure eight 腰间绕8字交接球练习
172.straddle flip 胯下交接球练习
173.pretzel 胯下换手交接球练习
174.ricochet 直立胯下反弹交接球练习 in place 行进间胯下交接球练习
176.stationary dribble drills 原地运球练习
177.leg circles dribble drills 胯下换手运球练习
178.figure eight 胯下换手运球
179.seesaw 背后双手左右拨拉球 dribble 跪立单指运球
181.bongo drill 跪立两手交替运球
182.wall dribble 对墙的运球
183.dribble sit-up 仰卧起立运球
184.control dribble 双手交替运球练习
185.dribbling on the move 行进间运球练习
186.stop and go 急停急起运球
187.line drill 沿边线运球练习
188.warm-up 准备活动,热身 放松活动
190.retreat step 后撤步
191.advance step 攻击步
192.jump stop 跳步急停,一步急停
193.stride stop 跨步急停,两步急停
194.up-block 无球进攻队员之间做后掩护或挡拆
195.up the line 防守多次掩护或交叉掩护时换防的配合
196.drop step 撤步
197.jumping jacks 跳起展体练习
198.head hang 伸展头颈关节练习
199.arms and shoulder stretch 手臂伸展练习
200.waist stretch 腰部肌群伸展练习
201.side stretch 体侧运动
202.thigh stretch 后搬腿
203.hamstring stretch 蹲撑
204.groin stretch; butterfly 坐立盘腿体前倾
205.sit-up 仰卧起坐
206.push-up 俯卧撑
207.fingertip push-up 指卧撑
208.sudden stop and start 急停急起
209.start 起步,起动,最先上场
210.turnaround 转身
211.arm circle 臂绕环
212.bend down 折回
213.centre-tap 中圈跳球
214.stopping off dribble 运球后急停
215.stutter step 碎步 one’s arms 挥摆两臂
217.feint with the face 面部假动作
218.elbows out 两肘外展
219.elbows in 两肘内收
220.finger-tip control 用指尖触球
221.flip 向上挑球
222.hard cutting stop 急停
223.muscle move 插入 (攻方)把防守队员靠在身后;(防守)把对手看住 tall (打球时)抬高重心
226.screen off [out] 挡开
227.segment 分解动作
228.shuffle step 拖步,滑步
229.shuffling 左右移动,滑动
230.skip 碎步移动
231.sliding dribble 侧滑步
232.step out 上步
233.ball squeeze 体前拨拉球练习
234.passing figure eight 胯下8字绕环交接球练习
235.high / low stationary dribble 原地高、低交替运球练习
236.pendulum dribble 体侧前后拨拉球练习
237.straddle dribble 原地胯下运球练习
238.cradle 胯下前后抛接球练习
239.two hand dribble 两手运两球练习
240.finger dribble 指尖运球练习
241.the finger spin 指尖转球练习
242.running cradle 行进间胯下交接球练习
243.squat-dribble 靠墙胯下反弹交接球练习
244.Hail-Mary 后抛球胯下接球练习
245.nutcracker 前抛后接练习,胯下前后抛接球
246.maeuver 机动,调遣,换防,模拟战术训练,操纵,策略,技巧
247.ahead 抢前传球
248.backpick; rip; blind screen (斜线的、对角线的)后掩护
249.back [butt] to the baseline 背靠底线的防守姿势
250.ball-you-man “球-我-他”防守站位姿势
251.belly [body] up 挤靠对方防守动作(注:使对手不能轻易转身进攻)
252.blast “2-1-2”高位进攻阵型
253.blitze the pick and roll 防守挡拆的打法(注:如补防、挤过、夹击等)
254.BOB: under-the-basket out-of-bound play 篮下发界外球进攻打法 set; four corner offense “1-4”进攻阵型
256.brush screen 无球队员切入底线一侧吸引防守,持球队员择机进攻的打法
257.bump; chuck; body; ride 用身体抵住无球进攻队员的动作
258.bury 后卫传球给前锋后切至强侧底角;沉底 跟进 上下迂回接应以打开传球路线;迂回
261.flare off 上提
262.cover down 补防;协防;弱侧队员补位防底线队员投篮和突破
263.coward’s press 比赛结束前为拖延时间而使用的全场紧逼战术
264.crossing 进攻队员交叉跑动换位
265.curl 进攻队员利用高位掩护摆脱防守曲线突破进攻
266.deny and overplay “球-我-人”防守位置;阻断传球的错位防守
267.diagonal cut 进攻队员从弱侧斜切至强侧来要球进攻
268.diagonal down screen 高中锋斜插为对侧队员作低位掩护
269.digging 强侧防守队员收缩防守对方中锋持球队员 or drop 控球后卫传球给腰上队员,再传给同侧的策应队员
271.dive 持球队员佯攻突破,同伴背切接球上篮
272.double-doubles 双掩护
273.drag 守转攻或抢攻阶段的高位、侧翼挡拆配合
274.dribble used 在外线紧逼大个队员,逼其突破或停球 in 弱侧低位中锋要位接高位中锋或外线队员的传球准备进攻的动作
276.early offense 抢攻
277.EOG:end-of-game play 比赛结束前的战术打法
278.fist 在场上使用手势信号代表一种特殊打法或战术
279.fist to palm [punch] 在低位区域策应要球
280.flash; weak-side cut 从弱侧切至强侧要球
281.flat; four-corner offense 4位进攻队员站四角的进攻打法
282.flex cut 底线切入(通过中锋掩护)到强侧接球
283.floppy 底线前锋(通过中锋掩护)交叉跑位的战术套路
284.full-body show 用身体挡住持球突破队员的防守姿势
285.get 传球给前锋或外线队员后接回传球进攻;侧掩护(有些NBA球队使用)
286.go 通过高位挡拆后从球场一侧运球突破至另一侧
287.G to F 后卫传球给前锋的配合
288.G to G 后卫之间大范围转移传球
289.hawk cut 斜切;从外线强侧切至高位或由弱侧切至强侧高位,或切至底线和边线接合处
290.head hunt 掩护动作
291.hold 切至低位处保持进攻姿势或抵住防守队员策应要球
292.I 弱侧防守队员的位置; ISO: isolation play 四名进攻队员在一边而由第五位队员进攻的打法
294.improve position to gain possession 移动以扯出传球线路
295.inside out 由内至外的打法
296.inverting 在弱侧频繁移动防守对方切入
297.jam screen 进攻队员传球后切入作后掩护
298.kickback 持球队员中路突破传球的进攻打法
299.level with the ball 平行移动防守
300.lift 拉空一侧区域,吸引防守队员以便中锋、内线队员进攻
301.lob 传球后切入的进攻配合;传球后回跑作背切接球上篮
302.lock and lob 当中锋被绕前防守或被侧身紧逼防守时的一种由外至内的进攻打法
303.zipper 底线外侧队员利用高位队员下拉做前掩护来摆脱防守,上提至高位接球进攻的打法
304.lock in 定人防守
305.loop 无球队员纵切佯攻的进攻打法
306.LSG: the last shot in the game 比赛中最后一投
307.marry 定人防守,专职防守
308.midpost 中位区域(注:在罚球线和低位区域之间)
309.misdirection screen 弱侧队员给强侧队员做后掩护或侧掩护、假掩护
310.mismatch 错位进攻;错位防守
311.misses/makes 进攻打法或罚球的成功率和失误率之比;进攻效率
312.motion 移动进攻
313.multiple screen 多次掩护
314.multiply 由守转攻时就地紧逼防守
315.need; crunch 比赛结束抢挽救落后局面的打法 and done 先全(半)场紧逼和区域紧逼防守,后转为常规防守 无固定中锋的移动进攻打法 and through 防守掩护者的队员主动后退,让被掩护队员穿过并继续防守对方的配合
319.penetrate and pitch; drive and pass 突破后分球
320.pick the picker; screen the screener 双掩护 down 由高位跑至低位掩护进攻
322.pistol 外线队员传球后,内线队员上提为其做假掩护或后掩护的信号
323.playing topside 防守队员绕前防守或侧身防守对手
324.pop 进攻队员做假掩护或假装要内切,然后回跑接球进攻
325.power; punch 进攻时传球给内线低位队员的信号
326.reverse pick and roll 外线队员传球给锋线大个队员或策应队员,然后上前给持球队员做掩护
327.Utah cut 强侧底线队员给高位中锋队员做后掩护或由高位中锋下拉做前掩护的配合
328.ride [force] high 通过碰撞、身体接触、施压以控制对方行进方向来堵防切入队员 做后掩护以制造切入或策应的机会 blast 切入队员回跑做后掩护,使投手获得投篮机会或中锋上提策应
331.rotation 轮转防守
332.rub 弱侧掩护后进攻队员切至强侧 and jump 防守队员暂时放弃自己的对手,去夹击运球队员
334.sag; shrink; collapse; dig 后撤防守
335.screen across 侧掩护
336.scripting 无防守压力的进攻
337.seal 进攻队员要位接球动作;防守队员夹击、封锁进攻队员的传球
338.shoot the gap 被掩护队员利用“穿过”或“挤过”战术来继续防守自己的对手; showing 持球队员运球或运往远篮处以牵制对手
340.shuffle cut 进攻队员传球后切至弱侧低位,由中锋做掩护后摆脱对手接球投篮的进攻
341.sideline 防中逼边
342.single 底线掩护
343.skip pass 传向弱侧的横传球
344.slice 无球队员利用掩护横切或斜切至弱侧区域
345.slip the pick 移动以避免对方队员做掩护配合;假掩护
346.SOB: sideline out-of-bounds play 边线界外球进攻战术
347.spacing 防守最佳站位距离;落位 up; space out 外围区域进攻队员分散落位
349.squeeze; hug; go under 防掩护者的队员全力防住掩护者,让防运球者的队员穿过;防无球掩护
350.staggered screen 2到3次连续掩护;交叉掩护
351.step back 后退撤步投篮
352.step in 进攻队员做掩护后,后撤准备接球进攻;中锋要位,背靠防守队员要球
353.step-up screen 进攻队员上提给运球队员做掩护
354.stop 防对方得分时的延缓、控制球战术
355.stretch; string out 被夹击的运球队员回撤至球场另一侧,逼使防守队员跟随其移动
356.swing 倒手传球;将球从球场一侧传至另一侧
357.tandem 对方快攻“3打2”时两名队员前后站立防守阵型
358.three-step-away principle 防守持球队员的“三步距离原则”
359.throw back 突破传球以调动对方防守
360.thru 后卫传球给同侧前锋,然后切至弱侧区域
361.thumb 执行特定战术的手势和信号 of the head 手势
363.triangle (防守)“3-2”混合联防时的三角站位;三角进攻
364.turnout; turn 通过低位中锋掩护,摆脱防守接球的进攻配合
365.two-for-one 在比赛剩30-40秒时确保本队两次进攻机会,而对手只有一次机会
366.two-man game 两名队员相互配合的战术(注:如挡拆、上提掩护等)

1. competition; match; contest; race; vie 竞赛
2. venue; site of competition 比赛地点;赛址
3. championship 锦标赛
4. friendly (match) 友谊赛
5. invitational (tournament) 邀请赛
6. dual meet 对抗赛
7. exhibitation [demonstration; non-medal] competition 表演赛
8. warm-up(competition) ; tune-up 热身赛
9. series 系列赛
10. league 联赛
11.first division 甲级
12. second division 乙级
13. Grand Prix 大奖赛
14. zone 赛区
15. season 赛季
16. pre-season 赛季前
17. post-season; afterseason 赛季后
18. regular season 常规赛季
19. play-off 季后赛
20. opening day 开幕日
21. closing day 闭幕日
22. select 选拔
23. entry 报名
24. entry form 报名表
25. entry fees 报名费
26. deadline [closing date] for entries 报名截止日期
27. berth; ticket; seat; slot; spot 参赛席位
28. seeded team 种子队
29. seeding; placing of seeds 种子排序
30. seeding order 种子排列顺序
31. bye 轮空
32. upper half 上半区
33. lower [bottom] half 下半区
34. quarter 1/4区
35. draw [cast] lots 抽签
36. toss 掷币猜先
37. regulations of competition 竞赛规程
38. program 秩序册
39. match schedule 比赛日程
40. rest day 休息日
41. list of competitors 参赛者名单
42. grouping; division 编(分)组
43. preliminary round; preliminaries; prelims 预赛
44. group competition; heat 分组预赛
45. round robin; all play with all 循环赛
46. single round-robin system 单组循环赛制
47. pool 循环赛分组
48. wild card 外卡
49. knockout [elimination] system 淘汰赛制
50. eliminate; knock [squeeze; edge] out; remove ;brush aside; exit
51. final stage [competition]; finals 决赛阶段
52. elimination series 淘汰赛
53. crossover match 交叉比赛
54. round 轮
55. advance to [qualify for; make it to] the next round; get through 出线
56. semiquater [eighth] finals 八分之一决赛
57. quarterfinals 四分之一决赛
58. semifinals 半决赛
59. final (match); title-decider 决赛
60. last eight 八强赛
61. finalist 冠亚军争夺战
62. cancel a contest 取消比赛
63. postpone; put off; push back 延期;推迟(比赛)
64. home-and-away system 主客场制
65. home ground [court; game] 主场
66. away ground [court]; road game 客场
67. first half 上半时
68. second half 下半时
69. quarter 节(一场比赛的1/4时间)
70. interval; intermission; halftime 中场休息
71. overtime [extra] period 加时
72. change of courts 交换场地
73. time-out 暂停
74. time-out request 请求暂停
74. substitute; replace 换人
75. in 换人上场
76. out 换人下场
77. score; get [earn; win; pickup; amass; halk; be awarded] a point 得分
78. soring chance 得分机会
79. top scorer 最高得分手
80. total (points); aggregate score 总分,累计分
81. score 比分
82. running score 累积比分
83. tie; draw; even score 平
84. close game 比分接近的比赛
85. down 比分落后
86. high [ballon] score; box car figures 高比分
87. long odds; wide gap in score 比分悬殊
88. even [draw] game; stand-off 平局
89. organizing commision 组织委员会
90. competition commision 竞赛委员会
91. reception commsion 接待委员会
92. information commsion 新闻委员会
93. board of appeal 仲裁委员会
94. referee committee 裁判委员会
95. technical commission 技术委员会
96. double round-robin 双循环
97. group round-robin 小组循环
98. first round 第一轮
99. cup 奖杯
100. tournament result 成绩册
101. winning team 优胜队
102. losing team 负队
102. decision of the game 比赛胜负
103. goal average 得失分率
104. final standing 最终名次
105. announcement of result 成绩公布
106. bulletin 公报
107. drug test 兴奋剂检测
108. physical test 身体素质测验

1. take part [participate; compete] in a contest 参赛
2. participant; competitior; contestant 参赛者
3. take the court 派上场
4. bench 换下场
5. sideline (由于生病等原因)退出比赛
6. drop [pull] out 中途退出比赛
7. withdraw; give up; weave; default; scratch 弃权
8. forfeit a game (由于处罚而)丧失比赛资格
9. warm [limber] up 准备活动; 热身
10. warm [cool] down 整理活动
11. pre-competition practice 赛前练习
12. flying [good] start 好的开局
13. interruption of the game 比赛中断
14. resumption of the play 继续比赛
15. tempo of the game 比赛节奏
16. climax; culminate 比赛达到高潮
17. highlight 精彩场面
18.wonderful; spenlendid; excellent; brilliant; marvellous; uperb; spectacular; impressive; fabulous; stering 精彩的
19. poor; colorless; lackluster; dry and dull 不精彩地
20. keen; heated; intense; hot; fiery 激烈的
21. exciting; thrilling; stirring; breathtaking; heart-bumping; nail-biting 激动人心的
22. attractive; fascinating; appealing; enchanting; crowd-pulling; eye-catching; bewitching 引人入胜的
23. closing minutes; dying seconds 接近终场
24. two minutes to time; with two minutes remaining [left; to play] 终场前2分钟
25. garbage time 垃圾时间
26. final whistle [ buzzer ] 终场哨声
27. final gong 终场锣声
28. actual playing time 实际比赛时间
29. verse; v ; vs 对
30. meet; face; encounter; oppose; confront; take on; up against; lock horns with 遇上;交锋
31. challenge 挑战
32.opponent; adversary; rival; counterpart; opposite; number; opposition; peer 对手
33. arch rival 主要对手
34. tough opposition; hard nut to crack 难对付的对手
35. opponent to be reckoned with 不可小看的对手
36. matchless; peerless 无敌的
37. open [unpredictable] affair [issue]; cliff-hanger 有悬念的比赛
38. seasaw game; ding-dong battle 拉锯战
39. equalizer 扳平的进球
40.crucial [critical; decisive] movement; urgent time; break point; emergency; when it comes to the crunch 关键时刻
41.turning point 转折点
42.come through 顺利过关
43.advantage; superiority; supremacy; domination; prominence; preeminence 优势
44. on top; have an advantage over; get the upper hand over; get the best of; one-up占优势
45. overwhelming; supremacy; absolute dominance 绝对优势
46. edge; slight advantage 微小优势
47. lop-[one-] sided contest; one way traffic; walkover 一边倒的比赛
48. dominate; reign supreme 称雄
49. lead; hit the front 领先
50. outscore; outpoint 比分领先
51. hold the lead 保持领先
52. nose the lead 以微弱优势领先
53. lead by far; well ahead; surge far ahead; take a large lead 遥遥领先
54. overwhelm; prevail over 压倒
55. throw into confusion; disrupt; disturb; put out of order 打乱阵脚
56. fatal [lethal] blow; deathblow; finishing stroke 致命一击
57. most powerful weapon 杀手锏
58. at bay; at a loss; have a hard time of it; hard put to it; at the end of one’ rope; at one’s wit’s end 处于困境
59. disadvantage 不利局面
60. passive position; passivity 被动局面
61. underdog 处于劣势的一方
62. fall behind; trail 落后
63. catch [pull] up; gain [closeup] on; cling [stick] to; hard on one’s heels 追赶
64. narrow the gap; cut the deficit 缩小差距
65. overtake; overhaul; outstrip; outdo; outperform; 超过
66. turn the tide [tables; scales]; reverse the situation; bring about a complete turnabout; pull out of the fire 扭转局面
67. defeat; beat; overcome; conquer; win [triumph] over; trounce; out play; subdue; dispatch; down 击败
68. victory; triumph; win 胜利
69. Sure [certain] to win; assured of victory; victory is in the offing. 稳操胜券
70. win; achieve [win; gain; obtain; score; secure] a vitcory 获胜
71. dethrone 打败前冠军
72. seal [clinch] a vitcory; ice the win 锁定胜局
73. giant-killer 巨人杀手; 打败强手的运动员
74. in favor of 胜方为
75. resounding [overwhelming; sweeping; landslide] victory; run away with; win by a wide margin 大胜
76. upset; win unexpectedly 爆冷门
77. win by chance; fluke 侥幸取胜
78. win in a row [in a succession]; winning [hot] streak 连续获胜
79. invincible; ever victorious; all powerful; all conquering 战无不胜
80. unbeaten [unbleshed] record 不败纪录
81. come-from-behind victory 后来居上的胜利
82. defeat thoroughly [completely] 彻底击败
83. win easily [comfortably; effortlessly; hands down] 轻易取胜
84. hard-won victory 来之不易的胜利
85.narrow victory; win by a whisker [a narrow margin]; nose out; scrapre out a victory 爆冷门
86. wear out 用“磨”的办法取胜
87.lose [surrender; fall; bow out; yield; give way; concede] to sb; beaten [defeated] by sb 输给某人
88. loser; losing side; victim 失败者
89. pushover 不堪一击者
90. jinx 克星;厄运
91. setback 挫折
92. slump; losing streak 接连失利
93. fizzle out 先胜后败
94. throw; lose deliberately [on purpose]; dump 故意输掉;放水
95. Pride comes [goes] before a fall. 骄兵必败
96. season-high 赛季新高
97. career-high 职业生涯新高
98. placing; ranking; standing 名次
99. ranking [classification] list 名次表
100. come to the fore; hit the forefront 名列前茅
101. come out (at the ) top 名列榜首
102. winner; champion; first placer 第一名;冠军
103. runner-up 亚军
104. third placer 第三名;季军
105. title-holder 冠军保持者
106. title defender 卫冕者
107. title bid 夺标呼声
108. championship; title 冠军称号
109. a clean sweep; sweep (the board) 囊括
110. reigning champion 本届冠军
111. return a title 蝉联冠军
112. minor placings 靠后的名次
113. promote; upgrade 升[晋]级
114. relegate; downgrade; demote; drop; reduce 降级
115. prize of honor 荣誉奖
116. fair play trophy 公平竞赛奖
117. autograph 签名留念
118. prize money; cash prize; bonus; money award 奖金
119. appearance fees 出场费
120. victory [medal] ceremony; prize-awarding [-giving] ceremony 颁奖仪式
121. victory [winners’] podium 领奖台
122. take the spotlight; steal the limelight 大出风头
123. flash in the pan; one-day wonder 昙花一现
124. publicity 宣传
125. media 媒体
126. media operations 媒体运作
127. press conference [briefing] 新闻发布会
128. spokesperson; spokesman; spoksewoman 发言人
129. sports news report 体育新闻报道
130. headline 头版头条
131. feature (article; story) 特写
132. brief news; news in brief 简讯
133. profile; sketch of life 传记;人物介绍
134. interview 采访
135. commentary 评论
136. review 评述;回顾
137. list issue [ topic] 热门话题
138. extra 号外
139. sports column 体育专栏
140. magazine; journal 刊物
141. periodical 期刊
142. poster 宣传画
143. distribute 发行
144. circulation 发行量
145. studio 演播室
146. outside broadcast van 电视转播车
147. relay 转播
148. live broadcast 现场直播
149. live transmission [telecasting]; on the spot broadcasting;field pickup; remote 现场(实况)转播
150. Sports Weekly 《体坛周报》
151. commentary 现场解说
152. tune in 收听;收看
153. rebroadcast 重播
154. replay 重放
155. prime-time coverage 黄金时段播送
156. TV rating 电视收视率
157. reach 收视人数
158. coverage 覆盖率
159. high definition 高清晰度
160. sport channel 体育频道
161. sport program 体育节目
162. press center 新闻中心
163. sports commentator 体育评论员
164. journalist; newsman; newspeople; reporter 记者
165. sports columnist 体育专栏作家
166. prime-time event 黄金时段节目
167. lopsided 偏于一侧的,(比赛)一边倒的

1. ligament 韧带
2. cruciate ligament 十字韧带(注:膝关节中的韧带,是运动员最容易受伤的部位 。)
3. meniscus 半月板 (注:膝关节中的一块软骨,也是运动员容易受伤的地方之一。)
4. achilles tendon 跟腱
5. conditiond reflex 条件反射
6. time difference 时差
7. jet lag 时差反应
8. reaction; response 反应
9. sports injury 运动创伤
10. sprain 扭伤
11. sprained ankle 踝关节扭伤
12. bruise; contusion 挫伤
13. tear 撕裂
14. muscle tear [rupture]; torn muscle 肌肉撕裂
15. pull 拉伤
16. strain 劳损
17. lumbar muscle strain 腰肌劳损
18. muscle fatigue 肌肉疲劳
19. periostitis 骨膜炎
20. tenosynovitis 腱鞘炎
21. achilles tendinities 跟腱疼
22. fracture 骨折
23. dislocation 脱位[臼]
24. muscle soreness[ache] 肌肉疼痛
25. muscle rigidity 肌肉僵硬
26. muscle cramp; myospasm 肌肉痉挛
27. symptom 症状
28. ache; pain 痛
29. bleeding; effusion of blood 出血
30. overstimulation 过度兴奋
31. overstrain; overtension 过度紧张
32. overtraining syndrome 过度训练综合症
33. treatment 治疗
34. first aid; emergency treatment 急救
35. dress; wrap 包扎
36. stop [relieve; kill] pain 止痛
37. stop [stanch] bleeding; hemostasis 止血
38. cold compress 冷敷
39. massage; rubdown 按摩
40. suture 缝线
41. abrasion; graze 擦伤

1. financial commitment 财政保证
2. revenue 收入
3. budget 预算
4. expenditure 支出
5. expense; charge 费用
6. cost 成本
7. fund; financial resources 资金
8. investor 投资者
9. financing 融资
10. balance; surplus 节余;收支平衡
11. profit 盈利; 利润
12. defict; shortfall 亏损
13. donation 捐赠
14. subsidze 补助
15. television right 电视转播权
16. distribution of income 收入分成
17. ticket sales; gate 门票销售
18. license 特许经营权
19. designate 指定
20. endorse 认可
21. promotional campaign 推广活动
22. commercial 商业性的; 插播广告
23. non-profit 非盈利性的
24. advertisement; ad 广告
25. priority 优先权
26. exclusive rights 专有权;独家权
27. advertising agency 广告代理商
28. sponsor 赞助
29. supplier 供货商
30. agreement 协议
31. contract 合同

十九、 身体素质和场上表现
1. quality; attribute; markings 素质
2. physical attribute [quality]; physique; constitution 身体素质
3. body height; stature 身高
4. body weight 体重
5. physical strength 体力
6. muscular strength; brawn 肌肉力量
7. jumping ability 弹跳力
8. agility; nimbleness 灵敏性
9. suppleness; flexibility 柔韧性
10. endurance; stamina; staying power 耐力
11. tolerance of exercise 运动耐受力
12. figure; bodily form; build 体形
13. body type; somatotype 体型
14. condition; form; shape 竞技状态
15. get into shape 进入状态
16. in good [sound;fine] form; on (full) song 竞技状态良好
17. in top form 竞技状态良好
18. full of go [drive; pep; vim and vigor] 精力充沛
19. mental fatigue 精神疲劳
20. mental state; mentality 心理状态
21. motive force; motivation 动机;动力
22. excitement 兴奋
23. positional sense 位置感
24. emotion; mood; feeling 情绪
25. nervous; uneasy; fidgety 精神紧张的
26. overstrain; choke up 过度紧张
27. mental pressure [burden] 心理压力
28. impetutous; impatient; impulsive 急躁的
29. self-control 自我控制
30. fortitude; perseverance; will power; strong will 毅力
31. morale 士气
32. boost morale 鼓舞士气
33. stubborn; dogged; persistent; unyielding; never-say-die 顽强的
34. team spirit 团队精神
35. enterprising spirit; devotion [dedication] to one’s career 敬业精神
36. game experience 比赛经验
37. play by thought; use one’s brains in the game 比赛中动脑子
38. read the game 通观全局
39. specialize in 专长于
40. excel at [in]; good at 擅长于
41. strong point; strength 优点;长处
42. weak point; weakness; shortcoming; vulnerable spot 弱点;短处
43. Achilles’ heel 致命弱点
44. error; mistake; blander; slip 错误
45. unforced [unnecessary; careless; unwarranted] error 主动[无谓的]失误; 非受迫性失误
46. court manner 场上作风
47.on-the-spot performance; actual play 临场发挥
48. give full play to; do one’s level best; to the best of one’s ability 充分发挥
49. start from scratch [zero] 从零开始
50. cooperate; coordinate; teamup 配合
51. put in a good performance; make a good showing; give a good account of oneself; acquit oneself well 表现得好
52. steady; persistent 稳健的
53. off [out of] form; loss of form 竞技状态不好
54. play rough 比赛作风粗野
55. on the decline 走下坡路
56. flop 砸锅
57. collapse 崩溃
58. fancy Dan; grandstander; hotdog; showoff 华而不实的运动员
59. force; strength;energy; effort 力量
60. momemtum; impulsive force 冲力
61. forward momentum 前冲力
62. exert 用力
63. speed; pace; velocity; tempo 速度
64. quicken; speed up; accelerate 加速
65. slow down; decelerate; retard 减速
66. maintain body balance 保持身体平衡
67. follow-through 顺随动作,顺势前送动作
68. faulty movement 错误动作
69. feint; fake; deception; deceptive movement 假动作
70. stretch; straighten; extend; spread out 伸
71. bend; flex 屈
72. figure 8 8字形
73. zigzag 之字形
74. frontal 正面的
75. reverse 反面的
76. sideways; sidewards; sidewise 侧向的
77. crossways; crosswise 横向的
78. diagonal; oblique; slanting 斜向的
79. horizontal; level 水平的
80. vertical; perpendicular 垂直的
81. clockwise 顺时针方向的
82. counterclockwise 逆时针方向的
83.turn; twist; twirl 转体
84. turn around [about] 向后转
85. pivot foot 轴心脚
86. bend [lean] forward 前倾
87. bend [lean] backward; arch; lay back 后仰
88. blow; strike; punch 击打
89. swing 挥[摆]动
90. push 推
91. pull; drag 拉
92. over-arm [-hand] 高[上]手的
93. under-arm[-hand] 低手的
94. flick the wrist 抖腕
95. extension of the knee joint 伸膝
96. flexion of the knee joint; bend the knee 屈膝
97. footwork 脚步移动
98. step 步子
99. stride 步幅
100. frequency 步频
101. forward step 前进步
102. retreat 后退
103. advance 前进
104. backward step 后退步
105. side step 横[侧]步
106. cross step 交叉步
107. slide 滑步
108. jump; leap; spring; skip 跳
109. hop 单腿跳
110. bound 蹦跳
111. bounce 弹跳
112. take off 起跳
113. land 落地
114. position; posture; pose; attitude; bearing; gesture 身体姿势
115. standing position; stance 站立姿势
116. upright [erect] position 直立姿势
117. stride position; parallel stance 两脚开立姿势
118. ready [set] position; ready stance 预备姿势
119. training; instruction; preparation; practice; exercise; drill 训练
120. training system 训练体制
121. trainee; charge 受训者
122. well-trained 训练有素的
123. training center 训练中心
124. training hall 训练馆
125. training camp 训练营
126. training ground 训练场地
127. training cycle 训练周期
128. working-up period 赛前适应期
129. conditioning 赛前训练
130. recovery phase 恢复期
131. daily [routine] training 日常训练
132. intensified training 集训
133. workout 训练课
134. physical [fitness] training 体质训练
135. overall conditioning 全面身体训练
136. endurance training 耐力训练
137. technical training 技术训练
138. tactical training 战术训练
139. specific technical training 专项技术训练
140. psychological [mental] training 心理训练
141. accilimatization [adaptation] training 适应性训练
142. training method 训练方法
143. exercise; practice; drill 练习
144. imitation 模仿
145. stretching exercise 伸展活动
146. relaxation training 放松训练
147. warm-up 准备活动
148. relaxed running 放松跑
149. group exercise 成组练习
150. practice match 练习比赛
151. 12-minute test 12分钟跑体能测试
152. load 负荷
153. training load 训练负荷
154. intensity of training 训练强度
155. training apparatus; trainer; exerciser 训练器材
156.points of emphasis 动作要点
157.tendon 跟腱
158.thighs 大腿肌群
159.calves; lower-body muscles 小腿肌群
160.the balls of the feet 两脚前缘
161.non-dominant [off-] hand 弱侧手
162.base of support (两腿间的)支撑面
163.station drills 分组练习
164.timing 判断能力
165.discipline 战术纪律性
166.ambidextrous 左右手都会运球和投篮的 drill 四对四练习
168.situational play 针对具体战术的练习
169.mirror drill 反应练习(两人面对面站立,一人照另一人动作做) [-goal] basketball, rat ball “斗牛”
171.second man lay-up drill 跟进队员上篮练习
172.shadow drill 一对一的攻防练习,“斗牛”
173.station work 分组训练