体游小刺猬运果子教案:Winter in JulySarah Brightman(莎拉.布莱曼)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/15 04:32:14
Are you going to Scarborough Fair(你们正要去斯卡博洛市集吗?) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香) Remember me to one who lives there(记得代我问候在那的一个朋友) She once was a true love of mine(她曾经是我的挚爱!) Tell her to make me a cambric shirt(请跟他说为我缝一件白亚麻衬衫吧) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香) Without no seams nor needless work(不要用针穿和线缝) Then she'll be a true love of mine(那她将会是我的真情挚爱) Tell her to find me on acre of land(跟她说为我找一亩地吧) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香) Between the salt water and the sea strand(在海水与浅滩之间) Then she'll be a true love of mine(那她将会是我的真情挚爱) 在那个湿漉漉的,有寒意的清晨,山坡上伫立着一位穿着灰色裙子的少女,她的裙裾在山风中猎猎舞动, 她的金色的长发在风中飞扬,她的苍白的双颊被风 吹红;她满怀着失去爱人的痛苦,寻找着去斯卡保罗 集市的人们----在那里,有她曾经的爱.我们不知道 歌里的少女,究竟经历了怎样曲折的悲欢离合.在她 胸中撕心裂肺和痛不欲生曾怎样让她的心沸腾不息 可是,一切到了后来,只化成了她一句淡淡的询问: "你们是要去斯卡保罗集市吗......?" Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather(跟她说要用皮制的镰刀收割) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香) And gather it all in a bunch of heather(将收割的石楠扎成一束) Then she'll be a true love of mine(那么她将会是我的真情挚爱) Are you going to Scarborough Fair(你们正要去斯卡博洛市集吗?) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香) Remember me to one who lives there(记得代我问候在那的一个朋友) She once was a true love of mine(她曾经是我的挚爱!) Sarah Brightman(莎拉.布莱曼)1960年8月14日出生于 英国伦敦.三岁始学跳舞.在21岁那年,她获得了命运女 神的垂青,得以出演后来名闻天下在百老汇长演不衰的 音乐剧《猫》的角色,1988年首次登上百老汇的舞台演 出《歌剧魅影》从而奠定了其世界级著名音乐Winter in JulyMake the best of what's given you everything will come in time why deny yourself don't just let life pass you by like winter in July Future dreams can never last when you find yourself still living in the past Keep moving on to higher ground looking for the way you thought could not be found We may not know the reason why we're born into this world where a man only lives to die his story left untold Make the best of what's given you everything will come in time why deny yourself don't just let life pass you by like winter in July We may not know the reason why we're born into this world where a man only lives to die his story left untold Make the best of what's given you everything will come in time why deny yourself don't just let life pass you by like winter in July 1770067813$Scarboroug...2091694$Winter in ...