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论文作者 张博
论文导师 黄建华,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 外国语言学及应用语言学
论文单位 广西大学,点击次数 11,论文页数 60页File Size2324k
2001-04-18论文网 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_742830592/ 词,李清照,三美,比较
新闻己经成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。每天,人们都能够从 报纸、杂志、广播、电视以及新兴媒介互联网中获得各种各样的新闻。 其中报纸是历史最为悠久的一种媒介,还是新闻报道的始祖。 报纸的雏形始见于 16世纪中叶的威尼斯,叫做 Gazetta,而第一份 英文报纸则于 1702年 3月 11日出版,取名为 Daily Courant。英文报纸 由此开始不断向前发展。但它的发展总是受到政府的严厉控制,北美殖 民地的报纸出版也不例外。在北美的整个发展史中,报纸均扮演了重要 的角色,它也由此获得了相应的发展,比如在国内战争时期,倒金字塔 式的报道结构逐渐形成,并被报界人士奉为金科玉律从而见诸于各家报 端。随着广播电视等新兴媒体的出现,报纸与其竟争日益激烈,并形成 了今天群雄并立的局面。 对于新闻的定义,各家并无统一说法,但在确定新闻价值的6个要 素方面,各家并无多大分歧,而且新闻的组成部分也大体相同,分别是 标题、导语及正文。新闻标题是整个新闻报道中最引人注目的部分,它 的形式、用词、时态、语态、标点符号及修辞手法的运用都有其自成一 家的特点。而导语从倒金字塔式发展至今也己经有了11种不同的形式。 汇文的采写共有3种形式,可以满足不同报道内容的需要。此外,英语 新闻报道在长期发展过程中,形成了别具一格的用词及文体特点,这也 影响了中英文新闻的互译。作者认为,中英文新闻的互译应该以信、达、 切、可读性为标准,并注意一些相关问题。无论报纸经历了怎样的发展 过程,现在存在着怎样的问题,它的未来都充满了希望。
News is indispensable to people"s life today Everyday we can get news from the different media around us newspaper, radio, TV and Internet Among them, the newspaper has the longest history and set foundation of news reportingNewspapers began with Gazetta in Venice in mid-sixteenth century, and the first daily newspaper in English didn"t come out until the publication of Daily Courant on March 11, 1702 The English newspaper"s development later was always under the severe control of the government including that in the colonies in North America Newspapers played an important role in the Independent War and the Civil War and the different stages of the history In the Civil War, it also developed the famous inverted pyramid writing style Its competition with radio and TV resulted in the present stage the newspaper has Although there is no a universally accepted definition of news, we can still discuss and exemplify the characteristics that news reporting hasAfter giving the six determinants for deciding what is news, the thesis discusses the basic components of news respectively The news headline is the most eye-catching part of the news The formation, vocabulary, tense, voice, punctuation and the figure of speech used in it have their own characteristics The lead has 11 types of variants, which offers the news reporters quite some ways to write different leads to entice readers The 3 forms of reporting style can be employed for different news stories The language that news employs is from the one we often use in our lives, but it has formed its own characteristics in both style and vocabulary All these characteristics are discussed with examples, too The translation of news must be practical to meet the requirements of both the translator and the reader on the basis of faithfulness, expressiveness, clearness and readability The future of newspaper is potential although exist some arguments
[baidu搜索]:新闻英语的特点及翻译 [google搜索]:新闻英语的特点及翻译
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