urllc 缩写:什么想法破坏了你的健身大计?

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/19 11:45:48


So many of us (myself included) fall in to the trap of “all or nothing” thinking, especially when it comes to diet and exercise. Breaking free of this cycle made an incredible impact on my life and allowed me to make physical changes in my body that I had been trying to guilt myself into making for years!


Before I introduced the theme of balance into my life, I‘d frequently skip exercising all together if I didn’t feel like I had enough time to go hard and make it worthwhile. Life is busy, so as you can imagine, this led to a lot of skipped workouts; a lot more days of inactivity than days of activity. Maybe you can relate…


Exercising is a commitment (especially for us women. When we commit to exercise, we’re also committing to the entire “getting ready” process afterward…showering, blow drying, make up, hair, you get the idea). In many cases if we don’t have time for this whole process, we often end up doing nothing when realistically we could have fit in some form of exercise in by taking a more balanced approach.


Passionately pursuing balance in all areas of life, including my fitness regimen, has helped me embrace health & exercise as a way of life – not as something to put on my to-do list. I encourage you to explore what that could look like for you.


I believe that consistency is the number one key to getting in shape and staying in shape. My clients who see dramatic changes are not the most intense, they are the ones who keep showing up, day after day, year after year. Expanding your view of what constitutes a “workout” and dropping the all or nothing approach got me in the best shape of my life and it can do the same for you.


Next time you’re tempted to take a week off of exercises because you don’t have enough time, remember that every little positive step you take toward better health counts. If you only have 20 minutes, take advantage of it! You’ll be much more successful in the long run if you can learn to incorporate exercise into your daily life.


To help you think outside the box, here is a list of sneaky ways to fit more exercise into your busy day:


Take a brisk walk around the neighborhood.


10 minutes of abdominal work + 10 minutes of arm work (sit ups, planks, the Pilates hundred, push-ups, triceps dips, light weights if you have them, etc.)

十分钟的腹部训练 +十分钟的臂部训练(起立坐下,俯卧,普拉提一百,俯卧撑,小腿三头肌训练或一些轻量级拳击,等等)

Lay down on the floor and stretch. (Bonus points if you include deep breathing.)


Pilates (visit Pilates Anytime for fabulous online classes or visit my website for a free 10-minute workout that you can download straight to your ipod)


Jump rope. Do 3 five-minute intervals.


Go for a short, fast-paced run.



Dance around the living room with your kids or by yourself!


Lunges, Squats & Calf Raises (just 3 sets of 15)


Do sit ups and push ups during commercial breaks while watching TV.


Call a friend and meet for a walk instead of coffee or happy hour.

跟朋友散散步而不是喝咖啡或在酒吧happy hour。

Hopefully one or two of these stand out to you as an option that could work for you. Next time you’re tempted to skip a workout for lack of time, remember that consistency can be more important than intensity. When you realize you’re getting trapped in an “all or nothing” attitude, reframe your thoughts. Remind yourself that some days you’ll have more time than others and that’s okay. It’s nothing to feel guilty about and it’s certainly not worth throwing in the towel on your fitness goals all together.

希望以上的建议中,有一两项可以给你作为参考。下次你如果没有时间要翘掉锻炼的话,记得保持一贯性比强度训练更为重要。当你发觉自己正陷入要么全做,要么不做的想法的时候, 适时纠正你的想法。记得自己有天会比别人拥有更多的时间就好了,根本不需要为此感到内疚也当然不值得在你的健身大计面前服输。


P.S. I’m honored to guest post here on Balance In Me today. Anastasiya and I have a lot in common. We both love health & fitness, in particular Pilates, and we both are passionate about pursuing balance and sharing our journey with others.

P.S. 今天非常荣幸能够被邀请为”Balance In Me“网站写文章, Anastasiya和我有很多共同点,我们都喜欢运动和健身,特别是普拉提,我们都狂热地追求平衡之道并愿与别人分享我们的心得。 

Robin Long blogs over at The Balanced Life. She is a Pilates instructor that has set out to make an impact in the fitness industry by challenging the messages we receive and the impact they have on our self image, motivation and success.

平衡生活网站, Robin Long的博文。Robin Long是一位普拉提导师,通过挑战我们所得的资讯以及构建我们的自身形象,动力和成功方面,在健身界获得影响力。