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从图片看世界 2007年最佳新闻图片美国时代周刊

      1) 竞选总统:共和党候选人朱里阿尼在一家餐馆与选民见面(Let the race begin)


                 Republican Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani makes a campaign stop at Suzie‘s Diner in Hudson, New Hampshire.                 2) 发表演讲:布什在佐治亚就移民问题发表演讲后脱掉自己的外套(Getting down to business) 

                 The President sheds his coat after delivering a speech on immigration policy at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia.                 3) 达成协议:电视画面显示美国总统布什与意大利总理签署协议后握手(Sealing the deal) 

                 A television broadcasts a meeting between President Bush and Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi in Rome, Italy during a presidential tour of Europe in June.                 4) 冲突对峙:美国国务卿在国会作证时被一名反战的妇女骚扰(Confrontation) 

                 A protester shows red-painted hands to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice before the Secretary testifies at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on U.S. policy in the Middle East.                 5) 保护战友:美国在伊拉克的士兵保护受伤战友(Protected) 

                 U.S. soldiers shield a wounded comrade from debris kicked up by a rescue helicopter in Qubah, Iraq.                 6) 凭吊亡夫:一位美国妇女向自己在伊拉克阵亡的丈夫的遗体告别(Mourned) 

                 A member of the military accompanies Rachel Guy-Latham at a viewing of the body of her husband, Sergeant Thomas Lee Latham, 23, who was killed by an IED in Baghdad, Iraq in March.                 7) 训练女兵:新招收的阿富汗妇女在射击场接受训练(Training) 

                 Newly recruited female police officers practice with their rifles before a test on a shooting range in Pol-E Khumri, Afghanistan.                 8) 内战烽火:黎巴嫩内战场景(Civil War) 

                 Lebanese troops battle with militants from Fatah al-Islam in Tripoli. Fighting between the militants and the government soldiers spread across northern Lebanon in May.                 9) 战后苦难:黎巴嫩战后情景(Aftermath) 

                 The fighting in Lebanon spread to the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp, where the dust settles after several days of fighting.                  10) 南非六月突然飘雪(Wacky Winter) 

                 An unexpected snowfall surprised residents of Johannesburg, South Africa, in June.                 11) 俄国寒冬:一个俄罗斯女孩审视一月的冬景(Frosty) 

                 A young girl surveys the January cold in Stavropol, Russia.                 12) 镇静不慌:美国一著名女演员等待自己在奥斯卡颁奖仪式上出场(Poised) 

                 Actress Penelope Cruz waits to go on stage at the 79th annual Academy Awards in Hollywood, California.                 13) 现场“偷窃”:美国著名脱口秀演员在艾美奖颁奖仪式上假装拿走所有奖品(Being caught stealing) 

                 Talkshow Host Ellen Degeneres jokingly grabs an armful of Emmy statuettes backstage at the television award show in September.                 14) 胜利喜悦:美国波士顿棒球队获得全国冠军后在香槟酒的淋浴中欢庆(Champaign shower) 

                 The Boston Red Sox celebrate their second World Series win in four years.                 15) 按需所取:共和党总统候选人罗姆尼在一家五金商店采购(Everything a man needs) 

                 Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney visits a hardware store in Goffstown, New Hampshire.                 16) 崭新面孔:一个八岁的小姑娘在丹佛游行支持移民改革(New face) 

                 Eight-year old Leslie Garcia walks in a rally in support of better treatment of immigrants in Denver.                 17) 曲径通幽:在以色列占领的西岸的一条小巷(Passage) 

                 An alleyway cuts through Hebron, in the Israeli occupied West Bank.                 18) “一丘之貉”:美国国防部长和中情局长在国会作证:(Two heads) 

                 Defense Secretary Robert Gates and CIA Director Michael Hayden listen to the swearing-in of National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington.[$Page_Split$]                  19) 提高警惕:美国总统访问北卡一个儿童治疗中心时特工在执行警卫(Lookouts) 

                 Secret Service agents survey the landscape adjacent to the Victory Junction Gang Camp, a center for children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses, during a presidential visit to North Carolina in October.                 20) 苏丹沙暴:喀土穆的沙暴有时高达1000米:(Dust storm) 

                 A gigantic cloud of dust, known as a "Haboob" advances on Khartoum, Sudan in April. These seasonal types of monsoons can reach a heights of 3000 feet.                 21) 重庆山洪:2007年7月洪水从重庆的阶梯上冲下(Flood) 

                 Water rushes down a stairwell during heavy rains in Chongqing, China in July.                 22) 野火燎原:一个直升飞机在灭火(Wildfire) 

                 Firemen watch a helicopter douse flames near Escondido, California. A series of blazes destroyed a half million acres and displaced thousands of residents in October.                 23) 苦难童工:孟加拉达卡的一个童工(Child labor) 

                 Sixteen-year-old Rubel works at an aluminum factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh.                 24) 杀人凶犯:杀死32名佛吉尼亚理工学院学生的凶犯(The killer among us) 

                 The class photograph of Seung-Hui Cho is isolated in the 2002 yearbook of Westfield High School in Falls Church, Virginia. Twenty-three-year old Cho went on a shooting rampage that claimed the lives of 32 Virginia Tech students and faculty members.                 25) 追悼仪式:惨案之后佛吉尼亚理工学院学生在悼念死者(Memorial) 

                 The day after the shooting, thousands of people gathered on the commons of the Virginia Tech campus to honor the victims.[$Page_Split$]                  26) 悲哀如水:一个巴勒斯坦妇女为一个哈马斯战死者哀悼(Grief) 

                 Palestinian women mourn the death of Hamas supporter.                 27) 接管政权:哈马斯战士将法塔赫警力赶出加沙(Takeover) 

                 A member of Hamas sits behind a desk at rival Fatah‘s security headquarters in Gaza City. In June, Hamas forces took control of the Gaza Strip.                 28) 保家卫国:一阿富汗国防军士兵与塔里班交火(Defender) 

                 A member of the Afghan National Army engages in a skirmish with Taliban forces near an outpost at Gowardehs.                 29) 流离失所:摩加迪沙的难民(Displaced) 

                 Refugees from fighting in Mogadishu seek shelter at a camp in Baletwayne, Somalia.                 30) 买卖汽油:尼日利亚的一个石油黑市(Dealer) 

                 Black market gasoline is sold on the streets of Lagos, Nigeria.                 31) “火中取栗”:尼日利亚一个捡破烂的妇女(Scavenger)                 A Nigerian woman protects herself against a fire in a trash dump where she harvests garbage.                 32) 街头暴力:日本一名摄影记者在缅甸被射杀(Street fighting)                 Kenji Nagai, a Japanese photographer, falls to the ground after being shot in confrontations between Burmese protesters and government security forces. Kenji later died.                 33) 恢复正常:缅甸的和尚从一个市场走过(Back to normal)                 A monk winds his way through a crowded market in the days after the Burmese government‘s crackdown.                 34) 战场指挥:一个库尔德指挥官在伊拉克北部(Commander)                 A Kurdish rebel pauses on a roadside in Northern Iraq. PKK forces mounted incursions into Turkey through the spring and summer.                 35) 世界公民:美国前副总统、2007年诺贝尔和平奖获得者戈尔(Man of the world)                 Former Vice President and Nobel Prize Winner Al Gore works in his home office in Tennessee.                 36) 奋力拼搏:美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马(Candidate)                 Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama waits to be introduced at a campaign event in Manning, South Carolina.                 37) 查阅邮件:民主党总统候选人希拉里在查电子邮件(Checking in)                 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton checks her Blackberry before a campaign event in Des Moines, Iowa in January.                 38) 女王恭候:英国女王在等候布什总统一家的到来(Royal guest)              Britain‘s Queen Elizabeth waits for the family of U.S. President George W. Bush to arrive at dinner at the British Embassy in May.[$Page_Split$]                  39) 波特粉丝:澳大利亚德波特粉丝乘火车去一个秘密地点参加首发式(Hogwarts bound)                 Harry Potter fans board a train to a secret location for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Sydney, Australia.                 40) 馅饼大赛:世界馅饼大赛裁判观看在苏格兰举行的一场比赛(Pie eyed)                 World Pie Championship judge John Young poses with two scotch pies at a competition in Dunfermline, Scotland.                 41) 梦里挥拍:网球明星纳德尔在水中挥拍(Power stroke)                 Tennis star Rafael Nadal poses underneath the surface of a pool in Monte Carlo, Monaco.                 42) 美髯冠军:德国切瓦里尔2007年获得自由胡子冠军(Champion)                 Willi Chevalier, of Sigmaringen, Germany is the winner of the 2007 Partial and Freestyle Beard competition.                 43) 大象小象:一个三岁的小象依恋母亲(Trunk show)                 A three-day old baby elephant reaches for its mother at an animal park in Berlin.                 44) 大桥倒塌:美国明州35号高速上的密西西比河大桥坍塌(Collapse)                 Cars and trunks lie scattered on the remains of Interstate 35W Bridge in Minneapolis shortly after it crashed into the Mississippi River in August.                 45) 英伦恐怖:格拉斯科机场被截住的装满炸药的吉普车(Terror in the UK)                 Baggage handlers and police detain one of two men who drove a Jeep Cherokee laden with explosives into the airport terminal at Glasgow Airport.                 46)  无“人”之境:宗族和宗教暴力使得伊拉克的一些城市的男性全部在逃(No man’s land)                 Two women make their way through the rubble of Muqdadiyah, Iraq. Sectarian violence has stripped the town of its male population.                 47) 不许拍照:一个逊尼义工拒绝被拍照(Halt)                 A Sunni volunteer refuses to be photographed in Muqdadiyah.来源:时代周刊  来源日期:2007-12-26   本站发布时间:2007-12-26  http://www.chinaelections.org/NewsInfo.asp?NewsID=120634