
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/22 10:15:39


貂蝉 Diao Chan
It is said that a light breeze blew unexpectedly and made the full moon hide behind the clouds when Diao Chan, a geisha at official Wang yun's ,was praying to the moon in the back garden during the Three Kingdoms period. Wang Yun, who had seen this scene, told everybody he met that Diao Chan was so beautiful that even the moon hid behind the cloud when it saw her. So Diao Chan was also called " making the full moon hide behind the clouds"thereafter.

王昭君 Wang Zhaojun
汉元帝在位期间,南北交兵,边界不得安静。汉元帝为安抚北匈奴,选昭君与单于结成姻缘,以保两国永远和好。在一个秋高气爽的日子里,昭君告别了故土,登程北去。一路上,马嘶雁鸣,撕裂她的心肝;悲切之感,使她心绪难平。她在坐骑之上,拨动琴弦,奏起悲壮的离别之曲。南飞的大雁听到这悦耳的琴声,看到骑在马上的这个美丽女子,忘记摆动翅膀,跌落地下。从此,昭君就得来“落雁” 的代称。
In Western Han Dynasty,Empire Han and Hun in the north were at war. In order to make peace and keep good relationship with Hun, Emperor Yuan selected Zhaojun as a wife for ChanYu of the Hun. One balmy autumn day, Zhaojun bid a farewell to her hometown and set out to the north. She felt so sad and couldn't help playing the Pi-Pa while she heard the whinnying of the horses and the honking of the wild geese on the road. The wild geese flying to the south forgot to fly and fell down to the land when it heard the sweet-sound of the music played by Zhaojun and saw the beautiful girl on the horse as well. So Zhaojun was also called “making flying geese fall”
杨贵妃 Yang Guifei 唐朝开元年间,有一美貌女子叫杨玉环,被选进宫来。杨玉环进宫后,思念家乡。一天,她到花园赏花散心,看见盛开的牡丹、月季……想到自己被关在宫内,虚度青春,不胜叹息,对着盛开的花说:“花呀,花呀!你年年岁岁还有盛开之时,我什么时候才有出头之日?”声泪俱下,她刚一摸花。花瓣立即收缩并低下了头。此后杨玉环就有了“羞花”称号。
There was a beautiful girl named Yang Yuhuan who was selected into the palace in Tang Dynasty. She missed home very much after her entering the palace. One day, She took a walk in the garden and felt distressed when she saw the peonies and roses were all in blossom. She said sadly to the flowers: “Flowers, flowers, you open every year but when will my good time come? And the flowers shrank instantly when she touched them. So she is also called “making flowers feel shameful”
西施 Xi Shi 春秋战国时期,越国有一个叫西施的,是个浣纱的女子,五官端正,粉面桃花,相貌过人。她在河边浣纱时,清彻的河水映照她俊俏的身影,使他显得更加美丽,这时,鱼儿看见她的倒影,忘记了游水,渐渐地沉到河底。从此,西施这个“沉鱼”的代称,在附近流传开来。
During the Spring and Autumn period there was an extremely pretty girl named Xi Shi in the ancient state of Yue. One day she was washing the yarns beside the river. Her shadow seemed very attracting on the surface of the clear river. The fishes in that river forgot to swim when they caught the sight of her beautiful shadow and sank down to the bottom of the river. Thus Xi Shi's new name “ making swimming fish sink” was popular from then on