欢乐谷停车场:[顶] 联 合 国 国 际 援 助 宣 言

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/09/21 09:28:39


The United Nations International Aid Declaration

序 言



In view of the inclination of turning a blind eye towards the less Fortunate by the general public and to ensure the poverty of these groups are uplifted;


To ensure the sick and disable are not being discriminated and rejected;


To ensure that victims of natural disasters or accidents and their next of kin are being well taken care of ;


To ensure rebuilding of shattered homes and injuries to lives as result of wars or social crimes;



In view of the declaration to co-operate with the United Nations

by member countries on their stands in the promotion of human

rights and its compliance and to ensure such rights are being respected;



To ensure damages caused to the environment and the natural well being

of this world, brought about as a result of adverse living

conditions, space constraints and other limitations, are remedied;



To provide solutions to revamp and revive the economies and to create new employments when economy deteriorated which have brought about failed businesses, unemployment and bankruptcies.


To improve and enhance social security benefits of the people as a result of social and civil unrest;


Above, all those mentioned above should be receiving international attention and assistance in order to achieve the Theme “poverty eradication, basis for rebuilding a harmonious world”. And this should be the basis for building a world with love, justice and fairness.

因此現在, 大會, 發佈這一聯合國國際援助宣言,作為所有人民和所有國家都須努力實現的共同目標和標準,以期望每一個人和社會機構經常銘記本宣言,努力通過教誨和教育促進對國際援助意識的重視,並通過國家的和國際的漸進措施,使國際援助的理念和行動在各會員國本土人民及在其管轄下領土的人民中得到普遍和有效的承認和遵行。

This United Nations International Aid Declaration forms the basis of

cooperation among member countries and it states the objectives of such

cooperation with the view it shall be adhered to and practiced by

organizations in general and individuals in particular. The importance

and awareness of this cooperation should be further inculcated

through the educational system of teachings, so as to ensure that it

would be respected, practiced and benefited the general public of the

member countries.

(一) 援助人類社會中弱勢群體並擺脫貧困

Assisting the less fortunate and weaker community groups and to

help lift them out of poverty.

1、 我們將不遺餘力地正視全球因為低學歷、低技能、孤寡無援、貧病交加的弱勢群體的存在,援助這些同胞擺脫目前淒苦可憐和毫無尊嚴的極端貧窮狀況。

We would spare no efforts to assist the poor and weak, the sick and

the helpless due to illiteracy, unskillful ness in works and

sickness from the blunt of poverty.

2、 因此,我們決心:

We are determined to:

l 把減少貧窮作為聯合國國際援助組織首要優先考慮的工作,並通過國家果


Make reducing poverty exercise the top priority of the United

Nations International Aids Organization. Through determination

and cooperation at the international front, poverty could be

tremendously reduced.

l 繼承在《千年宣言》中世界首腦們的諾言,到2015年除在反貧窮和抗病的鬥爭中完成許多其他目標外,將使全球每天生活費用不到1美元的人口數量減少一半。

As has been spelt out in the < Millennium Declaration > at the Summit

Of the World Leaders Meeting not long ago, besides being able to

achieve various other objectives under the eradication of poverty and

elimination of many sicknesses programs being implemented, it is

expected that the exercise would also help to reduce the hardcore poor

who spent less than USD1 on cost of living each day by half by 2015.

l 建立聯合國國際援助組織和联合国经济总署,在全球範圍內設立和管理各地區的國際援助中心,對人類社會中的弱勢群體進行物質和精神上的援助。在謀求發展和消除貧困的過程中,與私營企業和民間社會建立穩固的夥伴關係。

Establish United Nations International Aid Organization (UNIAO) and

set up regional management centre to provide assistance, in both

foods and moral supports, to the weaker group. Establish strong bonds

and working relationships with local communities and private

enterprises during the course of carrying out the exercise.

l 努力加強各政府和民間社會組織的能力,消除導致貧窮的所有因素,如增




Assist the government and its local communities to strengthen their

organizational capability in order to ascertain the cause of poverty

and to formulate solutions to battle poverty which include raising

awareness on food hygiene and food safety, improve housing

provision and on basic infrastructure, provide employment, enhance

ownership to lands, provide power supply, easier access to loan,

technology, medical attention, education, training and marketing

opportunity, so as to enable the community to participate and chart

a balanced and healthy life style.

(二) 決不歧視和排斥身處疾病和傷殘人士

Non discrimination and exclusion of the sick and the disabled

3、 我們將不遺餘力地援助身處疾病和傷殘人士,決不因為他們患有何種傳染或難治的疾病,以及身處不同程度傷殘或智障的人士而懷有歧視和排斥的態度。

We will spare no effort to provide assistance to the sick and disabled

and shall not indiscriminate against them.

4、 因此,我們決心:

We are determined to :

l 將尋求提高殘疾人的地位,改善他們的生活。基於聯合國國際援助組織的成



Seek to raise the standard of living of the disabled and hence enhance

their status in par with that of the normal healthy human. UNIAO’S

Charter seeks to bring awareness to the public that the disabled are

also entitled to the same rights as the normal human in

social, cultural, civil and political fields.

l 對生活在發展中國家的約占全球80%的殘疾人給予特別的援助,聯同發展中


Work together with the government of the day of the developing

countries and their local communities to provide assistance to the

disabled to ensure that they received the basic for life. This group

of disabled make up about 80% of the total disabled community of

the world.

l 針對改善殘疾人的狀況,透過和配合聯合國其他相關機構提供專門的教育和



Through cooperation and coordination with United Nations and its

related organizations, living conditions of disabled can be uplifted

by providing specialized educational and training programs on living

skills, health awareness and diseases control and prevention

techniques, projects for disabled children, advanced health recovery

techniques, employment opportunity in the labor market and various

other form of assistance.

(三) 關懷和照顧事故和災難的傷亡人士及其家人

Providing assistance and care to disaster victims and their family


5、 我們將不遺餘力地對因突發事故和自然災難所造成的傷亡人士及受其影響


No efforts will be spared in taking care of victims of natural disaster

and their affected family members.

6、 因此,我們決心:

We are, therefore, determined to:

l 確保遭受突發事故、自然災難、以及其他人道緊急狀態的影響特別嚴重的


Ensure that those seriously affected, in particular children, in

natural disaster or incidents would be protected and well

taken care of to enable them to get back to normal life soonest


l 支持和援助更多的全球各相關專業機構,共同研究預防和應對突發事故和


Support and assist many more related world professional organizations

who provide such rescue and rehabilitation services in the research

and development of new and effective techniques in handling emergency

of this nature.

l 增加防備事故和災難的適應性投資,使之成為管理災害的最高優先事項,


Make investment in disaster management and prevention program the top

priority with a view to prevent natural hazards into becoming disaster

hence lowering the risks of disaster.



Reducing the number of such disaster and its impact on human by

stepping up cooperation among countries, with close participation

from governments, private sector and non governmental


(四) 援助由於社會罪惡和戰爭衝突所受傷害的人士

Assisting the injured and victims of social crime and war

7、 我們將不遺餘力地對由於社會罪惡和人類戰爭所造成的人身傷害得到恢復和


Help to heal injuries to and rebuild lives of war, human and social


8、 因此,我們決心

We are, therefore, determined to:



Provide tighter security, protection and assistance to civilians

under State of Emergency, war or crime in accordance to international

Humanitarian Law.

l 加強國際合作,包括分擔責任及協調對難民收容國的人道援助;協助所有難民和流離失所者自願地、有尊嚴地安全返回其家園,並順利重新融入其社會。

Foster closer international cooperation in sharing of

responsibility on humanitarian aids on refugee resettlement to

ensure their orderly return to their home country and re-integrate

into the society which they were once in.

l 加強世界和平委員會与聯合國安理会維護和平與安全的效力,為它们提供預防衝突、解決爭端、維持和平及衝突後建設和平與重建所需要的資源和工具。

Strengthen World peace committee and United Nations’s peacekeeping and security mission team’s capability in maintaining peace, resolving of conflicts and rebuilding war torn country by providing the required resources and essential tools.

l 支持國際奧林匹克委員會努力通過體育和奧林匹克理想促進和平及人與人


Support the International Olympic Committee’s emphasis on Spirit

of Olympic to promote peace and understanding among human brothers.
