
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/09/21 09:30:10

1 我们打算星期四下午开个会。

We are going to have a meeting this Thursday afternoon.

2 我们打算这个星期四下午举办一次关于个人电脑销售的会议。

We are planning to have a meeting about the promotion of personal computers this Thursday afternoon.

3 请记得通知到每一个人,会议下午2点半开始。

Please remember to notify everyone that the meeting will begin at 14:30.

4 会议在您的办公室举行,而 不是在会议室。

The meeting will be held in your office, not in the conference room

.5 我们能否将会议推迟到下星期的前几天?

Could we postpone our meeting to sometime early next week


Could we move the meeting from 2 o’clock to 4’olclock this afternoon?

7 你请李先生参加这个会议好吗?

Could you ask Mr Li to attend this meeting?

8 我打电话是想确定明天商务会议照旧举行。

I’m calling to confirm that tomorrow’s meeting is still on.

9 请为会议做好准备工作。

Do well the preparation work for the meeting.

10 会议将被延迟40分钟开始。

The meeting will be delayed by forty minutes.

1 很荣幸能够借此机会介绍我们公司级相关产品。

2 我公司是一家合资企业, 专门负责丝绸产品的生产和出口.

3 您可以访问我们公司的网站。

4 如果您对这些项目感兴趣,请联系我们。

5 我们要购买化工产ping.

6 出口纺织是我们的经营范围。

7 我公司是中国丝绸产品的领导出口商之一,具有五十年商贸经验,享誉中外。

8 本公司对贵方的产品特感兴趣,盼能从贵方获得更多的商品详细资料。

9 对于此产品我们在业界有良好的关系及丰富的进口业务经验。

10 我们专营轻工业产品。

1 we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products.

2 we are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.

3 you may also visit our online company.

4 should any of this items be of interest to you, please let us know.

5 we are in the market for chemicals.

6 the export of textiles is our line of business (or: our business scope).

7 we are one of the leading exports of Chinese silk goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty year’s business experience.

8 we are particularly interested in your products, and would like to have more detailed information on all of your commodities.

9 we have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced with the import for this type of product.

10 we deal exclusively in light industrial products.

1 我们开始谈正事吧。

2 我还有一两点想和你商量一下。

3 说到价钱,我发现只给了我们2%的折扣。

4 如果总价的折扣再多一些, 我们会接受附加费的。

5 只要你能给我们一个迟些完成的日期,我们就可以打高些折扣。

6 我们的证明人是中国银行。

7 本公司在进出口贸易方面历史悠久,经验丰富,对各种货品及其货源十分熟悉。

8 我方对此产品有广大的销售网,本公司随时准备与贵方合作, 以拓展贵方产品在我国的市场。

9 本公司要求的货物必经久耐用,色彩鲜明,有吸引力。

10 我们希望在平等、互利的基础上和你方进行贸易。

1 shall we get down to the business?2 there are one or two points I’d like to go over with you.

3 speaking of price, I noticed that there was only a 2 percent discount for us.

4 we might be prepared to accept an additional charge if the overall discount was a bit higher.

5 the only way I can see my way to giving you a higher discount is if you give us a later completion date.

6 our reference is the Bank of China

7 we have a long experience in the import and export trade and a wide knowledge of commodities as well as of the best source of supply of these materials

8 we have extensive sales network for this line of goods, and shall always be ready to cooperate with you in marketing of your products in our market.

9 the articles we require should be durable and the colors should be bright and attractive.

10 we hope to trade with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

1 这是为您做的行程。您稍后能看一下吗?

2 您和史密斯先生的会面安排在星期四上午,和您的时间表冲突吗?

3 根据这个时间安排,谈判在三天内能结束。

4 如果您想改动一下,请一定告诉我。

5 希望您能在这里过得愉快并有所收获。

6 我想和您谈谈行程安排里的细节。

7 实际上,时间表里已经包括购物这一项了,您可以在星期五下午的闲暇去购物。


9 如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。

10 我想确认会议是在周五上午十点。

1 Here is a copy of itinerary I have worked out for you. Will you have a look at it later?

2 I have arranged for you to meet Mr Smith on Thursday morning. Does it fit in with your schedule?

3 according to the time schedule, our negotiation will be completed in three days.

4 please don’t hesitate to make any changes.

5 we really wish you’ll have a pleasant and fruitful stay here.

6 there are some minor details I’d like to mention about the itinerary.

7 in fact, shopping is included in the schedule. You can do shopping in the free time on Friday afternoon.

8 the flight is at 20 o’clock Monday morning. Is that ok for you?

9 we’ll leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.

10 let me confirm the meeting is at 10 o’clock Friday morning.

1 我想预定

2 我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票

3 你们有周一大约上午十点起飞到纽约的航班吗?

4 去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱?

5 请给我一张去芝加哥的单程二等票好吗?

6 这里有折扣票吗?

7 我什么时候可拿到车票呢?

8 这车票有效期多久?9 超额行李费多少钱?

10 飞机票价是1625元,包括机场税。

1 I’d like to make a reservation.

2 I’d like two seats on today’s Northwest 7 to Detroit, please.

3 Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10am next Monday?

4 what’s the fare to New York, economy class?

5 Can I have a second-class one-way ticket to Chicago, please?

6 Are there any discount tickets for me?

7 when can I pick up your ticket?
8 How long is the ticket valid?

9 How much is the excess baggage charge?

10 the price for that flight will be $1,624, including airport tax.




1 Have you got any vacancies for the nights of 9th and 10th? I’d like to make a reservation for the two nights.

2 I’d like to book three double rooms for five nights, from May 1st to 5th. What is the daily rate.

3 I’d like a room with a nice view (a balcony)4 I think I’ll take the one with a front view then.

5 I prefer a room with an ocean view.6 What is the rate, please?7 What services come with that?

8 What kind of facilities do you have in the hotel.9 Does that include breakfast?

10 I would like to have a wake-up call at 8:00 in the morning












1. I’m calling to invite you to join us in the ribbon cutting ceremony, the celebrating of the opening of Technology Research Center.

2. First of all, allow me to express our warm welcome to your distinguished guests.

3. Does this meet with your approval?

4. We will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday, September 15th for their newly renovated library.

5. To celebrate this event, a grand opening ceremony will inaugurated.

6. Officiating at the ribbon cutting ceremony will be Mr Smith, President of Apple Company.

7. He will come specifically to Hong Kong to witness this historic moment.

8. The ceremony will conclude with the lion dancing performance and eye dotting ceremony.

9. Mr Smith and Mr Johnson, Managing Director of Apple Company will host the ribbon cutting ceremony.

10. Together they will untie the ribbon of the New Life Department Store.    













1I am writing to complain about the poor service in your hotel.

2It was not what I expected.

3Please see this matter immediately.

4I’m sorry. I’ll get someone to check it for you.

5I’m awfully sorry, sir.

6And if there is anything more you need, please let us know.

7Is it possible that you could give me a refund?

8Can you help me with this? My shirt came back from the laundry missing buttons.

9I understand it’s not your fault, but the airline promised they would deliver my baggage yesterday.

10I’m afraid there may be a misunderstanding. I requested a non-smoking room.

1 我们很高兴又见面了、

2 我们一直算着要和你再见面的日子。

3 我非常高兴来欢迎史密斯先生。

5 我希望你尽可能住久一点。

6 今天我很高兴,欢迎各位的到来。

7 我想向史密斯先生保证,我们每个人对他的努力将给予支持。

8 过去三年史密斯先生都在澳大利亚,我很高兴也很荣幸欢迎他回来。

9 你们为我办这个聚会,我不知道要如何才足以表示我的谢意。

10 我不知道要用什么话来感谢你们为我办这个欢迎会。

1 we are delighted to see you again.

2 we’ve been counting the days to see you.

3 It is my special pleasure to welcome Mr Smith.

5 I hope you will stay as long as possible.

6 it is my pleasure to welcome you all here today.

7 I want to assure Mr Smith that we will all give him our support in his efforts.

8 it is my pleasure and honor to welcome back Mr Smith who has been in Australia for the past three years.

9 I don’t know how I can thank you sufficiently for holding this welcome party for me.

10 I have no words with which to thank you for holding this welcome party for me.1701sunhongguo