
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/22 00:48:36
Successful Living
The first requirement of effective living is that we should have some sort of aim. Generally speaking, the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one is that the former knows what he wants, and bends every effort towards securing that end, while the latter has only a vague idea of what it is he is trying to do with his life.
Such a person may have daydreams in plenty, may wish vaguely to be and do this, that, and the other, but that is a vastly different thing from having a definite objective in living-an all-constraining aim towards which all interest and effort are directed.
Ask half of a dozen people what their aim in life is. You will be amazed to discover how greatly most of them will be taken by surprise at the question, and how they will have considerable difficulty in answering it with any certainty. More important——ask yourself the question. What is your own dominant aim? What do you want to do and be, more than anything else in the world?Unless you can answer this question, at once in a few crisp sentences, you have not really started on the path of successful living.
The aim need not be anything very startling like making a fortune, or establishing a nation-wide chain of business, or writing a best-seller. It may be to widen your general culture by ordered and regular reading. It may be to become as efficient as you possibly can be in your own job, even though that job is a limited one. It may be to engage in some sort of voluntary social service. It may be to lay in your own home the basis of a truly happy family.
Any one of these aims could become an engrossing and satisfying pursuit, greatly enriching your own life, and that of the community in which you live. The human spirit is capable of almost inconceivable triumphs. We shall save ourselves some unnecessary frustration and heart-break, however, if we choose an aim which is reasonably within the scope of the powers with which we have been endowed. Once the aim is fixed, we must be willing to undergo the necessary discipline, and to attain the necessary knowledge and competency to fulfill it.
Somebody once said:“Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.”Many people fail to achieve their object because, while enamored of the aim, they are less enamored of the effort required in its fulfillment. They think how lovely it would be to play like Paderewski, but they are not willing to practice long hours daily as he did. They dream of writing a bestseller or of having their name in lights, but imagine that such things can be achieved simply by thinking about them!
Whatever our aim, we need an insatiable thirst for knowledge about it. On the tombstone of a famous scholar are the words:“He died learning.” Learned as he was, he never imagined that he knew everything that was to be known. But mere theoretical knowledge is not enough. The runner needs to know all about the science of starting, about poise, about breathing. But he learns to run by running so, too, the artist will learn about perspective, anatomy, color-blending and much besides, but he perfects his art by painting!
No aim can be achieved without determination. The difficulties that can be overcome, the problems that can be solved, and the success that can be achieved by the exercise of the will, are simply astonishing. Here lies one of the truly dynamic powers of the human spirit.
But coupled with the will there must be an emotional drive of imagination, too. The interest and enthusiasm with which we give ourselves to the task in hand determine to a large extent the measure of success we shall achieve. We do best those things which we love doing.
如何成功完成我的初一生活 关于在学习或生活的“成功”的事例 有同志和女性结婚成功生活的例子吗? 哪里可以成功下载到周凡的《一个人生活》? 如果得了绝症,要怎样面对生活,我想成功,但我没有了生活的勇气? 如果我抛开工作,现有的生活,跑到大城市去闯世界,我的成功概率是多少? 求人们互相关爱的例子和因为对生活有信心而成功的例子 魔羯男孩和双子女有成功一起生活过的吗? 写出两位生活中靠勇气成功的人,并选择其中一位简介。 杭州文联有发表打工生活的杂志吗?能否提供一个平台?让我们畅谈工作与生活中的酸甜苦辣成功失败! 生活 我的生活 有人认为生活在北京\上海这样的大城市就是一种成功,便炫耀,大家怎么看待? 23岁男人怎么安排生活比较成功 什么样的生活叫生活 什么样的生活叫生活 什么样的生活叫生活 成功的秘决,所谓成功,我们怎样做才会成功? 删除成功和清除成功的区别 把"自尊会给你一种精神力量,会给你带来自信,会给你带来生活的希望,每一个成功的人都有自尊"翻译成英文 我想戒酒,它实在是太影响我的生活,但是下了几次决心也没有成功,请给我建议? 人家说在18,9岁谈恋爱大多都不能成功,但是我现在真的很想和我女朋友永远生活在一起,我该怎么做好? 成功的外婆是谁? 男人成功的条件 成功的路