
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/17 07:46:17




On the Sunday morning before Thanksgiving, we got word that Angela’s grandmother had died overnight. Her death was completely unexpected – Angela had just talked to her a few days prior and there weren’t any signs that her passing would be soon. One day we went to bed preparing for her family to come here for the holiday, and the next we were rearranging everything to go to them for a holiday laced with a tapestry of new meanings.


A good portion of my message is about using our finite time, energy, and attention wisely. Most people read that as a purely mundane and practical issue, but many of you know that I mean it in both the everyday sense and the more sacred sense.


It boils down to this: how we spend our days is how we live our lives. Those moments that unconsciously slip away add up and are gone forever.


Each of us leave residue when we pass. Some of that residue is positive because we contribute to the development of our family, friends, society, and world. Other bits of residue are not-so positive, as we leave things unsaid, undone, and unplanned that others then have to deal with.


Because many of us don’t have the courage, emotional fortitude, and foresight to handle some of the hard conversations around the negative residue, the lives of those left behind become harder than they could have been. There’s a subtle paradox here: one of the best ways we can leave positive residue is to prepare ourselves and others so that there’s less negative residue when our time is done.


We can tell and show our loved ones that we love them. Often and sincerely.


We can prepare our affairs so that people aren’t left with a life’s worth of stuff that they have to sort through while they’re grieving.


We can develop others so that they can take our place in the social web that will endure past us.


We can learn to let go so that what we’re building lives on without us.


We can act on the reality that nothing we accumulate while we’re here goes with us. We start with nothing and leave with nothing.


Every present contains the seeds of a future – a future in which we’re not here as much as a future in which we are.


How will you use the limited time you have? What seeds are you planting, and what fruit will it bear for others? Please use what you have wisely.


Rest in peace, Patricia Wheeler. Thank you for living a life so bold and teaching us so many lessons along the way.


如果明天是你生命的末日,那今天你将如何度过? 假如你生命仅剩一天,你将怎样度过? 今天的你要如何度过 你将如何排遣你孤独时的感觉? 假如你是白云机场的总经理,你将如何推进信息化? 假如家长外出一周,你将如何安排你的生活 请问如果是你你将如何抉择? 生命将逝,怎么度过余生? 你印象最最深刻的一次“生日”是如何度过? 你印象最最深刻的一次“生日”是如何度过? 你打算如何度过这个炎热的夏天? 假如你是西藏拉萨市的市长,你将如何推进信息化? 假如你是中西部农村某县的县长,你将如何推进信息化? 如果你的老公有10000000资产,你将如何帮老公理财? 假如你是一位战场指挥官,你将如何取得一场现代战役的胜利? 如果苹果落到了你的头上,你将会如何呢? 如果你是公关部经理,你将如何开展公关活动,要求策划出具体的公关方案。 如果你的女友或老婆不是处女,你将如何对待她? 如果你是2008年北京奥运会的公关形象大使,你将如何开展公关活动 当你接到一个程序开发的任务,你将如何开始? 如果现在你没有一分钱,你将如何生活的更好呀? 如过你遇到一位凡事只讲结果的领导,你将如何? 如果你爱的人不爱你,你永远都不会得到她的爱,你将如何选择 如果生命只剩下一个月。你将怎样度过剩下的时光?