
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/23 19:37:40
【甜食】custard (sauce)蛋奶沙司;pastry酥皮;filling馅;crème br?lée焦糖奶油;brandy butter白兰地黄油;trifle葡萄酒甜食;maple syrup糖枫汁;topping蛋糕上的浇料;strawberry tart草莓蛋挞;pancakes薄煎饼;Christmas pudding圣诞布丁;profiteroles/cream puffs夹心泡芙;pie馅饼
零食snack food;cookies曲奇饼干;棉花糖marshmallow;果冻jelly;开心果pistachio nut;奶油夹心饼twinkie;巧克力chocolate;米饼rice cake;薯条French fries 肉干jerky;糖果candy;面包圈doughnuts;爆米花popcorn;棒棒糖lollipop时尚靴:fashion boot 平底鞋: flats 靴子:boots 跑鞋:racing shoes 皮鞋:leather shoes 篮球/足球鞋/网球: basketball/soccer/tennis shoes 旅游鞋:sneakers 休闲鞋:casual shoes鞋带: shoelaces鞋底:sole 鞋尖:toe 鞋跟:heel

【简历必备-个人信息】gender 性别;birth date 出生日期;native place 籍贯;province 省;city 市;autonomous region 自治区;nationality 国籍;present adress 目前地址;postal code 邮编;marital status 婚姻状况;married 已婚;single 未婚;career objective 求职目标。

【简历必备-个人信息】gender 性别;birth date 出生日期;native place 籍贯;province 省;city 市;autonomous region 自治区;nationality 国籍;present adress 目前地址;postal code 邮编;marital status 婚姻状况;married 已婚;single 未婚;career objective 求职目标。

【蓝色Blue】sapphire宝石蓝,azure湛蓝,cerulean蔚蓝,cobalt深蓝,indigo紫蓝,navy藏青,royal宝蓝,baby blue浅蓝,cyan蓝绿,slate灰蓝,sky blue天蓝,Prussian blue普蓝,steel blue钢蓝。特喜欢这几个:baby blue浅蓝,midnight blue午夜深蓝,blue-eyed boy表示受权贵青睐之人;blue-blood蓝血是贵族血统【拒绝冷漠】 passers-by过路人;heartless people无情的人;hit-and-run incident肇事逃逸事故;rubbish collector拾垃圾的人;surveillance cameras监视摄像机;emergency surgery紧急手术;toddler初学走路的孩子;busy marketplace繁忙的市场地区; in a coma陷于昏迷;wander off 走散 【各种凉鞋】 sandals 凉鞋;flip-flop人字拖鞋;slipper拖鞋;moccasin 软拖鞋;court shoes 船鞋;close toe 不露趾;slingback 鞋后帮呈带状的露跟凉鞋;high-heeled shoes 高跟鞋;wedge heel 坡跟鞋;peep toe sandals露趾凉鞋【如何建立人脉】How to build up social network?1、学会适应环境 adjust yourself;2、学会大方 be generous;3、学会低调 be humble;4、有礼貌 be polite;5、学会感恩 be grateful;6、遵守时间 be punctual;7、信守诺言 keep promises;8、学会忍耐 be tolerant 欢迎补充~
【实用口语】1.What the hell!搞什么呀!2.Off base!太离谱了吧!3.What kind of talk is that? 你这是说什么话?4.I didn't do it on purpose.我不是故意的。5 .I feel the same way.我也这么想。6.You haven't changed a bit!你一点都没变!7.In your dreams!作梦吧! 8.Keep it down!别闹了!

【实用“NOT”】1.Not me.不是我。2.Not today.今天不行。3.Not a word.保持安静。4.Not so fast.不要那么快。5.Not a chance.一点机会也没有。6.Not at all.一点也不。7.Not good enough.还不够好。8.Not again.不会再来一次吧。9.Not possible.不可能。10.Not a soul in sight.半个人影也没有。 【美国俚语】1.Oh, my aching back!天啊,真糟!2.I'm beat.我累死了。3.Row,beat it!走开点!4.He is a big-time operator.他这人很吃得开。5.Let's call it quits.算了吧!6. I'll back you up all the way.我完全支持你。7.Don't brush me off.不要敷衍我。8.I don't buy your story.我不相信你。

1.Not really.不见得。2.Not exactly.不是全然如此。3.Not necessarily.未必。4.Not entirely.不全然。5.Not usually.一般不会(是)。6.Not yet.还没。7.Not all.不是全部。8.Not always.不是每次。9.Not now.现在不行。

【实用口语】1.Oh, gross.恶心。2.I'm going out of my mind.我快崩溃了。3.He rubs me the wrong way.我看他不顺眼。4.Can you grasp that?明白了吗?5.I know what you mean.我懂你的意思。6.I don't know him well.我跟他不熟。7.We're on the clock.时间紧迫。8.Let's take a vote.我们来表决吧。
【美剧口语】1.My turn.轮到我了.2.Who am I to say no!我凭什么说不呢!3.This may be hard for you to hear.这话你可能不爱听.4.You're mocking me.你这是在嘲笑我.5.Screw you!去你的!6.You don't hear me bitching about it.我还没跟你吐槽呢.7.I take it all back.我收回刚才的话.—《生活大爆炸》
【美国俚语】1.It's a hit.这件事很受人欢迎。2.His words carry a lot of weight.他的话很有力量。3.Don't chicken out.别退缩。4.It's a lot of chicken feed.这是小意思。5.What's my cut?我有什么好处? 6.I am fed up.我已经厌倦了。7.Would you cut it out, already?你到底有完没完?

【与月亮有关的英语】1.moon away 虚度时光, Dont't moon away the Mid-autumn Festival. 2.over the moon 欣喜若狂, She is over the moon about the two holidays. 3. as changeable as the moon 象月亮一样善变,反复无常, What can I do with her? She is as changeable as the moon.