人生若只初相见 番外:电影阿凡达何以风靡?

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/29 17:41:55


詹姆斯?卡梅隆(James Cameron)导演的影片《阿凡达》(Avatar) 刚一发行,就风靡全球。讲述的故事发生在2154年,一个太空旅行高度发达的时代。一个名叫“潘多拉”(Pandora)的星球上,美国企业及其雇佣兵在那里建造基地,开采一种珍贵的矿物元素。海军陆战队员杰克?萨利被派去探秘这个星球,遭到当地人的反对,他们保护自己的星球,与大自然和谐共处。其中最美的、至少最具明星潜质的是一个名叫内提莉(Neytiri)的女战士,杰克对她一见锺情难以自拔,而又复杂莫名。影片中令人惊叹以至难以置信的特效比比皆是。这是一种全新的感官体验──戴上3D眼镜,逼真的场景一开始让你觉得心旷神怡,但很快就被惊讶之情取代。波澜壮阔的宇宙场景并没有让观众陶醉很长时间,随着故事情节的深入,你越来越觉得这是发生在银河系外的一场越南战争,沉重的寓意让起初的激动心情逐渐消退。不过,在大多数时间里,你会沉浸在逼真得无懈可击的壮观场景之中。可以这么说,这部影片没有特技效果,因为整部片子就是个大特效。Since its much anticipated release, James Cameron’s new film “Avatar” has taken the world by storm.  Its plot is set in the future, in the year 2154, where space travel has become a well developed technology.  In a distant galaxy on a fictional world called Pandora, humans are trying to colonize the planet in order to mine a resource.  The indigenous natives known as the Na’vi resist their colonization and fight back.  Meanwhile a marine named Jake Sully is assigned a role in the exploration of the planet and later befriends a female Na’vi and eventually has an intimate relationship with her. 影片取名于阿凡达计划,是用人类的思维控制潘多拉星球上土著人的思维,从而达到征服外星的目的。看看土著人的样子吧。The movie gets its name from “The Avatar Program”, which is a technology which creates a genetically engineered Na’vi body and allows a human mind to control that body.  This is Jake Sully’s avatar form and we can see the appearance of the natives of planet Pandora.  They have blue skin, large hands, high ears, and exaggerated facial features.  He is holding a rifle from the future and behind him is a technologically advanced transport ship. 


Jake meets a female Na’vi named Neytiri after being separated from his group in the dangerous jungles of the planet.  The Na’vi, though physically superior to humans, are relatively primitive.  Here she is showing him how to fire a bow and arrow.  Little does Neytiri know that Jake is actually a human, and that is just his Avatar form.




Most of planet Pandora was computer generated which cost a lot of money in terms of technology and work.  The backdrops in the movie are unlike anything you see on Earth, with exceptionally vivid colors, huge waterfalls, exotic jungles, and strange creatures.



This is a picture of the writer and director James Cameron, who directed the immensely popular “Titanic”.  Already world famous, Avatar looks to further cement his reputation in filmmaking history as one of the most influential filmmakers of all time.





Avatar was produced for traditional 2D, 3D and 3DIMAX formats.  This picture shows a showing of Avatar in a theatre with 3D formats.  The crowd looks quite engrossed with their 3D glasses on.  Many fans are saying the 3D definitely adds to the experience, while some prefer 2D because they feel that the glasses are too heavy.



难以自拔是因为佐伊?萨尔达娜饰演的内提莉风情万种──天蓝色的肌肤、柠檬般的眼睛、黄蜂一样的细腰、长长的尾巴、铁钻般的鼻梁、会扭动的耳朵,还有战斗时发出的那种凶猛吼叫。复杂莫名是因为杰克是一个行走于无间道的地下工作者。他和内提莉相爱,很快就接受了她族人的价值观。在这部影片中,演员被高科技转变成一群全新而又模糊不清的娱乐符号,既不是《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard of Oz)里的拟人角色,也不是《极地特快》(The Polar Express)中的放大版手套娃娃,而是存在于一个虚拟世界但逼真得几乎触手可及的幻想人物。《阿凡达》的迷幻特质给观众带来的首次视觉冲击始于美国士兵向Na'vi人打响的第一枪。导演卡梅隆在影片中用很大篇幅表现了黑暗、恐怖而富有寓意的战争场景,让人想起越战。片中既有化学品,又有武装直升机的肆虐扫射,灵感来自《现代启示录》(Apocalypse Now)中主角在瓦格纳的“Valkyries”曲下,将弹药源源不断地向越南人的阵地上扫射与轰炸的经典镜头)。不管观众对这段反战思想怎么想,有两件事情是肯定的:一是场面让人热血沸腾,二是场景结束后给人一种如释重负的感觉。卡梅隆的独特视角为这部影片增添了更多的娱乐价值,给观众带来一种无与伦比的有如旅行一般的感受。我不想住在潘多拉星上,主要是因为那里的空气不好,但通过电影我彷佛身临其境,这种感受无异是一次外星旅行。

The Na’vi share many features similar to humans, except that they are much taller and stronger.  Notice that their hairstyle and decorations are reminiscent of the Native American Indians.  With their yellow eyes and tail, they almost look like a cross between a cat and a human.



影片从发行之日就风靡全球,两个月内创了十亿美元的票房,为什么有如此效果?首先这是一部史上最昂贵的电影,制作预算超过3亿美元。其次,因为电影的科技含量,在科技含量方面,史无前例。再者,故事情节富有想象力,导演权威知名;还有这个电影场面壮阔, 实为大手笔,题材迎合了当今人对未来的畅想和遥望,让很多人津津乐道,口碑相传,更有许多人看了一遍,还想回去再看一遍甚至无数遍,那里面可以欣赏的层面非常丰富,你可以尽享星际旅行的感受。

The movie has been extremely popular since its release, making over a billion dollars within the first two months.  Why has it been so popular?  First of all it is one of the most expensive movies ever made, with a budget of over 300 million.  Secondly, the money was spent on some breakthroughs in technology for filmmaking, so the movie is historically significant in that respect.  Thirdly, the plot is imaginative and James Cameron is an established household name known to produce and direct high quality movies.  Fourth, the movie is an epic-film, ambitious and made on a large scale, with a running time of close to three hours.  While many other movies boast great special effects, they may not have quite the same amount of substance that this one does, which is why ticket sales have been strong for such a long time with this movie.  The word-of-mouth effect has definitely been working in “Avatar’s” favor as people are recommending the movie to their friends, and many are heading back to the theatres for a second or even third viewing.