什么是胶体溶液:诗神之子(The Muses’s Son)——[德]约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德

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诗神之子(The Muses’s Son)——[德]约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德




徜徉在旷野林间,                               Through field and wood to stray,

吹奏起那悦耳的笛音,                        And pipe my tuneful lay,

时光便这样缓缓而逝;                       ‘Tis thus my days are pass’d

人们跟随着我的旋律,                       And all keep tune with me,

应和着节拍,                                      And move in harmony,

不停地载歌载舞起来。                       And so on, to the last.


我焦灼地等待着,                               To wait I scarce have power,

花园里第一朵鲜花的盛开,                The garden’s earliest flower,

和那春日里吐出的那一抹新绿;        The tree’s first bloom in Spring;

他们为我的喜悦喝彩——                   They hail my joyous strain,

在冬日再一次来临之际,                   When winter comes again,

我依旧会为那春天唱出甜美的乐篇。Of that sweet dream I sing.


我的歌声渐行渐远,                          When ‘neath the linden tree,

清脆的回音响彻冰原,                       Young folks I chance to see,

使整个冬日暖意盛开;                       I set them moving soon;

即使花儿凋谢飘零,                           His nose the dull lad couls,

明媚的欢颜坠落我的眼睑,               The formal maiden whirls,

散落在泉水之滨,欢喜无限。           Obedient to my tune.





椴树下,                                            When ‘neath the linden tree,

偶遇年轻的人们,                             Young folks I chance to see,

我带着他们一起舞蹈;                      I set them moving soon;

只见笨拙的小伙子,                         His nose the dull lad couls,

还有优雅的姑娘们,                         The formal maiden whirls,

无不跟随着我的舞曲旋转起来。     Obedient to my tune.


借给爱人的翅膀以替双足,             Wings to the feet ye lend,

让它送伊飞越高山河谷,                 O’er hill and vale ye send,

远离家园;                                       The lover far from home;  

啊,亲爱的缪斯女神,              When shall I, on your breast,

何时我才能停下来,                       Ye kindly muses, rest,

        偎依在你的身边,                    And cease at length to roam?







约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe,1749-1832,





