宜昌天美国际招聘:as的用法小议 新浪教育

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as的用法小议 : 一、用作副词,意为"一样,一般"

  I'm as tall as you.我和你一样高。

  Is it as difficult as they say it is?那是不是像他们所说的一样困难?


  It's not so difficult as I expected.它并不如我所预料的那样难。



  I saw him as he was getting off the bus.当他下公共汽车的时候,我看见了他。

  As a child,he lived in India.他小的时候居住在印度。

  As he is ill,I have to go without him.因为他生病,我不得不自己去。

  I know some of the family secrets,young as I am.我虽然很小,可是我知道我家里的一些秘密。

  Much as I like you,I will not marry you.我虽然很喜欢你,可是不愿与你结婚。

  Do as I do.照我的样子做。

  Leave it as it is.保持原状,不要动它。

  2.用作并列连词,并列连词as well as,连接并列成分。如:

  He can speak English as well as French.他会说英语和法语。


  as soon as,as(so)long as,as if(as though),just as,as far as...如:

  So long as I breathe,I'll make revolution.只要我活着,就要干革命。

  Most plants need air just as they need water.大多数植物需要空气,正像它们需要水一样。

  As far as I know,we shall see the film tomorrow.就我所知,明天我们看电影。

  He looks as if he had been a ghost.他的脸色看起来好像他看见了鬼。



  Most people regarded him as a fool.大多数人认为他是个愚人。

  2.as与其它词构成短语介词,如as a result of等。如:

  As a result of hard work and study,Li Shizhen completed his great work in 1578.由于刻苦工作和研究的结果,李时珍于1578年完成了他的巨著。


  1.as代表主句中的某个名词,往往与主句中such,the same连用,引导限制性定语从句。如:

  This is the same type of TV set as I bought.这台电视机和我买的那台型号一样。

  We drove out of the town by the same road as we had entered by.我们沿着我们进城的同一道路开车出城。

  We have found such materials as are used in their factory.我们找到了他们厂里用的那种材料。


  He has time to read reference books,as is often the case.他常有时间阅读参考书。

  Water,as we know,is a liquid.我们知道,水是液体。

  五、as构成固定短语。如:as a matter of fact(其实),as a whole,as well,as a rule等。