狼孩相公书包网:【七夕节快乐】蓦然回首 那人却在灯火阑珊处

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 00:13:22
《If you wanna touch her》
*Shania Twain*
Let me let you in on a secret
How to treat a woman right
If you?re lookin? for a place in her heart
It ain?t gonna happen overnight
First you gotta learn to listen
To understand her deepest thoughts
She needs to know you can be friends
Before she?ll give you all she?s got
If you start from the heart
You?ll see love is gonna play it?s part
If you wanna get to know her
Really get inside her mind
If you wanna move in closer
Take it slow, yeah take your time
You must start from the heart and then...
If you wanna touch her
Really wanna touch her
if you wanna touch her, ask!
A little physical attraction
Romantic, old-fashioned charm
And a lot of love and tenderness
Is gonna get you into her arms
If you start from the heart
You?ll see love is gonna play it?s part
If you wanna get to know her
Really get inside her mind
If you wanna move in closer
Take it slow, yeah take your time
You must start from the heart and then...
If you wanna touch her
Really wanna touch her
if you wanna touch her, ask!
Let me let you in on a secret
How to treat a woman right
If you?re lookin? for a place in her heart
It ain?t gonna happen overnight
If you wanna get to know her
Really get inside her mind
If you wanna move in closer
Take it slow, yeah take your time
You must start from the heart and then...
If you wanna touch her
Really wanna touch her
if you wanna touch her, ask!

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