
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 12:54:23




1.   The teacher always takes good careof the children in the school.

Theteacher always _______ _________the children well in the school.

分析:答案为looks after。takegood care of与look after... well都表示“好好照顾”。

2.他擅长绘画。 He is goodat drawing./He does well in drawing.
3. 今天风很大。 There is a strong wind today./It's very windy today.
4. 明天我们将乘飞机去东京。
Tomorrow we will go to Tokyo by air./Tomorrow we willfly to Tokyo.
5. 王先生在六点钟到达了火车站。
Mr Wang reached /got to /arrivedat the railway station at six.
6. 这本书花了我10元钱。
I spent ten yuan on the book./I paid ten yuan for thebook./The book cost me ten yuan.

7.She got a letter from her penfriend last week.(2002 甘肃省)
She heard from  her penfriend last week.
8.Linda likes music better than art.(2002 呼和浩特市)
Linda prefersmusic to art.
9.They enjoyed themselves at the garden party.(2002 广州市)
They had a good/nice /great /wonderful  time at thegarden party.
10.The Smiths teach themselves Chinese after work.(2002 聊城市)
The Smiths learnChinese by themselves after work.

11.  There areshops on both sides of the street.

     There areshops on each side of the street.

12. When did Marx get to London?        When did Marx arrive in London?

13. Our teacher began to write articles at the age ofover twenty.

    Our teacherbegan to write articles in his twenties .

14. Jane is an eight-year-old girl.        Jane is a girl of eight years old.

15. His maths has improved greatly.    He has made great progress in maths.

16. In the year from 1930 to 1939, he wrote hundredsof short stories.

In the 1930's, he wrotehundreds of short stories.

17. What do you usually do when you are free?

    What do youusually do in your spare time?

18. He took an active part in sports when hewas a child.

    He wasactive in sports in his childhood.

19. I have ten Yuan with me in all.

   All my moneywith me adds up to ten Yuan.

20. After he undressed himself, we dressedhim in a new suit.

    After he tookoff his old clothes, we put on a new suit for him.

21. She was so interested in the book that sheread it over night.

    The book wasso interesting that she read it all the night / throughout the night /all night long.

22. My aunt wears a new skirt today.       Myaunt has a new skirt on today.

23. The boss treated the workers cruelly.    The boss was cruel to the workers.

24. He read and read without stopping till he wentto sleep.

He went on reading / kept on reading / didn't stop reading till hewent to sleep.

25. The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.    The girl in red is a nurse.

26. The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.

    The nurse isfeeding milk to the baby.

27. He couldn't help crying at the sight of thephoto.

    He couldn'thelp crying when he saw the photo

28. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.

   Crusoe stared atthe footprint, filled with fear.

29. All the doctors can not perform such anoperation.

    Not all thedoctors can perform such an operation.

30. They are mostly teachers.

Most of them are teachers.

31. Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on the north.

    Fujian is joinedto Zhejiang on the north.

32. Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.

    Suddenly she criedout angrily.

33. All the boys don't like football.

    Not all theboys/Some of the boys like football.

34. Paper is made from wood.    Wood can be made into paper.

35. He did what he could do to calm her.

    He tried/didhis best to make her calm.

36. The accident forbade me to arrive therein time.

    The accident prevented/kept/stoppedme from arriving there in time.

37. She has nothing to do with the matter.     She is not connected with thematter.

38. The old woman lived happily.    The old woman led a happy life.

39. It is by this means that animal hibernates inwinter.

    It is inthis way that animal hibernates in winter.

40. I have mastered English by learning it all bymyself.

    By teachingmyself English I have mastered it.

41. He has the habit of running in the morning.

    He is usedto running in the morning.

42. Walking early in the morning will benefit you.

Walking early in the morning will do you good.

43. The farm is his.   The farm belongs to him.

44. The teacher sang high praise for our nobledeed.

    The teacher thoughthighly of our noble deed.

45. They would rather watch TV at home thango to the cinema.

    They would liketo watch TV at home instead of going to the cinema.

46. People sometimes act as foolishly as a blindman.

    At times peopleact as foolishly as a blind man.

47. The meeting is very important.    The meeting of great importance .

48. He is given practice in playing tennis everyday.

    He practicesplaying tennis every day.

49. The teacher would ask the boys questions onthe text.

    The teacherwould question the boys on the text.

50. Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?

    Why did Tom playtruant yesterday?

51. I was thinking of this when I heard my namecalled.

    I was thinkingof this when I heard someone call my name.

52. He didn't need to worry about his life.

    It wasunnecessary for him to worry about his life.

53. Pick out what you like from these.    Choose what you like from these.

54. Take it easy. Everything will get on well.

Don't worry about it.  Everything will get on well.

55. We have made up our minds to work harder thisyear.

    We have decidedto work harder this year.

56. The two balls hit the ground together.

    The two ballshit the ground at the same time.

57. Did you have a good time at the ball?    Did you enjoy yourself  at the ball?

58. You had better break away from smoking.    You had better give up smoking.

59. His whole school education added up to onlytwo years.

His whole school education added up to no more than two years.

60. He joined the army ten years ago.

    He has been inthe army for ten years.

Ten years have passed since he joined the army.

61. Our professor came into the room with a book underhis arm.

    Book underarm , our professor came into the room.

62. The group was set up in 1980.    The group was founded in 1980.

63. Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.     The work is unfit for Mr Zhang.

64. The child filled the bag with apples.    The bag was full of apples.

65. Though he is a child, he knows a lot.    Child as he is , he knows alot.

66. He may come and help you this evening.

    He is likelyto come and help you this evening.

    It seems that he will come and helpyou this evening.

67. Mum left her only a little needle thread bag.

    Mum left her nothingbut a little needle thread bag.

68.  This is thehouse where Zunyi Meeting was held.

      This is thehouse in which Zunyi Meeting was held.

69.  The littlegirl dare not touch the dog.

     The littlegirl doesn't dare to touch the dog.

70. I want to see the play too.      I'dlike to see the play too.

71. Shall we have a break?       What about having a break?

72. This piece of cloth is three times as long asthat one.

    This piece ofcloth is three times the length of that one.

73. I had hardly come in when the telephone rang.

No sooner had I come in thanthe telephone rang.

74. The article needs shortening.      Thearticle needs to be shortened.

75. I had a strong wish to know who won the finalgame.

    I was eagerto know who won the final game.

76. Stone will not catch fire.    Stone will not burn.

77. May I give it back later?    May I return it later?

78. I want to speak to you for a short while.    I want to have a word with you.

79. The teacher asked me to say it again.

    The teacherasked me to repeat it.

80. John's workmates were all friendly tohim.

    John'sworkmates all got along well with him.

81. The announcement is worthy of being studied.

    Theannouncement is worthy to be studied.

    Theannouncement is worth studying.


82. He is the youngest boy in the class.

    He is younger thanany other boy in the class.

83. This story isn't interesting.  Nor is that one.

    This story is nomore interesting than that one.

84. We didn't stop talking until he returned.

    We kept ontalking  /  went on talking until he returned.

85. I like music most in my spare time.

    I like music betterthan anything else / other things in my spare time.

86. Shanghai is the largest city in China.

    Shanghai is largerthan any other city in China.

87. Li Wei is shorter than Tom.    Tom is the taller of the two.

88. If you drive the car fast, you'll probably meet withan accident.

    The fasteryou drive the car, the more probably you'll meet with an accident.

英语中的介词短语,诸如at the age of,without,instead of,with the help of,thanks to,be in, besatisfied with等,可与一些复合结构进行转换,这类结构主要是并列句或两个句子,由连词and、but、when等连接。
89. 彼八岁时就学习英语了。
She began to learn English when she was eight. At theage of eight,she began to learn English.
We will go for a picnic tomorrow.We won't see a film.We will go for a picnic instead of seeing a film tomorrow.

91.He began to learn how to use a computerwhen he was five years old.(2000广州市)
He began to learn how to use a computer at the age of five
92.The heavy traffic stopped them from getting toschool in time.(2000成都市)
Thanks to the heavy traffic they were late  for school.



93.Ithink wealth is less important than health.

I_______think wealth is _______ important than health.

分析:答案为don’t, more。less important的意为“没有(不及)……重要”;more important的意为“比……更重要”,该结构与not连用,则表示“不比……更重要”。

I borrowed a computer from him./He lent a computer tome.
95. 我认为数学比英语难。
I think maths is harder than English. I think English iseasier than maths.

96.Chinese is more popular than Japanese.(2001 宁夏)
Japanese is less  popular thanChinese.
97.The runner fell behind the others though he did whathe could.(2001 济南市)
The runner failed to catch up with the others though he did his best
98.  Peter does his homework morecarefully than Bob.

     Bob doesn'tdo his homework as carefully as Peter.

99.  All theanswers are right.

None of the answers is wrong.

100. I know nothing about the matter.

    I don'tknow the matter at all.

101. Wind is invisible to us.

    Wind can'tbe seen by us.

102. Why did she lose interest in music?

    Why wasshe not interested  in music?

103. Einstein cared little for money, so he was poor.

    Einstein could havebeen rich if he had cared much for money.

104. I stood at my bench without daring to lift myhead.

    I stood at mybench and dare not lift my head.

105. She bought an old bike from Mary.

    Mary sold anold bike to her.

106. This is the cheapest one.

    This is theleast expensive one.

107.  I regrettedhaving told her the news.

    I wish I hadnot told her the news.

108. I didn't know his address, so I didn't write to him.

    If I had knownhis address, I would have written to him.

109. He must have passed the exam.

    He could nothave failed in the exam.

110. New York is more modern than London.

    London isless modern than  /  isn't as modern as New York.

112. He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.

    He was notstrong enough to lift the box.



113.Many people speak English./English is spoken bymany people.
We should regularly water flowers. Flowers should bewatered regularly.

115.It is widely accepted that more peopleuse computers in the world today.(2002辽宁省)
Computers are widely used in the world today.
116.We must keep the noise level under 50dbs(分贝).(2002上海市)
The noise level must be kept under 50dbs.
117.More and more people use computers in the world today.

Computers_______ ________by more and more people in the world today.

分析:答案为are used。computers是复数名词,助动词用are。

118.  They madehim sell his house contrary to his will.

    He was madeto sell his house contrary to his will.

119. Being a learned man, Professor Lin is respected byall his students.

    ProfessorLin being a learned man, all the students respect him.

120. I will ask someone to clean the windows thisafternoon.

    I will have thewindows cleaned this afternoon.

121. The foreign friend is said to come to our schooltomorrow.

    It is said thatthe foreign friend will come/is coming to our school tomorrow.

122. There is something wrong with your machine.  Have you asked  somebody to repair  it for you?

    There issomething wrong with your machine.  Haveyou had it repaired ?

123.  It is saidthat John is a very honest man.

    John is saidto be a very honest man



【解题要领】这两种时态是针对一般过去时与现在完成时而言的。一般过去时应表述发生在过去某一时间的动作,惟此,才可能转为现在完成时,并后跟一段时间,但应特别注意动词是否属于延续性动词,如果为非延续性动词,则需将其改为延续性动词或延续性状态。这样的动词主要有:begin /start—be on;come—be here;leave—be away(from); buy—have;borrow—keep;die—be dead;return—be back;marry—be married;fall asleep /go to sleep—be asleep;open—be open(adj.);close—be closed(adj.);catch a cold—have a cold;fallill—be ill;join the League /Party—be in the League /Party(be aLeague /Party member;join the army—be in the army /be a soldier;arrive in /at—be in /at;get up—be up,等等。
He bought a new bike last week. /He has had a new bikesince last week.
Wang Tao joined the army six years ago. /Wang Tao hasbeen a soldier for six years. /
Wang Tao has been in the army for six years.

126.The film began 20 minutes ago.(2002盐城市)
The film has been on for 20 minutes.
127.Sam's grandfather died 10 years ago.(2002上海市)
Sam's grandfather has been dead for  10 years.
128.My grandpa joined the Party thirty years ago.(2002福州市)
My grandpa has been in the Party for thirty years.
129.I got up half an hour ago.(2002哈尔滨市)
I have been  up for half anhour.
130.The film began five minutes ago.

Thefilm has been _______ ________five minutes.

分析:答案为on for。begin表开始,为非延续性动词,应变为相应的延续性动词be。“for+时间段”表示“持续(一段时间)”,常与现在完成时连用。

131. He has been away from his home town for fiveyears.

    It is fiveyears since he left his home town.

132. She has been away from home for ten years.

    It is tenyears since she left home.



    将直接引语变为间接引语或将间接引语转换成直接引语要注意宾语从句相关知识, 如时态、人称、动词、状语等的相应变化。如:

133.“I’ve found my wallet,” he said to me.

He______me that he _______ ________ his wallet.

分析:答案为told, had found。此题是将直接引语转换成间接引语。

134. "Will you please speak louder?" she saidto him.

    She askedhim to speak louder.

135. "I don't want to be examined." heanswered.

    He answeredthat he didn't want any examination.



     这类典型的句式或结构有so...that...,too...to..., enough to, not...until..., so+be(助动词、情态动词等)...等。如:

136.Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating, too.

Jimwants to go boating, and _______ ________ his parents.

分析:答案为so do。句意为“……他的父母也一样(一样想去)”。

137. She is too young to understand all this.

    She isn'told enough to understand all this.

138. She is a lovely girl. They all like to play withher.

She is such a lovely girl that  /  so lovely a girl that theyall like to play with her.

139. The huge stone is very heavy.  We can not lift it.

    The huge stoneis so heavy that we can not lift it.

    The huge stoneis too heavy for us to lift.

140. I ran all the way so that I could get to school ontime.

I ran all the way so as to get to school on time.



141.Can I help you?/May I help you?/ What can I do for you?(我能帮你吗?)应要求学生充分掌握。
142. 这位画家画一匹马花费了两个钟头。
The artist spent two hours drawing a horse./It took theartist two hours to draw a horse.
143. 让我们去动物园好吗?
 Shall we go to the zoo?/Let's go to the zoo,shall we?
144. 今天天气怎么样?
What's the weather like today?/How's the weather today?

145.Don't open the door, will you?(2002 盐城市)
Will you please keep_ the door closed
146.How many people live in France?(2002 厦门市)
what is the population of France?
147.We spent twenty minutes cleaning the room yesterday.(2002 哈尔滨市)
It took us_ twenty minutes to clean the room yesterday.


148. I spent two weeks in writing the article.

It took me two weeks to writethe articles.

149. He wanted to see the words clearly, so he stood onthe bench.

    He stood on thebench in order to / so as to see the words clearly.

150. The war lasted four years before the North won.

    The war didn't end until/stop until theNorth won four years later.

151. The only thing I could do was to apologizeto her.

    I could do nothingbut apologize to her.




此类复合句主要是宾语从句和结果状语从句,宾语从句改为不定式的句式有:1)hope /wish,be sure,tell等后跟that引导的从句,可转换为不定式;2)特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,也可转换为“特殊疑问词+to do”结构,构成不定式短语。so...that...引导的结果状语从句有两种情况:1)表示肯定的结果,可与“enough to”结构互换;2)表示否定的结果,它既可以与“too...to”结构互换,也可以改为“not+adj./adv.+enough to”。(注:此时的形容词或副词应为上句的反义词。)注意:“so...that...”结构前后主语不一致时,应在enough或too + adj.后面加for sb.
I hope that I will visit the moon some day. I hope tovisit the moon some day.
He showed me how he used a computer. He showed me howto use acomputer.
The room is so large that it can hold 1,000 people.The room is large enough to hold 1,000people.
He is so young that he can't go to school. He is tooyoung to go to school. He isn't old enough to go toschool.
156.They can hardly decide what they willdo next.(2000济南市)
It's  hard /difficultfor them to decide what todo next.
157.The foreigners want to know how they can learnChinese Kongfu well.(2002济南市)
The foreigners want to know how to  learn Chinese Kongfu well.
158.He is too young to go to school.(2002上海徐汇区)
He isn't old enough to go to school.
159.She was so weak that she couldn't take care of herbaby.(2002辽宁省)
She was too weak _to take care of her baby.

160.We didn’t go out for a walk because it was raining.

     We didn’t go out for a walk ________________ the rain.

分析:答案为because of。将原因状语从句because it was raining改为表示原因的介词短语because ofthe rain。

161. The church standing on the top of hill wasbuilt 100 years ago.

  The church thatstands on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.

162. He insisted that she join us in the game.

    He insistedon her joining us in the game.

163. As she was tired with walking, the old womansat down to have a rest.    

    Tired withwalking, the old woman sat down to have a rest

164. We all know that the earth is round.

    As is knownto all, the earth is round.

165. He passed by, but he didn't notice me.

He passed by without noticing me.

166. Both his parents are from Guangdong.

    His father isfrom Guangdong and so is his mother.

167. It is said that he has invented a new machine.

    He is saidto have invented a new machine.

168. If there were no water, there would be no life.

     Without  water, there would be no life.

169. If you heat water to 100°C, you'll find it changesinto steam gradually.

       Heatwater to 100°C you'll find it changes into steam gradually.

    Heatingwater to 100°C, you'll find it changes into steam   gradually.

170. You will miss the plane unless you hurry up now.

    Hurry up, or you will miss the plane.

    If you don'thurry up, you won't catch the plane.

171. Though it rained heavily, the students still ranround the playground.

    In spite of theheavy rain, the students still ran round the  playground.  

No matter how heavily it rained, the students still ran round theplayground.       

172. In the months that followed, they worked muchharder at English.

    In the followingmonths , they worked much harder at English.

173. I feel that it is important to do so.

    I feel itimportant to do so.

174. Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of theschool.

    It was atthe gate of the school that Jenny picked up the wallet.

175. What pleased her was that she found the lostmoney.

    To herpleasure, she found the lost money.

176. After graduation, he went to work on a farm.

    After hegraduated , he went to work on a farm.

177. When he was a child of eight, he learned towrite poems.

At the age of eight, he learnedto write poems.

178. He was afraid that his father would punish him.

    He was afraidof being punished by his father.

179. I found the lost child while I was walking home.

    I found thelost child on my way home.

180. They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.

    They insisted onour holding out the hands at the time.

181. Would you mind if I take it to a place of safety.

    Would you mind mytaking it to a place of safety?

182. I suggested calling off the picnic on Sunday.

    I suggestedthat we call off the picnic on Sunday.

183. Shall we begin our meeting?

     Let's beginour meeting, shall we?



184.You can speak French.I can speak French,too.
Both you and I can speak French.
She hasn't been to Japan.I haven't been to Japan,either.
Neither she nor I have been to Japan.      

186.Wei Hua may be on the team,or Ann may.(2000辽宁省)
Either_ Wei Hua or  Ann maybe on the team.
187.Alice is a film star.Sarahis a film star,too.(2001新疆)
Both_ Alice_and Sarah are film stars.
188.Lucy can't sing the English song Yesterday OnceMore.And Lily can't sing it,either.(2002北京东城区)
NeitherLucy nor Lily can sing the English song Yesterday OnceMore.
189.Come on, or we’ll miss the early bus.

     ________we _______hurry, we’ll miss theearly bus.

分析:答案为If, don’t。改后为if引导条件状语从句。



两个句子合并为宾语从句时,一是找引导词。宾语从句的引导词有三种情况:1.引导词为 that;2.当宾语从句表示一般疑问意义的时候(即为一般疑问结构),引导词为if/ whether;3.当宾语从句表示特殊疑问意义的时候(即为特殊疑问结构),引导词为原来的特殊疑问词;二是变陈述句。无论是由哪一种引导词引导的宾语从句,宾语从句都应使用陈述语序;三是主从一致。它是针对主句是一般过去时,宾语从句应用相应的某种过去时态而言的,即一般现在时与一般过去时;现在进行时与过去进行时;一般将来时与过去将来时;现在完成时与过去成时一一对应。但是如果从句表示客观真理,从句时态不受主句时态的影响,用一般现在时即可。
190. 我想知道明天是否下雨。
I want to know.Will it rain tomorrow?
I want to know if /whether it will rain tomorrow.
He said.He has had a cold for three days.
He said that he had had a cold for three days.

192.Where does he live?I don't know.(2002哈尔滨市)
I don't know where he lives _ .
193.Does the shop close at six every day?Do you know?(2002厦门市)
Do you know if /whether_ the shop closes  atsix every day?
194.Is the earth round?Thelittle boy asked.(2002福州市)
The little boy asked if /whether the earth is round.


一些并列句或两个句子或简单句,根据其内涵,可运用某些连词变为含有状语从句的复合句。状语从句根据它表达的意思可分为时间、原因、条件、比较、目的、结果和让步等类,与此相对应的连词有:1)引导时间状语从句的有:after,assoon as,before,since, not...until,when,whenever,while等;2)引导原因状语从句的有:because,as,since等;3)引导条件状语从句的有:if,unless等;4)引导比较状语从句的有:as...as,not as(so)...as等;5)引导目的状语从句的有:so that,in order that等;6)引导结果状语从句的有:so...that等;7)引导让步状语从句的有:though,although等。学生在转换过程中,应运用恰当的引导词来表达。
Jack didn't come to school because he was ill.
Although it was dark,he still went on doing thehousework.
Study hard,and you'll catch up with the other students.
If you study hard,you'll catch up with the otherstudents.

198.Jim wants to go boating and his parentswant to go boating,too.(2002广州市)
Jim wants to go boating,and so do  his parents.
199.I like playing tennis. Helikes playing tennis,too.(2002厦门市)
I like playing tennis,so does  he.

200.The basket is too heavy for Miss Greento lift on to the truck.(2001荆州市)
The basket is so heavy that__ Miss Green can't lift on to thetruck.
201.Come on,or we'll miss theearly bus.(2002辽宁省)
If we _don't _ hurry,we'll miss the earlybus.
202.When I get there,I'll go tosee her at once.(2002福州市)
I'll go to see her as soon as I get there.
203.I'll water the little plants to stop the soil(土壤) getting too dry.(2002内江市)
I'll water the little plants so that  I can stop the soil from gettingtoo dry.
204.After Bess finished her maths homework,she went to bed.(2002福州市)
Bess didn't_ go to bed _ until  she finished her maths homework.
205. Be careful, or you'll get hurt.

    If youaren't careful  /Unless you arecareful, you will get hurt.

206. If he had hurried, he would have caught the train.

He did not hurry, so he missed the train.

207. But for your help, we wouldn't have succeeded sosoon.

    If you hadn'thelped us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.

    Hadn't youhelped us, we wouldn't have succeeded so soon.

208. He took off his shoes because he did not want to wakeup his


    Not wantingto wake up his roommates, he took off his shoes.

209. While he was running downstairs, Li Mingknocked into his teacher.  

    Whilerunning downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher.

210. I had never seen him before , so I didnot recognize him.

    Never havingseen him before, I did not recognize him.

211. Her mother is famous singer, and she is proud of it.

    She is proud ofher mother being a famous singer.

212. The dog died. This made him very sad.

    That the dog died made him very sad.

213. Mary was late, which made her teacher veryangry.

    Mary was late andit made her teacher very angry.

214. I want to start the machine.  Please show me the way.

    Please show me howto start the machine.


        3) 运用关联连词如both...and..., neither... nor..., either... or..., not only... but also...等将两个句合并。此时要注意的是,both... and...连接两个主语时,谓语动词总是用复数,而neither... nor..., either... or..., notonly... but also...连接两个主语时,谓语动词通常应与靠近的主语保持一致。如:

215.Tom can’t speak Japanese well and Jim can’t, either.

________Tom_______ Jim can speak Japanese well.

分析:答案填Neither, nor。neither...nor...表示“……和……(两者)都不”,刚好与原句的两个否定结构的意思相吻合。

运用“so+动词+主语”和“neither/nor +动词+主语”结构进行改写。

“so+动词+主语”结构,表示肯定,译为“某人(物)也如此”。这两种结构指前一句所说的情况,同样也适合另一个人或物。显然,上下句主语不同。转换时应注意四点:1)动词指助动词、be动词或情态动词;2)动词在时态上与前句呼应;3)动词在数上要与本句主语保持一致;4)表示否定时,neither /nor本身具有否定意义,动词要用肯定形式。
Jim finished the work on time.John finished it on time,too.
Jim finished the work on time,so did John.
She didn't eat anything this morning.I didn't eatanything,either.
She didn't eat anything this morning, neither /nor did I.

218. Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.

    Tom couldn'twork out the problem.  Nor / Neithercould Jack.

219. Both of them are not good students.

    Neither ofthe two is a good student.

220. It began to rain as soon as I got home.

    The moment  I got home, it began to rain.

221. There is no water or air on the moon.

    There is no wateron the moon, and there is no air, either.

222. You are not wrong. I am not wrong, either.

   Neitheryou nor I am wrong.

223. We study not only Chinese but also English.

    We studyEnglish as well as Chinese.

    We studyEnglish and Chinese as well.

    BesidesChinese, we also study English.

    We study bothChinese and English.

We study Chinese, and English, too.

224. Once I hear from him, I'll let you know.

    As soon asI hear from him, I'll let you know.

225. Mr Wang stopped talking when you came in.

    Mr Wang didn'tstop talking until you came in.

Mr Wang kept talking till you came.



226.这个男孩多么善良啊!How kind the boy is!/What a kind boy he is!
227.这首乐曲多么优美啊!How beautiful the music is!/What beautiful music itis!

228.How beautiful the park is!(2000广州市)
What a beautiful park it is!

229. Isn't he clever?

What a clever man he is.

230. What rapid progress Marx made.

    How rapidly Marxmade progress.



231. We put off the outing because of the weather.

It was because of the weather thatwe put off the outing.

232. We did the experiment in this lab yesterday.

It was in this lab thatwe did the experiment yesterday.  

233. The secret was disclosed only in 1975.

    Only in 1975 wasthe secret disclosed.

234. The imposter seemed anxious to leave.

    It seemedthat the imposter was anxious to leave.

235. He joined the army ten years ago.

    It wasten years ago that he joined the army.

    It is tenyears since he joined the army.

236. It's time to do our homework.

    It's time forour homework.

    It's time we didour homework.

237. We've never permitted him to do such a stupid thing.

    Never havewe permitted him to do such a stupid thing.

238. She seldom goes out in the evening.

Seldom does she go out in theevening.


1.Do remember to lock the door when you leave.

_____________you lock the door when you leave.

2.Thelittle girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.

Thelittle girl wanted to know______ ______ be taken to Paris.

3.Frenchis not the first language in any of these countries.

Frenchis the first language in ______ _______ these countries.

4.Myuncle left the room. he said nothing to us.

Myuncle left the room______ _______ anything to us.

5.Hewasn't good at English. I thought.

I_________ ______he was good at english.

6.BothMike and Mary have been to Beijing.(否定句)

______Mike______Mary______beento Beijing.

7.Ittook him an hour to write the letter.

He_______an hour_______the letter.

8.Weshould knock a long stick into the earth.

Along stick _______ ________ _______into the earth.

9.Shepaid 400 yuan for the new bike.

Thenew bike_______ ______400 yuan.

10.Howabout playing basketball with us?

__________play football with us?

11."Will Wang Feng come here in a minute?" she asked.

Sheasked______Wang Feng______ come here in a minute?

12.Jimdidn't visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.

Jimstayed at home yesterday_______ ______visiting the museum.

13.Thereare more people in China than in India.

The________ofChina is________than that of India.

14.Thetalk is very important.

Thetalk is_____great______.

15.Hecan't catch the bus if he doesn't run fast.

Hecan't catch the bus______ he______fast.

16.Youshould let someone repair the TV set.

Youshould______the TV set __________.

17Jimwants to go boatingand his parents want to go boating, too.

Jimwants to go boating and________ _______his parents.

18.Theice on the lake was so thin that people couldn't skate on it.

Theice on the lake was not ______ enough______people to____ _____.

19.Howmany people are there in France.

___________the population of France?

20.Wehold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.

TheInternational Kite Festival____ _______in Weifang every year.

21.Theysay that Mr liu can speak German.

____________that Mr Liu can speak German.

22.Mysister prefers reading to going shopping.

Mysister likes_______ ______than going shopping.

Mysister prefers____ _____rather than______ shopping.

23.Ifeel like going to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

I_______liketo____to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

24.Hedoesn't do any other things. He is only on internet.

Heis always on internet______ _____doing other things.

25.Thepicture was usually put up in the park near the playground.

Thepicture was put up in the park____to the playground as_______.

26.Itseems that he has had a cold.

Heseems_____ ______had a cold.

27.Thetree is so tall that we can't reach it.

Thetree is______tall______us ______ _____.

28.I'minterested in the old museum in this city.

Theold museum in this city______ ______ _____me.

29.Theyknew everything only after you told him.

Theyknew______ _______ you told him.

30.Thereare many trees around the house. It's my house.

Thehouse______many trees around is _______.

31.Iwon't pass the exam if you don't help.

Iwon't pass the exam ______ your_______.

32.FatherChristmas comes from a real person in history.

FatherChristmas is ________ ____ a real person in history.

33.Hedoesn't know much Japanese.

He______ only a______Japanese.

34.Ifyou ask him, he will you tell you the truth.

_______him,______hewill tell you the truth.

35.Shelikes to make her own clothes. She doesn't like to buy them in shops.

Sheprefers making her own clothes_____ _____buying them in shops.

36.NeitherTom nor Jack read yesterday's newspaper.

Tomdidn't read yesterday's newspaper,_______ ________Jack.

37.Iheard he was singing in the next room.

Iheard_______ ______in the next room.

38.Peteris 150 centimeters tall,so is Mike.

Mikeis the same_______ ______Peter.

39.Thedoctor told him to stop smoking.

Thedoctor told him to _____ _______smoking.

40.Pleasedon't make our room dirty.

Please_____ our classroom____.

41.Theheavy rain stopped them from leaving home.

Theheavy rain_______ them _______ at home.

42.Thisbook isn't as interesting as that one.

Thisbook is _______interesting than that one.

43.Thereare more people in this city than in that city.

The_____ of this city is_______than _____of that one.

44.Thisbook has nothing to do with English.

Thisbook is_____ _______English.

45.Bobhad no teacher,but he learned English well at his young age.

Bob______________English when he was young.

46.There'snobody but a passenger in the bus.

There's______one passenger in the bus.

47.Bob'slonely because it's difficult for him to make friends.

Bob'slonely because he______ ________at making friends.

48.Plantmore trees every year and the desert will become green in a few years' time.

Ifyou plant more trees every year,the desert will______ ______ with green treesin a few years' time.

49.Thejacket cost so little that he bought it.

Thejacket _____ ______ ______for him to buy.

50.Hisfather is working.

Hisfather is ______ _______


答案:1.Make sure 2.when to 3.none of 4.without saying 5.didn't think that6.Neither nor has 7.spent writing(on) 8.should be knocked 9.cost her 10.Why not11.if/whether would 12.instead of 13.population larger 14.of importance15.unless runs 16.have repaired 17.so do 18.thick for skate on 19.What is 20.isheld 21.It's said 22.reading better 23.would go 24.

insteadof 25.next usual 26.to have 27.too for to reach 28.is interesting to 29.nothingbefore/until 30with mine 31.without help 32.based on 33.knows little 34. Askand 35.instead of 36.neither/nor did37.him singing 38.heitht as 39. give up40.keep clean 41.kept staying 42.less 43.population larger that 44.not about45.taught himself 46.only 47.is bad 48.be covered 49.was cheap enough 50.atwork