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(2012-01-22 09:15:06) 转载标签:





分类: 中西文化



首先要说的是,奥巴马在这四年的贺词中其实没有一次提到China(中国)或者Chinese(中国人),这个原因很简单,因为奥巴马祝贺的是Lunar New Year(农历新年,或“阴历新年”),而非特指Chinese New Year(中国新年),祝贺的对象是all who celebrate the Lunar New Year across the United States and around the world(在美国和全世界所有欢度农历新年的人们)。所以过去我媒体习惯报道“奥巴马向中国人拜年”其实不是很确切。




在这四次农历新年贺词中,奥巴马三次提到了生肖,2009年第一次发表贺词时提到了the Year of the Ox(牛年),2010年提到了the Year of the Tiger(虎年),2011年没有提到兔年,而今年则提到了the Year of the Dragon(龙年)。


还有,奥巴马每年农历新年贺词时的结尾都要提到的三个关键词是peace, prosperity, good health(平安、繁荣、健康)。相比往年,今年奥巴马的贺词少了些官味,多了些人情味,他特别提到自己在夏威夷的成长经历,“仍然记得人们在农历新年来临时的兴奋,人们会通过游行、放烟火以及与亲戚朋友的聚会来庆祝这一节日”。





January 19,2012


Michelle and I want to send our best wishes to everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year, including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Growing up in Hawaii, I remember all the excitement surrounding the Lunar New Year – from the parades and the fireworks to the smaller gatherings with family and friends.  It has always been a time for celebration and hope.  And this year, as Americans here at home and around the world welcome the Year of the Dragon, it’s important to remember that our country is stronger because of our diversity.  We are richer because of the different cultures that make up this country.
So to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year, I wish you and your loved ones peace, prosperity, and good health.


February 2,2011

I send my best wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and all who celebrate the Lunar New Year across the United States and around the world.
As people of all cultures and faiths welcome in the new year, let all of us celebrate our families and our ancestors, and enjoy the company of our loved ones.  Across America, in large cities and in small towns, many will mark this occasion with festive celebrations.  Many Americans of Asian descent will carry on the rich traditions of their heritage, reminding us again that America’s strength comes from the richness of our cultures and the diversity of our people.

I wish all who celebrate the new year peace, prosperity and good health.


February 12,2010

Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the people of Asia, and all those around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year.
As people of all cultures and faiths welcome the Year of the Tiger, let us all give thanks for family, the wisdom of our ancestors, and the company of our friends and neighbors.
Here in the United States, the Lunar New Year will be marked by festivals in Houston and lion dances in Los Angeles; parades in Chicago and celebrations large and small in communities across our nation. Americans of Asian descent will continue the rich traditions of the past and begin new ones with their own families. Together, they serve as a reminder of the richness and diversity that make our country great.

So to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year, may you be blessed with peace, prosperity and good health – now and in the year ahead.


January 26,2009


I send my warmest wishes to people across Asia, in America, and indeed around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming the Year of the Ox. As they gather with their families and celebrate over meals, they welcome new beginnings and honor the enduring wisdom of their ancestors.

From the lion dances in San Francisco to festivals in Atlanta and parades in New York City and Washington, D.C., Americans of Asian descent carry on the vibrant traditions of their forefathers and enrich America's cultural diversity. I wish all those celebrating the New Year to be blessed with peace, prosperity, and good health.