张嘉佳的经典语录:16 great mysteries of mankind:

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 14:06:58

16 great mysteries of mankind: 
1) Darwin's theory can not explain how the first organism is generated.
"Natural selection, survival of the fittest" theory of natural selection to explain the organism to adapt to changes in the environment, is how evolved. But Darwin's theory can not explain how the first organism is generated. No sign of life is the first compound to create a life? The first is how the living body is assembled it? Nature, even a little tiny hint are not given.

2) What lead to the ice age?
Small-scale ice age occur once every 20000-40000 years, large-scale occur once every 1000000 years. Scientists believe that the irregular nature of Earth's orbit has changed how much it absorbs energy, the Earth suddenly cooled.

3) Earth's core?

Geocentric distance of the Earth's surface there is 4000 miles (1 mile approximately 1.61 km), where there is a moon so large solid iron ball. We all live 1800 miles in a thick layer of rock, which formed the Earth's lithosphere and surface of the cover shell. So, what is between the center of the earth crust and the material it? Is a magma, but scientists are not sure what this piece of material by the specific composition of the magma, and will have what impact the surrounding environment.

4) Is time continuous?

Plato thinks that time is continuous. Einstein that time is just another measure is in addition to up and down, left, before and after the addition of the fourth dimension. Einstein's space-time concept works in theory, but actually very difficult. Because we can only go in one direction along the time axis. Eventually, some people will be able to draw the right conclusions, but a matter of time.

5) Earth absorb the solar energy vs. Earth's climate?
But studies show that the irregular orbit of the Earth to absorb the impact of solar energy only accounts for 1%, this small effect is how to make a significant mutation in the Earth's climate it?

6) Decoding DNA?

A typical human cell contains 6 feet (1 foot about 0.3 meters) long DNA, but only one inch (1 inch or about 2.54 cm) carrying the DNA needs to be used to make proteins password, other parts of what is what? Nobel laureate Bu Ruina study found that they are waste. However, iologists believe that these so-called waste DNA also contains a "wealth."

7) How forests affect global warming?

Everyone knows the forest contribute to environmental improvement. In the process of growing trees will absorb carbon dioxide causing global warming, but even so, the Earth continues to heat up. Arose such a contradiction - the future of the forest and can not mitigate climate change, but as the forests continue to suffer destruction, global warming will be more severe.

8) Human brain slow motion response

Rules in dealing with the brain slow motion, the hand placed on a hot plate, it needs a few milliseconds to feel the heat, then the brain is how to get visual data in a short while, the body movements of the information generated instructions to calculate a precise orbital moment of the lizard's tongue to capture flies, so we quickly grasp the hand of the whereabouts of the glass is it?

9) Why will the poles be transposed?

About 80 million years ago, the compass will point to the south, earlier period, it will point north.

When the Earth's rotation, the core of the liquid metal mixing together to produce an electromagnetic field. Rotation direction of movement caused by changes in the kernel will change the polarization of electromagnetic fields. Once the ectopic process begins, the Earth 7,000 years required to complete a major change in the north and south reversed. In 100 years will occur in this case the average 2-3 times, but no one knows how it is achieved.

10) Black hole?

Inside the black hole attraction is very powerful, no matter or energy can not escape the black hole attraction. However, physicist Stephen Hawking said something can escape a black hole's gravity, this kind of thing is the "Hawking radiation" such random particles. If the black hole can be eaten with a fixed structure of the material, then the black hole will be filled with all kinds of information and then issue a variety of uncertain noise, then the information where have you been?

11) Why we can not obtain 
accurate long-term weather predictions? 

Meteorologist Lorenz weather during a computer simulation, the decision on one of the parameters calculated using rounded.This small change in the weather completely changed the model, which became the famous "butterfly effect."

This approach inspired Lorenz to meteorologists the data input as accurately as possible in order to expand their computer models predicted range. But not very accurate data will enable us to obtain accurate long-term predictions. Climate scientists also need to understand the interaction of atmospheric and oceanic effects and other weather factors. Therefore, the forecast a few decades or centuries after the weather is basically impossible.

 Epidemic disease? 

One kind of epidemic disease is really just a pathogen, "Lifeline," the external appearance. How bacterial infection depends on how they work and how the human resistance. But no one knows how to predict when those bacteria spread in the population, so do not forget wash hands frequently.

13) The cause of gravity?

Newton first discovered the fundamental nature of gravity. He opened the world the objects on Earth and humans will not fall from the mystery. However, we only understand the phenomenon of gravity, and study its causes almost no progress.

14) Why human can not regenerate his own organs?

Take a kitchen knife from cutting down on your finger, this finger will always tell you goodbye. However, the salamander's leg cut off, it will naturally grow a new leg. We will make a fuss because the nail by injury, and animal organ regeneration process is so natural.
Scientists want to know why "anything" but human beings can not do this.

15) Is the Riemann hypothesis been proven yet? 

The early 20th century, the German mathematician Hilbert once said that if he woke up after sleeping a thousand years, he will ask the first question is: the Riemann hypothesis been proven yet? Now 100 years later, this problem has still did not answer.The Riemann hypothesis in the so-called Riemann zeta function on the basis of zero allocation. The conjecture has been the U.S. Clay Mathematics Institute as one of the world's gold, to prove or falsify the conjecture of people will get $ 1 million prize.

16) Why do we die?

When the physicist asked why things die this problem, they will not hesitate to answer that in line with the second law of thermodynamics. Anything, whether it is mineral, animal and plant, or a car will eventually break down dead. This phenomenon occurs in humans is that people grow old. Age of reason may have been compromised because of DNA may also occur because of chromosomal telomeres shrink. If you want to know when to end life, but also resort to ecologists, but they are only a rough prediction, can not accurately predict a person's death.



 达尔文的理论不能解释第一个生物 体是如何产生的 
 “物竞天择,适者生存”,自然选择学说解释了生物体为了适应环境的改变,是如何进化来的。但达尔文的理论却不能解释第一个生物 体是如何产生的。是没有任何生命迹象的化合物最初创造了生命吗?

2)  地球的核心是什么?

   地心距离地球表面还有4000英里(1英里约合1.61公里),那里有一个月球那么大的固体铁球。我们都生活在厚达1800英里的岩石层上,这些岩石层 形成了地球的外壳和地表的覆盖物。那么,地心和地壳之间有什么物质呢?是一片岩浆,但科学家不能确定这片岩浆具体由何种物质组成,以及会对周围环境产生怎 样的影响。

3)  时间是持续不断的吗?

  柏拉图认为时间是持续不断的。而爱因斯坦认为时间只是另一种尺度,是除了上下、左右、前后之外的第四维。爱因斯坦的时空概念理论上行得通,但实际却很难办到。因为我们只能沿着时间轴朝一个方向走。 最终,一定会有人能够得出正确的结论,只不过是时间问题。

4)  生命从何而来?


5)  什么导 致了冰河时期?


  但研究表明,地球轨道的不规则性对地球吸收太阳能的影响只占其中的1%,这个微小的 影响是如何使地球的气候产生重大突变呢?

6)  为什么要解码DNA?

  一个典型的人类细胞中含有6英尺(1英尺约合0.3米)长的DNA,但只有1英寸(1英寸约合2.54厘米)的DNA携有需要被用来制造蛋白质的密码,其他部分究竟是 什么呢?诺贝尔奖获得者布瑞纳研究后发现,它们是废品。但生物学家认为这些所谓的废品DNA中也包含有“财富”。

7)  森林如何影响全球变暖?

  每个人都知道森林有助于环境的改善。树木在生长的过程中会吸收导致全球变暖的罪魁祸首二氧化 碳,但即便这样,地球仍在不断升温。于是产生了这样一个矛盾——未来,森林并不能减缓气候的变化,但随着森林不断遭受毁坏,全球变暖将更严峻。

8)  为什么地球两极会换位?



9)  黑洞信息去哪里了?


10)   我们为什么不能预报天气?



11)  为什么疾病会流行?


12)  重力是如何产生的?

  牛顿首先 发现了万有引力的基本性质。他向世人揭开了天体和人类不会从地球上掉下去的奥秘。然而我们只是理解万有引力现象,而对其产生原因的研究几乎没有任何进展。

13)   为什么我们的器官不能再生?

  拿菜刀从你手指上切下去,这根手指就会永远跟你说再见。然而把蝾螈 的一条腿砍下,它却会自然地长出一条新腿。我们会因为指甲受到损伤而大惊小怪,而动物器官的重生过程却是那么自然。
  科学家想知道为什 么“无所不能”的人类却不能做到这一点。

14)  数学家可以证明黎曼猜想吗?

  20世 纪早期,德国数学家希尔伯特曾说,如果他在沉睡1000年后醒来,他将问的第一个问题便是:黎曼猜想得到证明了吗?现在100多年过去了,这个问题至今仍没答案。黎曼猜想将在所谓的黎曼zeta函数基础上对零分配。该猜想已被美国克雷数学研究所列为世界黄金问题之一,能证明或证伪该猜想的人将会获得100 万美元的奖金。

15)  为什么我们会死亡?

  当物理学家被问到事物为何死亡这种问题 时,他们会毫不犹豫地回答说这符合热力学第二定律。任何事物,无论它是矿物质、动植物,还是一辆汽车最终都会分解消亡。这种现象发生在人类身上就是使人变老。变老的原因可能因为DNA遭到了损害,也可能是因为染色体端粒发生萎缩。若想知道生命何时终结,还要求助于生态学家,但他们只是粗略预测,不能准确地预测一个人的死亡时间。

16)   大脑在处理运动规则方面速度较慢
