
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/29 08:52:50











To carry out autonomous reading research in
the middle school language reading teaching




"The independent secondary school teaching of reading" is a frequent modern Chinese teaching hot issues and it is complex.This article contains more than 10 years of teaching practice of myself and carry on research on the autonomous learning theory, origin, status and autonomy in the teaching of reading principle, characteristics, strategy and other aspects, which can be expected to bring some help and guidance to the middle school language reading

In this paper, the" independent secondary school teaching of reading" was studied on the basis of previous studies and of a lot of research of present situation, through the analysis, comparison, demonstration and other educational research methods,

The first part of this article undertook relatively detailed elaborate about the historical origin of autonomous learning, autonomous learning concept definition and its connotation and feature and autonomous learning theoretical basis are also systematically discussed to provide a scientific basis for the study of autonomous learning to provide a scientific basis.

The second part of this article made more detailed treatise to the middle school reading teaching current situation and pointed out its shortcomings. And it gives clear reason to carry out independent teaching of the Chinese reading  in middle school and shows the rationality of urgency of the independent reading in Chinese teaching in middle school.

The third part is the focus of this paper .It analysis and discusses the middle school language reading teaching autonomous learning strategies,carries on the detailed elaboration, strives to point out the insufficiency from carrying out autonomous reading preparation, implementation, evaluation and many angles and  provide teachers with operable inquiry. The attention of both teachers and students on the implementation of independent reading in Chinese teaching of middle school also are discussed in detail, and points out that the teachers should have the business ability and quality .

The fourth part of this paper is the summary of the contents and main problem.It not only gave a positive guide to the current middle school Chinese reading teaching status and autonomy of contradiction,but also hope to has certain direct effect on our practice and give us the space to solve the problem.

Key words  middle school Chinese;   reading teaching;   autonomous learning;  teaching efficiency



一、自主性学习的概述.... 1

(一) 自主性学习的历史渊源及概念内涵... 1

(二) 自主性学习的理论基础... 2

(三) 自主性学习的特征... 4

(四) 自主性阅读教学的原则... 6

二、中学语文阅读教学的现状.... 7

(一) 传统的灌输式的阅读教学方式扼杀了学生阅读的兴趣... 7

(二) 忽视学生阅读习惯的培养,一味地强调多练... 7

(三) 学生课外阅读时间少,缺少有效指导... 7

三、中学语文阅读教学中开展自主性阅读的必要性.... 8

(一) 适应时代社会发展的要求... 8

(二) 适应中学生的身心发展规律... 8

(三) 适应中学语文阅读教学的特点... 9

(四) 中学语文阅读教学发展的必然要求... 9

四、中学语文阅读教学中开展自主性阅读的条件.... 10

(一) 建构真实的阅读问题的情境... 10

(二) 创设民主、宽容、和谐的阅读学习氛围... 11

(三) 配置自主性阅读教学所需的各种资源... 11

(四) 要在阅读教学中渗透自主性阅读的意识... 11

五、中学语文阅读教学中开展自主性阅读的基本类型.... 13

六、中学语文阅读教学中开展自主性阅读的过程与方法.... 16

(一) 明确阅读中预习的目的和意义... 16

(二) 培养学生自主阅读学习的意识... 17

(三) 制定明确的阅读目标和文本的来源... 17

(四) 要有保证学生能进行自主阅读的有效方式... 18

(五) 帮助学生学会做“阅读笔记”,及时进行阅读反思... 19

(六) 重视课下练习,以期巩固提高... 19

七、中学语文阅读教学中开展自主性阅读的评价体系.... 20

(一) 重视评价的多元化,以评价促“自主”. 20

(二) 要合理运用终结性评价和形成性评价... 21

八、中学语文阅读教学中开展自主性阅读要注意的问题.... 23

(一) 要处理好学生的自主性和教师的指导作用之间的关系... 23

(二) 要处理好自主性学习和接受性学习之间的关系... 25

(三) 要处理好不同阅读水平学生之间的关系... 26

九、中学阅读教学中开展自主性阅读对教师的要求.... 28

(一) 教师要转变传统阅读教学观念... 28

(二) 教师要具备扎实相关学科知识... 28

(三) 教师在阅读教学过程中必须有“情”... 29

(四) 教师必须有较高的阅读鉴赏能力... 29

(五) 教师要有成功的信心和持之以恒的决心... 29

结 .... 30

主要参考文献.... 31

致 .... 32
