包茎过长症状:Top 150 Novels英语小说150强(含电子书下载)

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Top 150 Novels英语小说150强(含电子书下载)

The 150 Best English Language Novels of the 20th Century

Several sources have compiled lists of what they consider to be the best novels of this century. As you might expect, these lists have varied greatly, sparking controversy and dissension from almost everyone.

The Friendswood library has consolidated four sources' lists: Harvard Bookstore's Top 100 Recommended Titles, Modern Library's 100 Best Novels, Koen Book Distributors' Top 100 Books of the Past Century, and Library Journal's 150 20th-century Most Influential Fiction. Our list includes only English-language books written in the 1900's.

We welcome your questions, comments, or response to this list, Please send any messages about this list to the Web Master. Be sure and put "Top 150" in the subject field.

1.The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》, F. Scott Fitzgerald [PDF格式下载]
2.1984《一九八四》, George Orwell [PDF+EXE格式下载]
2.Catch-22《第二十二条军规》, Joseph Heller [PDF+EXE格式下载]
4.The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》, John Steinbeck [PDF+EXE格式下载]
5.Lolita《洛丽塔》, Vladimir Nabokov [PDF格式下载]
6.Animal Farm《动物庄园》, George Orwel[PDF格式下载]
7.Slaughterhouse Five《第五号屠场》, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. [PDF格式下载]
8.Invisible Man《隐形人》, Ralph Ellison [PDF格式下载]
9.Ulysses《尤利西斯》, James Joyce[PDF格式下载]
10.The Lord of the Flies《蝇王》, William Golding [PDF格式下载]
11.Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》, J. D. Salinger [PDF格式下载]
12.Brave New World《美丽新世界》, Aldous Huxley [PDF格式下载]
13.The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》, William Faulkner [PDF格式下载]
14.Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man《一个青年艺术家的自画像》, James Joyce [PDF+EXE格式下载]
15.To Kill A Mockingbird《杀死一只知更鸟》, Harper Lee [PDF格式下载]
16.The Sun Also Rises《太阳照样升起》, Ernest Hemingway [PDF格式下载]
17.Native Son《土生子》, Richard Wright [PDF格式下载]
18.Beloved《宠儿》, Toni Morrison [PDF格式下载]
19.Gone with the Wind《飘》, Margaret Mitchell [PDF格式下载]
20.To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》, Virginia Woolf [PDF格式下载]
21.The Lord of the Rings《魔戒|指环王》, J. R. R. Tolkien [Ebook下载]
22.The Color Purple《紫色》, Alice Walker [PDF格式下载]
23.On the Road《在路上》, Jack Kerouac [PDF格式下载]
24.The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》, Edith Wharton [PDF+EXE格式下载]
25.The Good Earth《大地》, Pearl S. Buck [HTML格式下载]
26.Charlotte's Web《夏洛特的网》, E. B. White [DOC格式下载]
27.The Hobbit《魔戒前传:哈比人历险记》, J. R. R. Tolkien [PDF格式下载]
28.Fahrenheit 451《华氏451度》, Ray Bradbury [DOC+PDF+Spark notes下载]
29.Rebecca《蝴蝶梦》, Daphne du Maurier [PDF+EXE格式下载]
30.The Handmaid's Tale《女仆的故事》, Margaret Atwood [PDF格式下载]
31.A Stranger in a Strange Land《异乡异客》, Robert Heinlein [PDF格式下载]
32.My Antonia《我的安东尼亚》, Willa Cather [PDF格式下载]
33.A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》, Ernest Hemingway [PDF+EXE格式下载]
34.A Clockwork Orange《发条橙子》, Anthony Burgess [PDF格式下载]
35.I, Claudius《我,克劳迪斯》, Robert Graves [PDF+EXE格式下载]
36.Ethan Frome《伊坦弗洛美》, Edith Wharton [PDF格式下载]
37.The Old Man and the Sea《老人与海》, Ernest Hemmingway [PDF格式下载]
38.A Tree Grows in Brooklyn《天堂树》, Betty Smith [PDF格式下载]
39.Winesburg, Ohio《小城畸人》, Sherwood Anderson [PDF格式下载]
40.Their Eyes Were Watching God 《他们眼望上苍》, Zora N. Hurston [PDF格式下载]
41.The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》, Jack London [PDF格式下载]
42.The World According to Garp《盖普眼中的世界》, John Irving [PDF格式下载]
43.A Passage to India, E. M. Forster
44.The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie《春风不化雨》, Muriel Spark [PDF格式下载]
45.The Good Soldier《好兵》, Ford Madox Ford [PDF格式下载]
46.The Joy Luck Club《喜福会》, Amy Tan [HTML格式下载]
47.Lonesome Dove《寂寞鸽子》, Larry McMurtry [PDF格式下载]
48.One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest《飞越疯人院》, Ken Kesey [PDF+DOC格式下载]
49.Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》, Theodore Dreiser [PDF格式下载]
50.U. S. A.(trilogy)《美国三部曲》, John Dos Passos [PDF格式下载]
51.Angle of Repose《休息的角落》, Wallace Stegner[PDF格式下载]
52.Sophie's Choice《苏菲的选择》, William Styron [PDF格式下载]
53.Lady Chatterley's Lover《查泰莱夫人的情人》, D. H. Lawrence [PDF格式下载]
54.Exodus《出埃及记》, Leon Uris [PDF格式下载]
55.All the King's Men《国王班底》, Robert Penn Warren [PDF格式下载]
56.Rabbit Run《兔子快跑》, John Updike [PDF+DOC格式下载]
57.The Golden Notebook《金色笔记》, Doris Lessing [PDF格式下载]
58.The Jungle《丛林》, Upton Sinclair [PDF格式下载]
59.Portnoy's Complaint《波特诺的抱怨》, Philip Roth [PDF格式下载]
60.The Ambassadors《专使》, Henry James [PDF格式下载]
61.From Here to Eternity, James Jones
62.Little House on the Prairie《草原上的小木屋》, Laura Ingalls Wilder [PDF格式下载]
63.The Golden Bowl《金碗》, Henry James [PDF格式下载]
64.Winnie-the-Pooh《维尼熊的故事》, A. A. Milne [小说在线阅读]
65.The Bean Trees《豆树青青》, Barbara Kingsolver [PDF格式下载]
66.2001 : A Space Odyssey《2001漫游太空》, Arthur C. Clarke [PDF格式下载]
67.Possession《占有》, A. S. Byatt [PDF格式下载]
68.Under the Volcano《在火山下》, Malcolm Lowry [PDF格式下载]
69.All Quiet on the Western Front《西线无战事》, Erich Maria ReMarque [PDF+EXE格式下载]
70.Tender is the Night《夜色温柔》, F. Scott Fitzgerald [PDF格式下载]
71.Women in Love《恋爱中的女人》, D. H. Lawrence [PDF格式下载]
72.The Fountainhead《源头》, Ayn Rand [PDF格式下载]
73.Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison
74.The Stone Diaries《斯通家史札记》, Carol Shields [PDF格式下载]
75.Of Mice and Men《人鼠之间》, John Steinbeck [DOC+PDF格式下载]
75.Roots《根》, Alex Haley [PDF格式下载]
77.Look Homeward, Angel《天使,望故乡》, Thomas Wolfe [EXE格式下载]
78.Pale Horse, Pale Rider, Katherine Anne Porter
79.Heart of Darkness《黑暗的心》, Joseph Conrad [PDF+EXE格式下载]
80.The Maltese Falcon《马尔他之鹰》, Dashiell Hammett [PDF格式下载]
81.Of Human Bondage《人性的枷锁》, W. Somerset Maugham [PDF格式下载]
82.The Heart is a Lonely Hunter《心是孤独的猎手》, Carson McCullers [PDF格式下载]
83.Darkness at Noon《正午的黑暗》, Arthur Koestler [PDF格式下载]
84.Sons and Lovers《儿子与情人》, D. H. Lawrence [PDF+EXE格式下载]
85.The Naked and the Dead《裸者和死者》, Norman Mailer [PDF格式下载]
86.Dune《沙丘系列》, Frank Herbert [PDF格式下载]
87.A Room with a View《看得见风景的房间》, E. M. Forster [PDF+EXE格式下载]
88.The Way of All Flesh《众生之路》, Samuel Butler [PDF格式下载]
89.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz《绿野仙踪》, Frank L. Baum [PDF格式下载]
90.The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe《 狮子女巫和魔衣橱》, C. S. Lewis [在线阅读]
91.The Hound of the Baskervilles《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》, Arthur Conan Doyle [PDF格式下载]
92.The Burger's Daughter《伯格的女儿》, Nadine Gordimer
92.A Confederacy of Dunces《笨伯联盟》, John K. Toole[PDF格式下载]
94.An American Tragedy《美国悲剧》, Theodore Dreiser [PDF格式下载]
95.The Mists of Avalon《阿瓦隆的迷雾》, Marion Zimmer Bradley [PDF格式下载]
96.East of Eden《伊甸之东》, John Steinbeck [PDF格式下载]
97.Henderson the Rain King《雨王汉德森》, Saul Bellow[PDF格式下载]
98.Howards End《霍华德庄园》, E. M. Forster [PDF格式下载]
99.Appointment in Samarra《相约萨马拉》, John O'Hara [PDF格式下载]
100.Wide Sargasso Sea《梦回海藻》, Jean Rhys [PDF格式下载]
101.Cry the Beloved Country《哭泣的大地》, Alan Paton [PDF格式下载]
102.Ragtime《爵士乐》, E. L. Doctorow
103.The House of Mirth《欢乐之家》, Edith Wharton [PDF格式下载]
103.The Wings of the Dove《鸽翼》, Henry James [PDF格式下载]
105.Death Comes for the Archbishop《大主教之死》, Willa Cather [PDF格式下载]
106.The Studs Lonigan Trilogy, James T. Farrell
107.Bastard out of Carolina《来自卡罗莱娜的私生女》, Dorothy Allison [PDF格式下载]
108.Tropic of Cancer《北回归线》, Henry Miller [PDF格式下载]
109.The Bell Jar《瓶中美人》, Sylvia Plath [PDF格式下载]
110.As I Lay Dying《在我弥留之际》, William Faulkner [PDF格式下载]
111.The Bridge of San Luis Rey《圣路易斯雷大桥》, Thornton Wilder [PDF格式下载]
111.A Handful of Dust《一掬尘土》, Evelyn Waugh [PDF格式下载]
113.A Good Man is Hard to Find《好人难寻》, Flannery O'Connor [PDF格式下载]
113.The Killer Angels《杀手天使》, Michael Shaara [PDF格式下载]
115.Go Tell it on the Mountain《高山上的呼喊》, James Baldwin [PDF格式下载]
115.The Shipping News《船讯》, Annie Proulx [PDF格式下载]
117.White Noise《白噪音》, Don DeLillo [PDF+DOC格式下载]
118.Atlas Shrugged《地球颤栗》, Ayn Rand [PDF格式下载]
119.The Heart of the Matter《事情的核心/问题的核心》, Graham Greene [在线阅读]
120.Deliverance《解救》, James Dickey [PDF格式下载]
121.The Wapshot Chronicles, John Cheever
122.A Dance to the Music of Time《与时代合拍的舞蹈》, Anthony Powell [PDF格式下载]
123.Snow Falling on Cedars《爱在冰雪纷飞时》, David Guterson [PDF格式下载]
124.Point Counter Point, Aldous Huxley
125.Watership Down《海底沉船》, Richard Adams [PDF格式下载]
126.The Moviegoer《看电影的人》, Walker Percy [PDF格式下载]
127.The Red Badge of Courage《红色英勇勋章》, Stephen Cran [PDF格式下载]
128.The Secret Agent《特务》, Joseph Conrad [PDF格式下载]
129.A Death in the Family《家中丧事》, James Agee [PDF格式下载]
130.Nostromo《诺斯托罗莫》, Joseph Conrad [PDF格式下载]
131.Brideshead Revisited《旧地重游》, Evelyn Waugh [PDF格式下载]
132.The Rainbow, Pearl S. Buck
133.A Prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving
134.Pale Fire《微暗的火》, Vladimir Nobokov [PDF格式下载]
135.Ironweed, William P. Kennedy
135.Light in August《八月之光》, William Faulkner [EXE格式下载]
137.Where the Wild Things Are, Maurice Sendak
138.Parade's End《行进的目的》, Ford Madox Ford [PDF格式下载]
139.Kane and Abel《该隐与亚伯》, Jeffrey Archer [PDF格式下载]
140.Zuleika Dobson《朱莱卡.多卜生》, Max Beerbohm [LIT格式下载]
141.Main Street《大街》, Sinclair Lewis[PDF+DOC格式下载]
142.Thousand Acres《一千英亩》, Jane Smiley [PDF格式下载]
143.Call it Sleep, Henry Roth
144.For Whom the Bell Tolls《丧钟为谁而鸣》, Ernest Hemingway [PDF格式下载]
145.Ellen Foster, Kaye Gibbons
146.The Alexandria Quartet《亚历山大四部曲》, Lawrence Durrell [PDF格式下载]
147.Cold Sassy Tree, Olive Ann Burns
148.A High Wind in Jamaica《牙买加的风》, Richard Hughes [PDF格式下载]
149.The Remains of the Day《落日余辉》, Kazuo Ishiguro [PDF格式下载]
150.The Godfather《教父》, Mario Puzo [PDF格式下载]
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