
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/03 06:35:52
Raul Walters, whose name has been changed, represents the Cryobank’s ideal candidate. He is tall and good-looking, holds degrees from top schools, and enjoys a clean bill of health: no one in his immediate family has a history of cancer, early-onset heart disease, or mental illness. 


Raul began donating sperm in 2004, to help finance a year off before law school. He was working on a novel while trolling for job opportunities on Craigs-list, and his wife was pregnant with their first child. “I had no real skills,” he said, “but I was six-three with a half-million-dollar education.” Like many of Cryobank’s target donors, Raul is goal-oriented, and he admitted that the selectivity was also part of the allure. 


Raul made about $10,000 total by donating a couple of times a week for a year and a half, at $70 a sample. He didn’t dwell on the outcome—the possible children, the various mothers. He went on with his plans for a legal career, his artistic pursuits, and his own family life. Last year, he mentioned to colleagues that he’d been a sperm donor during his time off. “Have you ever Googled your donor number?” one of the other lawyers asked.


Raul had not. But that morning at work he typed his donor number into the search engine. The first hit was a blog called Django Djournal, a mother’s chronicle of the baby, Django, she had conceived with Raul’s sperm. At the top of the page was a photo of a chubby 2-year-old in striped shorts, smiling halfheartedly—Raul himself as a toddler. “It was out of context,” he explained. “So it took me a minute to realize why it was familiar.” During the period he was donating, he’d sold the photograph to the bank for an extra $200, to give a sense of what a baby of his might look like. 

    劳尔从未这样做过。但那天早晨,在办公室里,劳尔将自己的捐赠编号输入了搜索引擎。首先找到的是一个名为Django Djournal的博客,关于Django的成长日记,而孩子的妈妈正是利用劳尔的精子成功受孕的。网页最上面,是一个胖乎乎的两岁的孩子,穿着条纹短裤,笑得有些不情愿——正是劳尔小时候的样子。”他说:“我毫无准备,所以好一会儿才意识到为什么这个孩子看起来如此熟悉。”捐献精子时,他将这张照片以200美元的价格出售给精子银行,以使客户知道他的孩子会是什么样子。

The next photo on the page was of 6-month-old Django, and the resemblance was indeed striking—the dark hair and eyes, the open face. Raul and his wife had two children of their own by this time, and Django resembled them, too. What made the blog entry even more transfixing, though, were the photographs of two other babies also conceived with Raul’s sperm. Their mothers had tracked down the blog, and the result was an impromptu online community of mothers who’d used Raul’s sperm. As Django’s mother, who goes by “Mama K” on the blog, wrote: 

    网页上第二张照片是六个月大的Django,长相跟劳尔惊人的相似——黑头发,黑眼睛,圆脸。现在劳尔和妻子已经有了两个孩子,Django跟他们很像。更让劳尔吃惊的是,博客上还有其他两个孩子的照片,他们的妈妈也是用劳尔的精子受孕的。这些妈妈找到这个博客,留言,最后这里成为了劳尔精子接受者的网上根据地。Django的妈妈,在博客上署名Mama K,写到:

I didn’t give much thought to the idea of other children by the donor I chose … You can imagine my surprise then, when, in one whirlwind of a weekend, I received emails from the moms of two other [babies by the same donor]. 


Raul struggles to describe how he felt when he saw these children. “You know how it feels to come out of the trees on the coast and suddenly see the ocean?” he asked. “It’s so vast and incomprehensible. You have that moment of awe.” 


Raul’s initial sperm donation had sold out quickly—so quickly, in fact, that in 2008 the bank asked Raul to come out of “retirement” to help a woman who had given birth to one child using his sperm conceive a full genetic sibling. (This time, because the donation required travel and time away from his job, he charged the bank his law firm’s daily rate. As he joked to me, “What part of people paying me for my sperm is 'donation’?”) 


Django Djournal (which Mama K recently made a private blog) is not the only site that praises Raul’s sperm and the “curly-haired, bright-eyed” babies it produces. Cryobank, which helps about 10,000 women each year to conceive, has its own bulletin-board community, where women can locate other mothers with the same donor, recommend good sperm (Raul’s gets a shout-out), and find emotional support. It’s not hard to imagine a day in the near future when Web sites will let mothers rate sperm the way diners rate restaurants on Yelp. And really, if sperm is a product for sale, why shouldn’t such sites exist? Women already risking a great deal by going this unconventional route could be reassured to know that a particular “brand” is working properly, creating healthy, bright babies. But is sperm a product? Should selecting it be like shopping for a washing machine? 

    称赞劳尔的精子和他“卷发、亮眼睛”孩子的网站,不只Django Djournal(Mama K最近将它设置为了私人博客)。加利福尼亚精子银行每年为大约1万名客户提供精子,它也有自己的网络社区,在那里妈妈们可以找到跟自己接受同一个捐赠者精子的人,相互推荐好的精子来源(劳尔知道时吃惊地叫了起来),寻求情感支持。不难想象,在不久的将来,也许妈妈们会在网上给精子评分,就像食客们在Yelp网上为餐厅打分一样。认真地讲,如果精子能作为商品出售,为什么不能有这样的网站呢?这样冒险采取非传统方式受孕的女人,就能知道哪些“品牌”的精子更好,从而拥有更健康的孩子。但精子真的能被当做商品吗?挑选精子可以跟买洗衣机一样吗?

The Internet was not a concern when California Cryobank was founded, in 1977, but it figures heavily into the business model today. Aspiring mothers can fill out an online search form (for, say, a Catholic donor with blond hair and blue eyes) and instantly receive a list of options. For anonymity’s sake, no photos of the donors as adults are included; instead, each profile is footnoted with links to images of celebrities that the donor most resembles—a feature the bank says has been extremely popular. I did a quick search for brown-haired Caucasian donors, which gave me a list of men who, Cryobank assured me, resembled Justin Timberlake, James Franco, or Steve Carell. 


As Django Djournal and the chat rooms demonstrate, though, the Internet also enables networking between mothers who share a donor. And as the donor children grow up, they too are likely to connect with one another online. Cryobank aims to make 25 to 30 women pregnant from each donor’s sperm, though it says the number is usually closer to 12 or 15. Some of those women will have more than one child using the sperm. And once women purchase their vials of a donor’s sperm—which they do up front, to guarantee the product won’t run out—they can do what they wish with any excess, even creating a secondary market for vials of unused sperm. I found at least one woman, unaffiliated with Cryobank, who expressed interest in purchasing another woman’s leftover vials of Raul’s sperm so she could conceive her own baby. The sperm of a popular donor like Raul could easily produce several dozen children. 

    博客Django Djournal和网络聊天室表明,网络能够让使用同一个捐赠者精子的妈妈们联系到彼此。那么当孩子们长大以后,也有可能通过网络认识。精子银行的目标是使每个精子捐赠者的受赠人数达到25~30,然而目前这个数字一般为12~15。一些妈妈会多次使用捐赠的精子受孕。一旦她们购买了精子——通常她们会预付款,以防精子售罄——她们能够随意处理多余的精子,甚至形成一个二手市场。我知道有不止一位妈妈,虽然还不是加利福利亚精子银行的客户,表示希望从其他妈妈那里购买剩余的劳尔的精子。一些像劳尔一样受欢迎的捐赠者,很容易就会有几十个孩子。

One mother who’d been compiling a list of the half-siblings of her own baby by Raul’s sperm wrote on Cryobank’s bulletin board that she had already found 22 “success stories” by networking online. When I e-mailed her, she replied, “I am not comfortable disclosing the exact number of siblings, but I will say there are more than I had initially hoped.” 


California Cryobank says that, by industry standards, it is conservative in the number of vials it will sell from a given donor. A recent documentary on the Style network featured a donor who knows of at least 70 offspring from his sperm donations and suspects that he may have as many as 140. One has to wonder at the implications of scores of biologically related children, especially in an age when they will be able to find one another online so easily—and when their anonymous fathers will be able to find them as well. 


Describing the sensation of first seeing the biological children he’d never known, Raul told me, “It released a lot of brain chemicals. It felt bigger than me. It was not a benign feeling.” I asked Raul if he’d donate again, knowing how he feels now. He shrugged. “I probably would,” he said. “But then, I’m open to chaos.”
一个纯种的非洲黑人以及他的后代都跟白人结婚 多少代能使他们的后代变成白人 一个很长的MP3文件,怎么能把他分割成N个小块?? 一个被N个女人抛弃的男人,他去买了一把刀.他想干什么? 有N个连续正整数,必存在两个相邻的整数和一个不相邻的整数之和整除N? 齐白石以及他后代的详细资料? 凸N边形除了一个内角外,其余的N-1个内角的和为2000求N 的值? 给你我的全部分数,帮帮我吧(一个男人和N个女人的故事) 山羊和绵羊能否产生后代,如果能,产生的后代叫什么??后代可育否??? 一个晚上被一个只想和他做的男孩强吻了N次,怎么办? 用c语言编写一个程序,能够接收键盘键入的n个整形数据,并能求出这n个数据的累加和sum N边形的N-1个内角和是1300度,则N=多少? 一个数列的前n项和 拿破伦的儿子和后代这么样了? 蜂后是怎么产不同和后代的 你说,如果溥仪是有直系后代的,那现在他的后代什么怎么样? n个自然数和的求法与n个自然数平均数的求法 +急!求救一个可以下载N个的单机游戏的网址!党和人民不会忘记你的! 在指定的N个数中任意挑选M个,使他们的和为指定的一个数 在指定的N个数中怎样最快挑选M个,使他们的和为指定的一个数 在指定的N个数中怎样最快挑选M个,使他们的和为指定的一个数 怎么样来测量N个大头针中的一个的质量? 一个凸多边形除去一个内角外,其余(n-1)个内角和2400度,则边数n为____ 一个凸n边行的n个内角中,锐角的个数最多有 李白的后代或者他的儿子是谁?