电影96小时在哪里能看:H1N1的世纪大骗局 A GREAT CHEAT OF H1N1

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/29 22:45:08

The letter created by a team of china students from overseas,it involves very sensitive issues,so we seek to publish it in china today,Dec 13. Dec 13  is precisely Memorial Day of nanjing victims, it is God and God bless china.  

H1N1的世纪大骗局 A GREAT CHEAT OF H1N1  

1 H1N1非常可能是一场针对中国的世纪大骗局 H1H1 IS VERY LIKELY A GREAT CHEAT TO CHINA  

1.1 甲型H1N1流感病毒可能是人为制造   

http://news.enorth.com.cn/system/2009/05/14/004024163.shtml吉布兹对病菌的研究已达40余载,也是首位对甲型H1N1流感病毒的基因组成进行分析的科学家。吉布兹及两名同事对流感病毒8个基因编码的数百个氨基酸(amino acids)序列都进行分析后发现,该病毒基因突变的频率比通常猪身上的病毒高出3倍,说明病毒不可能来自于猪。只可能是病毒在传染到人身上时,先接触到了猪而已。在接受媒体的电话采访中,他表示:“只要我们搞清楚病毒究竟是从何而来,我们才会更加安全。我的研究结果已经得到了包括孟菲斯圣·朱迪儿童研究医院的科研人员里查德·维比(Richard J.Webby)博士等科学家的支持。  



1.2  Leonard G. Horowitz博士的分析   

Leonard G. Horowitz,DMD,文科硕士,公共卫生硕士,是在公共卫生,行为科学,,新出现病和生物恐怖主义重叠领域的国际知名权威。他在1977年获得塔夫茨大学牙科学院牙科医学博士学位,又获得美国罗切斯特大学行为科学博士后奖学金,获得哈佛大学公共卫生硕士学位,获得遵理学院健康教育文科硕士,在加入美国哈佛大学研究机构前, Horowitz博士已出名,因为他的畅销书,新出现病毒:艾滋病和埃博拉病毒,自然,事故或故意?Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? ( 纽约时报书评拒绝对此评论 )


The April, 2009 “outbreak” of the H1N1 “swine flu” is, like the 1976 Fort Dix and 1977 general “outbreaks,” highly suspicious according to genetic analysts and leading virologists. The rapid mutation rates of the novel agent circulating and feared as the 2009 “swine flu” strongly suggests a laboratory source, either intentionally or accidentally released.  


  可以肯定,2009墨西哥猪流感“爆发”, 发生在2009年四月中旬。首先在美国,两个不相干的孩子,生活在加利福尼亚州南部相互距离约100英里外,然后不久在墨西哥后人群中,谁没有接触过这两个孩子。预谋犯罪是最合理解释,特别是因为这种独特病毒拥有从禽流感, 猪流感, 西班牙,普通流感病毒而来的基因-史无前例在“自然选择健康科学历史上,所描述的物种演变。  

Thus, it is certain that when the Mexican Swine Flu 2009 “outbreak” occurred in mid April, 2009, first in the United States in two unrelated children living approximately 100 miles apart in southern California, then soon after in Mexico among people who had not been exposed to these two children, that foul play is a most reasonable explanation, especially since this unique virus held genes from avian, swine, Spanish, and regular flu strains—unprecedented in the history of “natural selection” health science addressing evolution of the species.  


忽视常识和理性分析关于2009H1N1流感爆发起源流行病学跟踪的严重犯罪疏忽;刻意回避大量证据,目前流行病毒突然出现,形迹可疑,不自然地,紧接着PNYC的垄断公司发放疫苗销售宣传。Gross criminal neglect of common sense and reasoned analysis regarding the epidemiological tracking of the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak’s origin; purposefully evading substantial evidence that the current pandemic virus appeared suddenly, suspiciously, unnaturally, and immediately following companies in the PNYC trust issuing vaccine sales propaganda.  

一个这样的威胁,可能的H1N1出血性肺炎病毒重组,已经出现在乌克兰,切尔诺贝利灾难发生在该国。北约超级力量充分参与生物和化学武器的研究发展。这次爆发时,这个国家是被预测组织一场生物武器释放,和百特公司提供H1N1病毒疫苗相关联。Joseph Moshe,以色列摩萨德特工,2009年8月11日做了这个预言,他的迫害和逮捕成为全国性新闻。

One such threat, a possible H1N1 hemorrhagic pneumonia recombinant, has emerged in the Ukraine, where the Chernobyl disaster occurred. The NATO superpower has fully engaged biological and chemical weapons research and development. This country was predicted to host a biological weapons release associated with H1N1 vaccines courtesy of the Baxter Corp around the time this outbreak occurred. Joseph Moshe, an Israeli Mossad agent, made this prediction on August 11, 2009, and his persecution and arrest made the national news.


昨晚8点,甲型H1N1流感疫苗生产用毒株NYMCX-179A运抵北京科兴生物制品有限公司,科研人员迅速激活毒株种子批制备工作,这标志着甲型H1N1疫苗的批量生产正式激活。此前,北京科兴成功生产出我国第一支甲型肝灭活疫苗、禽流感疫苗和SARS疫苗。当天下午1:40,自美国CDC发往北京的甲型H1N1流感疫苗生产用毒株NYMCX-179A”运抵首都国际机场。在国家应对甲型H1N1流感联防联控保障组、海关总署和国家质检总局等部门的协助下,毒株于20:00顺利送抵北京科兴。据了解,在疫情出现后,美国CDC迅速分离得到了毒株,并于4月16-17日将3株毒株发往了WHO 的联合实验室用于制备疫苗生产用毒株。位于美国纽约医学院(NYMC)的实验室在5月中旬完成了疫苗生产用毒种的制备,并将制备完成的毒株发往美国CDC 进行安全性评价。美国CDC在对这些毒株进行全面评价后,向各疫苗生产厂家分发。 (www.chinanews.com.cn中国新闻网2009年06月09日 09:14 来源:京华时报)

最关键致命的一点是中国制备疫苗所采用的毒株NYMCX-179A来自美国纽约医学院(NYMC)的实验室.美国非常非常可能在其中玩了两面阴谋.在美国制备疫苗所采用的毒株NYMCX-179A,是真正的NYMCX-179A.而运往中国的NYMCX-179A”是假的, 不是真正的NYMCX-179A,内含某种致命的病毒!!!

1.4 我国可以接种的甲流疫苗的安全系数有多高   

出镜主持:董倩  出镜专家:中国疾控中心流行病学的首席科学家曾光先生  








曾光:对。第二是什么?就是通过13000人的实验,是安全的。最后,中国现在已经大规模的接种了,几十万、上百万人群接种都是安全的,这个是最主要的因素。以上对话来自搜狐健康专题-新闻、视点类型 > 2009年10月29日09:37 来源:央视网

从上面对话可以看出公众对疫苗安全心存疑虑, 而中国疾控中心流行病学的首席科学家曾光对此回答老是什么觉得,觉得的, 可以看出,他对此也没有多少信心.若有信心,他完全可以说,没有100%,但有99.99%把握,用数字来说话.最后在主持人反复追问下,他硬着头皮说安全,可以注射.  


HIV/AIDS艾滋病急性感染期为8个星期.无症状感染期为6个月至10年以上,此期与健康人无明显区别. HIV前期才会出现明显症状.(<<中国艾滋病调查>>P230,高耀洁著,广西师范大学出版社,2005年5月第一版)此时距人体感染HIV已有8个月.

如果美国運往中国假的NYMCX-179A” 毒株,实际上是类似于HIV这样有8个月潜伏期的致命病毒, 四个多月的疫苗实验期是远远不够的.这就是问题关键所在.  

1.5 奥巴马的赤膊上阵  

美国为了让中国钻入精心设置的圈套, 奥巴马不惜赤膊上阵  

  1023日,世卫组织估计,全球已有大约5000人死于今年的甲型H1N1流感。就在同一天,美国疾控中心也估计,美国死于这种新流感的人数已经突破了1000人。美国总统奥巴马于这一天公告,宣布美国进入甲型H1N1流感全国紧急状态,公告发出后,争相注射甲型H1N1流感疫苗的场面出现在美国各大州。以上来自搜狐健康专题-新闻、视点类型 > 2009102909:37 来源:央视网   注意, 美国疾控中心也估计美国死于这种新流感的人数已经突破了1000,这条新闻中死亡数字非常非常可能是夸大的.2008年西藏3.14事件中CNN的拙劣表演,想必大家还没有忘记吧.  

 奥巴马两女儿接种甲流疫苗 大批美国人等待疫苗搜狐健康专题-新闻、视点类型(2009年10月29日09:16  来源:新华网)  

  然而与此同时另一个现实也骤然凸现在美国人的面前,那就是疫苗短缺。《纽约时报》的专栏作家苏姗多米尼斯曾在本月初就打电话给儿科医生,为儿子预约注射疫苗,然而被告知将需要等三周到一个月才能确定时间。以上来自搜狐健康专题-新闻、视点类型 > 2009102909:37 来源:央视网   

以上这一点完全可能是一个骗局.Evidencing this group's power, on October 16, 2009, a special gathering of CFR joined vaccine specialists and social engineers led by health media propagandist, Laurie Garrett, discussed the urgency of the vast majority rejecting vaccinations for H1N1. They articulated the need to use "shortage marketing" (i.e., fraudulently claiming vaccine shortages) to promote better public acceptance of the distrusted vaccines. Prior to this meeting, the nation's vaccine supplies were reported ample. After this meeting the media began administering shortage marketing, and hypnotizing the panicked public who lined up for their shots. (www.rense.com/Vaccine Victims Blamed For National Emergency
Smoking Guns Indict Murdoch's Media in Deadly Corruption  By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz)  

证明这一群体的力量,在091016日,外交关系委员会的一个特别聚会加入了疫苗专家们和健康媒体宣传家Laurie Garrett领导的社会工程师们,讨论了关于公众中大部分人拒绝H1N1疫苗接种的紧急情况。他们阐明了需要使用短缺市场(即欺骗性声称疫苗短缺),以更好的促进公众接受已不被信任疫苗。在这次会议之前,国家疫苗供应被报告是充足。在这次会议后,媒体开始说市场疫苗短缺,被催眠的恐慌市民排队来注射疫苗。

1.6 做给中国人看  

这一切非常可能是奥巴马背后的实际控制集团做给中国人看的,中国人非常可能是上当受骗了.昨天(11月16日)是北京户籍居民免费接种甲型H1N1流感疫苗的第一天,截至昨天(11月16日)下午4时许,全市402个指定疫苗接种点共为9000余人接种此疫苗。多个接种点透露,首日接种者多数为老年人。搜弧健康频道 > 新闻 > 新闻快报京籍居民免费接种甲流感疫苗 首日万人打疫苗2009年11月17日08:38 来源:人民网 作者:李秋萌  




2.1  美国的犹太属性  

有这么一句话,美国控制全世界, 犹太人控制美国. 这句话有点夸张,但也说出了相当部分实情。曾经有一句经典的话形容二十世纪二战前的美国情况“民主党是属于摩根家族的,而共和党是属于洛克菲勒家族的……”其实在这句话后面还应该跟一句“而洛克菲勒和摩根,都曾经是属于罗斯柴尔德的!” 这句话并没有过时,2009春季,中央电视台2台<<对话>>中主持人与法国的大卫. 罗斯柴尔德谈话时提到,在美国政界如果同时接到白宫总统和罗斯柴尔德家族的请帖,许多人选择后者.

犹太人的势力之大超出一般中国人的想象. 物理学界 艾伯特·爱因斯坦  氢弹设计者 惠勒 犹太人医学里程碑:牛痘接种针: 本杰明·鲁本 小儿麻痹症疫苗: 约拿斯·索尔克 犹太人  白血病药剂 格特鲁德·埃利翁  乙肝药剂 巴鲁·布鲁伯格 梅毒药剂 保罗·以利克  财政金融经济界就有,花旗前CEO桑迪.韦尔;AIG的格荣博格; 星巴克咖啡 霍华德·斯卡兹  GOOGLE谷歌 谢尔盖·布林  DELL戴尔电脑 迈克尔·戴尔美联储三任主席,沃伯格,格林斯潘,现任伯南克;现任财政部长盖特那;经济学家Samulson,此公<<经济学>>已出至第16版.IT有INTEL的前CEO Andrew S. Grove, Microsoft 的CEO鲍尔默;电影行业有米高梅,华纳;新闻及媒体行业有《纽约时报》,<<华盛顿邮报>>;政界有基辛格, 耶鲁大学校长理查德·莱文艾;马德琳奥尔布赖特 克林顿任期国务卿  卡斯珀·温伯格 里根任期美国防部长;世界军工巨头英国的罗.罗,美国的诺思诺普格鲁曼(F22即由该公司生产)非常有可能掌握在犹太人手中. 80年代初,我国一金融代表团访问美国时,曾问当时的美联储主席沃尔克,你们的汇率政策要不要向里根总统汇报批准?沃尔克非常生气说,为什么我向他汇报?而不是他向我汇报?

谁多人看了宋鸿宾先生的<<货币战争>>,首先对他的辉煌巨作表示最真挚的致敬,同时还对他的作品增加一些补充.掌握了美国军工及媒体及石油的犹太人集团联合金融行业巨头再拉拢有时腐蚀(甚至采用极端手段,犯下… ,比如…,在中国这叫投名状,以便形成巩固同盟)一批WASP(白种盎格鲁撒克逊新教徒),老布什,小布什都有可能已被拖下水,共同主导美国,再通过美国联合欧洲统治全球.


犹太人为什么这么聪明, 这么阴险狡诈,这都是世界逼的;公元前开始,因为他们文化程度较高,不拜偶像,只敬拜独一真神上帝(一般认为一神教较多神教更高级),遭致许多人嫉恨,先后被埃及人,巴格达之王尼布甲尼撒, 亚叙人(今天的叙利亚人),波斯人(今天伊郎人),罗马人征服屠杀,耶路撒冷圣殿被毁;后散至中东欧洲各地,又备受歧视;可以这么说,如果其他民族遭受这么多劫难,非常可能就消亡于历史长河之中,他们能保存下来,并于1945年复国,历史奇迹,这一切归功于他们敬拜独一真神上帝.写到这里,我们对犹太人又有一点同情了.

说句实话,我们内心也并不十分“纯洁”,换了我们是犹太人, 我们也可能这样做,但现在我们是生死大博弈的对手,但若干年后,我们和犹太人也有可能一起合作,这就是又竞争又合作的世界,这就是人性!!!

 INTEL的前CEO Andrew S. Grove说“只有偏执狂才能生存”,这句话非常深刻地反映了犹太人内心深处的信念。




第一属性 希腊的演绎和归纳逻辑推理思维传统, 什么都要搞个清清楚楚明明白白,这产生了天文学数学物理等现代科学;

中国人只有归纳逻辑推理思维传统,有优点,比如我们的《易经》道德经 庄子所充分表达的道家思想,是中华文明思想核心中的核心,它主要就是归纳逻辑推理思维。这种思维易产生差不多,大概,可能等模糊性结果。这是我们不足的地方,要认认真真学习.

第二属性  建立在犹太教旧约基础上的基督教。经过马丁.路德改革后的新教,相比于佛教,它是一个非常积极入世的宗教.并且它不回避战争.比如新约中有“那美好的仗我也打了;当跑的路,我也跑了”;奥古斯丁(Augustine, 354-430)是基督教最重要的神学家之一,他专门写过《正义战争论》。

第三属性  崇尚古罗马那种权力受制约的古典政体,崇尚古罗马式的强壮身体(西方许多男人留胡须,表示自己身体强壮,相反中国许多领导人把胡须剃的干干净净),崇尚古罗马的尚武传统。这是我们不足的地方,要认认真真学习.凯撒可能说过这样一句话“我来了,我看见,我征服”。现在的美国NBA及全世界对抗性最强的橄榄球比赛最充分说明了这一点。

第四属性  居住在地球的更高纬度地区,相比低纬度地区居住人口,气候更寒冷,吃肉更多,体型更高大健状,性格更凶猛强悍。







第二 达尔文的进化论。物种生存竞争,适者生存。  

第三 尼采的超人学说。鼓吹权力意志,强者淘汰消灭弱者。  





2.3  1949-2004美国的对华政策  


2.4  2005-2009美国的对华政策  




2005年7月14日,国防大学防务学院院长、教授朱成虎少将(朱德外孙)在香港和一批外国记者交谈。交谈中,朱成虎少将表示,假如美国军队干预台湾海峡冲 突、并对中国进行军事打击,中国将对美国动用核武器。 朱成虎少将还说,中国方面为此准备西安以东的城市全部被毁灭。而美国也要准备好几百座城市被中国毁灭。中国对美国一向是忍LU负重,拼命讨好,中国一定是没有退路,才说出这种狠话。  


2005年11月,美国国家首都规划委员会批准共产主义受难者纪念碑Victims of Communism Memorial)设计,2007年6月12日落成,美国总统乔治·W·布什在落成典礼上发表讲话。






2009年春,发生南海“无懈号”事件,美国情报总监布莱尔向国会表示这是自2001年美国EP-3侦察机与中国战机擦撞以来,最严重的事件。2009夏,南海周边国家动作频频, 内勾外联一致对华。



中国网12月12日讯 法新社消息,奥巴马当地时间12月1日晚8点(北京时间11月2日上午9点)在美国著名的西点军校发表演讲,宣布美国将向阿富汗增派3万士兵,同时表示增兵计划事关美国“至关重要的国家利益”。





综合以上四个方面,2009美国对中国已失去耐心,利用中国内部高房价,腐败,民族等问题,外部再施压,已进入最后摊牌时刻。它的目的就是希望中国象前苏联那样解体,让中国彻底崩溃, 崩溃,崩溃!!!分裂成台湾,西藏,新疆,等好几快,挑起民族矛盾,贫富矛盾,官民矛盾,让你们内部去打,去斗,死个几百上千万的人,象今天的伊拉克一样。再扶持几个傀儡,成为美国的经济政治军事殖民地。最后,犹太人以美国本土加海外基地加中国的军事基地,和欧洲白人尤其是德国人及俄罗斯人谈判,我们犹太人虽然害过德国人及俄罗斯人,但你们也害过我们,现在过去的事就过去了,扯平了,我们两家共同统治地球,这就是犹太人的全球终极战略,一切的一切皆服从这个全球终极战略。  



2.6 美国完全有这个意图实施这场大骗局  







2008年初看了一些文章,特别是2009年6月仔细研究了Leonard G. Horowitz博士和美国Dr. Boyd Graves博士的文章,判断这不时开玩笑,而非常非常可能是真的。  

3.1 HIV/AIDS系人造病毒  


AIDS is undoubtedly “man-made.” We can now assert this “very apparent iatrogenic origin,” versus the “theoretic iatrogenic origin” of HIV/AIDS because of the rapidly increasing, now substantial, scientific support for this conclusion. Currently, international scientific consensus among leading investigators in this field, many of whose works and words are excerpted below, holds that HIV/AIDS originated from one or more extraordinary man-made, not natural, events dating back to the early to mid-1970s. Especially implicated in initiating the AIDS pandemic, according to many scientists and scholars, was the hepatitis B vaccine as detailed in the following pages.

Leonard G. Horowitz博士说:艾滋病无疑是“人为的。”我们现在可以断言艾滋病毒的“非常明显的医源性来源”而不是“医源性起源理论”,因为迅速增加的,现在实质性的科学的支持这一结论。目前,在这一领域国际领先科学调查人员之间的共识,其中许多人的作品和文字摘录如下,认为艾滋病毒/艾滋病起源于一个或多个特殊人为的,不是自然的事件,可追溯到70年代中期。特别是艾滋病流行起因表明,据许多科学家和学者,是B型肝炎疫苗,详情载于以下页面。 Leonard G. Horowitz博士身份介绍见1.2,文章详见附录1Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the “Man-Made” Origin of HIV/AIDS

 3.1.2 时间,地点,人物,过程  

美国在1962-1978启动了一个《Special Virus Cancer Program》(特殊癌症病毒项目),以便达到干掉特定人群的目的。

地点:Fort Detrick, Maryland 德瑞克堡,马里兰州,美国军方医学研究中心,细菌战剂在这里研究,美国的NCI(NATIONAL CANCER  INSTITUTE,国家癌症研究院)在此设有基地。

人物:项目同意者(Kissinger基辛格 )项目管理者 Litton’s president, Roy Ash,利顿的医疗子公司Bionetics还为癌症研究和生物武器的发展,疫苗生产提供黑猩猩,猴子,猴子病毒,灵长类动物的细胞株。具体实施者 NCI项目主任 Robert Gallo博士(随后的白血病病毒HTLV-1,2(白血病病毒)和HIV - 1(艾滋病病毒)发现者)
将白血病(leukemia),淋巴瘤(lymphoma),及肉瘤病毒(sarcoma viruses)及乙型肝炎病毒HB,合成一种新病毒,首先在低等动物及黑猩猩上做实验,不断改进,使其性能提升,最后在非洲黑人和纽约的同性恋人身上以乙型肝炎病毒疫苗的名义做实验,最终传播到全球。  


3.1.3  Dr. Boyd Graves博士的致命证据  

The flowchart, discovered in 1999, from page 61 of the Progress Report #8 (1971) of the Special Virus Program of the United States of America.   Special Virus Cancer Program特殊癌症病毒项目流程图1999年被发现。用GOOGLE 搜索AIDS is MURDER!可见flowchart。这一点非常非常重要!!!  

In January, the U.S. had no response to my two page abstract submitted to the African American AIDS 2000 conference. In February, the U.S. Congress had no response to the 3000 Americans who signed signature petitions calling for immediate review of the flowchart and progress reports of the secret virus development program. We firmly believe once the dust settles from the current election marathon, reviewing the special virus program will be the single most important pursuit of the 21st Century.  


The SVCP was speciously investigated in 2002 by the United States General Accounting Office (GAO-02-809R Origin of AIDS Virus), that concluded its fraudulent study in June 17, 2002. The investigation was forced by persecuted, and later incarcerated, Honorable Ohio Congressman, James A. Traficant, Jr. Mr. Traficant has decried his persecution by a “Jewish conspiracy” with intimate ties to Israel and intelligence organizations that adequately describes the defendants in this case.  

The SVCP是在2002年由美国审计总署(GAO - 02 - 809R艾滋病病毒的起源)似是而非调查,完成了欺性研究在2002年6月17日。调查由受迫害,后来被监禁,尊敬的俄亥俄州众议员James A. Trafican推动,小非肯特先生谴责了一个“犹太人的阴谋,并与以色列和情报机构之间血肉联系”,这充分说明在这方面他的迫害,在案例。  



-Professor Garth Nicolson, Institute for Molecular Medicine February 12, 2001  

“正如你,我相信的HIV - 1是化验室创造。”

Dr. Boyd Graves' research into the origin of the virus that causes AIDS, HIV, is important.  His efforts have led to the discovery of a flowchart, created by the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP), that clearly shows that the research efforts of moving leukemia, lymphoma, and sarcoma viruses from lower species into primate and human cells in a 15 year period (1962-1978) was not accidental.  Indeed, the flowchart reveals the systematic plan to examine many of these agents in the context of how, specifically, these agents would affect human immunology . . .Graves' research into the funding of the project, Piano laws associated with the project, and his dogged pursuit of answers from authorities in the field and their associated Piano agencies is unparalleled.  His legal actions to bring this matter to a head are important in that it will only be through legal means and subsequent Congressional review that this information will see the light of day. . . In this regard, then, Dr. Graves' efforts are at the core of finding the true origin of this global pandemic.

Robert E. Lee, M.S., M.S.W., L.C.S.W. March 12, 2001; Author: AIDS: An Explosion of the Biological Time-Bomb  

-Dr. Bruce W. Halstead M.D. Director World Life Research Institute February 22, 2001  

Boyd Graves'博士对导致艾滋病,艾滋病毒的病毒起源研究,是重要的。他的努力导致流程图发现,特别病毒癌计划(SVCP),这清楚地表明了将白血病,淋巴瘤,肉瘤病毒从低等动物移动到灵长类和人类的细胞中15年期间(1962至78年)的研究工作,并不是偶然的。事实上,流程图显示了系统的计划,审查这些病毒如何,特别是,这些病毒如何影响人类免疫 。Graves对项目的资金研究,Piano法律与该项目有关,他顽强追求答案,从该领域权威以及他们和Piano项目的联系,是无可比拟的。他的法律行动,使这件事浮出水面是重要的,因为它只能通过法律手段和随后的国会审查,此信息将看到曙光。在这方面,那么,Graves博士的努力是寻求这一全球性流行病真正来源的核心。  

State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS, the new book by author Boyd Ed Graves, relays his trials and tribulations as the lead plaintiff for the people against the forces that wield global genocide. Lawyer Graves is the lead investigator of the “Special Virus Cancer Program” flow chart. . . Give support and attention to these history making efforts.”   

-Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, author of "Emerging Viruses AIDS & Ebola Nature, Accident or Intentional?" 12.17.2000  

Dr. Boyd Graves博士的详细文章用GOOGLE 搜索。  

3.1.4  各方反应及结果  

有一些人为了迷惑公众抛出了以下五种观点,Leonard G. Horowitz博士驳斥了这些种观点。

This may come as a surprise, or even quite a shock, to most people since the mainstream media and most respected medical journals have yet to herald the following knowledge. As a result most “authorities” still issue false and misleading claims such as: 1) “the HB vaccine theory of HIV/AIDS origination has been discussed, debated, and dismissed by an overwhelming majority of the HIV/AIDS research community;” 2) “People who claim that AIDS was man-made provide false information and hearsay;” 3) “It is sad that public attention and resources are diverted to attend to such unscientific dribble;” 4) “Man-made origin of AIDS vaccine proponents do severe damage to the public health community and vaccination efforts;” and 5) “Those that advance man-made theories of AIDS have financial motives,” as though there were no financial interests on the other side of the debate.

还有一些人为了迷惑公众,抛出了HIV起源于1931,1959年被人发现,以便避开特别病毒癌症计划(SVCP)的启动年,1962。Leonard G. Horowitz博士驳斥了这种观点。  

In the interest of facilitating progress on this issue, much publicity has been given to the notion that HIV was discovered in a 1959 blood sample from Leopoldville, Zaire;9 and that scientific consensus holds 1931 as the approximate date of HIV origination.7 These superstitions have led to common, yet false, declarations that HIV/AIDS originated well before the polio vaccination era and the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) that much evidence below links to the “punctuated origin” of AIDS.   

特别有关的,在下列事实反映,是由已故的处理世界卫生组织(WHO)的艾滋病沙皇医生乔纳森曼,他的生命结束于不幸的飞往欧洲艾滋病会议111途中。 “超过一个医疗科学问题,”曼恩博士智慧说,“艾滋病是一个社会政治强加于人。”

Especially relevant, when reflecting on the following facts, is the wisdom addressed by the late World Health Organization (WHO) AIDS czar, Dr. Jonathan Mann, whose life ended tragically on Flight 111 enroute to a European AIDS conference. “More than a medical scientific problem,” Dr. Mann said, “AIDS is a sociopolitical imposition.”


3.2  完全有能力搞出更多更先进的病毒  


3.3  美国社会的上层结构  

  美国社会的上层,以犹太势力为首的利益集团联合一部分WASP(白种盎格鲁撒克逊新教徒)控制了制药行业,基因行业,新闻,金融,监管,CIA,政府,军工巨头,智库以及美国总统;他们内部形成盘根错接的关系网。详见前文分析,及《AFFIDAVIT OF LEONARD G. HOROWITZ》《Vaccine Victims Blamed For National Emergency》   《Why you can't get swine-flu vaccine》文章  

3.4 综合以上3点,美国完全有这个能力实施这场大骗局.  

3.5  HIV/AIDS9.11事件  

 HIV/AIDS系人造病毒的证据,特别是Special Virus Cancer Program(特殊癌症病毒项目)的flowchart流程图爆光,引起越来越多的科学家及公众关住此此事,引起美国上层内心惊恐不安。这非常可能是9.11事件的真正主要原因或主要原因之一;这样一来, 公众的注意力就转移到恐怖组织身上去了。


4.1 中国官员及学术水平低下  




本文中的中国疾控中心流行病学的首席科学家曾光先生,对甲流疫苗这样重要的大事,总用觉得,觉得的, 可以看出,他对此也没有多少信心,他也没有多少水平,是一个平庸无能的酒瓤饭袋。即使中国没有先进的设备,但只要有高度的事业心,认认真真研究一下前文说的(印度尼西亚卫生部长出了一本书,说禽流感是美国搞的基因战争,美国对此大为LAO火,后来还收回了此书)这件事,再认认真真仔仔细细研究一下Leonard G. Horowitz博士文章Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the “Man-Made” Origin of HIV/AIDS 》及Dr. Boyd Graves博士的致命证据Special Virus Cancer Program(特殊癌症病毒项目)的Flowchart流程图,就不难发现其中有鬼。  



4.2 实验设备差  


4.3  对中国影响,渗透,收买  



4. 4  还有一个理由  



综合以上,再次强调H1N1非常可能是一场针对中国的世纪大骗局。写到这里,真希望这一切都只是一种假设,可种种迹象表明,再用用你的LOGIC逻辑思维想一想, 这一切不能说100%,但有80%可能性!!!写到这里,我们眼中饱含泪水,祖国在危机中!!!!!!

应对措施 HOW CAN WE DO  


“今年,中国甲型H1N1流感的死亡率,应该没有超过历年流感死亡率。” 北京协和医学院公共卫生学院院长黄建始说,“现在还没有任何证据支持,说今年的流感给人们带来了更大的威胁。”( http://news.sina.com.cn/h/2009-11-30/133519157141.shtml)  

来自沈阳的甲流报告:重症甲流患儿全属于瘦弱型 (来源:中国网 作者:唐葵阳 2009年12月01日12:05)


卫生部25日发布疫情通报称:上周(十一月十六日至二十二日),内地三十一个省份报告甲型H1N1流感确诊病例九千七百三十三例,住院治疗三千一百零一例,死亡五十一人。(据人民网北京11月25日电)让我们来计算一下死亡率,约为0.5%(这其中可能包括一些基础病患者,平时就有一些重大疾病);考虑到许多人没有去报告, 身体有点不舒服,过一二天就好了,对健康人而言, 死亡率不会超过0.1%,甚至有可能低至0.01%,也就是说一万人得了甲型H1N1流感,只有1个人会死亡,这种概率太低了。









Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the “Man-Made” Origin of HIV/AIDS

by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

This article regards a matter of global urgency transcending better known AIDS threats. It describes a universal challenge posed by ever increasing numbers of plagues predicted to depopulate at least half of the world’s current human inhabitants within two generations. This documented science virtually proves, through the process of elimination and a review of the most updated evidence, the origin of HIV/AIDS as an iatrogenic (i.e., man-made) outcome of specific vaccination experiments.

Considered reflection on this AIDS science, along with the sociopolitical correlates and antecedents of this current catastrophe, reveals the likelihood that myriad other immune
dysfunctions, autoimmune diseases, and cancers, including leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas, and other ailments linked to viral infections, have resulted from previously engineered microbes that have by accident or intent found their way from cancer virus laboratories into humanity’s bloodstream by way of the most trusted public health preventative—vaccinations.

If what you are about to read is true, and each point is precisely stated and meticulously documented, beyond extensive depopulation, humanity’s very survival may hinge on this recognition, its implications, and our considered response. Especially relevant, when reflecting on the following facts, is the wisdom addressed by the late World Health Organization (WHO) AIDS czar, Dr. Jonathan Mann, whose life ended tragically on Flight 111 enroute to a European AIDS conference. “More than a medical scientific problem,” Dr. Mann said, “AIDS is a sociopolitical imposition.”

Background  背景

AIDS is undoubtedly “man-made.” We can now assert this “very apparent iatrogenic origin,” versus the “theoretic iatrogenic origin” of HIV/AIDS because of the rapidly increasing, now substantial, scientific support for this conclusion. Currently, international scientific consensus among leading investigators in this field, many of whose works and words are excerpted below, holds that HIV/AIDS originated from one or more extraordinary man-made, not natural, events dating back to the early to mid-1970s. Especially implicated in initiating the AIDS pandemic, according to many scientists and scholars, was the hepatitis B vaccine as detailed in the following pages.

  This may come as a surprise, or even quite a shock, to most people since the mainstream media and most respected medical journals have yet to herald the following knowledge. As a result most “authorities” still issue false and misleading claims such as: 1) “the HB vaccine theory of HIV/AIDS origination has been discussed, debated, and dismissed by an overwhelming majority of the HIV/AIDS research community;” 2) “People who claim that AIDS was man-made provide false information and hearsay;” 3) “It is sad that public attention and resources are diverted to attend to such unscientific dribble;” 4) “Man-made origin of AIDS vaccine proponents do severe damage to the public health community and vaccination efforts;” and 5) “Those that advance man-made theories of AIDS have financial motives,” as though there were no financial interests on the other side of the debate.


As a pro bono consultant contacted recently by Amnesty International (AI) members who desired to advance a resolution for the global organization to investigate this HB vaccine thesis, I was appalled by the amount of resistance and politicking performed by members of AI’s so-called “HIV/AIDS Task Force” which sought $1 billion of relief for human rights violations associated with HIV/AIDS from the U.S. Government. These funds, the Task Force reported, were urgently needed to buy drug–cocktails for persons with HIV/AIDS. Each of the five claims cited above were issued by members of this Task Force completely ignorant of the following science. 


With regard to the first offensive claim, as the sole author of “Polio, hepatitis B and AIDS: an integrative theory on a possible vaccine induced pandemic” published by Harcourt Publishers, Ltd. of London in the esteemed international journal of Medical Hypothesis,2 this well-focused thesis has never been “discussed, debated,” nor “dismissed” by any consensus in any official capacity. Although Black Americans have been polled regarding the origin of HIV/AIDS being man-made,3 there has never been a published polling of the scientific community in this regard, and certainly not one regarding the HB hypothesis advanced below.


HIV/AIDS Origin Misconceptions Versus Science    

  Opponents of iatrogenic (or “man-made”) theories of AIDS have routinely confused hearsay and sporadic media propaganda with hard science, such as that “discussed, debated” and not “dismissed” recently at the Royal Society of London’s inquiry into the origin of this pandemic. They exclusively focused on the theory that contaminated polio vaccines triggered the HIV/AIDS pandemic.4 These proceedings were published in 2001. Quotes relevant to reasoned consideration of this unique/yet-to-be-tested hepatitis B vaccine theory of HIV/AIDS follow. These statements were made by featured presenters, all recognized leaders in this multidisciplinary field discussing the polio vaccine theory of AIDS origination. The first of these quotes is especially relevant to
proposed investigations: 

 “There should be an investigation by an international committee mostly composed of non-medical people concerning how a rather obvious and plausible theory [of AIDS’s origin from contaminated vaccines] came to be scorned and restricted from publication for so long, especially when important consequences regarding mankind’s worst epidemic, and even more important consequences for other possibly even worse that may be following, hang in the balance. As a corollary it should be studied why the hypothesis had to be promoted mainly by outsiders to science and medicine. The ressures towards investigation (and non-investigation) that emanate from huge drug companies and their influence in slanting research in subtle ways should also be examined, as should the role of journals and peer review in potentially obstructing publications of controversial kinds.” W.D. Hamilton,5 quoted by Julian Cribb in “The origin of acquired immune deficiency syndrome: can science afford to ignore it?” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (2001) 356:935-938.


“Faced with the terrible burden of AIDS, stories that HIV was introduced into Africa from the West by an accident such as OPV [oral polio vaccine] or intentionally by the USA Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have gained widespread credence. . . . Nevertheless, because natural transmission repeatedly occurs, albeit on rare occasions, does not mean that contamination of a vaccine could not have been the route on another occasion. As with other infections, e.g., hepatitis B virus,natural and iatrogenic transmissions of retroviruses are not mutually exclusive.” Weiss, RA6


Despite studies that have advanced evidence suggesting an earlier than 1970 origin of HIV/AIDS,7-9 “[t]he fact that there were ten or so synchronous but distinguishable African epidemics is a definitive feature of AIDS for which the natural transfer theory [e.g., the “cut hunter transfer”] gives no convincing account. . . . To summarize these findings regarding the relatively large number of distinct group M subtypes: no set of likely natural conditions . . . will adequately simulate so many as ten distinguishable subtypes in a complex star-like configuration . . . . [T]he onus is upon the supporters of the natural [not iatrogenic] theory to account for the unexpectedly large number of HIV-1 subtypes. Exponential growth of the epidemic(s) is not by itself a satisfactory explanation (Hahn et al. 2000). . . . The likeliest source of the multiple subtypes and the synchronization of their conspicuous diversification is a punctuated origin [i.e., an iatrogenic event]. . . . [I]t is not far-fetched to imagine the ten or so clades deriving from a single animal (perhaps immunosuppressed and possessing a swarm of variants) [as might have been the case with chimpanzees used in the process of vaccine manufacture] or from a few animals that might have belonged to a single troop or might have been gang-caged together. The number of animals required is secondary to the extent of variation in the source at the time of the zoonotic [i.e., transfer of the virus between species] or iatrogenic event. The [vaccine] hypothesis makes a case for such a punctuated origin . . .” Myers G, et al. 10

“We conclude that SIV cannot become a zoonosis, but requires adaptive mutations to become HIV. Some modern event must have aided in the transition of SIV to HIV. Our research indicates that serial passage of partially adapted SIV between humans could produce the series of cumulative mutations sufficient for the emergence of epidemic HIV strains . . . We conclude that increased unsterile injecting in Africa during the period 1950-1970 provided the agent for SIV human infections to emerge as epidemic HIV in the modern era.” Drucker E, et al.11

I might interject at this point that this conclusion by Drucker et al, although seriously undermining natural evolution theorists, reflects a myopic arrogance unbecoming to their otherwise reasonable hypothesis. Their conclusion neglects the risks inherent in the hepatitis B vaccine manufacturing and testing process as detailed below consistent with the analyses of Myers et al.10 Obviously, all of the above authoritative statements contradict “common knowledge.” The consensus of scientists at this historic British AIDS origin conference favored additional investigations into possible iatrogenic sources of the HIVs.

The 1959 HIV Sequence Discovery 

In the interest of facilitating progress on this issue, much publicity has been given to the notion that HIV was discovered in a 1959 blood sample from Leopoldville, Zaire;9 and that scientific consensus holds 1931 as the approximate date of HIV origination.7 These superstitions have led to common, yet false, declarations that HIV/AIDS originated well before the polio vaccination era and the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) that much evidence below links to the “punctuated origin” of AIDS.


For the record, according to the authors of the 1959 discovery, they never found, nor alleged to have found, HIV, or anything like a full virus. According to these authors, even “attempts to amplify HIV-1 fragments of >300 base pairs (bp) were unsuccessful, . . . However, after numerous attempts, four shorter sequences were obtained” that only represented small portions of two of the six genes of the complete AIDS virus.9

This is why Gao et al, referred to the 1959 sequences as “the oldest trace of the AIDS pandemic . . . although the precise timing and circumstance of early events in the SIVcpz/HIV-1 zoonosis remain obscure.”22 [Editor’s note for the lay reader, “SIVcpz” is short for “simian immunodeficiency virus from the chimpanzee.” This is know to be the closest viral relative to the human AIDS virus, HIV-1.]


Unfortunately, regarding the 1959 sequences, Zhu et al., left much room for misinterpretation if not wild speculation by stating that given the “‘starburst phylogeny,’ HIV-1 was probably introduced into humans shortly before that time frame, about a decade or two earlier than previously estimated. . . .” 10 (Emphasis added.) They speculated the zoonosis might have occurred “considerably earlier than the late 1940s.” Obviously, this account is irrelevant to “the extraordinary synchrony in the 1970s of ten or more distinguishable epidemics” discovered by Myers et al. 10 Therefore, this later group of researchers concluded that, with the exception of the 1959 sequences suggesting viral ancestry, “Clinical, serological and molecular retrospective studies have all failed to produce any evidence of AIDS or HIV prior to the 1970s.” 10 (Emphasis added.) As Myers et al., had initially advanced, the early to mid-1970s “Big Bang” origin of HIV/AIDS is further supported by most recent scientific evidence.10


As if repeating false assumptions would alter historic and scientific facts, many contemporary investigators, like those representing AI’s HIV/AIDS Task Force, continue to imply the SIV to HIV zoonosis occurred on or before 1959. Many natural evolution theory evangelists continue to cite the now disproven “cut hunter” theory to explain the origin of the pandemic.8,22 Reflecting on Zhu et al’s position, however, they simply concluded that the major-group viruses that dominate the global AIDS pandemic at present shared a common ancestor in the 1940s or the early 1950s. However, given confounding factors, including the likelihood of viral gene recombination during the manufacture and testing of the HB vaccine, like Korber et al.’s speculation discussed in the next section, the 1959 “isolate” may hold little, if any, relevance in determining the origin of HIV/AIDS. 10

Suffice it to say, no one has ever found a virus predating the SVCP and the late 1970s.11 At best they found fragments of what may have been the complete virus, but more likely pieces of a progenitor virus they called “a common ancestor” that dated back to “the 1940s or the early 1950s.” These and other portions of this “common ancestor” may have existed for centuries if not millennia. Again, this evidence is rrelevant when considering the 1970s “punctuated [iatrogenic] event” recently determined to be undisputable scientific fact.

More importantly, as Zhu and Ho et al., concluded, “the role of large-scale vaccination campaigns, perhaps with multiple uses of non-sterilized needles, should be carefully examined, . . .” as contributing to the sudden emergence of HIV/AIDS in North America and Africa simultaneously during the late 1970s.9,11

The 1931 AIDS Origin Assumption and Viral Recombination  

Regarding the 1931 estimated date of HIV’s origin advanced by Korber et al.7 (i.e., “somewhere between 1910 and 1950”), a critical examination of these authors’ methods reveals problems. Largely speculative due to their use of a confounding-factor-liable computer model, Korber and colleagues noted their limitations. They stated their finding(s) regarding the 1931 genetic projection, that precludes various vaccine-induced pandemic theories, might be wrong if viral recombination(s) had occurred. They most certainly did in the evolutionary process of SIV to HIV according to most cientists.10,13 Yet, despite these facts, iatrogenic theory opponents who have secured a gross burden of proof” advantage in the AIDS origin debate,20 repeatedly reference this group’s work, along with the frequently misrepresented work of Zhu, et al.9 concerning the 1959 sequence discovery.22

Again, the “punctuated origin” of HIV/AIDS determined by Myers et al., can only explain the nearly simultaneous emergence of ten separate, though related, AIDS epidemics in Africa during the early 1970s, that were well established by 1976.10


Lending further credence to the theory that early hepatitis B vaccine trials provided the “punctuated event,” Korber et al wrote of anticipated errors in their 1931 determination using linear or recombinant evolutionary models due to “unnatural” or iatrogenic events inciting viral recombination. They wrote , “If there was a concentration of such recombinants during just one period of sampling, the effect on the timing estimate would be unpredictable.” 7

Thus, if the “punctuated origin event” advanced by Myers et al,10 had been the passage of HB virus from polio vaccinated humans to chimpanzees then back to humans, with the additional risk of recombination from pooling hundreds of infected serum samples prior to additional viral recombinant transfers via the HB vaccines given to human subjects in New York City and sub-Saharan Africa, then this might best explain the origin of HIV/AIDS and render Korber et al’s 1931 projection inconsequential. As detailed in the next section, this is precisely the thesis advanced by Horowitz.2,13

In summary, the determinations reached by Korber et al.,7 and Ho et al.,9 of possible dates for the origin of HIV-1, 1931 and 1959 respectively, have been adequately clarified elsewhere.10 “The authors themselves acknowledge, the super-computer-based study cannot tell whether this hypothetical 1930 virus was in humans or animals and so do not show when zoonosis occurred.” 7,10

Myers et al. further qualified: “If PIV [primate immunodeficiency virus] was in humans in the first half of the 20th century, it may be estimated, given the assumptions of the look-back analysis, that the ancestral HIV-1 group M virus arose at 1930 plus or minus 20 years.” Conversely, if PIV was not in humans in the first half of the 20th century, then the Korber et al analysis holds little, if any, value in-so-far-as determining a date or origin of the HIVs and AIDS. 7,10

The Earliest Hepatitis B Vaccines and The Origin of AIDS  

If early polio vaccines had not triggered the origin of HIV/AIDS as scientific consensus now holds,6 then some other, chimpanzee-related, “iatrogenic event” must be available to explain the staggering array of deadly recombinants that were proven by Myers et al to have arisen virtually simultaneously during the early to mid-1970s.10,21 In this regard, even more neglected, and perhaps more relevant than the OPV theory of AIDS, is the hepatitis B (HB) vaccine hypothesis.2,13,23

According to scientific records,2 African chimpanzees were used in the manufacture of the HB vaccines during the early 1970s. Additional documents prove that human HB viruses cultured in vivo in chimpanzees were returned to humans whose infected blood serum was then pooled to develop four different strains of experimental HB vaccine pilot tested between 1970 and 1975 in New York City and central Africa. This HB vaccine theory of HIV zoonosis proposes that endogenous, or more likely exogenous, progenitor viruses were activated24 when serially transmitted from humans to chimpanzees, then back to humans. Subsequently, pooled blood serum containing HB surface antigen and/or live virions, a milieu ripe for viral recombination, was used to develop the four suspected vaccines administered to New York’s gay population and simultaneously to sub-Saharan Africans. Besides the phylogenetic evidence cited above, epidemiological evidence also supports this HB vaccine theory of HIV/AIDS origination.


Figure 1 is derived from Higginson and Muir’s report on cancer studies conducted by the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI).25 Figure 2 derives from this data superimposed on a map of HIV-1 seroprevalence in Africa reported by the U.S. Department of Commerce in a publication discussing desirable depopulation associated with HIV/AIDS.26 Additional evidence here was supplied in the chronology of the early hepatitis B vaccine trials compiled by Goodfield. 27 The two maps, juxaposed, show a striking correlation between hepatitis B vaccine and liver cancer experiments conducted in Africa during the early 1970s, and the countries in central and southern Africa with the high est HIV-1 seroprevalence rates by 1994. The black squares indicate areas participating in the HB cancer virus research and vaccine trials.


It should also be noted that Mozambique has one of the highest rates of HIV-2, which was allegedly discovered by Essex et al.,28 in Senegalese female prostitutes years after the African hepatitis B vaccination pilot studies began. Due to their state-authorized employment and high risk for infection, Senegalese female prostitutes were required to receive hepatitis B vaccinations for relicensure. That Essex et al. found SIVagm, a documented vaccine contaminant, in the blood of these human subject, is additionally compelling evidence in support of the HB vaccine AIDS origination theory.29


In brief, a well documented, theoretically viable, and generally neglected evolutionary route of SIVagm to HIV-1 zoonosis sequentially involves: 2,30 3) Human derived HB viruses, and potentially activated retroviral sequences, were then transferred to chimpanzees, then back again to humans in NYC and central Africa during the development and testing of four genetically altered subtypes of the pre-1975 experimental HB vaccine.32,33 HIV-1 progenitor contamination, recombination, and/or transmission risks were likely increased during this process by: a) human incubation for more than a decade of polio vaccine contaminants and recombinants including SV40, SFR, and possibly SIVagm; b) the pooling of infected blood serum donated by hundreds of gay American and Black African polio vaccine recipients who had subsequently received injections with chimpanzee cultured strains of HB virus; c) the biohazardous laboratory conditions and viral containment problems reported by the HB vaccine investigators and their affiliates; and finally 5) The four pooled serum-derived HB vaccines that were administered to thousands of test subjects by 1975, primarily gay males in NYC and central African Blacks. This series of events provides the best explanation for an early to mid-1970s “punctuated origin event” most precisely fitting the etiological determinations of the HIV-1/AIDS pandemic.10

  Again, it should be noted that the African “volunteers” inhabited a geographic area consistent with the highest rates of HIV-1 seroprevalence. Among the nations where rates are highest, HB studies were conducted in: Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Uganda, Kenya, Swaziland, and the northeastern part of South Africa. According to circumstantial evidence, eastern Zaire bordering the West Nile region of northwest Uganda also hosted such trials.2,25-27

Historic Precedence for the HB Vaccine Hypothesis  

There is historic precedence for this precise HB thesis. According to Beale, the risk of HB viruses contaminating human blood serum and subsequent vaccinations was determined as early as 1942. Then, more than 62 deaths and 28,500 cases resulted from serum HB contaminated yellow fever vaccines.31


According to Hilleman, early yellow fever vaccines also delivered leukemic retroviruses to human populations due to caged animal and laboratory contaminations and concomitant vaccine transmissions.13


Dr. Hilleman additionally reinforced this “punctuated origin” thesis by describing the risks he encountered by importing contaminated African sub-human primates for vaccine research and development at the Merck pharmaceutical company. Between the late 1950s through the 1970s, Dr. Hilleman told Harvard medical historian Edward Shorter in 1987, “I brought African greens in. I didn’t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.”13

  Given these statements of fact, it is reasonable to suggest, as stated above, the earliest HB vaccine pilot studies may have activated an endogenous or exogenous HIV-related retroviral gene in one or more of the primates,24 fulfilling the “starburst phylogeny” antecedents advanced by Myers et al.10 


During the Royal Society’s symposium on the origin of AIDS, Hooper’s 1950s OPV/AIDS hypothesis was largely rebuked because he failed to establish the use of chimpanzees by the Wistar Institute in the production of the suspected OPV.18 Moreover, this vaccine was not given selectively to New York’s gay male population. Curiously, Merck’s early 1970s hepatitis B vaccine trials that did involve gay men in NYC, and Blacks in central Africa, partially prepared in Litton Bionetics (LB) exported/Merck imported African chimpanzees, ironically went without mention.



“Burden of Proof” and the Origin of AIDS

The most vocal opponent of the OPV and HB vaccine theories of HIV/AIDS origination is Dr. John Moore, affiliated with Rockefeller University’s Aaron Diamond Research Center in New York.

  As reported in Medical Hypothesis, following a presentation advancing the HB vaccine theory of HIV/AIDS at the XI International Conference on AIDS, in 1996, Dr. Moore flippantly rebuked this thesis in the Canadian press. A few years later, he did the same regarding the Edward Hooper’s book, The River, which he alleged was historically inaccurate, potentially damaging to the public’s trust in western medicine, and harmful to his colleagues “efforts to make AIDS vaccines for use in Africa.”2

When this author personally contacted Dr . Moore in an effort to begin scientific discourse following his Canadian press interview, Moore refused any formal discussion. Responding later to prodding, he wrote me from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center saying, “I explicity denied you an interview when you requested one. . . . I said to you that I had ‘no interest’ in your . . . grotesque theories . . . For the record, I know what your views are, and I reject them. Indeed, I dismiss them as uninteresting, incorrect and downright stupid.” In the Vancouver Sun, Moore was further quoted as saying, “HIV is transmitted from monkeys to humans. I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. It’s hard scientific reality.” In fact, according to scientific consensus, the defining zoonosis for the origin of HIV occurred between chimpanzees and humans, not monkeys.2

   It should be noted that Dr. Moore’s institutional benefactors include the Rockefeller family which, along with the Rockefeller Foundation and its institutional affiliate—the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center in New York—has heavily invested in viral cancer research, vaccine developments, propaganda programs, population control efforts, and the Merck pharmaceutical company in particular. Thus, Moore’s bias is strongly suggested.2,13,14
   Worse yet, history shows that soon after Dr. Gallo’s alleged “discovery” of the AIDS virus in 1984, Dr. Moore co-directed the only official effort to examine Merck’s HB vaccine for “fear of possible AIDS transmission.”23 His principle co-investigator was Dr. B.J. Poiesz at the State University of New York. Dr. Poiesz, their paper noted, had worked closely with Dr. Gallo in isolating the “type-C” cancer virus associated with lymphomas during the mid to late-1970s. Their group of researchers included “anonymous CDC authors” who, for unspecified reasons, omitted the centrally important New York City and African HB vaccine recipients from their analysis. Adding insult to this injury, the team’s conclusions were entirely inconsistent with earlier epidemiological  determinations and serological measures.13


Reinforcing the observance of such political bias and tainted science in this field of inquiry is the conclusion reached by several featured speakers at the Royal Society’s meeting in London. They addressed the “burden of proof” required of iatrogenic versus natural AIDS origin theorists. 10, 19, 20 These experts protested the unfair unscientific advantage that has been historically given to outspoken natural evolution theorists, such as Dr. Moore, who have been curiously exempt from having to substantiate their obviously flawed claims and hypotheses. Ironically, despite this, their unproven misguided theories remain widely accepted as supposed fact.10, 19,20 

The only remedy such deception is updated knowledge regarding the advanced genetic analyses that have seriously undermined arguments for isolated viral leaps that cannot adequately explain the source of AIDS and the “sunburst phylogeny” of HIV’s earliest African strains.10 In the wake of the Royal Society’s symposium, theories that now appear tenuous, if not ludicrous, include isolated parenteral (i.e., skin piercing) injuries (e.g., the “cut hunter theory”), nutritional exposures, population movements, and climatic variations that are alleged to have led to isolated zoonotic events followed years later, evolutionarily, by the spreading plague. Alternatively, many participants at the conference concluded that the transfer of SIV to human beings was probably connected with unprecedented medical activity in Africa in the 20th century.”21


Bionetics Evidence to be Reconciled  


What continues inadequately reported in the scientific literature, perhaps because researchers remain unaware, or because most investigators would certainly feel threatened by such disconcerting revelations, was that the precise scenario advanced by Myers et al.,10 to best account for the sunburst phylogeny and “punctuated origin” event was repeatedly engineered and studied during the Litton Bionetics (LB) administered SVCP, at precisely the time (1969-1974) required to produce the “Big Bang,” as Myers originally called it. At this same time, LB’s study of HB viral co-infections with viruses currently linked to HIV-related immune suppression and AIDS symptomatology was ongoing, as you will read below. This information comes directly from their contract titled, “Investigations of Viral Carcinogenesis in Primates” (NIH Grant Number 71-2025 beginning February 12, 1962). This team, officiated by NCI “Project Officer” Dr. Robert Gallo, the subsequent discoverer of HTLV-1,2 (leukemia viruses) and HIV-1 (the AIDS virus) almost 15 years later, stated: “During the past year [1970] macaques were inoculated at birth or in utero with the Mason-Pfizer monkey mammary virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Herpesvirus saimiri, and Marek’s disease virus. EB virus was given with immunostimulation and immunosuppression (ALS, prednisone, imuran). Australian antigen [HB virus] was given to newborn African green monkeys.”

Might this quoted knowledge have impacted Dr. Gallo’s earliest declaration that the origin of HIV-1 came from “African greens” (i.e., SIVagm), and/or Dr. Hilleman’s confession that he brought the AIDS virus into North America in African greens?

  Furthermore, it is well known that HIV-2 sources from macaque monkeys from this same time period.8 Might this specific multiply-infected simian colony be the source of the original SIV to HIV zoonosis? There is much evidence to suggest this, and it is certainly worthy of an official inquiry.

It is also curious that EBV was of major interest to the LB team of researchers.

It is also well known that EBV is a potent co-carcinogen with HIV-1 and deadly co-factor in the development of AIDS.

This 1971 report by Landon, Ting and Gallo et al., referenced the use of “colony-born” primates observed for seroconversion to “EB positive” immune suppressive status predisposing the animals for retroviral infections and cancers. To summarize this work, conducted almost a decade before Dr. Gallo “discovered” the first leukemia retrovirus (HTLV-I), and later HIV-1, his Bionetics coworkers disclosed that their:


“[B]reeding and holding colonies were surveyed for antibody to EBV. All breeders were positive and their offspring contain maternal antibody for several months. . . . [Moreover,] An RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, [the primary AIDS-linked enzyme] similar to that associated with RNA tumor viruses, was detected in human leukemic cells but not in normal cells stimulated by phytohemagglutinin. The enzyme was isolated, purified and concentrated 200-fold, making possible its further characterization and study in relation to the leukemic process in man.”33


This document, and statement alone, considering its date, should be adequate impetus for an independent investigation into the SVCP with regard to the origin of AIDS.

Reflecting on the specific scenario advanced by Myers and co-workers regarding the phylogenetic, recombinant, and immunosuppressive correlates and antecedents of the “starburst” that reflects at least ten simultaneous HIV/AIDS African outbreaks, the Bionetics investigators stated the significance and “proposed course” of their vaccine research involving chimpanzees. They wrote:

 “Significance to Biomedical Research and to the [Special Virus Cancer] Program of the [National Cancer] Institute: Inasmuch as tests for the biological activity of candidate human [cancer] viruses will not be tested in the human species, it is imperative that another system be developed for these determinations and, subsequently for the evaluation of vaccines or other measures of control. The close phylogenetic relationship of the lower primates [i.e., chimpanzees] to man justifies utilization of these animals for these purposes. Further study of altered transfer RNA and polymerase enzymes would determine their significance in neoplastic change and provide a basis for selection of therapeutic agents.

“Proposed Course: Continuation with increased emphasis on monitoring and intensive care of inoculated animals to determine if active infection occurs, effects of infection, and degree of immunosuppression when used. Further studies of human neoplasms at a molecular level will continue.”33


Inasmuch as humans were not being directly infected with “candidate viruses” during this program according to the contract summary, live viral vaccines derived from retroviruses similar to the HIVs were being prepared and tested in primate populations that apparently included humans as well as chimpanzees. This at the precise time that the Australian antigen—the HB highly infectious and easily transmissible cancer virus—and related HB vaccines were being injected into both chimpanzees and humans in New York and Sub-Saharan Africa by LB collaborators.33

At the XI International Conference on AIDS in 1996, when questioned regarding his involvement in these Bionetics studies, Dr. Gallo angrily replied to this author, “Quite frankly, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”13 If the HB vaccine theory might be the focus of a reputable independent inquiry, such as the one urged by Cribb,19 and now AI members, Dr. Gallo might be obliged to formally discuss his contract with Bionetics wherein the “Australian antigen was given to newborn African green monkeys” in the context of testing “a swarm of [candidate viral and retroviral] variants.” If he still contends this HB vaccine/origin of AIDS theory has no merit, as he argued forcefully at that time, then perhaps he would be willing to publish an alternative account reflecting more recent scientific revelations.

Huebner et al, referred to in Bionetics’s SVCP contract (NIH-71-2025), might also be persuaded to divulge valuable insights regarding this HB vaccine/origin of AIDS thesis.35

The following SVCP contract excerpt34 discusses the testing of effective treatments for HIV/AIDS-like infections at that early date:


“The effects of 11 rifamycin derivaties on viral reverse transcriptase and on DNA polymerases from human normal and leukemic blood lymphocytes were evaluated. Compound 143-483, 3-formyl rifamycin SV: octyl oxime showed the greatest potency and inhibited all DNA polymerases from both viral and cellular origins.”

Might this be a cure for HIV/AIDS? Unless further investigations into this matter are conducted, we may never know.

Reflecting on these revelations in-so-far-as the myriad viral recombinants potentially contaminating LB’s labs and caged animals, and the determinations of Myers et al,10 a most appropriate question is, “Why only ten forms of HIV/AIDS broke out during the early1970s?” It would seem likely that many of the SIVs originated from these investigations as well as other pandemics such as herpes that exploded during the mid to late 1970s along with immune suppressive disorders associated with EBV infections and related cancers. Obviously, it would be helpful to investigate the possibility of other plagues that may have derived from vaccine contaminations and transmissions during the SVCP.



Many researchers, in fact, issued forewarnings about the grave risks posed by recombinant cancer virology.13 Others cited similar risks from public health’s “sacred cow” vaccinations.31 It is sobering to reflect on this knowledge in the wake of the Royal Society’s publications and official evaluations.19

Considering The Genocidal Theory of AIDS  


The 1998 report of Zhu et al.9 was well timed to help promote co-author Edward Hooper’s book, The River, which substantially reinforced a previously advanced OPV theory of AIDS’s origin,12 and gave only superficial consideration to possible hepatitis B vaccine contaminations as the zoonotic vector for transferring/transforming SIVcpz into the human AIDS virus by 1976.4 Hooper referenced Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? among the texts that explore the genocidal theory of AIDS which he credited for his background on the hepatitis B theory.13 He cautioned against blanket acceptance of the intentional theory of HIV/AIDS, which is consistent with the proposed AI investigation of the SVCP, but he did not rule out the possibility that HIV was released intentionally.4

As Weiss stated, theories involving the CIA in the origin of AIDS have gained wide acceptance.6 Investigations by Horowitz et al.2,3,13 focused on the CIA and the 1969 appropriations hearings in which the NAS–NRC was credited as the source of technical expertise for the U.S. Army’s development of AIDS-like viruses. At that time, biological weapons were of great interest to Nelson Rockefeller’s protégé, and Nixon administration National Seurity Advisor (NSA), Dr. Henry Kissinger. According to his biographer, and two previous CIA directors—William Colby and Richard Helms—Kissinger oversaw the CIA’s top secret biological weapons program called MK:NAOMI. Soon after becoming NSA, he ordered a review of such weapons capabilities.13-15


Furthermore, in the early 1970s, in keeping with U.S. Government and global industrialists’ initiatives reflecting Rockefeller-directed Population Council urgings for Third World depopulation, Kissinger requested and received National Special Security Memorandum 200 articulating the urgency of dramatically reducing African populations.16 At that time Kissinger and associates were leading advisors to the Merck pharmaceutical company whose president, George W. Merck, was America’s biological weapons industry director, as he had been since World War II.17

According to Hooper, the genocidal hypothesis of HIV/AIDS should be “taken with a grain of salt.”4 It is clear, however, that compelling evidence exits, albeit circumstantial, that U.S. Government officials, including Henry Kissinger, may have had something to do with the initial HIV/AIDS outbreak. At the precise time corresponding to the earliest transmissions of HIV/AIDS, Kissinger directed a national security cryptocracy that included corporate affiliates at the biological weapons contractor /vaccine maker Merck, as well as the traditional weapons contractor Litton Industries. Litton’s president, Roy Ash, also served in the Nixon administration overseeing American industry. Litton’s medical subsidiary, Bionetics, as detailed above, largely directed the NCI’s SVCP, administered America’s premier biological weapons testing center at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and supplied the chimpanzees, monkeys, monkey viruses, primate cell lines, and other resources for cancer research, biological weapons development, and
vaccine manufacture.

Thus, Kissinger certainly maintained the means, through his official channels at Merck, Litton Bionetics, and the CIA, as well as the motive, to deploy AIDS-like viruses by 1974 in Merck’s HB vaccine. What is unconscionable to most people, Kissinger, a staunch advocate of African depopulation, would have considered it convenient that the emergence of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa coincided synchronously with the massive depopulation policy institutionalized with primary funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund.2,3,13,14

Most recently, Kissinger’s direction of foreign genocidal operations has been heralded by even mainstream periodicals.36 In light of these revelations, it is stunning that Kissinger wrote his own genocide indemnification policy on behalf of the United States Government in Foreign Affairs published by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2001.37

The Challenge Before Us  


“There is a crisis of public faith in science and scientists,” stated Dr. Julian Cribb, referring to the contentious manner in which origin of HIV/AIDS research and debate has been conducted thus far. “What I have described is . . . a systematic endeavour to suppress public discussion and scientific inquiry into this important [vaccine] hypothesis and to discredit its proponents over more than 12 years.”


He summarized before the esteemed Royal Society gathering. “Unless scientists are prepared to go into this issue objectively and transparently, it will damage the standing of science in the eyes of the community.” 19

Determining the origin of HIV/AIDS is vital for the following reasons according to Cribb: 1) to prevent similar calamities in the future; 2) to discover remedial methods and materials that might evolve from such knowledge; 3) to improve safety standards in viral laboratories and vaccine production facilities based on the knowledge of the pandemic’s origin; and 4) to restore faith and trust in this area of science and medicine. 19


Furthermore, Cribb argued, “If AIDS is iatrogenic, through an honest mistake, science may be forgiven. But if it seeks to bury the idea, first, it will fail and second, it will destroy public trust.” To the extent that the HB vaccine theory of AIDS is officially neglected, as Hamilton foretold: “This hypothesis is certainly not going to go away.”19


But if the HB vaccine theory on the origin of AIDS, as current science overwhelmingly supports and the “process of elimination” has virtually proven, is ultimately accepted, then Cribb’s forgivable “honest mistake” conjecture might need to be reexamined against more unnerving possibilities.

At the time of this writing, the U.S. Homeland Security Act passed the Senate virtually unanimously. Mysteriously incorporated in its text was a vaccine injury indemnity clause that freed drug companies from liabilities associated with specific vaccine ingredients, such as HIV precursors in the HB vaccines. With this gross violation of U.S. constitutional, civil, and human rights, hundreds of thousands of Americans have been forced to care, without compensation, for vaccine injured family members. If the U.S. Government is able to get away with this most blatant breach of public faith, what is it capable of doing covertly? Clearly, this current vaccine policy is a form of institutionalized genocide—defined as “the mass enslaving (pharmaceutically and otherwise) and killing of people for economics, politics, and/or ideology?”


So long as the above scientific facts and AIDS issues remain unaddressed by medicine’s mainstream, the implications are that AIDS science and vaccination policies, and likely all of science, has evolved in a vacuum devoid of ethics to serve political, economic, and/or ideological motives. Thus, by strict definition, genocide and iatrogenesis have much. So much so that regardless of whether HIV/AIDS originated by accident or intentionally, with this data, there is sufficient justification to coin a new most appropriate term—“iatrogenocide.”

Further research to test this hypothesis should include: retrospective epidemiological studies of homosexual populations in New York reported to have received the earliest HB vaccines; serological studies of any stored blood and/or serum from these early HB vaccine study subjects; likewise for the chimpanzees used in the preliminary trials and/or vaccine manufacture; and genetic analyses of viral components in samples of the vaccine lots used during these earliest HB vaccine trials (if still available).

About the Author

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., is an internationally known authority in the overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and bioterrorism. He received his doctorate in medical dentistry from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 1977, was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship in behavioral science at the University of Rochester, earned a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, and another Master of Arts degree in health education from Beacon College, all before joining the research faculty at Harvard. Dr. Horowitz is best known for his national bestselling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron Press, 1998; 1-888-508-4787)


which recently resulted in the United Stated General Accounting Office investigating the man-made origin of AIDS theory. (See: http://www.healingcelebrations.com/gao.htm) Dr. Horowitz’s brilliant work in the field of vaccination risk awareness has prompted at least three Third World nations to change their vaccination policies. His recent stunning testimony before the United States Congress’ Government Reform Committee, literally brought the hearing to a halt. (See: http://www.healingcelebrations.com/Disease%20Deities%20on%20Capitol%20Hill%20Address%20Autism.htm) Dr. Horowitz questioned government health officials regarding a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) secreted report showing a definitive link between the mercury ingredient (i.e., thimerosal), common to most vaccinations, and the skyrocketing rates of autism and behavioral disorders affecting our children and the future our nation.

Incredibly, Dr. Horowitz alerted the FBI, in writing and in person, one week before the first anthrax mailing was announced in the press, that a “major anthrax fright” was in the process of unfolding that demanded the FBI’s urgent attention. Needless to say they did not heed Dr. Horowitz’s prophetic warning.


Moreover, three months before the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Dr. Horowitz released his thirteenth book, prophetically titled Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare. The book focuses on the West Nile Virus as an act of bioterroism, and considers what and who is really behind this and other recent outbreaks. Dr. Horowitz argues that his disclosures expose the roots of global terrorism, along with the individuals and organizations at the heart of what he calls “the petrochemical–pharmaceutical cartel.” He believes this “multi-national corporate beast” is in the process of committing global genocide, profiting from engineered frights, and at the same time, most efficiently culling targeted populations considered excessive.

Very recently, you may have heard that Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called for an investigation into the links between the recent West Nile Virus outbreaks and bioterrrorism. Dr. Horowitz is the principle pioneer and investigator of this theory. 

Dr. Horowitz’s contact information, books, audiotapes, and video programs are available through http://www.originofaids.com/articles/www.tetrahedron.org, or by calling 1-888-508-4787.


(1) Heinrich J. Origin of AIDS Virus. Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, GAO-02-809R; available from http://%20www.gao.gov/main.html. See also:Tetrahedron Publishing Group press release, “U.S. GAO Commits Scientific Fraud In AIDS Inquiry: Congressional Investigators Conceal and Lie Says Expert,” available from healingcelebrations.com.

(2) Horowitz LG. Polio, hepatitis B and AIDS: an integrative theory on a possible vaccine induced pandemic. Med Hypoth 2001;56(5):677-686.

(3) Horowitz LG, Strecker R, Cantwell SR, Vid, D, and Grossman G. The Mysterious Origin of HIV: Reviewing the Natural, Iatrogenic and Genocidal Theories of AIDS. XI International Conference on AIDS, July 10, 1996, Vancouver, BC. Canada. See full text of abstract and presented paper Here

(4) Hooper E. The River. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1999.

(5) Hamilton, WD., quoted by Julian Cribb in “The origin of acquired immune deficiency syndrome: can science afford to ignore it?” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 2001;356:935-938.

(6) Weiss, RA, Natural and iatrogenic factors in human immunodeficiency virus transmission. Phil. Trans. R. Roc. Lond. B 2001;356,947-953.

(7) Yusim K, Peeters M. Pybus OG and Korber B, et al. Using human immunodeficiency virus type 1 sequences to infer historical features of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome epidemic and human immunodeficiency virus evolution. Phil. Trans. R. Roc. Lond. B 2001;356,855-866.

(8) Sharp PM, Bailes E, Chaudhuri RR and Hahn BH, et al. The origins of acquired immune deficiency syndrome viruses: where and when? Phil. Trans. R. Roc. Lond. B 2001;356,867-876.

(9) Zhu T, Korber BT, Nahmias AJ, Hooper E, Sharp PM and Ho DD. An African HIV-1 sequence from 1959 and implications for the origin of the epidemic. Nature 1998;391(Feb. 5):594-597.

(10) Burr T, Hyman JM and Myers G. The origin of acquired immune deficiency syndrome: Darwinian or Lamarchkian? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (2001) 356:877-887; For early research regarding the “Big Bang” theory of HIV, see also: Myers G, Macinnnes K and Myers L. “Phogenetic moments in the AIDS epidemic.” Chapter 12 in S.S. Morse, ed., Emerging Viruses (Oxford, Eng.: Oxford University Press, 1993).

(11) Marx PA, Alcabes PG and Drucker E.11 “Serial human passage of simian immunodeficiency virus by unsterile injections and the emergence of epidemic human immunodeficiency virus in Africa” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (2001) 356:911-920.

(12) Elswood B and Stricker R. Polio vaccine and the origin of AIDS. Med Hypoth 1994;42,347-354.

(13) Horowitz LG and Martin WJ. Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1998. Note: the Hilleman revelations concerning leukemia virus tainted yellow fever vaccines discussed on page 485 derive from a sequestered recorded interview conducted in 1986 by Edward
Shorter for a Merck funded documentary, “The Health Century.”

(14) Horowitz LG. Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare. Sandpoint, ID. Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001.

(15) Isaacson W. Kissinger. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992, p. 205.

(16) National Security Agency. National Special Security Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. The White House: December 10, 1974 (Declassified July 3, 1989.).

(17) Covert NM. Cutting Edge: A history of Fort Detrick, Maryland 1943-1993. Fort Detrick , Maryland: U.S. Army Garrison, Public Affairs Office, 1993, pp. 17, 20, 39.

(18) Plotkin SA. Untruths and consequences: the false hypothesis linking CHAT type 1 polio vaccination to the origin of human immunodeficiency virus. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol. Sci. 2001 Jun 29:356(1410):815-823.

(19) Cribb J. The origin of acquired immune deficiency syndrome: can science afford to ignore it? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 2001;356:935-938.

(20) Martin B. The burden of proof and the origin of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 2001;356:939-938.

(21) Bliss M. Origin of AIDS (letter). The Lancet 2001;357 (January 6):73-74.

(22) Gao F, Bailes E, Shaw GM, Sharp PM and Hahn BH et al. Origin of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes. Nature 1999 (Feb. 4);397:436-440. See also: Horowitz LG. Response to Zhu et al. 1959 Origin of AIDS. Unpublished letter to the editor of Nature. Available for review Here ; See also: Horowitz L. Analysis of Gao F and Bailes E study. Unpublished report available for review Here

(23) Poiesz B, Tomar R, Lehr B and Moore J. (along with anonymous CDC authors). Hepatitis B vaccine: Evidence confirming lack of AIDS transmission. MMWR 1984;33;49:685-687.

(24) Marriott SJ, Lee TH, Slagle B and Butel JS. Activation of the HTLV-1 long terminal repeat by the hepatitis B virus X protein. Virology 1996, 224;1:206-213.

(25) Higginson J and Muir CS. Epidemiologic program of the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) In: The National Cancer Program and International Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute Monograph 1974 (40:65).

(26) Jamison E and Hobbs F. World Population Profile: 1994, With a Special Chapter Focusing on HIV/AIDS (WP/94) by Peter O. Way and Karen A. Stanecki). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, 1994.

(27) Goodfield J. Quest for the Killers. Basel; Stuttgart: Birkhauser, 1985, p. 94.

(28) Kanki PJ, Barin S, Essex M. et al. New human T-lymphotropic retrovirus (HTLV-IV) related to simian T-lymphotropicvirus Type III (STLV-IIIagm). Science 1986;232:238-43.

(29) Schultz TF. Origin of AIDS (letter). The Lancet 1992;339:867.

(30) Krugman S. Viral hepatitis type B: Prospects for active immunization. In: International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis, Milan, Dec. 1974. Develop. biol. Standard. Vol. 30, Munich: S. Karger Basel, 1975, pp. VI; 363-367; relevant general discussion can be found on pp.375-379; See also: Krugman S, Giles JP, Hammond J. Hepatitis virus: effect of health on the infectivity and antigenicity of the MS-1 and MS-2 strains. J Infectious Disease. 1970;122:432-6; Krugman S, Giles JP, Hammond J. Viral hepatitis, type B (MS-2 strain): Studies on active immunization. JAMA 1971;217:41-5; Krugman S, Giles JP. Viral hepatitis, type B (MS-2 strain); further observations on natural history and prevention. New England Journal of Medicine 1973;288:755-60; and Krugman S, Overby LR, Mushahwar IK, Ling C-M, Forsner GG and Deinhardt F. Viral hepatitis, type B: Studies on natural history and prevention reexamined. New England Journal of Medicine 1979;200:101-6.

(31) Beale J. Origin of AIDS (letter). The Lancet 2001;357 (January 6):73.

(32) Purcell RH. Current understanding of hepatitis B virus infection and its implications for immunoprophylaxis. In: Antiviral Mechanisms: Perspectives in Virology IX. The Gustav Stern Symposium. New York: Academic Press, 1975, pp. 49-76.

(33) NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8 [and #9]. Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1971 [and 1972]. Note: This is a very hard publication to find. Few library data bases have it listed, including the NCI Library at Fort Detrick. It is available through the Davis Library, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Government Documents Department Depository, Reference # HE 20.3152:V81. The Litton “support services” contracts that included primate supplies are found on pp. 187-88 and 326-327 of the reports. Litton’s list of mutant viruses, including retroviruses, and other experimental infectious agents including AuAg is found on pp. 279-280 and 284 of Project Report #8, of 1971; for additional documentation on hepatitis and herpes experimentation in Uganda before 1971 see: Higginson J and Muir CS. Epidemiologic program of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). In: The National Cancer Program and International Cancer Research, National Cancer
Institute Monograph, 1974; 40:65.

(34) Rabin H, Kinard R. Gruber J and Pearson G. Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc. (NIH 71-2025) Investigations of viral carcinogenesis in primates. Here reference is made to “Drs. McAllister, Gardiner, and Huebner” having “isolated” the cat-human hybrid oncornavirus, RD-114, “from a human sarcoma” as early as 1971. See reprinted contract summary in Horowitz, Op cit. 1998, p. 429.

(35) Shilts R. The Band Played On. New York: Penguin Books, 1987, p. 107.

(36) Hitchens C. The Case Against Henry Kissinger. Harper’s Magazine, February and March, 2001.

(37) Kissinger HA. The pitfalls of universal jurisdiction. Foreign Affairs. July/August 2001. Preview available from through http://www.foreignaffaris.org/.


Appendix 2  (a part of all)  


  • Posted by margaret on September 22, 2009 at 7:00pm   
  • View margaret's blog   


Tetrahedron Publishing Group
Health Science Communications for People Around the World
217 Cedar St., Suite # 326 ? Sandpoint, ID 83864 ? 208-265-8065


Release: No. H1N1-15
Date Mailed: September-15-2009
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rob Potter—949-715-2217 or 310-877-3002

WARNING: Drug Cartel Exposed Creating, Releasing, Injecting, Infecting, and Depopulating Planet with Pandemic H1N1 Swine Flu Viruses and Vaccines

Los Angeles, CA— World leading drug-industry investigators have uncovered stunning documents proving an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, America’s leading consumer health expert, and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released shocking proof in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology “trust” are behind everything you ever heard about pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccination. Their documents, being sent through attorneys to the FBI today, evidence powerful industrialists operating a crime ring within “Partnership for New York City” are behind the pandemic’s creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions seen everywhere from supermarkets to health clinics.
“David Rockefeller’s trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Rupert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer,” are implicated in advancing global genocide,” Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors, through a team of attorneys assembled to stop the swine flu vaccines from being given.
“This ‘partnership’ controls biotechnology research and development globally. Health commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this trust that exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel's organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building,” Dr. Horowitz wrote.
Among the most stunning revelations from the Horowitz-Kane research are those linking Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties, Inc., and the 9-11 terrorist attacks, to the drug cartel’s geopolitical, economic, and population reduction activities. Mr. Silverstein, leaser of the World Trade Center who authorized to have building 7 “pulled,” meaning detonated, is a chief suspect in the “9-11 truth” investigation. Silverstein is currently landlord and co-partner in the biotechnology trust founded by David Rockefeller and implicated by these new discoveries.
“If these people can get away with killing more than 3,000 people in 8 seconds on 9-11, they are completely capable of murdering millions, even billions, of people worldwide this flu season,” Dr. Horowitz commented. “I pray these revelations will save millions of lives and help activists call upon President Barack Obama to demand legitimate inquiries into these genocidal atrocities.”

Given the unprecedented nature and urgency of these findings, Dr. Horowitz has posted his affidavit for public review on FLUscam.com, praying other activist will spread the information in order to prompt governments worldwide to cease mass vaccination preparations to avoid becoming accessories to the crime of genocide.
Note to Journalists: For interviews with investigators Horowitz and Kane, please contact Rob Potter at 949-715-2217, or e-mail: info@healthyworldorganization.org. SCROLL DOWN TO READ AFFIDAVIT.



(More Links On Original in Above Link)

1.This Affidavit is based on my personal knowledge, except where otherwise stated, and, if called upon to do so, I could and would competently testify to the matters herein stated.

2.I am a Harvard University trained certified expert in the fields of behavioral science, health education/health promotion, media persuasion, medical sociology, public health, and emerging diseases. I have additional expertise in natural healing methods and materials, including genetics and electro-genetics, by reason of my academic training, scientific publications, and internationally recognized authority and celebrity in these fields.

3.I openly disclose my bias and conflicting interests as a leading author, personal health care educator, consumer protector, alternative and complementary health care specialist, and formulator of natural remedies for public protection and remediation of diseases. I hold trademarks covering several products that compete directly with the drug industry’s monopolization of medicine as described herein. This competitive vantage enables me to critically assess elements and actions within “BigPharma” that few people perceive. My sponsorships by natural products companies, including those that manufacture and distribute OxySilver and Liquid Dentist, helps pay for my expenses in serving as I have for thirty years without grants or academic/institutional restraints providing the freedom to simply “tell it like it is” based on science and researched evidence. Without sponsors, radio and television networks would cease operations, and so would I. The critical difference between BigPharma, and its products, versus the natural health products industry, and my endorsements, is the former is criminally operating and killing people as evidenced herein, whereas my colleagues and I are persecuted by the powers exposed herein, and continue helping people heal naturally nonetheless.

4.I further disclose that I am a Levite priest by virtue of my bloodline, spiritual direction, and ecclesiastical commitments. I am the body corporate and Overseer of The Royal Bloodline of David, an omni-denominational healing ministry established in the State of Washington and certified by the Secretary of State therein in 2000; and was the pro se counsel in Horowitz vs. The State of Hawaii, Department of Health, et al. (Civ. No. 06-1-0296).

5.Compelled by God and my responsibilities in these positions I have sought on several occasions, by whatever lawful means, to protect the U.S. Constitutional right of every American to exempt from risky vaccinations for religious, philosophical, and medical reasons; and protect Americans’ bodies as absolute personal properties for which compensation must be paid if and when taken, according to the 5th Amendment of the Constitution.

6.I understand that substantial historical evidence exists proving unequivocally the Rockefeller family’s monopolistic influence over American medicine and public health that is material to this affidavit and related complaint. David Rockefeller’s powerful influence over the Council on Foreign Relations, geopolitics, and global economics is solidly established.

7.I have reviewed the records and files cited herein and attest to the following facts that evidence fraud, official malfeasance, organized crime, and the administration of genocide (i.e., iatro-genocide) operating under the guise of “public health” within a trust organization established by David Rockefeller called “Partnership for New York City” involving the US Federal Government, and New York State Government, pertaining to the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu “outbreak,” “pandemic,” and advancing vaccination campaign.

8.I conclude that this subject is a matter of extreme urgency, threatening national security, thus demanding the immediate scrutiny of lawmakers and justice department officials, as well as the public-at-large.

9.It is a well-established fact that “outbreaks” have been caused by laboratory “accidents.” For instance, the 1977 Influenza A outbreak of human (“swine flu”) H1N1 that went extinct for twenty years between 1957 and 1977 suddenly re-emerged immediately following: a. the suspicious unexplained 1976 military outbreak at Fort Dix, New Jersey of this strain that was most likely a covert military experiment; and b. the subsequent swine flu deadly vaccination program that followed the Fort Dix outbreak, and media-driven fright; that has been attributed to a “laboratory source” according to doctors Zimmer and Burke in the New England Journal of Medicine (July 16, 2009;Vol.361:279-285). (See EXHIBIT 1)

10. The November 1977 sudden reemergence of this Influenza A H1N1 strain in the former Soviet Union is best explained by the National Cancer Institute’s 1978 publication titled Special Virus Cancer Program (Library call number: E20.3152;V81/977 and 78-21195). This report revealed the June 15, 1976 contract (N01-CP-6-1047) with the American Type Culture Collection to supply “virus materials . . . to investigators throughout the world” via a “US-USSR Agreement” (a dangerous breach of Cold War national security). (See: EXHIBITS_2-3.pdf) Virus materials cited in this document included numerous infectious agents including influenza, parainfluenza, and even laboratory recombinations of influenza with acute lymphocytic leukemia viruses that might spread quick acting lymphatic cancers by sneezing.(See: EXHIBIT_4.pdf)

11. The April, 2009 “outbreak” of the H1N1 “swine flu” is, like the 1976 Fort Dix and 1977 general “outbreaks,” highly suspicious according to genetic analysts and leading virologists. The rapid mutation rates of the novel agent circulating and feared as the 2009 “swine flu” strongly suggests a laboratory source, either intentionally or accidentally released.

12.To make it more difficult for the public to comprehend what is ongoing in flu labs, according to EXHIBIT_5.pdf, World Health Organization officials developed new terminology to describe viruses used in vaccinations, gene therapies, and advancing biotechnologies. The new terms “reference materials,” “biosimilars,” “data packages,” and “mock-up files,” each designate viruses and/or viral materials including gene sequences that cause disease and immune system reactions.

13.According to EXHIBIT_6.pdf, World Health Organization officials in charge of developing influenza vaccines, Dr. James Robertson and Dr. John Wood, of the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) in the UK, testified (April, 2006) that “if a pandemic is imminent, . . . A stockpile of live vaccine, . . . could be used to prime the population in advance . . .”

14.According to this document, these doctors are the “Principal Scientists in the Division of Virology at NIBSC. Dr. Wood and Dr. Robertson lead the NIBSC’s influenza group. Their responsibilities include the control and standardization of influenza vaccines. On behalf of the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) the NIBSC is involved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the preparation and distribution of influenza viruses to vaccine manufacturers; and the coordination of EU strain selection process.” (ie., the selection of viruses that shall be used by governments worldwide, and their “vaccine pipelines.”

15.Dr. Robertson also testified that “there is a lack of vaccine research in the UK compared with the US,” and that he and Dr. Wood “consider that pandemic vaccine development in the EU has been slow due to limited public funding. This is in contrast to the situation in the USA. Dr. Wood told the group that the NIBSC collaborate with the vaccine industry . . . The EMEA have helped to persuade industry to invest in pandemic vaccines with the introduction of the mock up files and by waiving the regulatory fees . . .” [Emphasis added]

16. The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) is a decentralized body of the European Union with headquarters in London. Its main responsibility is, according to its website, “the protection and promotion of public and animal health, through the evaluation and supervision of medicines for human and veterinary use.”

17.Thus, it is certain that when the Mexican Swine Flu 2009 “outbreak” occurred in mid April, 2009, first in the United States in two unrelated children living approximately 100 miles apart in southern California, then soon after in Mexico among people who had not been exposed to these two children, that foul play is a most reasonable explanation, especially since this unique virus held genes from avian, swine, Spanish, and regular flu strains—unprecedented in the history of “natural selection” health science addressing evolution of the species.

18. Occam’s Razor analysis holds that, "Of several acceptable explanations for a mysterious phenomenon, the simplest is preferable, provided that it does not contradict the observed facts."

19.Accountable US Federal officials overseeing America’s “biopreparedness” response against this mutant H1N1 flu, including vaccinations and predicted quarantines, offer no definitive explanation for the initial outbreak of this laboratory sourced recombinant; nor does the mainstream media. So called “experts” accept and regurgitate the lame explanation of “somehow” and “somewhere” bird, pig, and 1918 Spanish flu viruses mated curiously synchronously with the first availability of biotechnology to produce vaccines alleged to be safe and effective against this precise new H1N1 and H5N1 genetic recombinant.

20. Alternatively, the following substantial evidence indicts David Rockefeller et al, including celebrated Federal agents, agencies, and vaccine makers that control the mainstream media and the practice of medicine in an organized criminal conspiracy to profit by generating and promoting this pandemic:

a.Days before the media’s first reported swine flu cases in April, 2009, Novavax Corporation, partnered with the General Electric (GE) company that co-owns NewCo with media mogul Rupert Murdoch, issued press releases generating widespread publicity.

b.Thus, America’s most powerful news media consortium, and cable television conglomerate, publicized Novavax’s vaccine research in collaboration with CDC officials, alleging their vaccine protected against this unprecedented recombination of flu stains—avian, Spanish flu, and regular flu infections.(See EXHIBIT_7.pdf)

c.According to Dr. Robertson’s testimony presented above, Novavax received its “biosimulars” through CDC Influenza Branch director, Ruben O. Donis, and Dr. Rick Bright. Dr. Bright previously worked with Dr. Donis at the CDC. In April, 2009, Dr. Bright was Novavax’s Vice President of Global Influenza Programs.

d.The publicized outbreak caused Novavax’s stock to soar. Novavax’s CEO, Rahul Singhvi, and his previous corporate affiliate, the Merck Pharmaceutical company that manufactures the flu-related pneumonia vaccine (Pneumovax), both profited heavily from the “outbreak,” media coverage, and declared advancing pandemic.

e.No group in the world other than the Anglo-American vaccine “pipeline,” with its faucets at the NIBSC and CDC, could supply Novavax’s collaborators with the wherewithal to manufacture and release the recombinant virus reported by officials and Reuter’s News Service. (See: EXHIBIT_8.pdf)

f.A Google search proves Thomas H. Glocer is the Chief Executive Officer of the Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRC) and Director of the TRC that partnered in David Rockefeller’s biotechnology trust called “Partnership for New York City,” (PNYC). Thomas H. Glocer is also a Merck [pharmaceutical company] Director since 2007, according the Merck company website. (See: EXHIBIT_9.pdf.)

g.Two additional “partners” are the New York State Government, and the US Federal Government, likewise advancing vaccine research in partnership with private companies in this PNYC. Both governments then purchase vaccines from other partners in the PNYC.

h.The PNYC, according to their website (http://www.pfnyc.org/history.html), was initially formed out of the merger of two organizations: the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the New York City Partnership. The New York Chamber of Commerce was founded on April 5, 1768 by a group of merchants whose purpose was to encourage business and industry, . . . the Chamber remained sufficiently loyal to the [British] Crown to have received a royal charter in 1770 from King George III, . . . After the [Revolutionary] war, . . . the New York State Legislature . . . confirm[ed] their original charter [on April 13, 1784] . . . entitled "An Act to Remove Doubts Concerning the Chamber of Commerce and to Confirm the Rights and Privileges Thereof." . . . Following in the tradition of three generations of Rockefellers who were closely associated with the Chamber, David Rockefeller transformed the organization in 1979. In that year, he founded the New York City Partnership and affiliated it with the Chamber. Although the original Chamber had taken a broad look at what it considered to be “business interests”, it was primarily a business advocacy group. Under Rockefeller's vision, the new Partnership would allow business leaders to work more directly with government and other civic groups to address broader social and economic problems in a ‘hands on’ way. In 2002, the New York City Partnership and Chamber of Commerce became the Partnership for New York City. . . .”

i.Rupert Murdock is Co-Chairman with Honorary Co-Chairman David Rockefeller in the PNYC.

j.Rupert Murdock’s mother, Elisabeth Murdock is Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, established by King George V; a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC), which is an order established by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia. Elisabeth Murdock administers the Royal Woman’s Hospital in Victoria, Australia, a vaccine research center and heavy promoter of the swine flu vaccines and drugs for pregnant women.

k.Jerry I Speyer, owner of the Rockefeller Center, is chair emeritus of the PNYC and on their board of directors. He is Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Tishman Speyer, Chairman of the Museum of Modern Art, former Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; chairman emeritus of Columbia University; chairman emeritus of the Real Estate Board of New York; and a member of the David Rockefeller-directed Council on Foreign Relations.

l.Nelson Rockefeller’s protégé, Dr. Henry Kissinger, is a highly influential member of The Council on Foreign Relations, composed of the most influential business leaders in America, and his Kissinger Associates, Inc. is Merck and Company, Inc.’s leading management consulting firm.

m.Merck and Company, Inc. is the world’s largest vaccine maker. The company not only profits from flu frights and pandemics by sales of Pneumovax, but also is credited for having spread the AIDS virus, HIV, through contaminated hepatitis B vaccines according to research published in the peer reviewed scientific journal Medical Hypotheses (Volume 56, Issue 5, Pages 677-686) by this affiant.

n.Further evidencing an Anglo-American conspiracy to commit iatro-genocide using vaccines, a CSL Biotherapies report (See: EXHIBIT_10.pdf) proves this firm operates one of the world’s largest influenza vaccine manufacturing facilities for supply to Australia and global markets. This facility is based in Parkville, Victoria. This document explains the vaccine manufacturing process and exclusive supply of viruses for vaccine research and manufacture from the WHO or the CDC, thusly:

“The first step in making the influenza vaccine is preparing a ‘seed’ virus. This is a safe form of the influenza virus, which can be grown in hens’ eggs to produce the vaccine. Preparation of the seed takes around 3-4 weeks following receipt of a potential candidate virus from international health bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

o.So Ruben O. Donis at the CDC had to have sent the H1N1 and H5N1 viruses needed for vaccine manufacture to Novavax, where the CDC’s former Dr. Rick Bright, is now implicated in this conspiracy to commit genocide by way of flu vaccines.

p.CSL’s primary H1N1 swine flu vaccine testing site is closely linked to Rupert Murdock. Murdock funds the Murdock Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) of Victoria, Australia. His daughter-in-law, Sarah Murdock, is an Ambassador for the MCRI, and a member of its development board since 2000. Murdock’s mother’s, Royal Woman’s Hospital is testing the H1N1 vaccines, at the time of this writing, on children and pregnant women.

q.The Associate Director of Clinical Development for vaccines at CSL is Dr. Michael Greenberg. CSL is conducting H1N1 vaccine studies on babies at the Murdock Children’s Research Institute, according to the MCRI website. (See:EXHIBIT_10.pdf) Dr. Greenberg joined GlaxoSmithKline in 2005, and CSL in 2009, further evidencing Rupert Murdock’s ties to SmithKline and CSL.

r.The MCRI is the largest child health research and vaccine testing institute in Australia. It researches childhood diseases, including many that are vaccine-induced autoimmune diseases associated with antigenic complex formation from geneto-protein recombinations and blood intoxications.

s.Antigenic complex formation is the primary mechanism recognized by immunologists for the generation of myriad auto-immune diseases that result from vaccine-induced/unnatural over-stimulation of the immune system whereafter immune cells are hyper-activated to autogenically attack the body instead of simply the infectious agent/ pathogen or antigen. The medical community calls this auto-immune dysfunction.

t.In September 2009, babies and children were being recruited by the MCRI, for “a pandemic H1N1 swine flu vaccine trial” in Melbourne wherein “about 100 Victorian children aged between 6 months to eight years” were selected for study in collaboration with the University of Melbourne and Federal Government of Australia.

u.This historic testimony evidencing fraud and ongoing genocide within the medical and public health sectors of the WHO-directed US, UK, and Australian governments is best reconciled by medical sociologist Stephen Kunitz’s 2000 report in the Journal of the American Public Health Association (Vol 90;10:1531-39) wherein he concluded wherever Anglo-American multi-national corporations travel, so goes genocidal depopulation of native people.

v.Now this affiant is aware that White House Environmental Advisor for Barack Obama, Van Jones, resigned for signing a petition in 2004 asking for an investigation of high level Bush administration officials implicated by foreknowledge in the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center “terrorist” attacks that immediately killed more than 3,000 people and many more from respiratory related ailments.

w.This infamous New York site is now home to the PNYC—the world’s most powerful biotechnology trust established by David Rockefeller in 1979 with co-partner and co-chairman Ruppert Murdock.

x.It must be known that New York’s United Nations building was constructed using Rockefeller money. The United Nations’s WHO was established thereafter by the Rockefeller family's foundation in 1948--the year after the same Rockefeller cohort established the CIA. Two years later the Rockefeller Foundation established the U.S. Government's National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health (NIH), and earlier, the nation's Public Health Service (PHS).**

y.It must be further understood that England’s colonialism has transitioned into neocolonialism, commonly called globalism. British influence has evolved most apparently and consistently with financial support by the European banking community led by the Rothchild family that has, according to geopolitical and economic historians, heavily financed Rockefeller family interests since the late 1800s, and vaccination campaigns have been a part of this global conquest agenda.

z.Population reduction by vaccination for eugenics and genocide has earlier examples. Kunitz wrote about the Yanomami Anglo-American genocide in Venezuela. In 1968, very deadly and obviously contraindicated Edmonson B measles vaccine was administered by James V. Neel and colleagues to conduct genetic studies funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and US Atomic Energy Commission that maintains obvious ties to British commissioners. This vaccine caused the death of several thousand Yanomami. Lesser-known examples of vaccine-induced genocides involve the polio and hepatitis B vaccines as published by this affiant in 2000 in the journal Medical Hypotheses; and the Tuberculosis skin testing genocide ongoing in Hawaii as published in Medical Veritas in 2007 (4:1505–1509).

aa.The eugenics movement began at Rockefeller and Carnegie funded Cold Spring Harbor Labs in New York. Eugenics investors in genetic engineering and “population management” extended their institutional control over Nazi Germany; advancing “showers” with IG Farben and Bayer Corporation supplied Zyclone B. Concentration camp victims believed they were taking showers for “public health” and “disinfection,” not for “racial hygiene.” Later eugenics “experiments” included Tuskeegee’s syphilis study administered on behalf of Rockefeller interests by the U.S. Public Health Service.

bb.I testify as an expert in medical sociology and vaccine virology this is not “conspiracy theory,” but a certifiable “conspiracy reality” operating in health science sustained by a “conspiracy of silence” infecting responsible journalists, the media, and the American people. It is a sociopolitical pathology preventable only by the free exercise of our First Amendment right to a free press. Given the manner in which the defendants control the media, however, including the medical scientific media, America’s founding fathers objective to secure civil rights and happiness by way of a free press has been substantially negated by these criminals.

cc.In the United States, the NIH, PHS, and the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) have incestuous relationships with “BigPharma” and its ring of organized PNYC criminals. These agencies and official agents minimize vaccination risks, deny vaccine ingredient toxicities (e.g., mercury and the vaccine additive MF59 (Novartis/CHIRON) or ASO2-4 (Glaxo-SmithKlein) containing squalene and IL-2); and promote vaccination policies ignoring reason and legitimate cautions based on published science.

dd.The reach and impact of the defendants’ trust, the PNYC, obviously taints geopolitics, economics, and vaccine science globally. For example, according to recent Biomedical Research Alliance promotions, and PNYC promotions, Kathryn S. Wylde, the President and CEO of the PNYC since 1982, was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 2009. She describes Asian financial influence on the PNYC thusly:

ee.“The announcement of the China Center is a step toward economic recovery for New York. The Vantone Group's commitment to helping New York become the western headquarters location for the increasing number of global businesses coming out of China is extremely important to our city’s future as a global capital of business and finance.”

ff.The “China Center” lease is being administered by Silverstein Properties, Inc. a “partner company” in the PNYC. It is owned by Larry A. Silverstein, the infamous real estate tycoon, and alleged heroin drug trafficker, who cashed in on his timely $3.2 billion lease of the World Trade Center property seven weeks before “9-11” (2001). The subsidiary of GE Capitol, Industrial Risk Insurers company, paid some of Mr. Silverstein alleged loss of $7 billion needed to reconstruct the new World Trade Center.

gg.The top 5 floors of this new construction, “Chinese Center” is administered by Vantone Group director Feng Lun (pronounced Fung LEW-in).

hh.Feng Lun, according to Mr. Silverstein’s press announcement, is “a pioneer of China's booming real estate market, so influential that some of the biggest names in American real estate, like Jerry Speyer, Mortimer Zuckerman and Sam Zell, have expressed an interest in forming a partnership with him.”[Emphasis added.](See: EXHIBIT_11.pdf.)

ii.The Mortimer B. Zuckerman Research Center (MBZRC) is the namesake created by the chairman and co-founder of the publicly traded Boston Properties, also a partner company in PNYC. The Center is associated the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller University. Zuckerman is also editor-in-chief of U.S. News and World Report and publisher of the Daily News. A Harvard Law grad, he is also member of the Council on Foreign Relations largely directed by honorary PNYC chairman, David Rockefeller. Mr. Zuckerman is a fixture on Sunday talk shows like The McLaughlin Group. Zuckerman is reported to have an estimated net worth of $2.8 billion. Mr. Zuckerman, a candidate for US Ambassador to Israel, is also a leading financier of the American Lyme Disease Foundation that heavily promoted SmithKline company’s disastrous Lymerix vaccine. This vaccine was pulled from the market following hundreds-of-thousands of reported cases of recipients suffering post-vaccination symptoms of Lyme disease.

jj.Another major promoter and Federal Government endorser of SmithKlein’s toxic and terminated Lyme disease vaccine is the US Federal Government’s, National Institute of Health, National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director, Anthony S. Fauci, upon whom Mr. Zuckerman bestowed an “America’s Best Leaders” award on November 24, 2008.

kk.At this same meeting Mr. Zuckerman provided the same award to David Baltimore, the senior pioneer of retroviral research associated with HIV/AIDS-like immunodeficiency bioengineering during the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP).

ll.The SVCP was speciously investigated in 2002 by the United States General Accounting Office (GAO-02-809R Origin of AIDS Virus), that concluded its fraudulent study in June 17, 2002. The investigation was forced by persecuted, and later incarcerated, Honorable Ohio Congressman, James A. Traficant, Jr. Mr. Traficant has decried his persecution by a “Jewish conspiracy” with intimate ties to Israel and intelligence organizations that adequately describes the defendants in this case.

mm.The SVCP is undoubtedly linked to the origin of HIV/AIDS as evidenced by its documentation revealing HIV co-discoverer, Dr. Robert Gallo, and his employment with the National Cancer Institute overseeing Litton Bionetics’s contract (71-2025) (See: EXHIBIT 12) “Investigation of Viral Carcinogenesis in Primates,” as “Project Officer.” This document relates to the Merck company SVCP contract (71-2059) “Oncogenic Virus Research and Vaccine Development,” directed by Dr. Maurice Hilleman. (See: EXHIBIT 13.pdf)

nn.Before his death, Dr. Hilleman, Merck’s vaccine division chief, stated that he brought the AIDS virus into North America in contaminated monkeys destined for vaccine research at Merck. This suppressed interview was posted by this affiant on You Tube where it is currently viewable, (See: YouTube’s “Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America”)

oo.Litton Bionetics also exclusively administered the NCI’s facilities at Fort Detrick, Maryland at the time Litton supplied chimpanzees were used by the CDC, FDA, NIAID, and the Merck drug company to produce four subtypes of hepatitis B virus vaccines for testing on at least three known populations: 1. homosexual men in New York City, 2. African villagers in Zaire/Congo/Uganda, and 3. Willowbrook State School for mentally retarded children on Staten Island in New York. The latter studies were conducted under U.S Army contract with the New York University Medical Center’s Dr. Saul Krugman. (See: EXHIBIT_14.pdf)

pp.Thus, the leading HIV/AIDS institute in the US, the NIAID, directed by the leading American infectious disease official, HIV/AIDS czar, and leading swine flu vaccination proponent, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has grossly and criminally neglected compelling documents and solid science that indicts Merck, the FDA, CDC, and his own NIAID. The suppressed and neglected evidence proves the origin of the world’s deadliest plague, AIDS, was triggered by hepatitis B vaccinations advanced by this alliance between these defendants’ public and private enterprises.
(See: EXHIBIT_15.pdf)

qq.Additional analysis of published genetic analyses concordant with this suppressed thesis and documented history of the SVCP, and related HIV activity, will prove to any reasonable person the NIAID played a central role in the aforementioned hepatitis B vaccine studies. (See: USDHEW Virology: Volume 4—Control of Viral Infections. NIAID Task Force Report. Bethesda, MD: Public Health Service, NIH, 79-1834, 1979, p. 20; 65-78) (See again: EXHIBIT_15.pdf)

rr.Related to current swine flu propaganda, the NIAID director, Dr. Fauci, has been heavily promoting swine flu vaccinations by way of the defendants’ media properties as he did previously with the Lyme vaccine.

ss.Dr Fauci was also senior author on the New England Journal of Medicine’s article detailing a suspiciously incomplete developmental history of this novel H1N1 virus.(See: NEJM Vol. 361;3:225-229, July 16, 2009.

tt.The NIAID and Dr. Fauci operates subject to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) review and direction according to CIA documentation and the Washington Post.(See: EXHIBIT_16.pdf)

uu.Dr. Fauci is also co-patent holder (No. 5,696,079; Dec. 9, 1997) (See: EXHIBIT_17.pdf.) on “Immunologic enhancement with intermittent interleukin-2 therapy” described as being central to gene therapies and the future of “geneto-pharmaceuticals.” The Assignee on this patent is: The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health (Washington, DC).

vv.The Associated Press reported that the government owns the patents and the scientists are listed as inventors so they can share in licensing deals struck with private manufacturers. . . . Fauci received $45,072.82 in royalties since 1997 when the government licensed the treatment they invented to drug maker Chiron Corp. Fauci, allegedly, donated his royalties to charity to avoid conflict-of-interest charges. But he admitted it was his decision to make to withhold disclosures to patients undergoing tests of IL-2 under his supervision.

ww.Thus, Dr. Fauci’s co-patent filing evidences entrepreneurship of the US Federal Government, through its Department of Health, at the expense of taxpayers, in this valuable biotechnology now licensed to CHIRON Corporation, makers of the swine flu vaccine adjuvant additive MF59 with squalene. (See: EXHIBIT_18.pdf.)

xx.I am aware of substantial scientific evidence, some of which was attended by the United States Congress during its investigation into Gulf War Syndrome, that squalene adjuvant is implicated in poisoning masses of military personnel who received the anthrax vaccine.

yy.Regarding the history of IL-2, now in vaccine adjuvant, on Monday, Oct. 6, 2008, Dr. John Niederhuber, the director of the NCI, told Lawrence K. Altman of the New York Times that Dr. Gallo "was instrumental in every major aspect of the discovery of the AIDS virus." He added: "Dr. Gallo discovered interleukein-2 (Il-2), an immune system signaling molecule, which was necessary for the discovery of the AIDS virus, serving as a co-culture factor that allowed the virus to grow.” Dr. Fauci added to this, "There's no doubt that Bob Gallo made enormous contributions to AIDS research, and if the Nobel rules allowed four recipients, Bob would belong in the group". . . .

zz.I am also aware that IL-2 is the “common denominator” among immune system functions, (See: EXHIBIT_19.pdf) and can cause severe side effects. IL-2 has been recommended for adjuvants. (See: EXHIBIT_20.pdf) New research on Dr. Fauci’s IL-2 in the “proprietary” formula of swine flu vaccine adjuvants show IL-2 caused no benefit whatsoever stimulating the immune systems of 5,8000 subjects at a cost of $85 million. CHIRON and taxpayers paid the tab. Yet, more money and time will be spent researching Drs. Fauci and Gallo’s darling drug.

aaa.Regarding the other principle ingredient in adjuvants, according to Dr. Andrus Brun Laursen, the amount of squalene in the Pandremix vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKlein is far more concentrated in the swine flu vaccine than in anthrax vaccine implicated in producing Gulf War Syndrome.

bbb.CHIRON’s MF59 adjuvant used in the 2009 swine flu vaccines by GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis, and Merck’s Lymerix vaccines, contain squalene along with Dr. Fauci’s co-patented Interleuken-2, preferred by the drug trade due to its toxic side effects as this makes money for shareholders in BigPharma.(See: EXHIBIT_20.pdf)

ccc.The aforementioned evidences how the American people are being psychologically abused--“brain-washed,” sensitized, and traumatized--by the trust’s media; and physically assaulted with painful poisonous injections delivering blood contaminations to the ill-informed generally objecting public.

ddd.From the view of theologians, people shall reap what they sew--humanity is being seduced by persuasive media to be physically poisoned by misplaced faith in the CDC, FDA, AAP, NIAID, PHS, NCI; and in Novartis, Novavax, SmithKlein, Merck, CSL, and Baxter Corporation’s vaccines. Rather than reinforcing the sacred dictim, “In God We Trust,” the PNYC trust conditions people to place faith in medical deities (MDs) to advance an obviously genocidal agenda--the 2009 Swine Flu vaccination campaign. Thus, the constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom from “mandated” blood intoxications (as per Leviticus 19:19) are being attacked and suppressed by Anglo-American agents for David Rockefellers PNYC trust.

eee.Among the trust’s deceptive, coercive, unethical, and fraudulent media machinations is their promoted myth that vaccinations are “mandatory” when, by Constitutional law, they shall be voluntary for all who honor of religious beliefs and others philosophically-inclined to refuse given equal protection under the law.

fff.Another second key deception is the notion that “immunization” means “vaccination” or visa versa; when, in fact, “immunization” traditionally referred to a natural exposure to antigens and innate immune response associated with acquiring lasting natural immunity. The word “vaccination,” alternatively, refers to a medical procedure that typically triggers hyper-sensitization reactions within the lymphatic system.

ggg.Another fraudulent myth is that the FDA tests products and/or assures safety and efficacy of vaccines. This myth persists due to continuous reinforcement by the news media controlled by the trust, and brainwashed or blindly-biased health officials that repeat this seductive mantra--”vaccines are safe and effective.”

hhh.These intentional obfuscations by the media and institutionalized medicine and public health, manipulated and misdirected by the trust, illustrate the social engineering and cross-cultural suppression of native and traditional beliefs in natural healing, immuno-competence, and spiritual metaphysics involved in natural healing, sustaining wellness, and spontaneous recovery.

iii. And unless We the People diagnose and treat the root causes of this genocidal imposition--a psycho-social, geopolitical, economically debilitating, physically-enslaving pathology, humanity may literally go extinct from genetic mutations and chemical intoxications.

jjj. Alternatively, the recognition and celebration of spiritual immunity bio-energetically commanding natural physical immunity through electro-genetic and hydrosonic processes, must be reexamined and culturally restored. As spiritual beings, humans deserve spiritual solutions more than physical chemical intoxications. The suppressed fields of homeopathy and electroacupuncture demonstrate conclusively efficacy in this regard; yet we see no homeopaths in American hospitals today.

kkk.Supermarkets are even used to peddle vaccines as if medical markets are insufficient. “Safeway” stores seduce shoppers in the US and UK offering 10% discounts to anyone impulsively inoculated. Who saves? The company owner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts is partnered with several members of Rockefeller’s PNYC trust. Moreover, Safeway’s CEO, Steven H. Burd, is Founder of the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform (CAHR), the movement’s most outspoken salesman. Allied members include: Merck & Company, Inc., Glaxo-SmithKlein, Eli Lily and Company, Pfizer Inc., and America’s leading vaccine testing organization Kaiser Permanente.(See: EXHIBIT_22.pdf)

lll. Beyond this gross criminal seduction that neglects natural, alternative and complementary care in “health care reform,” the obvious intent of the Federal Government officials, in partnerships and collaborations with pharmaceutical and media industrialists, to engage in organized crime by conspiring to commit psychological warfare to effect a genocidal vaccination agenda is proven by:

i)Gross chronic criminal irresponsibility for safety testing lasting adequate lengths of time to provide reasonable assurances that new or old vaccines are safe, and will not cause disease or premature death months and years after inoculations.

ii)Reliance of Federal licensing officials on studies and data exclusively provided by drug companies--vaccine makers who have consistently manipulated data for profit.

iii)Gross criminal neglect of readily available, lower-to-no cost, risk reducing/zeroing, highly reliable natural alternatives to risky vaccinations and chemotherapies for the flu (e.g., Tamiflu), such as mega-doses of Vitamins C and D, or the new silver hydrosols (e.g., OxySilver). If health officials were not subject to a drug-cult mentality they would be educating the public appropriately how to avoid or recover most naturally and cost-effectively from the flu.

iv)Gross criminal malfeasance in co-creating persuasive deadly propaganda that generates fears and phobias in people everywhere adding to the psychosocial, economic, and ecological burdens of water polluting and behavior modification from antidepressant drugs’ uses and abuses.

v)Gross criminal failure of Federal officials to establish legitimate vaccine reaction reporting, data collection, injury analysis, and compensation protocols. Today, certifiable reporting of vaccination injuries and illnesses are grossly/criminally neglected, often intentionally hidden; and compensation is non-existent for the vast majority of people injured. For instance, the “Thimerosal VSD Study, Phase I, Update 2/29/00” produced for the CDC, then censored and later altered before publication, gives officials fraudulent information and license to claim mercury in vaccines and recipients is safe at concentrations far exceeding Environmental Protection Agency toxic dose limits. (EXHIBIT_23.pdf)

vi)Deliberate obfuscation of the meanings of the words “vaccination” and “immunization,” the former reflecting an administrative process imposing man-made intoxication, the later a natural defense process that develops following natural exposures to germs.

vii)Gross criminal neglect of common sense and reasoned analysis regarding the epidemiological tracking of the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak’s origin; purposefully evading substantial evidence that the current pandemic virus appeared suddenly, suspiciously, unnaturally, and immediately following companies in the PNYC trust issuing vaccine sales propaganda.

viii)Gross criminal breach of obtaining adequate informed consent for medical experimentation using inadequately tested vaccines. Obviously, new H1N1 swine flu vaccines containing “live” “mock” viruses, “fast-tracked” to provide only a few weeks of safety testing are risky. It is scientifically established, widely known, and criminally neglected that autoimmune reactions to vaccinations and even cancers caused by recombination of unstable viruses commonly take place months or even years to develop following vaccinations.

ix)Gross criminal breach of informed consent while “mandating” medical experimentation in recipients of new H1N1 swine flu vaccines containing “live” “mock” viruses that are genetically engineered and expected to recombine with other circulating viruses potentially creating more potent pathogenic strains of flu and more dangerous pandemics.

x)Fraudulent inducements of people of all ages to accept “mandatory” vaccinations for access to schools and workplaces, to avoid fines and quarantines, and/or to avoid persecution by social service agents and agencies involving child custody battles with officials trained and paid to condemn vaccine objectors.

xi)Gross neglect of human rights and US Constitutional freedoms of: religion, the press, and to life, liberty, and personal pursuits because Federal officials overstep their statutory authorities when “mandating” vaccinations, even during declared epidemics.

xii)Official malfeasance and neglect of 4th Amendment rights of people to be secure in their persons and houses, without threat of unwanted invasions of their bodies and properties.

xiii)Official malfeasance and neglect of people’s 5th Amendment rights to secure life, liberty, or personal property, including their body sovereigns, and due process of law;

xiv)Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Without compensating people for the taking of their natural immunity, and natural immune system function, due to the medical intervention and immunological intoxication called vaccination, this Constitutional right is grossly subverted.

xv)Gross criminal neglect of the US Genocide Accountability Act of 2007, TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 50A, § 1091 wherein “We The People of the United States of America,” by way of forced, fraudulently coerced, or extortionately compelled vaccinations, are:

(1)being killed in sufficient numbers to initiate this complaint and charge of genocide;
(2)submitting to serious bodily injury;
(3)being permanently impaired in mental faculties through drugs, including Tamiflu, and by mercury in vaccines linked to neuro-developmental and behavioral disorders in children, and aluminum in vaccines potentially triggering or aggravating Alzheimer’s dementia;
(4)subject to conditions of life under “mandatory” vaccination containing human sterilizers, toxic chemicals, and foreign genetic materials that are intended to cause the physical destruction of fertility and immunity as it these occur naturally in human bodies according to God’s laws; and
(5)subject to common side effects requiring detoxification, natural remediation, or risky medical interventions yielding further intoxications depopulating the group in whole or in part;
(6)imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group as has been documented in Vaccine Wkly (1995 May 29 - Jun 5:9-10) wherein it states, “[T]etanus vaccines laced with hCG have been uncovered in the Philippines and in Nicaragua. In addition to the World Health Organization (WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State universities.” (It should be noted that Barack Obama’s science czar, John Holdren, co-authored the book Ecoscience in 1977 calling for population reduction through the use of sterilizing vaccinations);
(7)transfers by force of children of one social group to another group is prohibited under the anti-genocide act--precisely what happened to my daughter in Hawaii forced to leave High School for failing to become intoxicated by vaccinations and TB tests. This is happening throughout America when unvaccinated children are forced to take the injection or else suffer the stigma of allegedly presenting greater risk to the community of vaccinated children. This policy is psychologically and emotionally abusive; whereas the vaccination alternative is physically intoxicating, generally stressful, and chronically debilitating.

20.In conclusion, compelling evidence in this sworn affidavit including EXHIBITS 1 thru 23 is sufficient to persuade most reasonable people that dangerous conflicts of interest between US Federal health officials and this Rockefeller-established trust are grossly genocidal and frankly criminal. This cartel of drug/media industrialists are killing far more than 1 million Americans annually according to my highly conservative calculations as an expert in this field.

21.For reasons written above, I pray that this honorable Court will carefully examine the evidence exhibited and referenced herein, and rule judiciously by granting an immediate injunction on the FDA’s licensing and health agencies’ administration of the specious swine flu vaccines until this urgent evidencing of genocide and anti-trust violations can be sufficiently studied and due process of law applied.

22.I declare under penalty of law that the foregoing is true and accurate.

DATED: August 22, 2009

Leonard George Horowitz
State of Washington
County of Pend Oreille

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this _________________ [day of month] day of _________________ [month], 20____.
[Notary Seal:]
[signature of Notary]
Below is a list of statutes that relate to the criminal violations attested to and evidenced above:

Appendix 3

Vaccine Victims Blamed For National Emergency  

Smoking Guns Indict Murdoch's Media in Deadly Corruption  

By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

硫柳汞(thimerosal),硫柳汞为ethyl mercury (乙基汞),不同于一般的methyl mercury(甲基汞),

In Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, medical doctors failed to determine the cause of bizarre behavior among youngsters in that town. Religious zealots, steeped in their cult, diagnosed satanic possession to justify criminal prosecutions and serial slayings.  



The publication of "Why you can't get swine-flu vaccine" in Rupert Murdoch's New York Post (Nov. 3, 2009) by, Vice President of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, proves how human intelligence has devolved since Salem's victims were blamed to popularize status quo psychopathology, social injustice, and mass murder otherwise called institutionalized genocide.

Robert Goldberg发表为什么你不注射猪流感疫苗在默多克的纽约邮报(2009113日),他是公共利益医学中心副主席。自从Salem受害者被指责宣称为精神变态,其实是社会不公正和被大规模屠杀或说有组织的种族灭绝受害者,这一切证明人们智商已经退化。  

According to Goldberg, partnered with Peter Pitts, mainstream media's health pundits for consumer protection, the H1N1 National Emergency declared by Barack Obama is due to fringe lunatics who think mercury is harmful when injected by vaccines; not "vaccine shortages".

GoldbergPeter Pitts,主流媒体为保护消费者的健康,与专家们合作。奥巴马宣布H1N1病毒的国家紧急情况,那些认为当注射疫苗时考虑是有害的是偏激疯子,不要考虑疫苗缺陷。

Goldberg blames people like me for heralding mercury toxicity's links to neuro-developmental and behavioral disorders in children (e.g., autism). We are blamed for allegedly pressuring governors into ordering single versus multi-dose vials (as if the government of the US has ever listened to vaccine prohibitionists). The different vials have differing mercury concentrations (which indicts lacking industry standardization of heavy metal toxic mercury levels evidencing gross criminal negligence rationalized by pseudoscience) and the single dose vials are more costly and time-consuming to produce. Thus, we victims of mercury intoxication and vaccine injuries are blamed for the alleged vaccine shortage and national Model State Emergency Health Powers Act implementation advancing across the country.



They are Killing Us  


I suffer from eczema--a common condition linked by science to vaccine mercury and/or injected foreign proteins causing multiple chemical sensitivities and autoimmune conditions. Vaccine-linked eczema now curses between 10-15 percent of the American people. Eczema is most often caused by vaccination intoxication. Human bodies are injected with mercury and foreign proteins that attach to normal body parts. The combination of mismatched protein parts forms an "antigenic complex" that is attacked by white blood cell bodyguards. This results in the vast majority of autoimmune diseases, including eczema. Such diseases profit petrochemical-pharmaceutical industrialists.*

我患有湿疹, 一个共同的条件,通过科学汞疫苗的联系和/注射外源蛋白后引起多种化学物质过敏和自身免疫调节。疫苗相关湿疹现在诅咒10-15%的美国民众。湿疹最常见的原因是疫苗中毒。注入人体的水银和外源蛋白质附着正常的身体部分。不匹配的蛋白质组分结合形成一个抗原性复合物,即由白血球防卫细胞袭击。这将导致绝大多数自身免疫性疾病,包括湿疹。这种疾病有利于石油化学制药工业.*


My mother died of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) from the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine campaign. My sister-in-law was crippled with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) from a hepatitis B vaccine. My brother-in-law receives Canadian military compensation for a vaccine injury called multiple sclerosis (MS). My best friend has type-1 diabetes thanks to a flu shot. These illnesses are all autoimmune diseases proven in science to be linked to, or caused by, vaccinations.**


I testified briefly before the US Congress on vaccine mercury's link to autism. I personally witnessed legislative officials' gross criminal neglect of the scientific study commissioned by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) by Verstraeten, et. al, titled, "Thimerosal VSD Study: Phase I-- Update 2/29/00." Herein, definitive links between vaccine mercury intoxication and neuro-developmental and behavioral disorders in children were reported. This report was originally censored, then modified, for subsequent official publications eliminating all findings condemning vaccine mercury, thus keeping autism a "medical mystery."

我曾在美国国会做关于和自闭症有联系的汞疫苗的简短作证。我亲眼看到立法官员有意疏忽由Verstraeten委托美国疾病控制中心(CDC)作出的科学研究,等事。标题为硫柳汞室间隔缺损的研究:第一阶段 - 更新2/29/00在此,报道了疫苗汞毒性和儿童的神经发育及行为障碍的确切联系。这份报告起初是送检,然后进行修改,随后正式出版物消除一切谴责疫苗汞毒性问题,从而保持自闭症一个医学之谜。

Today, everyone practicing any form of natural medicine is endangered. Energy medicine is particularly suppressed along with paradigm-shifting biophysics, hydrosonics, and electrogenetics that could eliminate all reliance on drug industrialists. Practitioners in these fields are persecuted for truth-telling about vaccine illnesses and deaths linked to mercury poisoning and antigenic complexes.**



History Repeating  



Medical industry censorship and persecution is reminiscent of the mysterious Salem witch trials. Historians speculate a combination of events, including an untimely smallpox outbreak, created the climate for this public fright. One-hundred and forty people were accused of witchcraft. Forty-three people were supposedly afflicted. Nineteen people were hanged, one person was pressed to death, thirteen people died in prison, and as many as 1200 persons were victimized in other ways.

医疗行业检查和迫害,使人联想到神秘的塞勒姆女巫审判。历史学家推测相关联的事件,其中包括一个不合时宜的天花爆发,创造了这次公共恐惧的气氛。140人被指控巫术。 43个据说受折磨。 19人被处以绞刑,一人被压死亡,13人死于监狱中,多达1200人在其他方面受害。  


What terminated this deadly madness is the same reason Rupert Murdoch's yellow press, the New York Post, published Robert Goldberg's diatribe. Public support and false belief in the "witches" began to wane; as is happening now with growing distrust of vaccines and fraudulent vaccine trials. The "silent majority" sees through transparent safety assurances and government intrusions into our lives. People are frightened and fed-up with deadly disasters like the Merck company's VIOXX and 1976 Swine Flu vaccine fraud, both certified by the US Federal Government.

是什么终止这种致命的疯狂,是同样疯狂的默多克黄色新闻--纽约邮报,刊登了Robert Goldberg的谩骂。公众的支持和对女巫的迷信开始消退;与此同时,越来越多人对疫苗和疫苗欺诈试验不信任。沉默的大多数看到很少安全保障和政府对我们生活的入侵。人们害怕,并感染如默克公司的Vioxx1976年猪流感疫苗欺诈这样的致命疾病,都是由美国联邦政府保证的。


Respected Salem ministers started to believe that some innocent people were being accused and executed for witchcraft primarily on unreliable spectral evidence (such as Goldberg presents). Today, confessions by doctors and scientists who once worked for drug giants are truth-telling, whistle-blowing, and discrediting the vaccine makers and their safety assurances over the Internet.


As the Reverend Increase Mather stated, "It were better than ten suspected witches should escape than one innocent person should be condemned." I say, "it is better that ten vaccine-prohibitionists be condemned by medical madmen than one innocent child suffer neuro-degeneration from vaccine mercury intoxication."

牧师Increase Mather说,“ 10个受怀疑的巫师应该逃避胜过一个无辜者应该受到谴责。我说,“ 10个疫苗禁止者受医疗疯子谴责胜过一个无辜孩子遭受疫苗汞毒性引发的神经变质。

The Salem Witch Trials website explained, "As the accusations mounted, persons from all walks of life--rich and poor, beggar and merchant--were being accused. Additionally, the accused that originally confessed to witchcraft requested to recant their former confessions. With public confidence in the trials slipping, the cries of the afflicted were steadily ignored, and the accusations eventually stopped."

萨勒姆女巫审判的网站上解释说:由于这些指控展开,来自各行各业的人 - 富人与穷人,乞丐和商人 - 被指控。此外,那些最初承认巫术的被告要求放弃自己以前的证词。受害人的哭泣总是被忽视,公众信心在审判中下滑,,指控最终停止。

So increasingly ridiculous accusations from the status quo, such as Goldberg's , are disbelieved by increasing numbers of vaccine victims. The majority of people now see through BigPharma's fear-inflicting propaganda, exemplified by Murdoch's articles, wherein "We the People" are accused of madness, ignorance, and now allegedly causing a national emergency.  


Public confidence in medicine is at an all-time low following the medically-assisted demise of our parents, friends, and siblings. The leading cause of death today is drug-induced illnesses; and these shocking statistics omit all vaccine injuries since officials criminally neglect surveying and reporting the sick and dying who's only mistake was their misplaced faith in drugs and medical deities.


It is said that medicine has extended longevity, but degenerated quality of life making death seem more appealing than drug additions and lethal side effects for millions.


Murdoch's Media-Driven Humanicide  


For those who don't know, Rupert Murdoch controls the majority of American news media.



Recently, investigative journalist Sherri Kane and I exposed gross conflicting interests between Rupert Murdoch and the global drug cartel. Pregnant women were tested for H1N1 vaccine side effects using a bogus study design at Elizabeth Murdoch's Royal Women's Hospital in Australia. Rupert's daughter-in-law, Susan, oversees the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) wherein infants and children were tested with H1N1 vaccines by Merck's subsidiary, CSL, Inc. James Murdoch, heir-apparent to Rupert's estate, oversees the Board of Directors of Glaxo-SmithKlein, another H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine maker. All of the above Murdoch affiliates administered fraudulent H1N1 vaccine studies that neglected placebo control groups and long-term surveillance to fraudulently erase statistically significant risks and provable "adverse events."

最近,调查记者雪莉凯恩和我揭露了默多克和全球药品卡特尔严重的利益冲突。孕妇在默多克设立在澳大利亚的伊丽莎白皇家妇女医院做H1N1型流感疫苗副作用测试,采用了一个假的研究设计。默多克的儿媳妇,苏珊,监督默多克儿童研究所(MCRI),其中婴儿和儿童做H1N1疫苗试验,由默克公司的子公司,联俊达实施。詹姆斯.默多克,默多克财产的法定继承人,监督葛兰素- SmithKlein董事会,另一H1N1猪流感疫苗生产商。上述默多克管理欺诈性H1N1型流感疫苗的研究,忽视安慰剂对照组和长期监视,以便欺骗性地擦除统计学风险和可证明的不良事件。

Rupert Murdoch is Co-Chairman of the David Rockefeller founded, Royal family of England chartered, Partnership for New York City (PFNYC). This is the world's most powerful biotechnology trust--the heart of the vaccine industry, "genetopharmaceuticals," and mass-media mind controlling social engineering. This is the heart of the American Medical CULTure. Their prostitutes promote and prey on people's fear, magnify microbial menaces, and persecute natural healers and alternative care providers as though they were witches practicing witchcraft.

默多克是戴维洛克菲勒成立的英国皇家特许,纽约城伙伴关系(PFNYC)的联合主席。这是世界上最强大的生物技术拖拉斯 - 疫苗产业的心脏,genetopharmaceuticals,这是大众媒体精神控制社会工程。这是美国医学文化的核心。他们卖力促进,使人们恐惧,放大微生物祸害,迫害自然治疗师和替代性关注提供者,他们仿佛巫师实践巫术。

David Rockefeller also directs the wealthy powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He co-founded, with The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the influential     Population Council. The former is the most powerful US Government think tank and policy director. The later is the world's most active depopulation organization funded by the US Government and Rockefeller-related foundations and institutions. The Population Council's goal is to reduce populations by nearly two-thirds through intoxicating drugs and vaccines, including those that cause sterility. They advocate the 1977 book, Ecoscience, co-authored by Obama administration science czar, John Holdren, calling for massive global depopulation using vaccinations for sterilization.

戴维洛克菲勒还管理着非常强力的美国外交关系委员会。他与洛克菲勒兄弟基金会共同创立了有影响力的人口理事会。前者是最强大的美国政府智囊团和政策主导者。后者是世界上最活跃的人口减少组织,由美国政府及洛克菲勒相关基金会机构资助。人口理事会目标是减少人口的近三分之二,通过有毒性药物和疫苗,包括导致不育。他们在1977年的书Ecoscience,奥巴马政府的科学沙皇John Holdren共同撰写,呼吁大规模全球人口数量降低,采用疫苗接种以便不育。


Evidencing this group's power, on October 16, 2009, a special gathering of CFR joined vaccine specialists and social engineers led by health media propagandist, Laurie Garrett, discussed the urgency of the vast majority rejecting vaccinations for H1N1. They articulated the need to use "shortage marketing" (i.e., fraudulently claiming vaccine shortages) to promote better public acceptance of the distrusted vaccines. Prior to this meeting, the nation's vaccine supplies were reported ample. After this meeting the media began administering shortage marketing, and hypnotizing the panicked public who lined up for their shots.

证明这一群体的力量,在091016日,外交关系委员会的一个特别聚会加入了疫苗专家们和健康媒体宣传家Laurie Garrett领导的社会工程师们,讨论了关于公众中大部分人拒绝H1N1疫苗接种的紧急情况。他们阐明了需要使用“短缺市场”(即欺骗性声称疫苗短缺),以更好的促进公众接受已不被信任疫苗。在这次会议之前,国家疫苗供应被报告是充足。在这次会议后,媒体开始说市场疫苗短缺,被催眠的恐慌市民排队来注射疫苗。


Another example official malfeasance at the highest levels of government involves the PFNYC Co-Chair, Lloyd Blankfein, the Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs & Co., whose manager of private client services, Linda Daines, is wife of New York State Health Commissioner, Richard Daines. The Daines's profit from vaccine sales to New York State (legally another member of PFNYC) and other governments, including the US Federal Government (officially another member of PFNYC) that stockpiles the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine. Goldman Sachs, directed by Blankfein, was the largest shareholder in a deal they brokered in 2007 for the $15 billion sale of vaccine giant MedImmune that produces AstraZeneca's H1N1 "Flumist."

    另一位政府最高级别官员渎职的例子,涉及PFNYC联席主席Lloyd Blankfein,高盛公司的主席和CEO,他的私人客户服务部经理,Linda Daines,是纽约州卫生专员Richard Daines的妻子。Daines的疫苗销售利润来自纽约州(另一PFNYC合法成员)和其他政府,包括美国联邦政府(另一PFNYC正式成员)库存H1N1猪流感疫苗。高盛由Blankfein执导,他们在2007年促成一宗生意,生产AstraZeneca的H1N1型FluMist疫苗巨头MedImmune公司,150亿美元并购,是最大的股票持有者。


What's Next? The Expected Created "Big One?"  


Flumist is the H1N1 nasal spray vaccine. People taking it spread the "live" "active" laboratory-engineered unstable virus for up to 3 weeks, putting non-vaccinated persons at risk of infection and worse. These "shed" unstable viruses more readily recombine with other circulating viruses; thus, potentially more severe outbreaks and far more deadly pandemics are now expected.


One such threat, a possible H1N1 hemorrhagic pneumonia recombinant, has emerged in the Ukraine, where the Chernobyl disaster occurred. The NATO superpower has fully engaged biological and chemical weapons research and development. This country was predicted to host a biological weapons release associated with H1N1 vaccines courtesy of the Baxter Corp around the time this outbreak occurred. Joseph Moshe, an Israeli Mossad agent, made this prediction on August 11, 2009, and his persecution and arrest made the national news.

一个这样的威胁,可能的H1N1出血性肺炎病毒重组,已经出现在乌克兰,切尔诺贝利灾难发生在该国。北约超级力量充分参与生物和化学武器的研究发展。这次爆发时,这个国家是被预测组织一场生物武器释放,和百特公司提供H1N1病毒疫苗相关联。Joseph Moshe,以色列摩萨德特工,2009811日做了这个预言,他的迫害和逮捕成为全国性新闻。


Moshe attempted to warn US federal investigators and law enforcers about Baxter releasing a bioweapon as they had earlier this year "accidentally" shipping H5N1-contaminted seasonal flu vaccines to labs across Europe. Baxter previously shipped AIDS around the world in their HIV-contaminated blood product, heparin. This H1N1 vaccine supplier is among the least trustworthy companies in the world. Their adjuvanted vaccines are currently banned in the United States due to US Congressional condemnation, but favored by European nations. So much for consistency in vaccine science!

卡察夫试图警告美国联邦调查人员和法律执行人员,有关Baxter释放出生物武器,因为他们已经在今年早些时候不小心 携带被禽流感(H5N1)污染的季节性流感疫苗至欧洲各地的实验室。Baxter以前扩散艾滋病至世界各地,通过他们被HIV污染的的血液制品,heparin。这是世界上最不值得信赖的H1N1疫苗供应商。他们的佐剂疫苗,目前在美国禁止,由于美国国会的谴责,但欧洲国家青睐。如此多的疫苗科学一致性!

Here is the biggest problem. Unvaccinated persons are being vicariously "immunized" by simply going to school or work, contacting shedding H1N1 vaccinated carriers. Since more deadly viruses circulate in people, birds, animals, and the global environment, worse pandemics are predicted. Simply one "Typhoid Mary" transmitting an H1N1-H5N1 recombinant might depopulate millions of people in many nations thanks to the H1N1 vaccinations! This is what experts and officials, in fact, expect to happen. It is the real grossly-neglected reason for the declaration of "National Emergency" by President Obama.

   这里最大的问题。未接种疫苗者被间接性免疫,只需去上学或工作中接触H1N1病毒疫苗携带者散发物。自从更致命的病毒,在人们,鸟,动物,以及全球环境中传遍,可以预期待更糟糕的流行病。只需一个伤寒玛丽” H1N1病毒H5N1禽流感病毒重组物的传遍可能在许多国家减少人口数百万,由于H1N1疫苗接种!这是专家和官员,事实上,希望发生的。这才是真正严重忽视的道理,由奥巴马总统声明的国家紧急状态。

Murdoch and Blankfein's allied news sorcerer is Thomas H. Glocer, the Editor-in-Chief of Reuters News Service, who is also a member of the PFNYC. His directorship of Merck & Co, the world's largest vaccine maker, is another gross conflict of interest. Reuter's and Murdoch's News Corp. controls virtually all Western World propaganda, including the Associated Press which Murdoch directs as a board member. Murdoch and Glocer's media co-broke the story of Obama's H1N1 National Emergency declaration. Glocer broke the H1N1 Mexican Swine Flu news.

默多克和Blankfein的同盟新闻巫师是Thomas H. Glocer,路透社主编,他也是PFNYC成员。他是默克公司董事,默克公司是世界最大疫苗生产商,是另一个严重的利益冲突。路透社和默多克的新闻集团包括美联社,默多克是美联社董事会成员,几乎控制所有的西方世界宣传。默多克和Glocer的媒体合作了奥巴马的H1N1病毒国家紧急状态宣布故事。Glocer报道了墨西哥H1N1猪流感消息。

Let us not forget the conflicting interests of PFNYC member Mortimer Zuckerman, Editor-in-Chief of US News & World Report and the New York Daily News, who financed the American Lyme Disease Foundation that heavily promoted SmithKlein's disastrous Lymerix vaccine that tragically caused hundreds-of-thousands of casualties before the FDA suspended its use.

让我们不要忘记PFNYC成员Mortimer Zuckerman的利益冲突,他是美国新闻与世界报道及纽约每日新闻总编辑。他资助美国莱姆病基金会,曾大力推广SmithKlein的灾难性Lymerix疫苗,不幸造成成百上千名受害者,在美国食品和药物管理局暂停使用之前。


All the above are advancing massive media deception and human intoxication for population reduction through H1N1 recombinations spread by vaccinations, shedding, and reassorting with circulating viruses including, we now expect, hemorrhagic pneumonia from the Ukraine.

上述所有的正在推进大规模媒体欺骗和人类中毒以便人口减少,通过接种,散发, reassorting以传播H1N1重组病毒及现在预计来自乌克兰的出血性肺炎的方式。

Concerned intelligent activists are demonized as "witches," holistic physicians are ostracized for practicing "witchcraft," and natural cures and immune boosters such as the silver hydrosols that could put Big Pharma out of business, are suppressed by officials of a murderous medical cult. Together, medical maniacs allied with media moguls have sewn the seeds for population reduction consistent with Population Counsel objectives and their own demise as humanity awakens to the catastrophe of this unfolding humanicide.


Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is an award-winning author of 16 books and a Harvard-trained internationally recognized expert in public health and consumer protection. He views vaccinations as genocidal weapons for human intoxication and mass depopulation, and condemns gross criminal negligence and official malfeasance in the administration of the H1N1 Swine Flu "Scam." Go toFLUscam.com for more writings by Dr. Horowitz.

Leonard G. Horowitz博士是一个获奖的16本书作者,哈佛大学训练的国际公认公众健康和消费者保护专家。他的意见,疫苗作为种族灭绝武器以便使人类中毒和大规模减少人口,并谴责在管理猪流感H1N1病毒上,严重犯罪般疏忽和官方渎职骗局。FLUscam.com,更多霍罗威茨博士著作。

The original article by Goldberg is published here:http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/why_you_can_get_swine_

The two most deadly myths in medical history is that: 1) vaccines, not mainly improvements in hygiene and nutrition, terminated polio and smallpox; and 2) vaccines are "safe and effective" when more than 90 percent of vaccine injuries and fatalities are criminally neglected, not surveyed nor reported.


According to ScienceDaily.com: Approximately 75 percent of autoimmune diseases occur in women, most frequently during the childbearing years. These diseases also comprise a significant portion of chronic childhood disorders. Autoimmune disease refers to a group of more than 80 serious, chronic illnesses including diseases of the nervous, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems as well as skin and other connective tissues, eyes, blood, and blood vessel. In all of these diseases, the underlying problem is similar--the body's immune system (including B and/or T immune cells) becomes misdirected, attacking the very organs it was designed to protect. (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070403161855.htm)

ScienceDaily.com:大约百分之七十五的自体免疫疾病发生在女性身上,经常在生育年龄。这些疾病还包括童年期慢性疾病重要部分。自体免疫疾病是指超过80种严重慢性疾病,包括神经,胃肠,内分泌系统疾病,以及皮肤和其它结缔组织,眼睛,血液和血管。在所有这些疾病的根本问题是相似的 - 人体的免疫系统(包括B/T)的免疫细胞变得失去方向,攻击的目的是它们要保护的器官。

Author's footnote: It is grossly idiotic and genocidal to neglect the diagnosis of general systemic vaccination intoxication then conjure up misdiagnoses requiring drug treatments. The best treatment, and public health measure, would obviously be to cease vaccinating and intoxicating people. Proof of this is adequately evidenced by the huge percentage of people with autoimmune diseases that even vaccine makers' package inserts warn about, eczema being a most prevalent one. This ignorance and neglect of what is obvious places the medical paradigm in jeopardy of crumbling due to iatrogenocidal stupidity.


Ms. Kane is a freelance investigative journalist working with Dr. Horowitz to advance Healthy World Organization (HWO), a natural alternative to the UN's World Health Organization. Information about HWO is available at:HealthyWorldOrganization.org. For more information about the flu, and what to do, go to FLU TO Dos on Dr. Horowitz's comprehensive website FLUscam.com.

217 Cedar St., Suite #326, Sandpoint, ID 83864; 208-265-8065;




Ms. Kane是一名自由调查记者,她和Horowitz博士致力于推进世界健康组织,一个自然替代联合国世界卫生组织的组织。更多有关HWO信息可见:HealthyWorldOrganization.org欲了解更多于流感信息,以及做什么,去Horowitz博士的综合性网站FLUscam.com




www.nypost.com/.../why_you_can_get_swine_flu_vaccine_GTHq2q7i8HeBQzyG4tQYLJ -  

Why you can't get swine-flu vaccine


Comments: 4  


Last Updated: 1:24 AM, November 3, 2009  

Posted: 12:03 AM, November 3, 2009  

The shortage of swine-flu vaccine results not from drug- company greed or outsize demand but almost entirely from the government's decision to pander to unfounded and unscientific fear.   

As The Wall Street Journal reported last week, the US government set out to have the H1N1 vaccine produced largely in single-dose syringes -- a demand that has set back production considerably, because multidose vials are far easier to make.   

And the only reason to seek single-dose production was to please people needlessly worried about the preservative thimerasol, which is used to provide multiple doses of the vaccine. The fear -- utterly groundless and repeatedly debunked is that thimerasol can cause autism and other neurological disorders in infants and other young children.   

正如华尔街日报上周报道,美国政府决定H1N1型流感疫苗主要采用单剂量注射器生产 - 这种要求已大大延误生产,因为多剂量瓶要容易得多。
而唯一寻求单一剂量生产原因,,是不必要的,请有关防腐剂thimerasol,用于提供多剂量疫苗的人担心。这种恐惧 - 毫无根据,并多次揭穿,硫柳汞(thimerosal)在婴幼儿中导致自闭症和其他神经性疾病。  

If not for that decision, we'd have more than enough vaccine. Instead, because the government yielded to pressure from antivaccine fringe groups, we're behind the curve on protecting millions of children from swine flu.   

It's a tribute to the effectiveness of pandemic planning and the introduction of new technologies that the nation will likely have plenty of H1N1 vaccine within a month.   

Flu strains don't show up when expected. H1N1 was supposed to arrive along with the "regular" seasonal flu, but it began three months early. Using genomic technologies, public-health officials and such vaccine developers as Novartis and Sanofi-Pasteur isolated the H1N1 strain and identified antibodies for production in record time.   

Yet, despite this technological ability to adapt quickly to a pandemic threat, our system has been hamstrung by pseudoscience evangelists.   

The thimerasol scare, disproved time and again, persists in part because the same public-health entities that encourage immunizations have made significant concessions to small, persistent fear-mongering activist groups.   

流感病毒没有出现在预期的时候。 H1N1病毒过去被认为是随着常规季节性流感到达,但它早于3个月开始。利用基因技术,公共卫生官员及疫苗开发商诺华公司和赛诺菲—巴斯德分离H1N1病毒,并在最短时间内确定抗体以便生产。


In 1999, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control called for the maximum removal of thimerasol from vaccines -- even though both stated there was no scientific evidence of side effects.   

Beyond pressuring the government, antivaccine activists have had an indirect effect on the private sector's ability to meet the need for vaccines. Lawsuits in the '80s claimed that DTP (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) vaccine caused brain damage; the court actions scared off investment in production facilities using the new recombinant technologies.   

As a result, the number of firms producing DTP and other vaccines plummeted. In 1980, 18 companies made vaccines; by the end of the decade, only four were left.   

The loss of innovation, investment and profitability in the vaccine industry means we have a gene-based development process for the 21st century -- but a production process that hasn't changed in the last 100 years.   

We reap the consequences of that antiquated production process today -- visible on signs posted outside local drugstores and clinics across the country: "Out of H1N1 Vaccine."   

But production hasn't been the only casualty of antivaccine hysteria. Since the 1980s, many children have been left unprotected against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. How many hundreds of thousands of American children have suffered, from pertussis or other diseases, because of a crackpot minority? How many more will suffer during the current shortage?   

By bowing to the unfounded concerns of a few, our government has compromised the safety of many. It's done an admirable job, so far, of communicating with the public about the H1N1 threat and boosting immunization rates. But perhaps its most important job moving forward is to properly align policy with established scientific opinion and the public's best interests.   

Twisting the canons of science endangers the public's health and exposes our children to real harm.   

Robert Goldberg is vice presi dent of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest. rgoldberg@cmpi.org   

  因此,生产DTP和其他疫苗的公司数目下降。 1980年,18家公司制作疫苗,到80年代底,只剩下4家公司。
  在疫苗行业的创新,投资和盈利损失意味着我们有一个基因为基础的面向21世纪发展进程 - 而生产过程,在过去100年并没有改变。
  我们今天收获的陈旧生产过程后果- 可见标志张贴在全国各地药店和诊所:“H1N1型流感疫苗缺货”。
  但生产并不是歇斯底里的反疫苗唯一受害者。 80年代以来,许多儿童没有采取预防白喉,百日咳和破伤风措施。有多少的美国儿童遭受百日咳等疾病,由于少数疯子?还有多少会患病在当前的短缺?
  通过屈从于少数人毫无根据的关注,我们的政府已经削弱了许多安全。这是令人钦佩的工作,到目前为止,沟通公众应对H1N1病毒的威胁,提高免疫接种率。 但是,也许向前推动最重要的工作,是要妥善综合建立科学意见和公众最佳利益的政策。


Appendix5 (a part of all)  


The Truth about Bird Flu, H5N1, Vaccines and AIDS   

Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud"   

"For almost one year we have been asking authorities, politicians and medical institutes for the scientific evidence for the existence of such viruses that are said to cause disease and therefore require "immunization". After almost one year we have not received even one concrete answer which provides evidence for the existence of those "vaccination viruses".... Dr. Stefan Lanka, Sept. 2001 interview  

From Franz Erdl
May 4, 2009   

The Truth about Bird Flu, H5N1, Vaccines and AIDS (May 4, 2009)   


Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked  

What all of these photos have in common is that they, according to authors Stefan Lanka and Karl Krafeld, can´t claim that they present a virus, as long as they do not also provide the original publications which describe how and from what the virus has been isolated. Such original publications have been cited nowhere.

Indeed, in the entire scientific literature, there´s not even one publication where Koch´s First Postulate is even claimed for "viruses in medicine" . That means, that there is no proof that from humans with certain diseases that the viruses - which are held responsible for these diseases - have been isolated. Nevertheless, this is precisely what is publicly claimed.   

Now, regarding the photos published and submitted as "evidence"::