每个人都想征服世界:NoteExpress - 参考文献管理软件

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NoteExpress 简介
NoteExpress 是国内最专业的文献检索与管理系统,完全支持中文,NoteExpress 可以帮助您通过各种方途径高效,自动的搜索(含互联网),下载,管理文献资料和论文。该软件可嵌入MS Word环境使用,在使用Word中输出各种格式化的参考文献信息,不需要脱离Word环境。使用方式与绝大多数文献管理软件相似,容易学习,除此以外:

v1.7.2.150 [2006-07-05] ->详细介绍
+ 新增自动关联文件到题录的功能;
+ 新增标准输出样式和过滤器;
+ 新增 CNKI 期刊在线数据库;
+ 新增 BibTeX 过滤器;
+ 新增最新的国标输出样式;
* 允许禁止对 Numbered 类型样式进行自动格式化;
* 改进的 HTML 导入;
* 为题录新建笔记时自动初始化笔记标题为题录标题;
+ 过滤器新增记录前缀标识和正则表达式替换的支持;
* 改进的导出界面;
* 新增取消笔记关联的题录和取消题录笔记的功能;
* 记录上次高亮工具颜色;
* 允许修改笔记创建时间;
* 附件编辑器允许一次加入多个附件文件和删除多个附件;
* 从主窗口点击插入题录后自动最小化;
* 文件夹统计支持自定义字段;
# 修正 Word 2003 下特殊符号工具栏不起作用问题;
# 修正已知 bug。
v1.6.1.128 [2006-05-04]
+ 新增题录和笔记回收站功能;
+ 新增文件夹统计功能;
+ 新增文件夹排序功能;
+ 支持直接打开第一个文件附件;
+ 题录和笔记列表支持反向选择;
+ 题录详细列表锁定时只显示非空字段;
+ 允许通过拖拽文件添加附件;
+ 新增复制附件文件名的功能;
+ 搜索面板增加关闭按钮;
* 句首大小写功能支持自定义忽略词;
+ 增加手工设置引文顺序的功能;
* 姓名解析支持复姓;
+ 新增姓氏称呼及附加词编辑器;
* 笔记编辑器支持 URL 检测及跳转;
* 样式管理器支持多选;
+ 新增多个农业类输出样式;
# 修正已知 bug。
v1.5.0.109 [2006-03-05]
+ 新增 IE 右键添加内容为笔记的功能;
+ 笔记支持从浏览器粘贴 HTML 格式文本以及图片;
+ 笔记编辑器新增高亮工具;
* 格式化拷贝增加快捷键支持及纯文本格式;
* 在线检索支持设定检索条件后直接切换在线数据库;
* 增加对文本框内引文的格式化支持;
+ 支持西文人名头衔的识别及处理;
+ 支持中文姓名只输出姓;
* 增加格式化期刊缩写标题为指定字体的功能;
* 允许设置文尾的题录抬头段落格式;
+ 允许在导入题录和导入文件时设置某些字段的默认值;
+ 允许在过滤器中定义指定字段默认值;
+ 允许检索指定题录的相关题录(同作者、同期刊等);
+ 增加常用数据库管理及其菜单项;
* 列表和目录树支持中文拼音增量搜索;
+ 增加多处重要提示;
+ 新增 600 多个输出样式及多个过滤器;
# 修正已知 bug。
v1.4.1.100 [2006-01-24]
+ 新增显示条目所在文件夹的特色功能!
+ 新增导入文件为题录加附件的相关功能;
+ 新增快速文件夹跳转按钮;
+ 增加对题录特殊格式的格式化输出;
+ 实现同一作者同一年份作品增加后缀符;
+ 条目编辑器新增窗口置顶功能;
+ 增加新的题录类型:论文集;
* 笔记编辑器及格式化输出支持中文字号;
* 笔记编辑器增加右键菜单;
* 改进 Word 插件查找引文窗口,支持二次检索和指定文件夹查找;
* 条目编辑器改回非模式窗口;
* 各主要根文件夹标题可翻译;
* 支持复制粘贴附件链接、删除文件型附件对应的文件;
* 条目列表支持对中文的拼音增量搜索;
* 题录编辑器可直接发送当前题录到 MS Word;
* 首词大写转换,可保持自定义的单词的大小写;
# 修正在非标准 DPI 显示模式下,窗口显示异常的问题;
# 修正笔记编辑器快捷键问题;
# 其他已知 bug 修正。
v1.3.2.97 [2005-12-30]
+ 新增多语言格式化输出特色功能!
+ 在线检索支持网络代理;
+ 新增期刊管理器;
+ 新增样式选择下拉框;
* 查找、查重后可快速返回当前目录;
+ 列表新增锁定选择功能;
* 查重后可以自动选择重复题录;
* 可自定义界面字体大小;
* 各管理器界面改进;
* 可复制附件到指定目录;
* 自动记录上次显示的细节字段;
+ 新增电子出版物题录类型;
+ 允许用户使用 10 个自定义字段;
* 新的样式模板格式化规则;
+ 更多输出样式和过滤器;
# 已知 bug 修正。
v1.2.1.89 [2005-11-17]
# 修正多处程序错误;
+ 新增多个导入过滤器;
+ 新增多个输出样式;
+ 多处界面改进。
v1.2.1.85 [2005-10-15]
+ Support Find Duplicated References in database.
+ Support database backup.
+ Support sorting for numerical fields in list view.
* List header customizable and other UI improvements.
* Enhanced import filter editor.
+ Add new filters: EndNote, Biblioscape, CNKI, CBM, ECO, WoS, OVID...
+ Support preview when browsing output styles.
+ Support date format for output styles.
+ Add more options to output styles.
# Some bug fixes in style editor.
# Some other bug fixes.
* Improved uninstallation processes.
v1.2.0.75 [2005-08-31]
+ Add Traditional Chinese localization UI.
+ Add support for Export Selected References.
+ Add support for Online Update Reference.
+ Add support for DOI reference field.
+ Support Unicode file when import references.
+ Support Unicode file importing in note editor.
# Fix the problem of open attachment files.
# Fix some style editor bugs.
# Fix the update problem of reference and note relation.
# Fix some translation bugs.
# Fix some UI bugs.
* Other note editor improvements.
* Improved importer and import filter.
* Some other bug fixes and improvements.
v1.1.1.68 [2005-08-08]
+ Add Multi-language support.
+ Add Batch Update of Citations in WordAddin.
+ Add Arrange Window Position in WordAddin.
+ Can search references and insert results in WordAddin.
+ Double click URL in detail view to open it in browser.
* Update help file.
# Fix a reference editor bug.
# Fix an importer bug.
v1.1.0.65 [2005-08-04]
+ Add support for PubMed online search.
+ Add Batch Fetch and Auto Check for online search window.
+ Add some new import filters.
* Improve localization functions.
* Add note to reference becomes easier now.
# Fix some localization problems.
# Fix some note editor bugs.
# Fix some style editor bugs.
# Fix some search UI bugs.
v1.0.9.57 [2005-07-23]
+ Chinese localization UI.
+ Add supports for Unicode tag reference importing.
+ Add supports for note content searching.
+ Add new importer for VIP.
# Fix the problem of word wrapping in asian language environments.
# Fix the problem of internet search.
# Fix the focus problem in reference list.
# Fix reference preview problem in asian language environments.
# Fix some bugs of lazy updating.
v1.0.8.51 [2005-07-05]
+ Provide advanced search which will greatly enhance your searching.
* Improvement of instant preview of references.
* Reference detail view can now display all field text.
* Improve filter editor.
+ Add new reference type: patent.
+ Add new import filter for EBSCO online database.
* Some improvements of output styles.
# Fix alignment of numbered output style.
* Improve field recognition in Word.
* Other improvements.
v1.0.7.48 [2005-06-27]
+ Add more output styles for chemistry journals.
+ Add more import filters such as SciFinder, Jstor.
+ Add many online libraries.
+ Support lock/unlock reference detail editor.
+ Now can specify result page size for online library search.
* Improve filter editor.
* Some other improvements of UI.
# Fix the bug of deleting reference/note folder.
# Fix the bug of open last library file.
# Fix the bug of exporting RTF format of multibyte characters.
# Fix the bug of failing to recognize Word field in some cases.
v1.0.6.46 [2005-06-19]
# Fix the bug of paragraphs indentation in WordAddin.
+ Support bibliography title indentation in WordAddin.
* Some improvements in formatting in WordAddin.
+ Add some output styles.
+ Add some import filters.
# Fix a bug of filter editor when creating new filter.
v1.0.5.43 [2005-06-13]
# Fix the bug of opening attachments in different drives.
* Improve reference editor.
+ Word Addin supports omitting author name or year for inline citations.
* Improve search performance and more advanced search options.
v1.0.4.40 [2005-06-05]
+ Support database compression.
+ Support Unicode in note editor now.
* Some enhancements in note editor.
* Improve Z39.50 search.
* Improve Z39.50 parser.
# Fix the bug of displaying icons of attachments.
# Fix the bug of opening attachments of folder type.
# Fix a problem in MRS search.
+ Support subscript, superscript formatting.
# Fix a bug of font formatting.
# Fix the problem of removing addin toolbar when uninstall.
v1.0.3.33 [2005-05-16]
+ Support searching and importing data via Z39.50 protocol.
+ Add icons for Reference types and Note types.
* Increase the speed of saving References and Notes.
* Some small improvement for convenience.
# Fix an error when switching library.
# Fix some bugs in Amazon search.
v1.0.2.27 [2005-05-09]
+ Support searching and importing book informations from Amazon.com.
+ Add more output styles and import filters.
+ Word addin now support shortcut keys.
+ Add quick search box to toolbar.
+ Add "delete" key function.
+ Add relative path support of attachment management.
# Fix the problem of keeping a hidden Word process when uninstalling NoteExpress Word addin toolbar.
# Fix the problem of displaying old information when switching libraries.
v1.0.1.24 [2005-05-04]
+ Some new features.
# Fix some bugs.
v1.0.0.20 [2005-04-15]
+ First release.
NoteExpress 是科研人员、学者、学生和图书管理人员的进行论文写作的绝佳工具。